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The Loves of Amandus and Sophronia

Historically Narrated. A Piece of rare Contexture, Inriched with many pleasing Odes and Sonnets, occasioned by the Jocular, or Tragicall occurrences, hapning in the progresse of the Historie. Disposed into three Books, or Tracts by Samuel Sheppard

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Whats that a faire Lady most of all likes,
Yet ever makes shew she least of all seeks:
Thats ever embrac'd, and affected by her,
Yet is never seen to please, or come nigh her:
But a poor mans thing, yet doth richly adorn her,
Most serv'd in her night-weeds, does her good in a corner:
Most cheap, and most deare, above all worldly pelfe,
Is hard to get in, but comes out of it selfe.