University of Virginia Library

Yet when, long after, Abrahms holie race,
Of Tiger bankes had left the captiue place,

Esd. 6.

with combers great they redefied with paine,
that most renowmed house of God againe.
Which though vnto the first it seemde as small,
As to a Princes house, a sheepherds hall,
And though the hugenes were not as it was:
yet sure the height and beutie did surpas,
And ouerseilde the famous worke of Pharie:
Ephesus temple, and the tombe of Carie.
The Rhodian Collos, and the Caldean wall,
that Semirame set vp with tourrets tall.
Also the wondrous worke of this same temple,
Might serue a Cresiphon for his exemple:
Lysippus eke to carue by square and line,
Or guide Appolles pensile most deuine.
Heare in this place, all Izrel most deuoute,
withdrew them selues to Salem round aboute,


As when the heavne his sluces opens wide,
And makes the floods vpon the ground to glide,
the brookes that breakes adoune from diuers hils
with course impetious till one deepe distils.