University of Virginia Library

Canzon. 12.

[How often haue mine eyes, thine eyes apprentises]

How often haue mine eyes, thine eyes apprentises
(Bound by the earnest of a sunny looke)
Tane a iudiciall view of all thy graces?
Which here are registred in lasting booke.
How oft haue I thy precious cheyne bin fingring,
That ninefold circles thy delicious neck,
While they the orb-like spheares of heauen resembling,
Thy face the globe which men clepe Empereick?
How oft with wanton touches haue I prest
Those breasts, more soft then siluer downe of Swans,
When they by Alcidelian Springs doe rest,
Of which pure substance are thy lillie hands?
But now, though eyes ne see, nor armes embrace thee,
Who yet shall let in thought me chiefe to place thee?