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The Night Raven

By S. R. [by Samuel Reynolds]

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A Shifters Rifling.

Most louing friends on Thursday next at night
One master Needy, kindly doth inuite
Some foure or three score gallants (at the least)
To rifle for his Nag, a passing beast,
That he indeed did borrow of a friend,
But being come vnto his iournies end,
And finding it is no good husbands way,
To be at horse expence for oates and hay,
Which idle stands and pampers in the stable,
Besides himselfe vnwilling, purse vnable,
To be at further charges with the Iade,
Will rifle him, his friend can be but paied
As they shall afterwards agree of price,
When he his horse-play hath perform'd at dice.
Each a Iacobus, come in any wise,
His whole estate, vpon the bu'snesse lies,
His money wants and patience now perforce
Depends vpon the credit of this horse,
Fayle not his rifeling therefore but come too't
Or you ore-throw a gallant horse and foote.