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Seauen Satyres

Applyed to the weeke, including the worlds ridiculous follyes. True faelicity described in the Phoenix. Maulgre. Whereunto is annexed the wandring Satyre. By W. Rankins

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Who will prayse thee Lord, within the Pit.

With reuerent toong, and groaning spirit opprest,
My bones like rocks beaten with seas of teares,
And worne with stormy sighs of my vnrest,
Behold Messias my vext soule appeares,
Afflicted with a legion of pale feares:
And humbly prayes thee Lord to be appeas'd,
That my hearts killing dollor may be easd.
How shall I do thee honor in the graue?
Or praise thee in the darkenes of despaire?
No light of gladnes shines in sorrowes caue,
No morning Harp can hymne thy name in care,
Except some comfort to the sence repaire:


Let then one sparke of fauour but appeare,
And I will say my Lord my God is there:
Like withered stubble bended to the ground.
The horse, and yoaked Oxe treade on my brest,
And ploughmen gash my reynes with many a woūd
The poisoned adder makes my flesh her nest
(I Lord, and that oppression is my least:)
Yet none but thou canst fling me to the graue,
O saue me thence and thou shalt worship haue.
Thy seruant Job by suffered sathan tempted,
Knew by thy grace he should be rays'd againe,
For, from the pit his body was exempted,
The curst soule-foe, could there no conquest gain,
Thou gau'st him strength the conflict to maintain,
I haue no power, no strength, no force of wit,
Then much more Lord preserue me from the pit.
Like to a vanquisht bloody battaile won,
Few now are left to beate Jehouahs name,


Those which escapt from faiths true fight haue run,
Reserue yet some (though they be halt and lame)
For thou canst cure the soule that hath a maime.
Let me (sweete Christ) be one thou meanst to saue,
Then know I, that I, shall not touch the graue.