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displayed by his workes Physicall and Meta-physicall, in a Poeme of diuerse forme. Adapted to the Hebrue text, the frame of Diuinitie, and Catholike exposition. Togither, With necessarie marginall notes for relieuing of the young student. The First Part. By Henoch Clapham

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12. Section.

For sacred Sprits retaining court of blisse,
They appetite but good and very good.
Sweete seruice theirs no faithfull soule can misse,
Their bond of loue made fast through Sauiors bloud
Created for, and for that cause they stood:
and aye shall stand affectors of our weale:
at sinners change ringing an heauenly peale.

Proud Sanherib his thousands eightie fiue,
They ruinate vnder one Angels hand.
The wretch himselfe right glad to scape aliue,
As taylelesse Dog he flyes to Ninus land:
For gainst the sacred sprites what strength can stand?
El shaes seruant saw an hoast of those,
Who smi{t} with blindnesse all his maisters foes.
By ministrie of those on Sinais mount,
Promulgate was the law in dredy wise:
Iehouahs voice by them did all surmount,
But Image none appeared to their eyes:
Fore Chebars Seer, euery Cherub flies,
and mighty Iah (another writes of him)
he rides vpon the wings of Cherubim.
Seruants to God, seruants to subiects his:
Alwaies imployde in sacred ministrye.
Solely in life they neither do all this:
But compasse Lazarus, wheref'ere he dye:
They take his soule and vp to heauen flye.
Bestowing it with Abraham the great,
Let damned churle whine, pine, gnash teeth & fret.
Oh that fond man but knew his happines
Thus to be guarded! oh, oh that we knew:
How ready they to rid our liues fro stresse:
How in the Sinagogue all rites they vew:
Then, then flagitions facts we soone would rue.
Would waile, lament with broken sighs deplore,
Wold change our course & thirst repentance more.
Shall sacred Angels see thy filthines,
Thy lewd complots at bed, at board, in field?

Shall they giue witnes of thy wickednes,
And pull away protection, as a shield?
To Sathans learning wilt thou rather yeeld?
Fye nature base, to leaue sweete-Angels sad,
Who working well shal cause them ioy and glad.
As they finde people working in this world,
So binde they vp the wheate and trusse the tare:
The first for ioy, the second shall be whurld
(With hags their teachers) into endles care:
As vnawars birds hampred in a snare.
Nor Saints, nor Angels but shall like it well,
And ioy to see the Damned burne in hell.
To see them torne & diuersly distract,
By neuer dying worme, their proper fact.