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The Poems of James VI. of Scotland

Edited by James Craigie

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[O dreidfull Pluto, brother thrid to Ioue]

O dreidfull Pluto, brother thrid to Ioue,
With Proserpin, thy wife, the quene of hell:
My sute to yow is, when I like to loaue
The ioyes that do in Elise field excell:
Or when I like great Tragedies to tell:
Or flyte, or murne my fate: or wryte with feare
The plagues ye do send furth with Diræ fell.
Let Readers think, that both they see and heare
Alecto, threatning Turnus sister deare:
And heare Celænos wings, with Harpyes all:
And see dog Cerberus rage with hiddeous beare,
And all that did AEneas once befall.
When as he past throw all those dongeons dim,
The foresaid feilds syne visited by him.