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Where art thou, bird of song,
Brightest one, and dearest?
Other groves among,
Other nests thou cheerest.
Sweet thy warbling skill
To each ear that heard thee,
But 'twas sweetest still
To the heart that rear'd thee.
Lamb!—where dost thou rest?
On stranger bosoms lying?
Flowers thy path that drest,
All uncropped are dying;
Streams where thou didst roam
Murmur on without thee,—
Lov'st thou still thy home?
Can thy mother doubt thee?
Seek thy Saviour's flock,
To his blest fold going;
Seek that smitten rock
Whence our peace is flowing
Still would Love rejoice,
Whatsoe'er betide thee,
If that Shepherd's voice
Evermore might guide thee.