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Way down on de old plantation—
Dah's where I was born,
I used to beat de whole creation
Hoe in' in the corn:
Oh! den I work and den I sing
So happy all de day,
Till Angelina Baker came
And stole my heart away.


Angelina Baker!
Angelina Baker's gone—
She left me here to weep a tear
And beat on de old jawbone.


I've seen my Angelina
In de spring-time and de fall,
I've seen her in de corn-field
And I've seen her at de ball;
And ebry time I met her
She was smiling like de sun,
But now I'm left to weep a tear
Cayse Angelina's gone.


Angelina Baker! &c.


Angelina am so tall
She nebber sees de ground,
She hab to take a wellumscope
To look down on de town—
Angelina likes de boys
As far as she can see dem,
She used to run old Massa round
To ax him for to free dem.


Angelina Baker! &c.


Early in de morning
Ob a lubly summer day
I ax for Angelina,
And dey say “she's gone away”—
I don't know wha to find her,
Cayse I don't know wha she's gone,
She left me here to weep a tear
And beat on de old jawbone.


Angelina Baker! &c.