University of Virginia Library



Down! superserviceable knave,
That basely yieldest all we crave,
False sprite, Self-flattery!
Protean imp! though thou canst throw thee
Into all guises, now I know thee:
Down! down! I will be free.


And ye, who bring, so open, bold,
Your gifts of power, applause, and gold,
To bribe my liberty;
Millions you 've chained in hellish fires;
Bold as ye be, ye all are liars:
Avaunt! I will be free.
Ye too, with wiles, and sweets, and charms
Full well I know ye and your harms,
Ye spawn of luxury!
Ye carnal crew! who calls you pleasures
Is false, or knows not your false measures
Begone! I will be free.
Hence all your honors, gawds, and pelf!
I'll none of them; I'll be myself,
And strive for liberty.
My soul! be thou at last uprisen;
Life shall no longer be a prison,
With death its only key.


Spirits of beauty, love, and truth,
Potent to give perpetual youth,
Come ye and bide with me.
In your celestial influence fold me,
And with your chastening strength uphold me:
God! help me to be free.