University of Virginia Library



Winter has its icy crown
Pressed round Norway's temples hoary;
Midnight's sun has showered down
On her head its glory.
Time's swift waves their power broke
'Gainst her ancient rocks and bowlders;
And the sea its misty cloak
Flung around her shoulders.
But when easeful Summer sinks
O'er the gleaming fiords and valleys,
Bursts the wood-lake's wintry links
And the lily's chalice—
Oh, what throbbing life aglow!
Oh, how fair the birch and willow,
And the gulls that drift like snow
O'er the rippling billow!


Giant-like the glacier looms,
Seaward throws its branches mazy;
And on Winter's bosom blooms
Fearlessly the daisy.
Lo! the wild, bright peaks that shine
Through the clouds that veil their bosom,
At whose foot, 'mid birch and pine,
Fragile lilies blossom!
Here it was where Frithjof gay
Wooed King Belé's fair-haired daughter;
Here she sang the sweet, sad lay
Which her love had taught her.
Hence those vikings sprung whose sword
Waked the South from idle dalliance;
Who in Vineland's rivers moored
Dauntlessly their galleons.
Now, alas! that age hath fled,
Fled the spirit that upbore it.
Ah, but still doth midnight shed
Flaming splendor o'er it.


And the fame which curbed the sea,
Spanned the sky with runes of fire,
Now but rustles tremblingly
Through the poet's lyre.