University of Virginia Library


Now Phosphor swells the clarion note of morn,
And all the hostile clouds of night are gone;
Ambrosial zephyrs ope the fragrant flowers,
And rosy Health attends the jocund hours.
The Morn, with pearly feet advancing, leads
Joy's smiling train, and blushes o'er the meads.
The golden flood of light o'er eastern hills
She pours, and every breast with rapture fills.
The ocean, sheathed in light's effulgent arms,
Rolls his high surges bright with borrowed charms.
The little hills around their carols sing;
The vales with soft mellifluous echoes ring;
The early lark attunes her matin lay,
And vocal forests hail the approach of day.
The vigorous huntsman leaves his downy bed,
And mounted swiftly scours along the mead.
Hark! the shrill clarion's winding note resounds;
Hark! the air trembles with the cry of hounds.
The raging wolves through gloomy forests prowl,
The tawny lions through the meadows howl.
Lo! o'er the fields Maria bends her way;
The gazing hounds forget their trembling prey;
The grateful woods repeat Maria's name,
And all the savage race, inspired, grow tame.


The youthful shepherd, who had housed his flock
Within the dark recesses of a rock,
To screen them from the wolf's resistless jaw,
Needs now no crook to keep his foe in awe;
For, while his notes Maria's name resound,
The wolf no more infests the peaceful ground.
In beauty clad, more beauteous than the morn,
The fair Maria trips the dewy lawn;
The ambroisal zephyrs, from each meadow, seek,
To steal new perfumes from her fragrant cheek;
Celestial Virtue guides her wandering feet,
And Science courts her to her fair retreat.
Here shall the rose grow, free from every thorn,
And here her life be fair, be sweet as morn.