University of Virginia Library


[VIII. At last a dream—at last a dream of you!]

At last a dream—at last a dream of you!
Against the blank black curtain of the night
I saw you stand. 'Twas but a dream, I knew,
And yet my hungry eyes fed on the sight,
My aching arms embraced you, and I cried,
“How good, how good God is to let you come
And bridge the chasm that has seemed so wide!”
You listened smiling, but your lips were dumb.
And then you vanished. All alone I stood
(As evermore I stand, alone, apart,)
Repeating softly, “God was good, so good,
To let me dream of you.” Oh, ravenous heart,
How pitiful, how pitiful it seems
To feed such hunger with but husks of dreams!