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Freedom's Offering,

A Collection of Poems.

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To a Lady Slandered.

She came, and as the pearly dew,
Refreshes nature's verdant fields,
Her radiant smiles, affection true,
A transport o'er my bosom yields.
Thy noble, generous, kindly soul,
Forgiving whom with envious tongue,
Foul calumny, in accents roll,
With jealous hate to do the wrong.
Thy soul encased in purity,
Like Feudal Castle, firm and stout;
The peace within protecting thee,
From storms that rage and howl without.
Oh maiden! of my heart of hearts,
Thy image's on my soul impressed.
When venomed wrath shall hurl her darts,
Here on this bosom find thy rest.
But must we part for yet awhile?
Does duty call thee from me now?
Receive affection without guile,
Thy fondest lovers faithful vow.
And now may peace, and pleasure sweet,
With happiness in plenteous store,
Attend thee till again we meet,
And meet on earth to part no more!