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The Past, Present, and Future

In Prose and Poetry.

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XV. LINES Inscribed to Benjamin Lundy, Esq.


XV. LINES Inscribed to Benjamin Lundy, Esq.

Lundy! thy mighty zeal—
Call'd forth a host of friends
Into active life.
If noble deeds could speak,
They would tell of thee,
Who to the world proclaim'd
Man was created free.
Thou labour'dst to secure
Freedom in this great land,
Not only to the white,
But to the colour'd band.


But thou art called hence
Before the battle's won;
Still with thine armour on,
All blazing in the sun.
Although of stature small,
Thou wert large in heart,
And for thy fellow-men
Didst act a brother's part.
Thou didst not cease to call
On all men to repent,
And to their brother give
Liberty and content.
Onward! thy watchword was,
To set the captive free,
Until, throughout the earth,
All men shall brothers be.


See! what a host has now
Quick rallied to the call;
And who, like thee, demands
Full liberty for all!
Fearlessly they defend
All those that are oppress'd,
And nobly condescend
To succour the distress'd.
Onward! their motto is;
Agitate! their plan;
Emancipate! their cry;
Make the slave a man.