University of Virginia Library

Pink Leotards

Referring to his experience
as a trapeze artist, Mr Plimpton
is amazed at the pressure
placed on circus performers.
"These people push themselves
to the limits of their ability in
each performance. I don't
think the crowds realize this."

On his own exploits in the
circus, he chuckled, "I'm not
at my best in pink leotards."

After training on the
trapeze for a month, he
suffered hemorrhaging in his
shoulder joints. On the
morning of the performance,
he visited the local hospital to
get painkilling shots, clad only
in his leotards and a raincoat.

"When I exposed my
shoulders to the intern, he flew
into a rage, screaming, 'The
human body is a cathedral and
you've desecrated it!'"