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Also included is $450,000
in federal work-study funds,
$270,000 in state scholarship
funds and $250,000 in other
special funds such as
grant-in-aid programs.

Mr. Eldridge said the figures
reflect an increase over the
preceding year of about
$300,000 in federal loan funds
and about $100,000 in federal
work-study funds.

Charles Wheeler, asst.
director of financial aid, noted
that the $680,000 in
institutional funds had
remained almost constant." We
haven't had any increases in
University scholarship fund
within the past year.

Mr. Wheeler said that the
University would have to rely
primarily on federal funds if it
hoped to increase financial aid
in the coming years. "At this
time everything is up in the air,
but we anticipate a substantial
decrease in federal money.