University of Virginia Library

Morally Right

Martha Gipson is quite
lovely and refined as Steele's
oh-so-proper wife who doesn't
feel it's morally right for her
to take a lover as long as her
husband has one. Ken Lambert,
plays her would-be companion,
in sin, and is very amusing in
his self-esteemed virility and
savoir fair-the archetype of
the great lovers of history.

As Miss Gipson's feminine
accomplice in the plot to trap
her husband, Carol Hurlburt
has a face that's made for
farce, and she does the most
with it. Randy Oglesby, as her
incensed Spanish husband, is a
study in hypertension - a fine,
funny "redskin" on the
warpath to protect what is
rightfully his. And in the
play's most unique
characterization, John Eure is
a joy as a misunderstood
fellow with a cleft palate
which causes him quite a bit of

Of the rest, Mark Hattan as
a horny Prussian trying to get
his hands on a Fraulein. Kiki
Smith as the maid at the
ill-reputed hotel where
everyone ends up in the wild
second act, Tony Gilbert as a
grotesque employee of the
hotel. Charles Rittenhouse as
an obliging doctor, Tom
Bunch as the hotel proprietor,
and Sandi Steele as his wife
who gets trampled are all