University of Virginia Library

Untouchable Concepts

The problem, obviously, is to
stimulate the faculty responsibility
commensurate with its now
unprecedented power. This
problem is complicated by two of
the most "untouchable" concepts
in American life-academic freedom
and academic tenure. Because both
concepts are sound in principle, and
are defended blindly and
ferociously, few are bold enough to
raise even the most restrained voice
of analysis or doubt.

It seems to me the time has
come for persons concerned with
American education to understand
that neither concept is so
sacrosanct as to be above rational

The question is simplest terms is
whether responsible educators will
continue to allow "academic
freedom" to be used as a cover for
extremism on the campus, however
violent or irrational. In reality,
what is called academic freedom in
these situations often approaches
license without limit.

As a lawyer, I subscribe
wholeheartedly to the basic
freedoms embodied in the concept
of academic freedom. No one
devoted to the educational process
could entertain a different view.
But the very existence of this
freedom, virtually unrestrained,
imposes a higher degree of
responsibility than that often
manifested in our campuses.