University of Virginia Library

Manipulating Females

Dear Sir:

We are disgusted with The
Cavalier Daily for permitting the
publication of the blatantly sexist
advertisement presumably
submitted and financed by Ed
Michtom's haberdashery. The ad
uses a pair of well-proportioned
female legs (in terms of the
culturally accepted stereotype) as a
sexual object in order to stimulate
the male to "move up.." and
purchase a "wardrobe for
gentlemen". Subtlety inferred,
although perhaps not intentionally
implied, the ad serves to perpetuate
the sexist system which views the
female as the object of male

Perhaps the most vital issue
however, is not that females are
exploited, but that The Cavalier
Daily, the University newspaper,
has found it insensitively expedient
to be an abettor of a system which
oppresses females. This is ironic
indeed when the University
atmosphere purports to defend
individual freedom and equality. It
is the view of the undersigned that
a University news publication has
the potential and responsibility to
exercise its leadership to promote
social change. The Cavalier Daily
may assume this leadership by
refusing sexist ads. We ask
therefore, that The Cavalier Daily
re-examine its policy of accepting
ads and publish an explanation of
that policy for its reading public.

Shannon Salmon
Pammy Henery
Valeria Murphey