University of Virginia Library

Prison Labor

Prison labor will be used in
the construction. Skilled prison
labor will be paid 200 piasters
(72 cents) per week and
unskilled labor will receive 150
piasters (55 cents) a week.
There is some concern that the
prisoners will not be in good
enough physical condition to
do a "full day's work."
Discussion is under way about
the possibility of providing
special extra rations for those
who work on the project.

Con Son prison was in the
news last July when two
American congressmen found
the "tiger cages" which had
been kept secret for years by
the Vietnamese government.
The "tiger cages" visited by
Congressmen William Anderson
(Dem., Tenn.) and Augustus
Hawkins (Dem., Calif.) were
built by prison labor in 1939
under the direction of the