University of Virginia Library

Legal Procedures

The legal chapter also covers the
recommended procedure persons should follow
during a police raid, a listing of a suspect's
constitutional rights, and a description of the
usual search and seizure policies.

The six law students who contributed to the
chapter on the legal aspects of drug use were
Boyd Hixson, Don Harper, Regina Crea, Pat
Rega, Bill Ross, and Jim Beste.

Mr. Barada, Mary Poulin, David Kirstein and
Diane Downing acted as Editing Board for the
drug booklet.

Although the booklets were received from
the printer only late yesterday afternoon, the
Council hopes to have the copies made available
to students today. Stacks of pamphlets will be
placed in the Post Offices in Emmet, Tuttle.
McKim and Munford/Gwathmey dormitories,
at Student Health, the Medical School lounge,
the law school library, and at the Information
Desk and the Council office in Newcomb Hall.