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To Help Another
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To Help Another

The basis of Father Stickle's philosophy is
beautiful. To him, going to other people is
doing what he can to make them happier, or
"more aware." This is, therefore, never
something that is carried on "outside" the

He feels that every man comes to a point in
his life when he asks himself whom he has
helped. "Hell" for man, to him, is when no one
has benefited from contact with him. And if
he realizes that he has helped even one person,
thus making the world better, then this is
enough reason to have lived.

Father Stickle enjoys the people here at the
University. He gets an especially warm feeling
when he rides along Emmet Street beneath the
overpass. However, this special warmth may not
be good as far as relations with the rest of
Charlottesville are concerned.