University of Virginia Library

Openings Formal

Dance Tonight In Newcomb Hall

By Holli Smythe
College Topics Society Editor

Virginia's first big week-end of the
year is now upon us. Lovely young
things from everywhere will invade the
usually somber life of the University

The good prospects for an exciting
game with Colgate, the pleasant fall
weather, and opening fraternity parties
seem to add up to a great week-end for
all Virginia men and their dates.

After the hard-fought football game
the girls will retreat to their hostess's
houses for a few hours of beauty sleep
before they rejoin their escorts for
tonight's big dance in the Newcomb
Hall Ballroom.

Once the jamboree starts boys will
thrill to the embrace of their home
town honey as they shuffle to the
music of Rock Lustre and the
Serpentine Wall, bands rated "tops" by
those in the know.

The featured band is adeptly
headed by Charly "Chuck" Pastorfield,
a Virginia student and Echols Scholar
who matriculated in 1968, after
prepping at Kent School. Formerly of
Connecticut, he now hails from the
Virgin Islands.

The Rock Lustre is a well known
group locally. They practice in St.
Thomas's Church to improve their
musical capabilities.

The Serpentine Wall has just
released their first single record "Glass
of Pane," not yet on the Hit Parade
but perhaps destined for it.


Last Year's Formal With Tommy Dorsey Was A Great Success

The Evening Clothes Are Out Of Mothballs For Tonight's Dance

The music of these two capable
groups of talented young men will
mingle with the rustle of taffeta and
the odor of corsages as the
high-spirited crowd dances the night
away. The list of dance chaperones has
not as yet been published; however we
are certain they will enjoy themselves
equally as much as the younger set.

The good times are set to begin at
8:00 and continue officially until
12:00, with further heck-raising going
on into the wee hours of the morning.

The Alderman Road Legislative,
Council is the sponsor of tonight's gay
occasion. Tickets are on sale for only
$2.00 a couple.