University of Virginia Library

Joint Center

The joint center, which would
be built, financed and operated by
both city and county, would be
under the control of a central
director. The director, in turn,
would be responsible to a six-member
board from the city and county
school boards. Budgets for the
center would be adopted by
separate school boards as long as
the two localities remain separate.
Charlottesville and Albemarle
County are currently investigating
the possibility of a merger.

The report recommending the
center had been drawn up by a
joint committee of the city and
county school boards during the
past year. Cost estimates show that
federal and state funds would pay
$650,000 for construction, land
and preliminary preparations. The
city and county would divide the
remaining $675,000 for the center.

An annual operating budget of
$150,000 makes vocational education
"more costly than special
education," said Mr. Mitchie, a high
cost due to materials, special
instructors, small classes and overhead.