University of Virginia Library

UGF Success

To: All Members of the University

On October 2, with the help
of The Cavalier Daily, I appealed
to you, on behalf of the
United Givers Fund, to meet
our goal of $41,000 in the 1968
drive as the University's share of
the community's need for

Now James J. Benshoff,
Chairman of the University Division,
has reported on behalf of
his 70 fellow workers the receipt
from you in gifts and
pledges of $45,847.40, a total
of 111% of our assigned quota!
Student and staff workers were
especially effective in achieving
this splendid result. The Chairman
mentions with special gratitude
the campaign work of Bill
Nixon with his Inter-Fraternity
Council Committee and of Whit
Clement with the Cavalier Fund

All of you in this campaign
have had an opportunity to express
in a tangible way your
concern for our fellow men. The
response has been superb, and
you have helped to make this
community a better place. For
this I am happy and grateful.

Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.