University of Virginia Library

Large Effect

"Choice '68" arose out of the
realization that student participation
in politics will have a substantial
effect on the outcome of
the election. The New York
Times cited the student activity
in Eugene McCarthy's New
Hampshire campaign as significant
not only because of the tremendous
effort these particular
students made, but as a reflection
of the increasing effect they have
on American politics.

In discussions concerning the
candidates to be offered and the
referendum topics to appear on
the ballot the Choice '68 Board
of Directors instituted several
policies. Students, in deciding for
which people to vote, would not
be bound by party lines. To avoid
the difficulties faced by the San
Francisco and Cambridge referenda,
the phrasing of the topic
was carefully and intensely debated
so the voter would have
clear alternatives to choose from.
This decision eliminates vagrancies
from polling and offers a
more precise reflection of student