University of Virginia Library

Successful Book

Mr. Tullock and Mr. Buchanan
collaborated on a book entitled
"The Calculus of Consent,"
which is now in use as a textbook
at many schools, including Harvard
(see story, p. 2).

The reasons why Mr. Tullock
was not promoted remain unknown.
The Cavalier Daily, attempting
to ascertain these reasons,
asked Dean Harris why he
had not been promoted.

Mr. Harris answered that "My
answer is the same as before; if
Mr. Tullock wishes to know the
reasons for his refusal, he may
ask; I will not, however, give

these reasons to him through The
Cavalier Daily."

The only explanation offered
as yet for the refusal to promote
Mr. Tullock was that given by
Mr. Buchanan in The Cavalier
Daily two days ago: "I feel that
Dean Harris is the responsible
person—he appoints the promotions
committee and signs the
papers. It is he, not the government
department, who would be
susceptible to professional jealousy
over the successes of myself
and Mr. Tullock in the political
economics field.

"No doubt this and idealogical
differences entered into the Dean's
decision—there are too many elements
to think otherwise. I feel
certain that petty, personal jealousy
and malice are the prime