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  • The following resignations were announced:
  • Ms. Patricia A. Babe, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective January 4, 1990, to accept another position.
  • Mr. James A. Berkovec, Assistant Professor of Economics, effective August 31, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Barbara A. Body, Assistant Professor of Pathology, General Medical Faculty, effective November 3, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Stephen H. Boutcher, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective January 15, 1990, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Karen A. Chandler, Instructor, General Faculty, effective August 31, 1989, to enroll in a doctoral program at New York University.
  • Mr. Lyman A. Collins, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective October 31, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Steven C. Elkins, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective November 28, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Roy D. Gerard, Jr., Instructor in Internal Medicine, Salem Program, effective July 1, 1989, to accept a fellowship in Nephrology.
  • Dr. M. Anthony Graham, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Southwestern State Hospital, effective November 30, 1989, for personal reasons.
  • Dr. Keisuke Horiuchi, Research Assistant Professor of Physiology, effective August 6, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Lynne M. Kopeski, Clinical Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, effective December 31, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Lynne M. Kopeski, Instructor in Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, effective December 29, 1989, to accept another position.

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  • Mr. Marcus G. Kuhn, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective October 6, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Peter D. Mantell, Lecturer in Surgery, effective September 30, 1989, to transfer to a classified position.
  • Dr. Mathew Mathew, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, effective October 31, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Ray R. Mishler, Lecturer, General Medical Faculty, effective October 13, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Jacquelin S. Neatherlin, Instructor, General Faculty, effective January 5, 1990, to return to graduate school.
  • Dr. Daniel J. Pambianco, Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective June 30, 1989, to go on part time status.
  • Dr. Jonathan I. Ravdin, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, effective April 30, 1990, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Jorge Roman, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Salem Program, effective August 31, 1989.
  • Ms. Cynthia W. Sanborn, Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, effective October 31, 1989, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. Ekkehard Sinn, Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective January 15, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Eileen T. Somerville, Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, effective October 2, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. William J. Tallon, Assistant Professor of Commerce, effective January 15, 1990, to accept another position.
  • Dr. William G. Teague, Jr., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, effective November 30, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Albert W. Thweatt, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective December 31, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Mr. James E. Tucker, Jr., Instructor in Sociology, effective September 1, 1989, to accept another position.
  • Dr. T. Franklin Williams, Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine, effective October 31, 1989, for personal reasons.