University of Virginia Library

Last Week

Jointly organized by
VPISU's Security Chief I. E.
Nichols and the University's
Wade W. Bromwell, about 25
officers from around the state
have been meeting in one-week
sessions for the past three
weeks. Next week is the
fourth, and last, of the police

The week's program is
designed to improve police
procedures among the various
campus police forces attending
and afford through personal
interaction some opportunities
for mutual benefit from the
practices and experiences of
the various police departments.
Among the many topics
covered in the week-long series
of seminars are: interrogation,
investigation, the criminal code
of Virginia, community
relations, social psychology
and campus-related problems.


Meeting At Scenic Blandy Farm, Officers From Nine State Schools Discussed Mutual Concerns

The lecturers and seminar
leaders included FBI personnel,
the Virginia State Police and a
juvenile court judge, as well as
college administrators. From
the University last week, were
presidential assistant William
A. Elwood and Fourth-year
student Janet Plamer, who was
also the only female in
attendance. There were no
woman officers from any of
the nine schools attending that

The informal relaxed
atmosphere at the farm
encouraged lively discussion
last Wednesday as the officers
shared the problems each faces
in performing his job at each