University of Virginia Library

The President's Financial Statement was received and
considered; after which, the following was adopted,- Be it
Resolved:- That the amounts hereinafter set out are hereby
appropriated for the purposes specified, out of the following
Estimate of Receipts and Expenditures, for the Session



























From Annuity from State Appropriation  $ 50,000 00 
From Interest, Corcoran Endowment, $100,000-State of Va.6% certificate  6,000 00 
From Interest, Miller Endowment, $100,000-in hands of Trustees  6,000 00 
From Interest, Kent Endowment, $ 60,000-Bond of Mrs. L. M. White  3,000 00 
From Interest, Observatory Endowment, $ 76,500-5% Bonds of Univ. of Va.  3,825 00 
From Interest, Observatory Endowment, $ 10,000-6 & 8% Bonds of Univ. of Va.  630 00 
From Interest, Gordon Library Endowment, $ 5,000-6% Bonds of Univ. of Va.  300 00 
From Interest, Madison Library Endowment, $ 2,600-6% Bonds of Univ. of Va.  156 00 
From Interest, Byrd Library Endowment, $ 6,000-3% Bonds State of Va.  180 00 
From Interest, Byrd Library Endowment, $ 4,000-7% Bonds A &C.A-L. Ry. Co.  280 00 
From Interest, Paul Library Endowment, $ 400-8% Stock, Va. C. C. Co.  32 00 
From Interest, Dep't. of Eng.Lit. Endowment, $ 600-8% Stock, Va. C. C. Co.  48 00 
From Interest, Mason Fellowship Endowment, $ 7,000-3% Bonds, State of Va.  210 00 
From Interest, Birely Scholarship Endowment, $ 4,000-5% Bonds, Leterman Co.  200 00 
From Interest, Birely Scholarship Endowment, $ 500-4% Bonds, City of Rich'd., Va.  20 00 
From Interest, Brown Scholarship Endowment, $ 1,500-8% Bonds, Univ. of Va.  120 00 
From Interest, Cabell Scholarship Endowment, $ 1,200- Cash uninvested  36 00 
From Austin Estate, (valuation $360,711.63)- Estimated  8,000 00 
From Rents from Residents,-Alumni Hall, East Range, (Dr. Green)  420 00 
-Hotel       West Range, (Mrs. Perkinson)  275 00 
-"D.T.D." Fraternity House  450 00 
-"Phi G.D." Fraternity House  112 50 
-Dawson Cottage, (Mr. J. B. Green.)  125 00 
-Carr's Hill Tenement, (Barber)  48 00 
-Blacksmith Shop.  36 00 
From Electric Lights, from Residents on Grounds  600 00 
From Steam Heat from Residents on Grounds  150 00 
From Deferred Payments from Students, on previous Sessions  1,000 00 
From Receipts from Students, Estimate 700 @ 100$  70,000 00 
From Donations, Mr. Rouss  3,000 00 
From Donations, General Educational Board Appropriation  3,000 00 
From Donations, Peabody Bonds, $11,000.00 @ 5%  550 00 
From Donations, Jesup, Alexander, Root, & Stetson, $3,500 @ 4%  140 00 
From Donations, Charles R. Crane, $5,000. @ 5%  250 00 
From Donations, John D. Rockefeller, $100,000.00 @ 5%  5,000 00 
Total Receipts from all Sources, (Estimated)  $164,193 50 
Forward  164,193 50 
Brought Forward  $164,193 50 
Salaries of Faculty and Instructors. 
President, Edwin A. Alderman  5,000 00 
Professor Francis H. Smith  3,000 00 
Professor Noah K. Davis  3,000 00 
Professor William M. Fontaine  3,000 00 
Professor Ormond Stone  3,000 00 
Professor William M. Thornton  3,000 00 
Professor Francis P. Dunnington  3,000 00 
Professor John W. Mallet  3,000 00 
Professor Milton W. Humphreys  3,000 00 
Professor Albert H. Tuttle  3,000 00 
Doctor Paul B. Barringer  3,000 00 
Professor Charles W. Kent  3,000 00 
Professor William M. Lile  3,000 00 
Professor   3,000 00 
Professor James A. Harrison  3,000 00 
Professor Whitehead  3,000 00 
Professor William H. Echols  3,000 00 
Professor Richard Heath Dabney  3,000 00 
Professor Charles A. Graves  3,000 00 
Doctor John Staige Davis  3,000 00 
Professor Raleigh C. Minor  3,000 00 
Professor Richard H. Wilson  3,000 00 
Professor James M. Page  3,000 00 
Professor Thomas Fitz-Hugh  3,000 00  
One Professor of Education (Curry)  2,500 00 
One Professor of Secondary Education  3,000 00 
One Professor of Hygiene & Director of Gymnasium  2,500 00 
One Adjunct Professor of Engineering  1,500 00 
Two Adjunct Professor -s of Engineering (additional)  3,000 00 
One Adjunct Professor of Biology & Pathology  1,200 00 
One Adjunct Professor of Physics 80000  1,000 00 
One Demonstrator of Anatomy  800 00 
One Instructor in Romanic Languages  600 00 
One Instructor in Biology  800 00 
Three Instructor -s in Latin, $600, $400, $200  1,200 00 
Two Instructor -s in Engineering (Norris & Johnston)  800 00 
Two Instructor -s in English Literature @ $200  400 00 
One Instructors in Moral Philosophy  350 00 
One Instructors in Physical Training  100 00 
One Instructors in History & Economics  300 00 
Forward  94,050 00  164,193 50 
Brought forward  $ 94,050 00  164,193 50 
Salaries of Executive Officers and Assistants. 
One Bursar  1,500 00 
One Secretary, Board of Visitors  100 00 
One Sup't of Grounds & Buildings  300 00 
One Librarian  1,150 00 
One Registrar of the University  850 00 
One Secretary of the University  850 00 
One Stenographer  600 00 
One Assistant Librarian  530 00 
One Commissioner of Accounts  150 00 
One Messenger  150 00 
One Assistant to Bursar  300 00 
One Dean of the University  300 00 
6780 00 
Fellowships,- 3 Vanderbilt @ 350$  1,050 00 
1 John Y. Mason  210 00 
1 English Literature (Board of Visitors)  200 00 
1 Teutonic Language (Board of Visitors)  200 00 
1 Romanic Language (Board of Visitors)  200 00 
1860 00 
Scholarships,- 3 Miller @ $250.00  750 00 
1 J. Thompson Brown  120 00 
1 Valentine Birely  220 00 
1 Henry C. Cabell  50 00 
8 High Schools of Va. @ $50  400 00 
Working Expenses. 
For Wages of Chief Mechanic, (H. Noreck)  1,000 00 
For Wages of Engineer Electric Lighting Plant  600 00 
For Wages of Engineer Heating Plant, (Geo. Ford)  385 00 
For Wages of Fireman Heating Plant, (Andrew Ford)  210 00 
For Wages of Day Police & Sup't. Labor, (J. R. Wood)  600 00 
For Wages of Night Police or Watchman, (R. W. Durrett)  360 00 
3155 00 
Laborers, Drivers, & Farm-hands,
5 at $20 per month for 12 months  1,200 00 
Janitors,- 1 Library & Rotunda, 12 months @ 25$  300 00 
1 Anatomical Hall, 12 months @ 30$  360 00 
1 Mechanical Laboratory, 12 months @ 15$  180 00 
1 Museum, 12 months @ 15$  180 00 
1 Dispensary, 12 months @ 9$  108 00 
1 Administration B'ld'g. 12 months @ 6$  72 00 
1 General 12 months @ 18$  216 00 
1416 00 
Forward  110,001 00  164,193 50 
Brought forward  110,001 00  164,193 50 
Working Expenses. (continued.
Janitors,- 1 Academic Building- 9 mos. @ 15$  135 00 
1 Physical Laboratory- 9 mos. @ 15$  135 00 
1 Randall Building- 9 mos. @ 15$  135 00 
1 Randall Building- 9 mos. @ 20$  180 00 
1 Gymnasium- 9 mos. @ 25$  225 00 
1 Medical Hall- 9 mos. @ 15$  135 00 
1 Chemical Laboratory- 9 mos. @ 15$  135 00 
1 Alumni Hall- 9 mos. @ 3$  27 00 
1107 00 
For Wages of Dormitory Servants, in attendance on Students, 
Average Number 14, 1500 00 
Average Total Wages, Session 9 months  1,750 00 
(This amount is collected from Students at rate
of $1.00 per month, per Room occupied.) 
For Advertising in Periodicals and Newspapers; and for
Travelling Solicitors 
3,000 00 
For Astronomical Department, Equipment, Books, etc.,
& for Janitor's Wages 
405 00 
For Anatomical Dep't., Equipment, Subjects, Material, etc., Est.  650 00 
For Biological Laboratory Equipment, Subjects, Material, etc.,  450 00 
For Brooks Museum Equipment, —— Material, etc.,  25 00 
For Chemical Laboratory, Annual App. for Equipment  350 00 
For Chemical Laboratory, Estimated per cap. from Med. Cl.  100 00 
For Contingent Fund, Expenses of Board of Visitors, Travelling
and other Expenses of President and Professors in
the Interest of the University;
Postage, Books, Stationery, and other Office and
Class-Room Supplies and sundry items of general
Expense, not otherwise provided for, 
3,000 00 
For Dispensary,- Fuel for heating, and for Medical Supplies &
Equipment for use of Clinic 
400 00 
For Diplomas,- Annual Appropriation, Engraving, and Printing,
200 00 
For Engineering Dep't.- Annual App. for Equipment  300 00 
For Electric Lighting Dep't.- For Lamps, sundry supplies, etc.  600 00 
For Fuel,- Coal for use in Power House, for Steam heating
7 months; Lighting and Electric Current, 12
3,000 00 
For Gas from City of Charlottesville, for Special Lights at Library
and Public Hall, and for General Laboratory
400 00 
Forward  125,738 00  164,193 50 
Brought forward  125 738 00  169,193 50 
Working Expenses. (continued.) 
For Gymnasium,- Annual Appropriation for Equipment, and for
Heating and Lighting, 
450 00 
For Hospital,- Annual Appropriation for Operating Expenses,
Heating, Gas Lighting,
Supplies, Medicines, 
Wages of Employees, and Salaries of Attending
3,000 00 
For Law Department,- Annual Appropriation for Books and
1,000 00 
For Library,- Special App. to General Library  1,000 00 
Special App. to Curry School Library  500 00 
Annual App. of Endowments, for purchase
of Books, etc. 
viz.- Madison Fund  156 00 
- Gordon Fund  300 00 
- Byrd Fund  460 00 
- Paul Fund  32 00 
For Linden Kent Fund, Special Endowment for purchase of Books, etc.  48 00 
For Medical Biology and Pathological Laboratory, 
Annual Appropriation for Equipment, Supplies, &c.  250 00 
Per capita from class in Histology and Embryology,
@ $5.00 
Bacteriology, @ $3.00  Estimated  400 00 
For Physical Laboratory,- Annual Appropriation for Equipment, etc.  300 00 
Estimated per capita from Med. Class  100 00 
For Printing,- Blanks for Offices, Reports, Examinations, and
Sundry Items 
300 00 
For Reservoir & Water Line,- Annual Contract with City of Charlottesville,
for care of Pipes, valves, &c. 
180 00 
Estimated proportion of Expense of Operating
Pumping Station, 
150 00 
For Repairs,- Annual Appropriation for Material, and Wages of
Mechanics and Labor, for general Work on Public
Buildings and Residences, and for care of Water,
Gas, and Sewerage Lines on the University Grounds, 
5,000 00 
For Improvements,-Special work on general Buildings, Lecture Rooms
and Residences on Grounds, 
2,500 00 
Forward  141,864 00  164,193 50 
Brought forward  141 864 00  164,193 50 
For Development of Curry School of Edu., Prof. of Philos.  2,500 00 
For Alumni Association Banquet at Finals  150 00 
For Catalogue & Bulletin, Printing & Mailing  1,500 00 
For Commutation of Rents,- President  1,200 00 
- Dr. Barringer  300 00 
- Dr. (special)  60 00 
- Dr. Whitehead  300 00 
- Dr. Davis  300 00 
- Prof. Dabney  300 00 
- Prof. Dunnington  300 00 
- Prof. Fontaine  300 00 
- Prof. Humphreys  300 00 
- Prof. Kent  300 00 
- Prof. Page  300 00 
- Prof. Wilson  300 00 
4260 00 
For Insurance on Buildings and Equipment, 
add $396 00 
Expiring October 1905 . . . . . . . $5,500.00  105 00 
Expiring March 1906 . . . . . . . . $20,000.00  240 00 
Expiring June 1906 . . . . . . . . $145,000.00  1,740 00 
For Interest on Bonded Debt of $200,000.00 @ 5%.  10,000 00 
For Sinking Fund for Same  2,000 00 
For Legal Counsel, Annual Retainer, to Jno. B. Moon,  100 00 
For Literary Societies, Annual App. for Medals  100 00 
For Reception to Graduates, Annual App. for Finals  150 00 
For School of Methods, Annual Appropriation 300 00  1,200 00 
For Hospital, Additional on Building Contracts,  1,779 00 
For Deficit from Session 1904-'05, represented by loan from the
"Fidelity Savings & Trust Co." on the personal endorsement
or guarantee of the individual Members of the Board of Visitors,
on condition that amount be paid from the current Receipts
of 1905-1906, 
11,000 00 
178 688 00 
For Balance of additional Deficit from Session 1904-5, as
shown by the Proctor's Report 
1,550 00 
Total Estimated Expenditures for 1905-'6  180,238 00 
Total Estimated Income for 1905-'6  164,193 50 
Balance Estimated Deficit, to be provided for out of the estimated
income to be derived from the Endowment funds, now in
process of collection, 
16,044 50 
180,238 00 


On motion the Board adjourned to meet at the call of the

I. K. Moran,
Charles P. Jones,