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Literary Department.



The subjects taught in this School are the Latin Language and
Literature, with the history of Rome. The School is divided into
two classes, Junior and Senior.

The Text-Books are—

1. Junior Class—Cæsar, Virgil, Terence, Ovid, Sallust.

2. Senior Class—Cicero, Horace, Livy, Juvenal, Tacitus.

Grammars.—Zumpt's, Gildersleeve's, Harrison's Exposition of the
Laws of the Latin Language.

Lexicons.—Andrew's, or Freund's Leverett.

History.—Browne's Roman Literature, Liddell's Rome, Long's

Instruction is given by lectures and by examinations upon the
portions of text assigned for recitation. The exercises of render
ing Latin into English, and English into Latin, in writing, consti
tute a prominent feature in the course. In addition to the portions
of the several authors read in the lecture room, a course of extra
and parallel reading is required in each class.

Sanskrit.—The Professor of Latin will also give instruction in

Text-Books.—Monier Williams' Grammar, Yates' Lexicon, selections
from the Mahâ-Bhârata.



The School is divided into three classes: Junior, Intermediate,
and Senior.

The Junior Class is intended especially for those who desire to
make a thorough review of the inflections and to acquire a practical
familiarity with the great principles of the language. The only
author read in this class is Xenophon.

Grammar.—Kühner's Elementary.

The authors read in the Intermediate Class are principally: Lysias,
Xenophon, Herodotus, Homer, and Demosthenes; and in the Senior,
Thucydides, Sophocles, Euripides, and Plato.

Grammars.—Hadley's, Kühner's, Goodwin's Moods and Tenses.


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Liddell and Scott's Lexicon, Smith's History of Greece, Browne's
Greek Literature.

A private course of parallel and preparatory reading is also prescribed
for each class.

The Post Graduate Department has been instituted for the benefit of
graduates and others who wish to pursue a more extended course
of reading. The authors read in this department are such as are
either by their form or subjects less suited for the regular school,
e. g., Æschylus, Aristophanes, and Aristotle.

Hebrew.—The Professor of Greek will also give instruction in
Hebrew whenever the demand for such instruction is sufficient to
make the institution of a course of lectures expedient.


In the examinations of candidates for graduation in Latin and
Greek, the passages given for the written translations are selected,
not from the portions of authors which have been read and explained
in the lecture-room, but from the classic writers at will.



The subjects taught in this School are:

1. The French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages.

2. The Literature of these languages, and the History of each
idiom, embracing the general principles of the formation and growth
of languages, and of Comparative Grammar and Philology.

3. The Anglo-Saxon language, and, in connection with it, the
History and Laws of the English language.

Graduation in French and German is required for the degree
of A. M.

Text-Books.French—Junior Class—The Professor's Grammar
and First Reader, Télémaque, Charles XII.

Senior Class—The Professor's Advanced Grammar, Reader,
Molière, Racine, Voltaire, Saintine's Picciola, Spiers and Surenne's

German.—Junior Class—Whitney's Grammar, Whitney's Reader,
Schiller's William Tell.

Senior Class—Whitney's Grammar, Adler's Dictionary, Schiller's
Works, Gœthe's Autobiography, Jean Paul's Walt and Vult.

Spanish.—The Professor's Grammar, Seoane's Dictionary, Velasquez'
Reader, Don Quixote, Calderon's El Principe Constante.

Italian.—Bacchi's Grammar, Monti's Reader, Manzoni's I Promessi
Sposi, Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata, Pellico's Le Mie Prigioni,

Anglo-Saxon.—Shute's Manual of Anglo-Saxon, The Professor's
Studies in English.


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Books requisite for the Class in Mental Philosophy:

1. Hamilton's Lectures on Metaphysics.

2. Hamilton's Lectures on Logic.

3. Schuyler's Principles of Logic.

4. Cousin's True, Beautiful, and Good.

5. Jouffroy's Ethics.

6. Stewart's Active and Moral Powers.

7. Alexander's Moral Science.

8. Butler's Analogy and Sermons.

The above books are used in the order named.

Three lectures each week are given.



This School is divided into two distinct classes—one of History,
and one of Literature and Rhetoric. To each, two Lectures in the
week are regularly devoted; but exercises in literary composition
are required from the members of the Literary Class. Each study
may be pursued separately.

In the Historical Class the successions, revolutions and various
aspects of the principal nations of the world are considered in such
a manner as to afford a general and connected view of the progress
of political and social organizations. Institutions and laws are noted
as the manifestations of different phases of society; an attempt is
made to discover and elucidate the conditions of historical advancement,
and to refer the changes of nations and governments to the
operation of regular principles.

In the absence of appropriate Text-Books, the following are employed
for study and reference:

Schmitz's Manual of Ancient History; Smith's History of Greece;
Gibbon, Abridged by Smith; Taylor's Manual of Modern History.

For reference: Long's Ancient Atlas; Appleton's (College) Atlas,
or Chambers' Atlas; Blair's Chronology (Bohn's edition).

In the Class of Literature and Rhetoric, the English Language,
English Composition, Rhetoric and the English Classics, with the
History of English Literature, are studied.

The origin, growth and philological peculiarities of the Language
will be considered; the various influences, domestic and external,
by which it has been brought to its present condition, will be explained;
the general principles of Rhetoric and Criticism will be
taught; the lives of the most eminent authors in the language will
be treated in their historical order and connection; and the critical


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examination and appreciation of their chief productions will occupy
much of the time of the student. The class will also be required
to practice Literary Composition.

Text-Books in this department are very deficient. The following
will be used for the present:

Angus's Hand Book of the English Tongue; Jamieson's Grammar
of Rhetoric; Shaw's Complete Manual of English Literature,
Ed. Smith and Tuckerman; Student's Specimens of English Literature,
Ed. Shaw and Smith, London:

Shakspeare's Complete Works; Milton's Poetical Works.


In the Class of Political Economy, temporarily connected with
this School, the Text-Books, heretofore and still used, are Say's Political
Economy, Mill's (J. S.) Political Economy. Two lectures a
week are given.