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How shall a young unstable man
To evil prone like me,
His actions and his heart maintain
From all pollution free?
Thee, Lord, that I may not forsake,
Or ever turn aside,
Thy precepts for my rule I take,
Thy Spirit for my guide.
Govern'd by the engrafted word,
And principled with grace,
I shall not yield to sin abhorr'd,
Or give to passion place:
From youthful lusts I still shall flee,
From all the paths of vice,
My omnipresent Saviour see,
And walk before Thine eyes.
Saviour, to me Thy Spirit give,
That through His power I may
Thy word effectually believe,
And faithfully obey;
From every great transgression pure,
For all Thy will prepared,
Thy servant to the end endure,
And gain the full reward.