University of Virginia Library

Of the wretchednes in this world.

Who list to liue vpright, and holde him self content,
Shall se such wonders in this world, as neuer erst was sent.
Such gropyng for the swete, such tastyng of the sower
Such wandryng here for wordly welth that lost is in one houre.
And as the good or badde gette vp in hye degre,
So wades the world in right or wrong it may none other be.
And loke what lawes they make, ech man must them obay,
And yoke himself with pacient hart to driue and draw ye way.
For such as long ago, great rulers were assinde
Both liues & lawes are now forgot & worne clene out of minde
So that by this I se, no state on earth may last
But as their times appointed be, to rise and fall as fast.
The goodes that gotten be, by good and iust desart,
Yet vse them so that neady handes may helpe to spend the part
For loke what heape thou hordst, of rusty golde in store,
Thine enemies shall waste the same, that neuer swat therfore.