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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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86 A witty speech of Heywood to the Queene.

When old Queen Mary with much pain & languish,
Did on deaths bed in lingring sicknesse languish:
Old pleasant Heywood came her Grace to visite:
For mirth to such doth oft more good then Phisicke,

Whom, when the sickly Princesse had espyde,
Ah, Heywood! here they kill me vp, she cryde:
For, being smotherd quite with too much heate,
Yet my Physicians proue to make me sweat;
But it doth proue so painefull to procure it,
That first Ile die before I will endure it.
Heywood, with cheerefull face, but cheerelesse soule,
Thus her bad resolution did controule.
Sweet Lady, you must sweat, or else, I sweare it,
We shall all sweat for it, if you forbeare it.