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300-301-302. General Chemistry. [Carter and Assistants.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

350-351-352. Chemistry Laboratory.

9-11, T. Th. S.

The fundamental principles and phenomena of inorganic, organic, and physical
chemistry, and the foundations of analytical chemistry. Most of the time
is devoted to inorganic phenomena. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

303-304-305. Physical Chemistry. [Edgar.]

12-1, M. W. F.

353-354-355. Physical Chemistry Laboratory.

10-12, M. W. F.

Chemistry 300-1-2 and 315-16-17 prerequisite.

Some knowledge of the calculus is required and previous training in Physics
is desirable. This course treats of such topics as the gas laws, kinetic theory of
gases, the properties of dilute solutions, molecular weights, mass action, reaction
velocities, electrolysis and electromotive force, the phase rule, etc. Emphasis is


Page 179
placed upon the application of physico-chemical laws in the solution of chemical
problems. The laboratory work consists of a course in physico-chemical measurements.
Lecture and Recitation 3 hours per week, 6 hours laboratory. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

309-310-311. Organic Chemistry. [Bird and Assistants.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

359-360-361. Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

2-5, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon, including the application
of modern chemical theory to such compounds and their reactions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

312-313-314. Advanced Organic Chemistry. [Bird.]

2-3, M. W. F.

362-363-364. Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

9 hours per week.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 303-4-5 prerequisite.

The lectures deal with selected topics in organic chemistry. Reading from
the scientific journals, advanced texts, and the history of Chemistry will be assigned.
The laboratory work involves a study of typical problems, designed to
teach methods of investigation which are widely applicable. (Fall, Winter,

315-316-317. Qualitative Analysis. [Yoe and Assistants.]

8-9, T. Th. S.

365-366-367. Qualitative Analysis Laboratory.

2-5, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

Fall and Winter terms, 3 hours of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory work per
week, devoted to the study of systematic qualitative analysis. Spring term, 2
hours of lecture and 9 hours of laboratory work per week, devoted to elementary
quantitative analysis. In the lectures and recitation work special emphasis is
given to the theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry. (Fall, Winter,

318-319-320. Quantitative Analysis. [Yoe and Assistants.]

Lecture by appointment.

368-369-370. Quantitative Analysis Laboratory.

2-5, M. W.

Chemistry 315-16-17 prerequisite.

A course in the principles of quantitative analysis. The laboratory work
will include a study of characteristic procedures, illustrating gravimetric and volumetric
analysis. 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory work per week.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

321-322-323. Technical Analysis. [Yoe.]

Lecture by appointment.

371-372-373. Technical Analysis Laboratory.

Hours by appointment.

Chemistry 318-19-20 prerequisite.

This course will consist of a study of the application of the principles of


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quantitative analysis to technical materials. The work will be selected from such
subjects as Rock, Ore, Steel, Gas, Coal, and Water Analysis. 1 hour of lecture
and 6 hours of laboratory work per week. This course is elective for Course
386-387-388. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

340-341-342. Applied Chemistry. [Edgar.]

11-12, T. Th. S.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 303-4-5 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course will be devoted to the study of
fundamental principles underlying the more important phases of industrial chemistry,
including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable amount
of reading in descriptive industrial chemistry will be assigned, and written reports
upon special subjects will be required. Lectures and Recitations 3 hours a
week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

386-387-388. Advanced Chemical Laboratory. [Edgar.]

Hours by appointment.

This laboratory course of six hours per week in Fall and Winter and three
hours per week in Spring is designed particularly to fit the student for research
and the work consists largely of special problems assigned individually. Elective
for 321-22-23. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Advanced Courses: Seminars will be offered in the different branches
of Chemistry to students applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The
courses will be offered only as occasion demands, and the subjects treated will
vary. These courses will be designated as "D" courses, but owing to the flexibility
which it is desired to secure in the subject matter, no definite statement
of them will be made except that special phases of Physical, Inorganic, and
Analytical chemistry will be treated, including such subjects as radio-chemistry,
the chemistry of the rare elements, colloid and surface chemistry, etc. Research
work looking toward a thesis will accompany these courses.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in chemistry
are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part in the discussions.

Fellowships: The University announces the establishment of five Teaching
Fellowships in Chemistry, each with an honorarium of $500. These fellowships
present the opportunity for graduate study and research in Chemistry, accompanied
by a limited amount of instructional work. Holders of the fellowships
will be expected to devote not more than fifteen hours a week to instruction,
leaving ample time for research and work toward the graduate degree. The fellowships
are open to men who have received a bachelor's degree from a college
or university of recognized standing, and who have received thorough undergraduate
training in chemistry and physics.