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A memorial volume of sacred poetry

by the late Sir John Bowring. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author, by Lady Bowring
1 occurrence of man whom men have deified
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1 occurrence of man whom men have deified
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O my soul! a few short moments
Let us from the world retire;
Let us leave these scenes of darkness
And to brighter scenes aspire:
Earthly joys are insufficient
For the scope of thy desire.
Lo! the stars that shine so sweetly,
Lo! the fair cerulean sky,
Lo! the clouds that roll sublimely,
Call thy holier thoughts on high:
Thou art born to rise above them;
Heavenly is thy destiny.
Look upon those towering mountains,
Look upon yon boundless sea,
Look upon that mighty river,—
They are images of thee:
Yet all these shall sink in darkness,
Thou shalt rise immortally.