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Psalm XXVII. Dominus illuminatio.

The shining Lord he is my light:
The strong God my salvation is.
Who shall be able me to fright?
This Lord with strength my life doth blisse:
And shall I then
Feare might of men!
When wicked folke even they that be,
My foes, to uttmost of their pow'r
With raging jawes inviron me,
My very flesh for to devow'r:
They stumble so,
That down they go.
Then though against me armies were,
My courage should not be dismaid:
Though battailes brunt, I needes must beare,
While battailes brunt, on me were laid,
In this I would
My trust still hold.
One thing in-deede I did, and will
For ever crave: that dwell I may
In howse of high Jehova still,
On beuty his mine eyes to stay,
And looke into
His temple too.
For when greate griefes to me be ment,
In tabernacle his he will
Hide me, ev'n closly in his tent:
Yea noble height of rocky hill
He makes to be
A seate for me.
Now, now, shall he lift up my head
On my beseeging enimies:
So shall I sacrifices spread;
Offrings of joy in temple his:
And song accord,
To praise the Lord.


Heare Lord when I my voice display,
Heare to have mercy eake of me.
Seeke yee my face, when thou did'st say,
In truth of hart I answr'd thee,
O Lord I will
Seeke thy face still.
Hide not therefore from me that face;
Since all my aid in thee I gott:
In rage, thy servaunt doe not chase;
Forsake not me, ô leave me not,
O God of my
Salvation hy.
Though fathers care and mothers love
Abandon'd me, yet my decay
Should be restor'd by hym above.
Teach Lord, Lord leade me thy right way,
Because of those
That be my foes.
Unto whose ever-hating lust
Oh! give me not; for there are sprong
Against me wittnesses unjust,
Even such I say whose lyeng tongue
Fiercely affordes,
Most cruell wordes.
What had I been, except I had
Beleev'd Gods goodnes for to see,
In land with living creatures cladd?
Hope, trust in God, be strong, and hee
Unto thy hart
Shall joy impart.