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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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75. On the Sight of a Plague bill.

Five thousand in a weeke, in one poore City?
Because it was thy Pleasure, twas no pity;
Why should thou pity vs, Iust God, when we
Could never finde a time to pity thee?
Thou never strik'st without a reason why,
Nor often, then: We easily cast our eye
Vpon the punishment, but blinde toth' sin,
That farre transcends the Iudgement it calls in:
O, if the weekly Bills of our Transgression
Could but appeare, and make as deepe impression
In our sad hearts, to make our hearts but know
As great a sorrow, as our Plague-bills doe;


No doubt, no doubt but Heav'ns avenging hand
Would turne a Stranger to our prosprous Land:
O, if that weekly Catalogue of Sin
Could, with our City Bills, be brought but in,
And be compar'd, wee'd think our Bills not high,
But rather wonder there are men, to dye.