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Prosopopæia Britannica:

Britans Genius, OR, Good-Angel, personated; Reasoning and advising, touching the Games now playing, and the Adventures now at Hazard in these Islands; and presaging, also, some future things, not unlikely to come to passe.

Discovered by TERRÆ-FILIUS (a well-knowne Lover of the Publike-Peace) when the begetting of a Nationall-Quarrell was first feared.

Expressed in two Lections, or Readings.

[For ev'ry thing, which is below the Sun]

For ev'ry thing, which is below the Sun,
There is a Time; For some things, more then One:
And, if this be well tim'd, the Game is done.
To all men, GOD, in Mercy, Once doth come:
Calls twice, or thrice; yea, many times, on some:
And they who sleight his Grace, must feel his doome.
Since, then, for once abusing Love, some fall;
Let it be, seriously, well-weigh'd, of all,
What may betide those, who, still, sleight it shall.


To the meeke ingenuous Reader.

Though much contempt is cast on Poesie,
The Meek, and men of Ingenuity,
Sill, entertaine her with respective eares,
When, on her proper Errand shee appeares.
For, Sacred-things, and Things most pertinent
To Mans well being, by that Instrument,
Have been conveyed, ev'n in ev'ry Nation,
(Yea, and almost, in ev'ry Generation)
Some Poets have prov'd Prophets, to foretell,
Things Future, many years ere they befell.
And sure, the Latines, to imply the same,
To Poets, and to Prophets gave one Name.
To You, therefore, this Poem will not seem
Unusefull, or unworthy of esteem;
Nor shall, to you, the matter be in vaine,
Nor want that End, whereto it may pertaine;
But, stir up those Affections, and that Care
Which may awake you, timely, to prepare
Against the sad, and Evill day, wherein
The Scorners must have payment for their sin.
For, This, will passe by Them, as doth a Blast,
Whereof, but few take heed, till it be past,
And, leaves Effects behind it which may show
What Blast it was, and whence that wind did blow.
To you, therefore, the Author recommends
These musings, as to them, among his Friends,
Who, shall possesse the Earth, when those who flout
At wholesome Counsell, shall be rooted out.
He to your Doome appeales: And if but Three,
Who, zealous of the Publike safety be;
Or, but two wisemen; Or, but One, who loves
The Peace of GOD, these Raptures well approves;
He shall be honour'd, by such Approbations,
More, then by all the Fooles of these three Nations.


To the scornfully Censorious.

What have we here? saies pride-puft-ignorance,
More Poetry? yes foole; more, too, perchance,
Then thou wilt like; and, more, for thee to jeere,
Till foaming at thy mouth, thy Braines appeare
Through witlesse Choler, when thy soule shall dread,
What, thou with scornfull disrespect, hast read.
But (saies a second) this, eight months agoe,
Appear'd in Manuscript: well, grant it so;
What is infer'd? the Author, doe not blame,
That, untill now, you have not seen the same;
For, Truth gets License hardly; and, the Presse
Was, then, at your disposure, not at his.
Who (saies a third) is he, that, in this wise,
Our Genius personates? A fourth, replies,
The matter, and the Phrase, their Author shew:
SIRS, if ye guesse right, much good doe it you.
If you, be therewith pleased, so, is he;
If not, he, therewith troubled will not be:
For, he regards not, so much, how to please,
As, how to cure the generall disease.
That, is his chiefest aime: to that intent,
Himselfe, and fortunes, he hath freely spent,
As well as time and words; which, when he dies,
Will gaine him, what your malice yet denies.
If, you, hereby, will reap no benefit,
The maine obstruction, will be want of wit;
Or, in the wanting, rather, of his grace;
Whose love, ye sleighted, when it offer'd was.
Read, if ye list; But, who compos'd the same,
Inquire not: for, (although to shew his Name
He never was afraid) it sutes not now,
With his designe, that he should tell it you;
Nor, can it be materiall, so you heed,
And prudently consider what ye read:
For, whom, or whosoere, he may appeare,
That, will be true, which he expresseth here.



The Contents of the first Lection.

The POET poetizeth, here,
Great Britans GENIUS to appeare;
Expostulating (first of all)
Some Slips, and Faults in generall.
And, tells what of that GAME, he spake,
In which, the publike, lies at State.
Next, shewes, how He doth move the King,
Himselfe into his Orbe to bring;
What, will, assuredly, succeed,
Unlesse, he shall returne with speed;
How, and by whom, and likewise, why
He hath been hindred to comply;
And, that, the Men, and Hopes, which he
Depends on, will his ruine be.
Then, are declared, some debates
Of Prelates temporall estates;
What ought to be believ'd, by Him,
As touching their old Claimes, and Them;
How much, a Prince obliged stands,
To keepe up, such like Deodands;
Pleads in what case, a State, or King,
May sell a Dedicated-Thing;
And, makes you, by plaine reason, see
How false the claimes of Tyrants bee.
Then, having took some Blocks away,
Which stop the Kings repentance may;
Provokes thereto; and (though the root
Seems bitter) warrants pleasent fruit.
When, in his might, the Dogstar, raigned, here,
And, when our City, and our Armies, were
Made jealous of each other, by their wiles,
Who, sought to nourish Discord in these Iles.


Fill'd full of Thoughts, and sad, and sleeplesse lying
Upon my Couch there, silently, surveying
With contemplations eyes, the sick estate
Of these three Kingdomes, and, their likely Fate;
My rambling Fancie (which was newly come,
From whence I know not) brought into the room,
A reverend Person, who, upon him wore,
A Sea-green mantle, which was wrought all o're
With silver wavings (well resembled those
Which curle the Ocean, when a strong gale blowes)
And, had a Verge, or bordering imbost
Of Rock-work, like the cliffs, that guard our cost.
Rais'd with white Saphirs, looking o're a strand,
Bestrow'd with orient Pearls, and golden sand.
In his left hand, he seem'd to bring with him
A threefold, but a broken Diadem,
Each third whereof contained counterfeits,
Of many differing shaped Coronets,
(Which had adorned it) most part of which
Seem'd also, broken, or defaced much;
And, not improperly, an emblem were
Of something, which this Emperie may feare.
With an heroick look, a Princely pace,
And awefull presence, entred he the place:
But, so, that look, and pace, and presence, had
A shadowing drawne over them, which made
Appearance, of a heart displeas'd, and sorry;
Yet, gave it, rather, excellence and glory
To his demeanure, then diminishment,
Of what, beseem'd a Person excellent.
Nor heeding me; nor seeming much to care
Who, then, was present, or, who was not there,
A turne or two, he walk'd; rais'd to the skies,
As one admiring, his majestick eyes;
And, with hands elevated, and display'd
Thus, like a much displeased friend, he said,


SEE, SEE! how MISCHIEF, like the Lernean Snake,
Renewes her heads, and still new life doth take!
The fire of WAR within our fields did flame,
A while agoe, and Gods hand quench'd the same.
The match and powder were together laid
In our chiefe City; and, he, also staid
Those probable effects, which could have shooke
These Ilands, if the project, then, had took.
As soone as that was past, another Traine
Was closely laid, to blow up all againe;
And, make these Nations, like the clod-borne brood
Of Cadmus, broachers of each others blood.
Is there no end of madnesse? but, by fits,
Must they, who should be wisest, loose their wits?
And, still be forging new Designes and Gins,
To plague themselves, and others, for their sins?
Will not, the blind, selfe-seeking parties, leave,
Snares for themselvs, with their own hands to weave?
Will not the Serpent cease to bruise their heels,
Whom he pursues, though broken heads he feels?
Nor will the harmlesse Doves, become so wise
To know the Birds of prey, through their disguise,
Till they are all beguiled with their showes,
And, quite devour'd, by Buzzard, Kites and Crowes?
Shall wholsome counsell, alwaies, be withstood?
And, will you reinvolve your selves in blood,
What ever your best friends indeavour can,
And, as it were, in spight of GOD and man?
O GOD! what dulnesse hath possest these Nations?
When shall the Spirit of Infatuations,
Be dispossest, ye Britans? when shall peace
Unite your hearts? when shall dissention cease,
And, we behold againe within my Coast,
Those blessings, which they willfully have lost,
Who, sleighted counsell, when it was in season;
And, yet, resolve, not to be rul'd by Reason?


How long! oh Lord! how long shall they neglect
The Teachers of a better intellect,
And, in those courses frowardly persist,
Whereby, they must arrive at had I wist?
How long! shall that contagious Cloud of lies
Which through the streets, almost each morning flies
On paper wings, with slanders, poyson some?
To others, instruments of death, become?
Corrupt weake judgements? Interrupt the choice
Of good things? drown the Pacyfying-voice
Which, to their great advantage, they might hear,
Unlesse deaf-Adder like, they stopt their eare?
Or, listened to those falshoods, weich delude
The wisest, and enrage the multitude?
How long! shall men persever to delight
In cursed words, and actions of despight?
In studying reciprocall disgraces?
In flinging durt into each others faces?
And, as it were, in striving, who best may
The Devills part, upon cach other play.
How long! will you in an unhappy course,
Run from one bad extreme, into a worse?
How long! will you pretend, protest, and vow,
To be reform'd, yet, nothing better grow?
How long! will you condemne what others do,
Yet tread their paths, yea go beyond them, too,
And think ye shall enough your selves commend,
To publish, wherein others do offend?
Or punish them, whose crimes but veniall be,
When Capitall Transgressors may go free?
How long! will you observe the scorners Fate,
Yet, never, mend, before it be too late?
How long! shall God forbear? how long! for you
Befoole the wise, yet fooles no wiser grow?
How long! shall he keep off a Forraigne pow'r,
While you, at home, each other to devour,


And seek, by ev'ry new Deliverance,
Your owne Designes, and profits to advance?
As if the publike Mercies, which GOD sends,
Were all vouchsafed for your private ends?
How long! will you lie underneath the stroke,
Yet, his displeasure ev'ry day provoke?
Or being frighted from what was misdone,
Commit the same fault, when the fear is gone?
How long! shall prudence preach a safer way,
Yet, you renew your dangers, day, by day?
And, though you, still are told what will succeed.
Still carelesse be, of taking, timely, heed?
How long! will you good principles with-stand,
And fortifie with pebble stones and sand?
Or paper workes, or stubble-structures frame,
When, round about you, all is in a flame?
And, at the givers of good counsell, jeere,
That others, may be fooled as you are?
How long! will ye, whilst your blind-Harpers play
Divisions, Jigs, and Fancies, dance the Hay,
And, breake each others heads, and shins, and faces,
At Blind-man-buffe, (aswel to your disgraces
As to your losse and smart) whilst most about you,
Both for your madnesse, and your follies, flout you?
And whilst thereby your adversaries gaine
That, which they could not, otherwaies obtaine?
How long! will you permit, Ambition, pride,
Selfe-love or Avarice to be your guide?
And persevere to trust, and to commit
Your being, unto some who have nor wit,
Nor grace, nor modesty? as if he had
Forsworne good counsell, and, a Covenant made
VVith your oppressors, to resigne all pow'r
To them, who seek to prey on what is your?
And, still to prostitute your free Elections
To strengthen private ends, and nourish Factions?


How long will they, on whom your trust is plac't,
Put off, what should be first, untill the last?
How long will they irresolute appeare
Whereto they should undoubtedly adhere,
And, thereby keep, from knitting fast together,
Divided parts, till there be strength in neither
To reunite? Or, till all teare asunder,
Like Clouds disperst, by their own in-bred Thunder?
How long shall Knave be Trump? & all the Cards
Be pack't, to give unmerited rewards?
Or, deale forth undeservedly, to those
Who are best friends, the portion of your Foes?
And, O! how long shall such men play your Game,
Who have betray'd, who will betray the same,
And, still promote (though better be profest)
A Private, or, a Forraigne Interest?
Hear, O ye Islands! harken and beleeve,
Your Genius, who, doth see your waies, and greeve,
If you shall act, much longer, as ye do,
Your City, Army, Priest, and People too;
Your King, your chosen Commons, and your Peers,
Your Independents, and your Presbyters,
The worst disposed, and the best affected;
The faithfull, and the man of fraud detected;
The Freind, the Foe, the Foole, and he that's wise;
The Rich, and he who at his threshold lies;
English, Scot, Welsh, and Kerne, shall all together
So jumbled be, so juggle with each other,
So stagger from their Principles, and Friends,
Through foolish hopes false feares, or private ends;
That most shall be deceived, and, undone,
To make a winning-Game for Lookers on.
For, these have eyes upon you; and expect,
From your encreasing Discords, an effect
To their advantage: These, rejoyce to see
How senslesse of your owne true peace, you be;


How frowardly you act to your own cost,
And, play for them, that Game which they had lost.
With serious, if sleight things I may compare,
Ye, Britans are now playing (as it were)
A Game at Cards: for there are many faces,
Among you, like Kings, Queens, Tens, and Aces,
Beside the Vulgar pack; and much strange dealing,
Strange shuffling, and strange cutting, (worth revealing)
Is veiw'd, whereby the publike hath had wrong,
(And many private persons) over-long.
Some, by the Players; others by the Foxes,
Who have obtain'd the keeping of your Boxes;
Some, by their want of skill; and some by betting
Upon both sides; by violence, or cheating,
Are like no share at last, what you to lose;
Then, laugh to scorne, your Folly in the close;
Because, you good advantages did sleight
And, plaid your Game no better, when ye might.
How have ye lost, what you had lately got?
When all men saw, you had the better lot?
Of Hearts and Diamonds, you a while ago,
As faire Games had, as any hand could show:
But, some by-standers, who, your cards can view,
Are much afraid, that now ye have but few.
Of Spades and Clubs, yet (if well paid) ye have
Enough at least, whereby your stakes to save.
Ye had, but of one Queen, a diffidence;
And, shee was plaid away, a good while since:
The Knaves are shared so by either side,
That, little odds betwixt you is espi'd;
And, they, who yet seem Newters, (out of play)
At last, may serve to count upon, some way.
One King, alone, you have; and what to do
With him, a friend of yours could tell you too,
But that he is no Player, and he hath spoke,
Already, more, then many have well took.


Yet this I'le say; you cannot make your Game,
By all the Kings, and Court-Cards, you could name,
As by well playing him. As you dispose
Of him, so, you are like to win, or lose:
So, ye shall either gaine or misse, your ends;
So, you shall multiply your Foes or Friends:
GOD, give you grace to take the safest way;
VVhich, (if vaine hopes delude not) yet, ye may.
And, GOD, direct him, and incline him too
So prudently to suffer, and to doe,
That, he pursue no more sinister ends:
For, at this present, upon him depends
The Fortune of his House: And, therewithall
Shall many other, either stand, or fall,
VVhose Fates are yet, by very few discerned
To be in his well-doing much concerned:
Yea, thereupon, dependeth greater things,
Then are the Risings, and the Falls of Kings.
My Spirit, therefore, groanes within my brest,
And, is with violent desires opprest,
That, he, and they, who seem yet stupifi'd,
Might wake out of their Dreamings, to provide,
Against those many mischiefs, which of late,
Have menaced the ruine of this State:
And, seeing, by a neare relation, I
Am more oblig'd then any Stander-by,
To seeke your welfare, and prevent your woe,
I'le give such hints of what you ought to doe,
As are permitted; O! take therefore heed,
Of what ye now shall either hear or read:
For, without Riddles, I will plainely tell,
VVhat courses ye may follow, and doe well.
First, let your erring, and deluded King,
Himselfe, his Crowns, and Scepters humbly bring,
And, lay them at his feet, to whom, alone,
Belongs the supreme Glorie of each Throne.


For, GOD, will not be mock'd: (though for a space
He winks at many, who neglect his Grace)
But, will on every one, avengement take
Who, in his wickednesse doth progresse make.
Let him acknowledge that Supermacie,
And falling downe, before that Majesty,
Which is offended, ask to be forgiven
For his offence against both earth and heaven.
And, that he may obtain it, let him weigh
What Common Fame unto his charge doth lay;
What just occasion he hath given, why
Things are suspected, which ye may deny;
And, what his heart may justly smite him for;
Till, all his errors he doth so abhor,
That GGD may pardon them; and men may see,
His Grace is greater, then their sinnes can bee.
That this be truly done, let him not spare
To make his Failings, truly, what they are,
By, secretly, anatomizing them,
In every circumstance, 'twixt God and him:
For, in the world, it hath not yet been knowne,
That any King was cast out of his Throne,
Without a crying-sinne: Or, that God shooke
A Kingdome; or a Nation, ever strooke;
Or humbled any man, for his offence,
And re-advanced, without Penitence:
Except, when he, in wrath, did them restore,
To make their sufferings, and their shame the more.
Which, that he may prevent; let him delay
No longer, from a penitentiall way:
But, make return, before he run so far,
As to become a pris'ner at the

Insula Vectis.


Or, let him take good heed, when he is there,
Lest other mens designs, and his own fear,
Or, such vaine hopes, as he hath had too long,
Occasion him to fall (by stearing wrong)


On Scylla, or Charybdis: Or, least, they
Who, seek their own advantage, him betray
By practise underhand: For, such as these
Will but prolong their owne: and his Disease,
With harme to others; and exasperate
Those humours, which will hasten on the Fate,
That may be fear'd. Thus, therefore, let him do,
Yea, doe it quickly, and sincerely too.
Let him, a while, withdraw himselfe, apart,
(Ev'n to the secret closet of his heart)
Excluding company, but chiefly, them
Who, from his Duties, long have hindred him,
By wicked counsells; or, by flattery;
Caus'd him to dote upon a Majesty
Which is not reall; and have thereby, turned
His glory into shame, and made him scorned.
Let him, shut out all those that shew unto him,
Those pictures of himselfe, which may undo him;
And, make him, like Narcissus, on a Bable
To dote, till he be fool'd into a Fable,
For, some, with so much Piety, besaint him;
With such fain'd Excellencies they bepaint him;
Yea, they so impudently magnifie him,
And, with so much Divinity bely him,
As if, to deifie him they profest;
Or, else, to canonize him, at the least.
And, but, that thousands know him; and, know too,
How much, men flatter Kings, (and what they do
Who idolize them) some would halfe beleeve
He were, not only, blamelesse, but conceive
That, seldome such a King, or such a man,
Had raign'd, or liv'd, since first the world began;
And, that these Kingdomes, have afflicted been,
Without his fault; yea, for the peoples sin
Against his God-head, onely: And, this course
Hath made him nothing better; but, much worse;


For Pharoah-like, it him, still more obdures,
And, ev'ry day, new sins, new plagues procures.
Let him, with prudent anger, therefore throw
Such cheating Glasses from him; and, those too,
Which multiply the faults by others done;
And, represent offences, which are none,
In hope to make themselves the fairer seem,
By casting blurs, on other mens esteem:
For these Impostors cheat him, with false showes,
That, he to save their Stakes, himselfe may lose.
Let him take heed of their Compliances,
Who are declined from those Principles,
Whereby, they in meere conscience, and true zeale.
Appeared active for the Common-Weal,
Against his Int'rest; and, in show or won
A counter course, in their Designes to run,
In aid of his desires, with hope of those
Rewards, or Honours, which he shall propose:
For, on such giddy Turne-coats, all his cost,
Time, promises, and favours, will be lost,
Both to himselfe and them; Because those flashes,
Are but a smoake, rais'd out of Dust, and Ashes,
And shap'd unto a Cloud; which being fill'd,
With noysome Aire, and, thereby, vainly swell'd,
Up to a shew of something, shall, at last,
Vanish to nothing by a suddain Blast.
Let him consider, what sad desolations
His wilfulnesse hath brought upon three Nations;
Upon himselfe, and Children; what great fears
And sorrowes he hath heap'd, now, many years,
On others too, aswell as upon them,
Whose peace, and weal, he ought not to contemne:
Let him take notice, with how little sense,
Of their Afflictions, and of their expence
In Blood and Treasure, he hath passed over
Those losses which he never can recover.


And let him ponder what may more befall,
Unlesse the pow'r of God prevent it shall.
Let him observe to what despised things,
Below the honour, not alone, of Kings,
But, of Inferiour Persons, he is brought,
By seeking that, which he in vaine hath sought;
By list'ning to bad Counsell; and, by still
Pursuing those beginnings which were ill.
Let him impartially resolve in mind,
To what conditions it hath him confin'd;
What heights of Glorie it hath cast him from;
To what a depth of Troubles, he is come;
What meanly-qualified Groomes, of late,
He hath been faine, disguis'd, to personate;
What triviall Fellowes he is forc'd to feed,
Ride, and converse with: yea, let him take heed,
From what sleight Jockies, and what Scatter-wits,
He seeketh aid, and thereby nothing gets,
To further his designes; nor ought but Lies,
Rodomantadoes, and such Vanities.
Nay, let him mark it once, and then againe,
What beggerly Companions he is faine
To fawne upon; to humour, bribe, and woe,
With promises, of wealth, and honour too,
To serve his ends, when thereto they can add
No more, then from a Porter may be had;
Except it, peradventure, be Returnes
Of ruine on themselves, and, on him scornes.
Let him examine, by himselfe, alone,
What he committed hath, or left undone,
For which this change befalls him; And not dream
That, these afflictions have pursued him
For other mens transgressions altogether,
And let him seriously consider, whether
There can be hearty penitence, or no,
For wrongs, without some satisfaction too,


Let him examine, if a sacrifice
Of words, and protestations, may suffice
For bloodsheds, and those many robberies,
Which on his Person, and his Party lies:
Or, whether he, and his Prerogatives
Were ever worth so many thousand lives,
As they have cost: or, whether, when to make
His last accompt, he cometh, GOD will take
So triviall an answer, as to say;
His will, and pleasure, they would not obey;
But rebells were, who did that power resist,
Which he doth claime, of doing what he list
As his Vicegerent, and, as he wrs taught
By those, whom he, to be true Prophets thought.
Let him consider, what best guards a Throne,
And, keeps him safest, who doth sit thereon;
By whom, Kings raigne; why they at first were made;
And, for whose sakes, authority they had:
That, he may not suppose GOD, did provide
His Kingdome, only to advance his pride:
Or, to inflict an heavy curse, upon
Whole Nations, by inslaving all to one.
Let him consider, in what infamies
A Tyrant lives, in what uncertainties,
Fears, doubts, and dangers: and with what esteem,
Content and peace, he wares his Diadem,
Who raignes, as knowing, that he had his Crown
More, for his peoples sake, then for his own.
And, let him kick away those Parasites,
Whose Counsell to Oppression, him invites;
Or, foolishly perswades him, to improve
Pow'r, wealth, or pleasure, by the losse of love.
And, thereby, makes him labour to enjoy
That pow'r, which will at last himself destroy.
Let him consider, soberly, if he
In honour, or in conscience bound may be


Himself, for those, to hazard, who pretended
His Honour, and his Rights, to have befriended;
Whereas, it may, (by many a circumstance)
Be made appeare, that, at their owne advance
They chiefly aim'd; or, to prevent the Lot,
Which, they had by his Grace, already got.
For, to prevent approaching Beggery,
Some strength'ned him in acts of Tyranny;
Some, to disturb the waters, that in them,
They might be thriving Fishers, under him.
And very few (what e're they counterfeit)
To him adhered, but, to save, or get.
Or, though their love ingaged them; yet, none
Is bound to more, then can by him be done:
Nor is it just, that he, himself should lose,
Because, he wanteth pow'r, to save all those
Who stood with him ingaged: Nor, would they
Desire it, if they lov'd him, as they say.
Let him not trust to those fanatick things,
Who, dote upon the Accidents of Kings,
And sleight their Essence: For, as hitherto
These, by their aid, did but themselves undo
Without his benefit; so shall it bee
Hereafter, till their errour they can see.
There is no help in humane policy,
Nor any way, but down-right honesty
To his security; or to redeem
Their happinesse who have assisted him:
For ev'ry course, and politike designe
That, shall be drawne out, by a crooked line,
Will but beget new mischiefs, and inforce
New projects, whose effects will still be worse;
Till spight of pow'r, and fraud, long swords, and daggers,
He stand enrowl'd among the Royall Beggers;
Or, with those Kings, who, from their honour fell,
Because, they sleighted those, who wish'd them well.


Let, him not fancy, that their seeming love,
Who Court him, yet, will worth regarding prove,
Though, daily more and more they shall repaire
To kisse his hand; or, fill the empty aire
With acclamations; or, although they may
Upon his birth, or Coronation day
Make Bonefires, ring the bells, drink healths unto him,
And such like triviall, and rude honours do him;
For, herein, these, act but a sensuall part,
Delightfull to themselves, without a heart:
Some, to expresse their present discontent,
And dis-affection to the Parliament:
Some, for selfe-ends; some out of levity,
And, many other, they well know not why,
Seem zealous of his honour, who would soone,
Repent what, they now covet-should be done,
Were he restor'd unto them, with that mind
Whereto, as yet, he seems to be inclin'd;
And, they who do this day Hosanna crie,
Would say, perhaps, to morrow, Crucifie.
The common People, rather live by sense,
Then reason; and so quickly take offence
At present suffrings, that they oft are pleas'd
To cut their own throats, that they may be eas'd.
And, when it shall distast their Fantasies,
Will tread on what they did Idolatrize.
If, therefore, he would in their love confide,
And gaine from them affections which will bide;
He must protect, them from receiving wrong,
In things, which to their Freedomes do belong:
Of their proprieties, he must take care;
And, that their Persons and their purse he spare,
Till he shall need them; and untill they see
How for his honour, and their good 'twill bee:
For, they will then, be forwarder to give,
Then he shall be to ask, or to receive;


And, when just cause the same occasion may,
Fling, for his sake, both goods and lives away.
Let this be then his aime, and his intent,
When God shall joyn him with his Parliament;
With Justice, let him round impale his Throne,
And, set before it, like King Solomon,
A guard of Lions, that, may keep away
Those Apes, Baboons, and Foxes, which assay
Thereon to make intrusions; or, devise
How to invade him, with such flatteries,
As may delude him; and, divert him from
Those Duties, which his Dignity become.
All his Prerogatives, likewise, let him
So mix with equity; so, circle them
With pious Charmes; and, so confine, and awe
His Vassals, by Example, and by Law,
That, in all times to come, nor he, nor they
Who shall succeed him, find occasions may
To dim his glory, or his pow'r to shake;
Or, on the Subjects right, a breach to make.
So, shall the people their just claimes enjoy,
So, you, who do each other now destroy,
Shall in each others happinesse delight,
And, raise your Mountaine to a glorious height.
What, can he more desire, then to excell
Among those people, with whom all is well?
Whither can he aspire, but to possesse
On earth, the chiefest earthly happinesse?
And, what can he have lesse, then he now gaines
By seeking more, then to a King pertaines?
But, lest, what his good Genius would advise,
He may, by meanes of their deceits despise,
Who have the Jannes and the Jambres been,
By whose enchantments, he continues in
Obduratenesse: Let him, take speciall care
Of those false Priests, and Prophets to beware,


Who sooth him up with lies; and, make him dream,
That, by endangering his Crowne for them
He should preserve it; and, that, to provide
Large meanes to feed their gluttony and pride,
Is to promote GODS glory; let him not
Believe those truthlesse vanities, a jot.
Though some good men, have heretofore been fed
With Babels portions, and unforfeited,
Preserv'd their innocence, (with much ado)
Yet, now, those dainties, have corrupted so
This Generation; that there's cause to doubt
Their Charmes. And, therefore, let him shut them out
From heart, and eare, (what ever formall shew
Of Sanctity, they make in outward veiw)
Believing, that their chiefe intentions here,
Are to repair their breaches; or, endeare,
And sweeten, to the ruine of this Nation,
Those Philters, and that cup of fornication,
Whereby, their Scarlet Mistresse, giddifies
All those, who listen to her Witcheries.
Let him, above all others, take good heed
Of these deceivers: adde this to his Creed
Concerning them: ev'n this, that they are not
Gods Prophets; that, God ownes not for his lot,
That they so call, and, that, though him they raise
Above the Moone, with attributes of praise;
It is, but for the service of the Dragon,
Their Lust, their great Diana, or their Dagon,
That, they so court him: yea, though they adore
The seat he sits on, as divine (or more)
And, canonize him (as it were) for one,
Who, all his Predecessors had out-gone
In piety, (because, he stoutly stands
To keep them with full guts, and idle hands)
Let him not be deceiv'd; nor think so glorious,
So honourable, or, so meritorious,


What he would do for them, (if he were able)
For, Jesabel did feed, at her owne table,
Eight hundred Prophets; and, appear'd no doubt,
In her owne way, as bounteously devout,
As he would be: yet, did her superstition,
With other sinnes, occasion her perdition:
And they were but false Prophets, whom she fed,
Who shortly, after, likewise perished.
Hypocrisie. and superstition, may
Be sooner flattered by such as they,
Into stupendious-bounties, then you see
The best men can, by true devotion be:
And, this, the Sacrifices, Altars, Groves,
Shrines, Idols, Temples, and that Bounty proves,
Which hath been dedicated unto men,
To Angells, and to Devills, now and then.
Then, let him, not their Praises prize; nor feare,
Against their claimes, that covenant to sweare,
Which is establish'd by his Parliament,
Their mischievous encrochments to prevent:
For, though they have made captive his esteem;
Not only to their callings, but to them;
Nor they, nor that (once theirs) now, sold and bought,
Are so divine, as they would have them thought.
Yea, though these call it sacriledge, in those
Who, to discharge the publike debts, dispose
What was of late, employed, but to feed
Bel and the Dragon; and, would scruples breed
Within his conscience, making him beleeve,
That GOD, is rob'd, if others do receive
What, lately they possest (and have too long
Usurp'd already, to the publike wrong.)
Let neither King, nor people, be afraid
Of what by these Impostors, hath been said,
To save their Kitchenstuffe; and, that their back
Hereafter, may not their soft raiment lack.


Let him not fearfull be to sell, ot buy
Those portions, in their great necessity,
Unlesse they sell, or buy them, with a mind,
To prey on others rights; or, are inclin'd
To have them though they think it may be sin;
And whether right, or wrong be done therein:
For, such a man himselfe doth guilty make
Of Sacriledge, though but his owne he take.
A true Disciple, doubtlesse may injoy
Things carnall; and whilst them he doth imploy
As he is bound, none ever grudges him
Their use; nor doth him, in their use, condemne:
But, when, his own false int'rest to advance,
He shall mis-name it, Christ's inheritance,
Or otherwise shall mis-imploy the same
Against Truths Friends, and honor of GOD's name;
He forfeits what he had. Moreover, know,
That Christ, whose service they pretend unto,
Bequeath'd them no such Lordships, as they claime:
Nor Salaries, like those, at which they aime:
But giving them Cmmmission (whom he sent
His work to do) injoyned them content
With his allowance; strictly charged them,
To trust to none, for wages, but to Him:
And, to expect their Labours hire from none,
(Or any where) but, where the work is done.
But, see, how great a difference now appears
Betwixt these Priests, and Christ's Commissioners:
So impudently they do now presume
The Titles, and the Wages, to assume,
Which were forbid; so largely, they provide,
Not necessaries onely, but for pride,
For luxury, and for magnificence,
Beyond the limits of a modest Prince;
So loose at their deportments, and so vaine;
Such Ruffians and Buffoones they entertaine:


Of common faults, and of each crying sin,
So manifestly guilty, some have been;
So peevish are they, so uncharitable;
Amid their plenty, so inhospitable;
So ignorant, they have been otherwhile,
And their Apostleships do so defile;
That, to suppose CHRISTS Officers were such
As they appear, were in effect, as much
As to professe, his Kingdome were become
Terrestriall, and his Court, indeed, at Rome;
And, he who shall receive these, in the name
Of CHRISTS Disciples, will receive but shame.
'Tis pitie, that their Bounty, who were Nurses
To piety, at first; and, who, their purses
So prodigally empti'd, to endow
The needy Saints, should so perverted grow;
And, that, men were so gracelesse in their use
Of Blessings, as to lose them by abuse.
Yet, just it was, that they who did suppose
GODS bounty, not enough; their owne, should lose.
And, that, gifts which he gave not; and, which may
Pervert his purpose, should be took away;
(At least) when their possessors do begin,
To turne, what flow'd from vertue, into sin.
And, how could you imploy their vast wealth better,
Then, to discharge that, wherein you were debter
By their default, who, sought to have destroy'd
Your Birth-rights, by that wealth which they enjoy'd?
Since, Offrings made to GOD, (and, which to owne,
He doth accept) may be on men bestowne,
In times of need, when mercy, justly cries
To be prefer'd, before a Sacrifice.
Thus, did, without reproofe, the Jewish Kings
By, otherwhile, with Dedicated things,
Their Kingdomes peace; and purchas'd uncontrold,
Their Liberties with sanctified Gold;


So, with their wealth, by whom your wars begun
To pay the Souldier, you have justly done.
But, that your King more plainely may espy
His disobligement, to the Prelacy;
(Which comprehends those Boutefeu's, by whom
He, and his people, are almost become
The ruine of each other) Be it knowne;
These, were, at first, no creatures of his owne,
Or, of his Predecessors; though, they gain'd
A legall Oath, by them to be maintain'd,
As part of holy Church; and, though a while,
They sate among the Peerage of this Isle.
But, they were first created, to promote
The Kingdome of the BEAST, and, to devote
Their services to him, in raising high,
In making strong, and large, his Emperie;
Or, in debasing Kings; and, how, they did
Performe that service, you in stories read.
Now, when for bloody tyranny, from hence,
That Tyrant was expell'd, by Providence,
These also, (if they had not been befriended)
Had into banishment, their Chief, attended.
But, they pretending to a Reformation,
(Perhaps, to keep possession in this Nation,
For their grand Signior; and, to bring to passe
What, now of late, almost effected was,)
Obtained grace: And, proving to be fit
For their ambition, who aspire to get
An arbitrary pow'r, they did arise
Almost to all their former dignities;
And, grew so active, and, so wise became
In playing of the Kings, and their owne game,
That, here, (as plainly as in France) we see
There's no such Tyrants; as where Prelates bee.
And, he, perhaps, did mean the self-same thing,
Who us'd to say, no Bishops, and no King.


They were advanc'd, like Jeroboams Priests,
But to preserve usurped Interests
Upon the people; and to help encrease
Those claimes which Tyrants covet to possesse,
By falsifying Charters and Commissions,
From Sacred Writ, to justifie oppressions:
And Jurisdictions, to that end, they had,
To force, when wit they wanted, to perswade.
Then, to oblige the more, and, that they might
Be like to Jeroboams Priests, outright;
They, from the poorest, and the basest sort
Of people, rose, to highest place in Court.
This is their Jus divinum, whatsoe're
Their friends, or they, would make themselves appear:
Which, by clear demonstration, I make good,
And, not by tales of Tubs, and Robin-Hood.
Thus, what they were; and, what they had to do,
And, what at best their pride hath brought them to,
I have declared; that, your King no more
May cheated be by them, as heretofore:
Or, think, that Law, or Conscience, him obliges,
To keep up their usurped Priviledges,
But, thereby know, that, if he shall delight
In that, which is indeed the Royall-right;
He, their vaine services, no more, will need,
And, joy, that from such Flatt'rers he is freed.
If any shall object, that, he hath took
An Oath on their behalfe; that might be spoke
Aswell of Kings, perhaps, who took away
Old Idol Preisthoods: For, 'tis likely, they
Vow'd their protection, when the policy
Of Jeroboam rais'd his Hi'rarchy
To fix the Kingdome. But, no Oaths oblige,
Which in unlawfull actions would ingage:
And, his Oath is not broke by him, who took it,
When, that, which made it lawfull, doth revoke it.


If it be said, those things to God were given,
Which they possest. What then? in earth, and heav'n,
God, is the sole possesser of all things;
And, (whatsoever any takes, or brings)
Hath neither more nor lesse; nor doth allow
That any place on earth, or portion, now,
Of things meere earthly, should be made appeare
More holy, or more his, then others are;
For, man intitling GOD, to mens estates,
Is, but a Priest-cheat, which he greatly hates.
When, you give more to God, then he commands,
His Thanks is; Who requir'd it at your hands?
Nor doth he those Oblations ever prize,
Which from a superstitious ground arise;
Nor counts, a charitable deed made void,
When gifts abused, better are imploy'd.
Oh! let not then his hazzards to preserve
Their temp'rall claimes, be more then they preserve.
Let him not tire himselfe to change a boot,
Which he may weare with ease, on either foot.
Let him not, by his undue care of these
Which were the chiefest cause of his disease,
Against his owne just Int'rest make him erre,
By seeking their advancements to preferre
Before his owne well-being. Let him not
Permit their formall wisedome to besot
His understanding so, that he shall scorne
This Counsell; or, continue to adjourne
Compliance with his people in those things
Which are the Cement betwixt them and Kings;
And, will be so approved, maugre that
Which, to deceive him, they both print, and prate.
Let him not trust to their enchanting Spells,
Nor to the braine of their Achitophells;
For, if faint, or false-heartednesse in those
Who, for the Publike, his attempts oppose,


Shall not for private, or, by-interest
Betray the cause and trust they have profest;
GOD, at this present time, will lower bring
The tyrannizing pow'r of Priest, and King.
Nor King-craft, Priest-craft, nor the policies
Of all, who preach or fight by tyrannies,
Shall long prevaile, though, to support each other
All Europes Tyrants should unite together:
But, GOD, when they suppose to reach the tops
Of their designs, will frustrate all their hopes;
And, cause them to perceive, that he intends
To prosper that, whereto they are no friends.
Before that day, from all equivocations,
From all close ends, and mentall Reservations,
Let Charles, begin a resolute retreat;
Else (MARK this) when sev'n years he shall compleat
Among the Beasts, with Nebuchadnezar,
Th'event of his demurrers will appear:
And, he, who, yet a Leadstar, might become,
Of just Dominion, to all Christendome,
Shall misse the best advantage offred, yet,
To any, King, who on his Throne did sit.
Though clouds rise in the South, and in the North;
There is a Doome-conditionall, gone forth
To be reverst, or stand, as he shall, now,
His want of prudence, or, his wisedome show,
As when the Sun ascends, to run his race,
From his ecclipsed honour, and disgrace,
He, now, may rise; whereas, if he passe by
The present offred opportunity,
He may perhaps, begin the fatall dance,
Which ev'ry King must foot, who doth advance
Himselfe above his bound. He, may, now, make
Their expectations frustrate, who, yet, take
An old prediction, in that sense, which he
Would be unwilling so fulfill'd should be.


For, through these Islands this Tradition goes,
That He, who made the English Damask Rose,
Or, else some other, being curious growne,
To know the future fortune of his Throne,
Receiv'd, in hieroglyphick-wise exprest,
Their Portraitures, who, when he was at rest,
Should in his Kingdome, after him succeed;
With words, in Latine Verse, thus Englished:
A Man, a Child, a Furious-One;

Vir, puer, &c.

A Maid, a Fox, a Lion, None.
I would not, any much should trust, or feare
Such Prophecies; yet, when events appeare
To answer unto that, which was fore-told,
Wise-men should make what use of them they could:
Seek how they might extract, ev'n from the Devills
Deceits, an antidote, against his evills;
And, so direct their actions, that his Charmes
And cheating riddles, may not do them harmes.
Lo, that prediction, is this day fulfill'd;
Six, as it was fore-typifi'd, have held
The Scepter of that King; and, now there's none,
Who either weares the Crowne, or fills the Throne;
Nor, any thing to furnish out the same
Belonging to that race, except a Name:
And, here shall end that Prophesie, unlesse
It further be fulfild through wilfulnesse.
If he, who ownes that name, shall harken to
Their counsell, who will tell him what to do;
That name, at last, much like that stamp, may be
Which was preserved, when the Royall-tree,
Once, representing Nebuchadnezzar,
Was felled down. And, as he did appear
In former Glorie, when he had confest
His failings, and the living God profest;
So, shall it be with Charles, if he repent;
God, will the ruine of his House prevent;


Restore him to his Throne, and make his fame
To grow the fairer, through his present shame.
But, if he shall defer, till 'tis too late,
Let him prepare for King Belshazzars fate,
And, let all those, who shall to him adhere,
Expect, in his sad dooms to have a share.
As Samuel did for Saul, till God did fling
That Tyrant off, and chose another King;
So shall I pray for him (with mourning too)
Till I perceive what GOD, and he will do.
And, therefore, touching him, I will (before
I speak to others) utter somwhat more.
By no externall symptoms, can I find
That, he doth yet, begin to change his mind;
But, so, in his first march proceedeth on,
As if, he wrongs receiv'd, but none had done.
And, whereas GOD, for penitence doth call,
Doth seem to think, there needeth none at all;
But, rather, that his people (if not heav'n)
Should supplicate, to be of him forgiven,
For suffring, such an Innocent as he,
So scandalized, and so wrong'd to be.
Yea, and the people (as it is their guize)
When some offender at the gallowes dies,
Whom they themselves brought thither, do begin
To look more on the streight that he is in,
Then, on the reason of it. And as when
A Township, having seized guilty men,
Who had much wrong'd their servants, stole their goods,
Devour'd their cattell, sometime shed their bloods,
And, threatned their destruction; in a rage
They force them to the stocks, or to the cage,
Or to the Justice, and are like to teare
The Rogues in pieces, too, ere they come there:
But, when they are examin'd; and when they
Must, at their Parish charges them convey


Unto the Goale; be bound to prosecute;
Take paines, and spend some money in the suit,
That Justice may be done (the Land to free
From such a plague as those were like to bee)
Then, if the Rascals whine (as they will do)
And make their moan, they faine would let them go.
Thus, fares it with the people; they complain'd
Against the King, of wrongs by him sustain'd,
And, of worse like to come. They saw, he drew
The Sword upon them, therewith to pursue
His Usurpations; and, they were compel'd,
To arm, and to oppose him in the field;
Where, GOD, the victory bestow'd on them;
And, in their own defence, they conquer'd him.
Then, finding, that this Conquest drew on charge,
And, that it further would their cost inlarge
To keep what they have got, (lest all the cost
And blood already wasted, should be lost,
And worse things follow) they impatient grow,
And, are discourag'd, and besotted so,
That, they begin to pity his estate
More then themselves; to scandalize, and hate
Ev'n their Deliverances; to underprize
GODS mercies, their own safety to despise;
And, to behave themselves, as if they had
An inclination in them to be mad
About next Moon in Iune: Or, had their Doome
In spight of their Defenders, to become
Perpetuall slaves: And, this base Generation,
(Foes to themselves, and to their own salvation)
Have so confirm'd the Kings obduracy,
By their imprudence, and apostacy,
That, he, perhaps, perswades himselfe, there needs
No penitence for any of his deeds
Against the publike Rights; and that his ends
To compasse, this vain Rout will yeeld him friends.


Now, therefore, all excuses to prevent,
Though I have shew'd, whereof he should repent;
Informed how; and in some part, of what;
Yet, here Ile touch a little more of that,
That He, and they who think him without blame,
May somewhat now consider of the same.
Deserves it no repentance, to invade
Those priviledges which his people had?
And those proprieties, which they injoy'd
In their estates, unjustly, to make void,
Or, from their antient freedomes, them to thrust?
Or, from their due possessions for his lust?
Or, maintenance for luxury and pride,
By other mens undoings, to provide?
And, then by Proclamation, to pretend
Some necessary, and some publike end,
Which, could be manifest to no mans veiw,
And, which, was generally knowne untrue?
Was it no sinne, by base Monopoles,
To raise the price of most commodities?
To take away free trades and occupations;
To vex men with perpetuall Molestations,
By Courts and Officers, devis'd for nought
But, that men into bondage might be brought
To his Prerogatives? and by degrees
By new exactions, Services, and Fees,
Be screw'd up, (through demands, appearing small)
Till he hath got a seeming right in all?
For if that be his due, which was receiv'd;
So, is the rest, if Priests may beleiv'd.
Was it no fault, deserving penitence,
To take away the meanes of their defence,
From his most faithfull Subjects? to ingrosse
And, raise the price of powder, to their losse,
And their apparent danger? to disarme
Their persons, who intended him no harme?


To put them under the command of those
Who are their knowne Oppressors and their Foes?
To make them lend what he ne're meant to pay?
To make them buy what he should give away?
To make them give, who had no list thereto;
To make them sell, what they would not forgo?
To act, what may of all their dues deprive them?
And to deny them that, which should relieve them?
Deserves it not a sigh, that in his Court
Prophanenesse, and Oppressions, were but sport?
That, Judges were compell'd to wrest the Lawes?
Divines the Scriptures, to maintaine a Cause
Which GOD abhorres; that all oppressions should
Be there upheld, and sin be uncontrold?
That School-boyes not arriv'd at years of reason,
Should suffer death, as culpable of Treason,
For childish words; as if Kings grew afraid
Through guiltinesse, of what young Infants said?
Deserves it not bewailing, to repaire
By fines, unjustly rais'd, the House of prai'r?
To punish, men of merit, with disgraces,
Dismembrings, Stigmatizing of their faces,
Imprisonments, exiles, and separations
From friends, wives, children, yea, from all relations,
For things not capitall; or, deemed crimes,
By Law; or, blamable in better times?
Was nothing done, whereof he might repent,
When ev'n the speaking of a Parliament,
Was made a crime? when Members were confin'd,
For doing what by duty was injoyn'd;
When all their Priviledges were so broke,
That, some should violently have been tooke,
Ev'n from their Sanctuary; which, of old
To violate, no Tyrant was so bold:
And for which act, alone, this free born Nation,
Would quite have ruin'd all his Generation,


In former times; if, they had ere obtain'd
So great advantages, as now are gain'd?
Deserves it no repentance, to bestow
Those honours which to virtue he doth owe,
On vitious men? Or, such as had no worth
But, wealth and arrogance, to set them forth?
Or, could be instruments to help undo
Their honest neighbours, and the Kingdome too?
Is it no wrong, to set such Rascalls, over
Their well knowne betters, that they may uncover,
And rise, and bow, before them; who, are fitter
To lacky by their horse, Caroch, or Litter?
Or, rather to be baffled, kick'd and scorned,
Then, with a Coronet to be adorned?
Was nothing purpos'd, fit to be repented,
When that Designe was first of all invented,
Which, to promote, (and, thereby to inforce)
He sent both for Commanders and for Horse,
To Germany? And, was there nothing plotted,
When on our Seas that Spanish Navy floted,
Which anchor'd in the Downes? Is there no teare,
Or sigh due, for those things which acted were
Concerning Rochell; whereof, to this day,
The Protestants of France complaine, and say,
It cannot be, but, that both GOD, and Man
Will vengeance bring, for what they suffred then?
Is there no need of penitentiall prayers,
For innovating of the Scotch-affaires?
For doing, and undoing? For complying,
And falling off? For granting, and denying?
For all those falsifyings which fore-went
The first, the second, and this Parliament?
For all those injuries, which have been since?
For all the acts of fraud, and violence,
Committed in these Islands, since this Warre,
By him, and those, which of his party are?


For all these, is there no compunction due,
Which, he before the world, is bound to shew?
No cause, can he discover of contrition,
For that Idolatrie, and Superstition,
Which daily multiplyed in these Lands
By his connivance, or by his commands?
And, by the vaine hopes, fear, or fraud of those
Whose piety consists in mimick showes?
And, since there is a Statute, in this Isle
Which treasonable makes, to reconcile
This people unto Rome; did it appeare
No fault, to tolerate an Agent here,
Or Nuntio from the Pope, to innovate
In matters of Religion, and the State?
Is there not cause enough he should repent
(Though no cause else were found) that, he hath spent
So many years before he doth begin
That penitence, which brings forgivenesse in?
That he adventured so many falls,
Neglected and with-stood so many calls?
Made outward shewes, of sorrow and remorse,
Yet, was no whit the better, if not worse?
That, in his heart, he still prepares for Warre,
When all his words for peace, and Treaties are?
That GODS long suffrings, and th'indulgencies
Of his wrong'd people, he doth still despise?
And, that, although he now is in a chaine,
His former hopes, and purposes remaine?
If he repent not, may he not at last,
Be made repent it, when the time is past?
That, he is so unwise, as to provoke
Those men so far, by whom his pow'r is broke,
As by apparent signes, to let them see
His aimes to compasse their destruction be?
And, how, for that intent still meanes are tri'd,
All parties, from each other to divide,


And from themselves? Moreover, may he not
Find reason to repent, what, by the Scot
He hath endeavour'd to effect his ends?
What by the Citie, Armie, and his Friends
In either House? yea by the people too,
That, he may make all Parties help undo
Themselves, and him, whose fall till he repent,
No pow'r, will be so powerfull to prevent.
For, though they thriv'd a while, both he, and they
Whom he corrupteth, shall descend one way;
And, GOD this Kingdome shall in order set,
By men and meanes, not thought upon, as yet.
More might be said; much more, to let him see
What causes, of repentance there may be;
Which I had rather he himselfe should find,
(And, seriously consider in his mind)
Then hear them from another; and, but that
The Common Voice, these faults enumerate,
I, had not mention'd them: nor, shall these prove
A blemish to him, if all this may move
His heart to penitence: For, then Ile say
Enough, to take all guiltinesse away;
And make him cleaner, then he was that morn,
In which it was first said, that he was borne.
And, GOD, so blesse my hopes, as I intend
All this, to bring his troubles to an end;
And in this manner do it, that past evills,
Nor future sinnes, nor spight of men, or Devills,
May power obtaine, to stop him, or to fling him
From that estate, whereto, I wish to bring him.
The way, by me designed (I confesse)
To be a path, full of uneasinesse
To flesh and blood; and, not without much terror,
At first to those, who liv'd in waies of error.
It is not so with violets bestrow'd,
With pinks and roses, as the path way show'd


By his deluding Prelates; but, I'le say,
This, confidently, 'tis the safest way,
And easiest I could find, for one who had
Such long and obstinate by-wand'rings made;
And, I unwilling am, he should begin
A course, which he might lose his labour in;
As those do, who close up a fest'ring wound
With healing salves, while filth in them is found.
My course may harsh appeare, and full of dangers,
To them, who to such practises are strangers;
Yet, I dare warrantize, (for I can tell)
It leads to heaven, although it lies by hell:
And that it will at last be well approved,
Of those, who him for his own sake have loved.
But, lest, the Maximes, which Court-breeding gives
To Kings, and zeale to their Prerogatives,
May steel his conscience; and, still, make him dream
That, all his Kingdomes, and all things in them,
Are his by right: And, that, if it be so,
All those endeavourings conducing to
The keeping of that Right, may, then be done:
And, lest he thence infer, he wrongeth none,
On whom, he maketh war, with an intent,
Incroachments on his Kingship, to prevent;
But, that, they rather, who have him with-stood,
Have down upon their own heads, drawn their blood.
To take the frothie vanity of that
Conceit away; thus, I expostulate:
If Kings have such a right; how was it gained?
From whom, was that Prerogative obtained?
For, sure, what ever Parasites may please
To feigne; Kings are not Ab Origines,
But had beginnings, like to other men,
Who rise, and fall; are born and, and die agen;
And, came to their preferments, either by
GODS gift, or mans, or else by Victory.


'Twere blasphemy, to say, that God bestow'd
That pow'r upon them, which to be allow'd
They now contend: and, they from hell did fetch
Their Text, or comment, who such Doctrine preach.
It cannot be, that God, who, is Perfection;
Goodnesse it self; the Essence of Affection;
And, Fountaine, out of which free mercy goes,
Throughout the whole creation, and o're-flowes:
It cannot be, that from among those creatures,
(Which are in all things, of the selfe-same natures)
He should not only, one or two, advance
Above the rest, but by his Odinance
Declare it, likewise, to be right and just,
In them (even meerly to fulfill their lust)
To take from others, when it pleases them,
Child, honour, goods, life, liberty and limb;
Or, practise cruelties upon them: No,
It neither can be, neither is it so:
For, in his Word he tells, what Kings should do;
There makes description of such Tyrants too,
As those, for which their suit his People made;
When, in his wrath, a King bestow'd he had;
Because, they long'd for that vaine Gallantry,
Which they among the Nations, did espie.
He sharply threatens Kings, who tyrannize,
Or, use their pow'r, in an insulting wise;
And sayes, he gave them their Prerogatives,
That, men should under them, lead quiet lives;
That Swords they have, to execute the Law;
Defend the just; ungodly men to awe;
And, so to raigne, that no good man might feare
The port they carry, or the Sword they beare.
Whence then obtain'd they that exorbitant
Dominion, whereof, now so much they vaunt?
Did first the people, give them such a pow'r
And, set them up, of purpose to devour,


Vex, and inslave them? That were to conceive
A madnesse, which no wise men will beleeve;
Nor many fools, their folly so betray,
As thus to think; much lesse, the same to say,
And, doubtlesse hitherto, no Nation had
So little reason, as to grow so mad.
Did they then raise themselves, unto their height?
Where got they pow'r, to conquer such a right?
If others helpt them, whither did they run,
To keep themselves free, when that deed was done?
It seemeth likely, they would stay to share,
Their portions, where they so victorious were;
And did not sure, intend to set up one,
By whom, they would themselves be trod upon.
Nor, could those valiant men become so base,
To leave behind them, an inslaved race,
By takeing such conditions, as are now,
Impos'd on many Kingdomes, which you know.
Or, if a Nation, might be fool'd so much,
Who knowes, this Peoples lot, to have been such?
What antient History, or what record
Thereof, a testimoniall doth afford?
If none, how do your British Tyrants claime
What they usurp; and that whereat they aime?
If they obtain'd it by deceiving trust,
Which is most true (then, make amends they must)
And if spontaneously they do the same,
They lose with honour, what they got with blame.
If they prescription plead, from times of yore;
Time makes not wrongs, to be the lesse, but more.
By Conquest, will they claime it; know ye, then,
The Conquerours are conquered agen;
And, what time, and the sword away have tore,
Time, and the sword, doth righteously restore:
And, that, time is no bar to rightfull things;
Is for the people, true, as well as Kings;


But how, their Peoples freedomes, goods and lives
Shall Kings protect, if their Prerogatives,
Should be infring'd, or lost? there is indeed
A just Prerogative, that he may need
In some Immergencies, which both by reason,
And, by the law of nature is in season,
When things which for the Publike safety are,
Require them; and, when no knowne lawes declare
What may be done. In such necessities
No Common-Wealth, no prudent man, denies
An Arbitrary Pow'r to private men;
Much lesse, to Magistrates, and Princes, then.
No Nation is so foolish to restrain
That just Prerogative, and so make vaine
Their owne security: they will and may
Be Judge of those nccessities; for they
Are most concerned in them; and if he
Whom they to guard them chose, depriv'd shall be
Of meanes to do his duty; they must bear
The blame of what ensues: for, he is clear.
Thus, I could answer to all other things,
Which are objected by usurping Kings,
If need requir'd; and bring them light to see,
How they by hypocrites, abused be;
And, say enough, were he thereto inclin'd,
To make your present King, to change his mind.
But, GOD, that only turnes the hearts of Kings,
And to himself reserves such glorious things,
As their conversions; will I hope, in time,
Produce that miracle of grace in him:
For, if I guesse right, he would now be glad
To know, where wholesome counsell might be had;
And knowes what 'tis, to want, in his distresse,
Such men as dare the truth to him professe,
Without regarding carnall hopes, or feare;
Or, who displeased, or well pleased are.


There are some Prayers left upon record,
That, plead yet, strongly for him, to the Lord,
And, which, by his forgot Remembrancer,
Were offered up for him in his first year,
When that, which now is truly come to passe,
By him foreseen, and justly feared was.
It may be, at this present time, those Praiers
Then sent up, for this King, and his affaires,
Begin to take effect; for, who doth know
What mercies from the Fount of Grace may flow?
Or, what for him, those offerings might prepare
Which made, by Faith, in Fiery Trialls were?
Oh, if they take effect, and if he find,
Such motions (as are wish'd for) in his mind,
To spring up; let a blessed deaw from heaven,
Descend, that growth unto them, may be given.
With true humility, let him begin,
To meet them kindly, and to welcome in
Those guests with such respect into his heart,
As may there fix them, never to depart.
Let not a shame, to be repented of,
Or, their derisions, who perhaps will scoffe
At such a change, deter from persevering;
Or, by their threats, beget in him a fearing
Of what may follow: for, it glad shall make,
And cheere his Soul, when all their hearts will ake.
Let him not entertain the least suspect
His Penitence will want a due effect,
If it be true; or, that a guard or wall,
From being manifest, restraine it shall,
When once it workes: Nor let his people feare
To trust him, when he proves therein sincere:
For, hearty Penitence, is of a straine
Not like to that, which hypocrites do faine;
But, moving, unresistable, and cleare,
When, and in whomsoere, it shall eppeare.


Yea, thereunto, so great a pow'r is given,
That, hearts, alone, it breaks not ope, but heav'n,
And, maketh way to reconcile agen,
The greatest sinners, both to GOD and Men.
For, whosoere is truly penitent,
Meerly with tongue and eies, doth not repent,
With vowes, with protestations, and with tears;
Or, with such formall complements, as theirs
Who keep an out-side-fast, or cloath the back
With vestments, and with long cloakes, died black;
Or, who make faces, or look for a while,
So sad, as if it were a mortall sinne, to smile:
But, wheresoere true penitence you see,
Like rising up from death to life will bee.
It wholly changes, and new moulds, new makes
That man, within whose heart, it rooting takes.
As well within, it cleanseth as without:
And, that the truth of it, ye may not doubt,
The sinner from ill habits, it estranges;
His words, his thoughts, his company it changes:
His works, his waies, his plots, and his designes;
Of good intentions, giveth certaine signes,
He daily growes more fruitfull, takes more care,
To be indeed reform'd, then to appeare:
Regards not, what of others, he is thought,
So, he, unto perfection, may be brought;
Fears nothing more, shuns nothing more then sin,
And, that abhorred course which he was in.
Forgiveth every one, that was his foe;
Gives unto all men, that which he doth owe;
Shames, neither to bewaile, or to confesse
To GOD or men, his former wickednesse;
Nor any good advice, will disesteem,
How mean soere the counsellor shall seem:
And, when the King, thus changed shall returne,
Who, would desire his coming to adjourne?


When thus a true repentance doth improve him,
VVho would then, forgive, and trust, and love him?
For, when you find a metamorphosis,
In him, so supernaturall as this,
Nought formerly by him, mis-said, mis-done,
Or, misconceived, shall be thought upon
To future disadvantage, though the sin
Hath black, or, of a scarlet tincture bin.
Though by an over-good conceit of him,
Who stood suspected, he restrained them,
Who sought to bring his fathers death to triall,
And, gave offence, by giving a deniall
To Justice, in that cause, to take her course;
And, rais'd suspitions, too, of somewhat worse:
Yea, though he were a sinner, twice as bad
As he (by those, who love him least) is made;
And, had, beside the blood his Party spilt,
More sin upon him, then the double guilt
Of King Manasseh; he, as pure should grow
By such repentance, as the Mountain snow.
And, when to this repentance he is brought,
Who can object? or, how can it be thought,
That, in fulfilling of the covenant
(As touching him) you shall one title want,
Of that Branch, which, expresseth your intent
To bring delinquents to due punishment?
For, if you can conceive, what 'tis to bring
The lofty heart, and spirit of a King,
To stoop so much, as to descend unto
What, he that's truly penitent must do;
Or, if you could believe what self-denialls,
What inward torments, and what fiery trialls
Are undergone, and must be passed through
By those, who truly penitentiall grow,
You would confesse, that, nor restraint, nor chaines,
Nor death it selfe, had in them feares or paines,


So terrible, so full of grief and smart,
As those, which exercise a contrite heart;
And, you would say (when forth this fruit he brings)
No sinners; no such Penitents as Kings.
Oh what a blessed, what a glorious thing
It were Great Britan, to behold thy King
Come back thus chang'd, and with a mind to do,
That, which thy Genius hath advis'd him to!
And, that, which his owne conscience cannot chuse
But tell him, it were madnesse, to refuse!
How, would his drooping Subjects, then rejoyce,
To bid him welcome, both with heart and voice!
How would his friends, triumph, how would his foes,
Their aimes, and wicked expectations lose?
How would those hypocrites among you tremble,
Who did with him and all the world dissemble!
How, would their soules be comforted, who were
To him, and to the Common good sincere!
And by both sides oppressed, for abiding
In their first principles; and, for not siding
With this, or, with that faction, to make strong,
Themselves and other men, in doing wrong!
What hopes thereby would other Nations take,
That his example would some changes make
In their oppressors? How, would they be struck
With terrors, who have Tyranny mistook
For Kingship; and, by strained Monarchie
Themselves infected with Lycanthropie!
How, would your noisome Grashoppers, and Flies,
Frogs, Lice, and Caterpillers, which arise
From their corruptions (fearing to delay,
Their lingring here) hop, fly, and crawl away!
How, would the BEAST then rage; the Scarlet Whore,
Then, curse and raile; the Devills howle and roare;
As fearing, they their heights were falling from,
And, that the Kingdome, which they hate, were come!


But, his conversion, would not long adjourne
Their miseries, to whom he should returne,
Unlesse they take more care, and, more delight
To make their conversations more upright,
Then heretofore; unlesse to meet him too,
They better shall prepare, then yet they do;
Unlesse they more unite; more wise appeare,
In resolutions; and then, more adhere
To that which is resolv'd; unlesse more jealous
They grow of Publike honour, and more zealous
Of Publike Faith; more clear in their intent;
More diligent, more studious to prevent
Supplanting wiles, more sensible of wrong,
Sustain'd by them, who to their side belong,
More carefull, that their Friends may firm abide;
And, that all others may be satisfi'd
According to just hopes; and plainely see
The common-good, their chiefest aim to bee.
For, sure, the Kings repentance will availe
But little to their comfort, who shall faile
In such like duties; or in meeting him
With such affections, as he brings to them.
But, when all other sinners grace receive,
They shall with Hypocrites, their portion have;
And, to their shame great vexation, then,
See those, whom they thought worst, the better men.
The British Genius, as, if he had in
Some secret Musing, or Devotion been,
Here made a pause; and, therefore, here will we
Take breath, a little, if you pleased be.


The Contents of the second Lection.

The Genius, here, declares to them
Who exercise the Power-supreme;
How, they, much mischiefe might prevent:
How, they, the people may content:
How, keep their Pow'r, aad Cause upright,
With honour, in their Foes despight;
And tenders, that, this may be done,
Much to be duly thought upon.
Tells, what the people ought to do,
To give assistance, thereunto;
Perswades, the Nations to agree,
Lest by themselves, they ruin'd be;
The Factious-parties doth advise,
To lay aside their vanities;
And, interweaveth, here and there,
What, others may with profit heare.
Shewes LONDON, where her weal doth lie;
Speaks reason, to the Souldierie;
Minds, to what sort of Irish, you
Some share of mercy, should allow:
To Preachers, preacheth waies of peace,
To further Truth with Righteousnesse:
Then drawing toward his conclusion,
Presageth Order, from confusion:
Informeth, from what Pedigree
Good Government deriv'd will bee;
And, when that's told you, ye shall heare
What's whisper'd in the Authours eare.
The GENIUS, (whom observe I pray, with heed)
With raised eyes, did thus againe, proceed:
How faine would I find words and exhortations,
Whichmight, not now, be lost upon these Nations?


But, cause them to consider, and discerne
Those things, which their well-being may concerne?
That, all well meant endeavours for their good,
Might not be still neglected, or withstood;
And, future ages, wonder, what dire Fate,
This Generation did infatuate?
My breath, hath hitherto, been chiefly spent,
The Kings approaching ruine to prevent:
By skrewing thoughts into him which may wake him
From slumber; and, for peace, industrious make him.
Now I will also, somewhat, say to them,
Who stand, in prime relation, unto him;
That, if his heart GOD change not, neither he
May them destroy, nor they destructive be
Unto themselves. And, what, to that good end,
I shall advise, is this: Dear friends, attend.
Let those high Courts, by whom the Pow'r-supreme,
Is exercised in the name of him
Who now is laid aside; let those adventer
No longer, to wheele round, without a Center:
But, fix on somewhat, whereon to be steddie,
Before all catch the Staggers, and grow giddie.
Let that be rectifi'd, which now, disturbs
Their nat'rall motions, in their sev'rall Orbs;
Lest if the Nations clash, they thereby crack
The wheeles of Government, and make them break
Against each other, when there will be here,
To mend them, no well-skill'd State-Ingineere.
Reduce your wand'ring lights; let ev'ry star
Within your Firmament keep his owne sphere;
Lest, if above their Circles they aspire,
Like Phaeton, they set the world on fire;
Or aid those Comets, which already glare
Prodigiously, to breed combustions here,
Whose mischeivous effects, you may in vaine
Attempt, perhaps, hereafter, to restraine.


Till to the snuffe they blaze; or, till they shall
To quench their thirstings, all your blood exhale.
This mischeife to prevent, let ev'ry wit,
And ev'ry Pow'r subordinate, submit
To that, which is supreme; ev'n unto that,
Which for the present, is predominate,
For publike-safety: And let that abide
On Principles, which neither may divide
Or, wound it selfe; lest on it selfe, it draw
Contempt, from them, who, thereof stood in awe;
And, that contempt so weaken them at length,
That they, with losse of honour, lose their strength:
For, yon have felt, (as well as heard it told)
What of Divisions, hath been said of old.
Your present postures give occasion may
To some, of doubting, whom they should obey;
How far forth, their obedience must extend;
How long they shall uncertainly attend,
The hatching of that Government, which must
Continue fixt; and, whereto they may trust.
Which questionings, and doubtings (though good reason
Hath made them in these Islands, now, in season)
Enfeeble much your Pow'r; and do beget,
(Though seemingly the people do submit)
Ill consequences, which will still be worse,
Untill you settle on some certaine course:
Especially, if they suspect that pow'r,
Intendeth not their benefit, but your.
Delay not, therefore, that which they expect:
And, till a settlement may take effect,
(Or, till they better know, what doth pertaine
To your new curb, and also to your reine)
With kindnesse mannage them, and condescend
To what, may for their satisfaction tend
In all just seeming Rights; till they may see,
That, by your pow'r, their peace preserv'd shall bee.


And then, if your Authority to own,
They shall refuse; so make your courage known,
That, none may dare blaspheme, or scandalize
Those needful Pow'rs, and lawful Dignities,
Which are above their Censures; least you farther
Their Plots, who have no hope, but in disorder;
Since, better it becomes, Wisemen to dye
In Order, then, to live in Mutiny.
Mark, those among you, who, whilst they pretend
Your Power, and your Proceedings, to befriend,
Impair them, underhand, by driving on
Designs, destructive to what should be done.
So many Marks, upon them do appear,
Declaring to what Party they adhere,
That, well they may be known: And, they to whom
These are discover'd, find what will become
Of You, and your Affaires, unless, you shall
With speed (and wisely) them, in question call.
Your greatest Foes, &, they who most may wrong you,
Are some, who, daily Counsel take among you;
Your Adversaries, as the Prophet said,
Are men of your own Houses, who have plaid
The parts of seeming Friends. Of these, therefore,
Take heed, and seek to cast them out of doore
Before they cast you out: Whirh, were they stronger,
Deferred would not be one minute longer.
When you have purg'd your House (until which day
All will be spoke in vain, that I shall say)
Take my advice (for it is genuine,
And, that, whereto your Genius doth incline)
First, to Debate, and, then, to Question, bring
The Government, and what concerns the King;
Which, being prudently resolv'd upon,
Will save you twenty labours, in that One:
And, make, (if you perform, as is profest)
An easie passing thorough all the rest.


In your Debates, discover not that spleen
Or Virulency, wherein, may be seen,
A purpose, nor to give, nor take content;
But, so contest, that, when ye shall assent,
There may, on you, be seen the fewer scars
Of your unhappy and uncivil Wars;
And, that it may appeare, your strife hath bin,
Not, that your Will, but, that the Truth may win.
Yet, lest, whilst you are forced to contest,
You may destroy the noblest Interest
By dull Indifferency, or want of zeal;
Look to the safety of the Common-weal,
As to your chiefe Allegiance: For, a King
Who makes a claim, although the claimed thing,
Be due, yet, if he so exacteth it,
As, that, it publike danger may beget,
Becomes a Traytor to the Royall Trust,
In him repos'd; and, merits to be thrust
Besides the Throne, if, therein, he persist,
To prosecute his private Interest.
When, ye are certain, what should be prefer'd,
From prosecuting it, be not deter'd;
Or, from a stout ingagement, in that Cause,
Whereto, you are obliged by the Laws
Of GOD, and Nature: For, a work begun
With Courage, is as good, as half way done.
Let not the foolish feares, or superstition
Of earebor'd slaves (the Foot-stools of Ambition)
Who Idolize, and deifie their Kings,
As more then mortal, and unbounded things;
Let not these fright: But, well examine you
What, to the People; what, to them, is due,
That, so, your Friends, who see your prudency,
May be preserved from Apostacy.
Consider, wisely, how with him, you deale,
Who, of these Vessels, was esteem'd, erewhile,


Both Master, and Chief owner; that, nor he
Nor you, may ruin'd, or dishonour'd be,
By any practise, which may not befit
Your Wisdom, or your Justice, to permit,
Force not each other into such a Streight,
As, that, there may from thence, be no retreit;
Or, means left, for th'one Party to prevent
The others fall, although he should repent.
But, as, indeed, you hitherto have done,
Him, as the Publike Father look upon.
And, though his Parasites, have him inrag'd
By causless Jealousies, and far ingag'd
Against your Lives, and Freedomes; yet, assay
To shew him, all the Mercy, that you may.
Ulysses did spontaneously assent
To be inchanted, that, he might prevent
The Syrens Charms; and, you, without just blame
Have done, (and may, yet do to him) the same
Who hath already, been by their inchanting
So charm'd, that, very little now is wanting
Of his, and your destruction. By his own,
And others faults, distemper'd he was grown;
And thereby hath indangered, no less
His own Safe-being, then the Common-Peace;
And, while destructive Courses he shall take,
You, are oblig'd to stop, and pull him back;
Though, his Seducers, grow inrag'd thereby,
And, terme you Traytors, for your loyalty.
Yea, you may still restraine him, and thereto
Add more, if need require it should be so;
Till GOD, by his especial grace, hath brought him,
To shun the Course, which, evil Counsel taught him;
Or, left him so, that, wilfully he shall
Without your fault, by his own Projects, fall.
I will not counsel, that, ought lesse you do
Then Salus Populi constraines you to;


For, though the Sheepish Rout, more think upon
Things present, then on what is past and gone;
And, seem to have alreadie, so forgot
Late grievances, as if they thought it not
So great a plague, to be inslav'd for aye,
As present weights to bear, though but one day:
Yea, though the most part, of the Common rabble,
So sottish are, and so irrationable,
That, out of fear, lest others should enslave them,
They would inslave themselves, & those that save them:
Yet, must not those, on whom the Land relies,
Benummed grow with such stupidities:
For, 'tis a Symptome of a Sottish Nation,
To grow respectless of self-preservation;
Or, fear to practise, what agrees with reason,
Because it hath been falsly called Treason,
By Parasites, and Priests; who, that a King
Might make them something, made him any thing,
Which he desir'd to be; and, hence did rise
Abhominable Court-Idolatries.
Yea, hence it was, that men first grew afraid
To think (untill of late) what may be said,
And must be relolutely done, before
GOD, will, these Isles, to their lost Peace restore.
A Realm, that fears to call her Trustee, to
Accompt, for ought mis-done, or left to do;
Is like those Children, who do fear the shows,
Which they themselves set up to scare the Crows:
And, they, who think you have no rightfull power
To curb his furie, who, might you devour;
May think, as well, they should not put a clog,
Or hang a chain, upon a Shepherds dog,
Although, he daily bites, and kills the sheep,
Which he was, only, bred, and fed, to keep.
In warlike manner, with his Standard rear'd,
The King, against you, in the Field appear'd;


And, gave you (as it were) a Summons thither,
That, he, and you, might plead your Rights together,
By way of Combate; which your Common-Laws
Allow of, for the triall of that Cause,
Whereof there's doubtfull proof; And, wherein none
Knows how to judge aright, but, GOD, alone.
This Tryal, both did stand to: By this Tryal,
The King, was overcome, without denial;
And did submit. What, had you then to do?
But, what you would your selves, be done unto,
When your Desires, were made a Rule, whereby
Another, might, Square out his Charity?
Men, do not use to hunt a Beast of prey,
To take him, and, then, let him go away.
They, who have caught a Lyon, you would blame
If they dis-mist him (though he seemed tame)
Unchain'd, and without keepers; since, that Creature
Is known, of so untamable a Nature,
That he will ravine, as he did before,
If, to himself, you leave him anie more.
Kings, who without controul, the Scepter swaid,
As tamelesse are, as Lyons that have preyd:
Which, howsoever, you shall use, or feed them,
Will soon grow dangerous, unlesse you heed them;
You, therefore, must not give them leave to seize,
On ought, at will; no, not so much as Fleas,
Lest, some Prerogative, they thereon found:
But, you must circle them within a Bound;
And, Laws, and Counsellors provide, whereby
You may their Wills, and Judgements, rectifie:
And, then, when they by generall consents,
So furnish'd be, they may be Instruments
Of Honor, Peace, and Plenty. And, take this
From me, who know best, what, most fitting is
For this Isles constitution; That th'increase
Of Wealth, and Honor; Settlement of Peace,


And Freedom from Oppressions, (whatsoe're
Some dream) shall never be enjoyed here,
In any Government, so perfectly,
As, by a regulated Monarchy.
Shall I advise you to a Treaty, than?
No: Tis not now, as when the War began.
Before the Tryall, your Trustees, did well
To treat for Peace; because, they could not tell
What might succeed; and, thought it safer, far,
To take some wrong, then seek redresse by War.
But, now, for them to Treat, were to admit
That, GOD, had past no Tryall for them, yet.
And, those, who thereto would perswade them, now,
I shall not for their wisest Friends allow,
If friends: For that, not only of their prizes
Defeats the Conquerors, but, equalizes
Them, likewise with the Conquer'd; and makes void,
What, should by right of Conquest, be injoyd.
When he whose ancient Birth-right was quite lost,
Hath by expence of labour, time, and cost,
A lawfull repossession of it sought,
And, at the Law, his suit to Tryall brought;
Obtained a Verdict, Judgement, Execution,
And, full possession without Diminution:
What, for a Friend, I pray were such a one?
Who should perswade this man, when all were done,
To wave his lawfull right, so dearly bought,
To treat with him, who his undoing sought?
And, uncompel'd, refer unto debate,
What, he should leave, or take, of that Estate?
And, what were that man but, a Groll, at best,
Who, re-adventur'd, thus, his Interest?
Nor honester, nor wiser, much, are they
Who, now, into a Treaty would betray
The Parliament. For what hath it been done,
If they must Treat, again, for what is won?


Why, did they make good meaning men to fight
And lose their lives, to win for them, a Right,
Which they must get by Treaty? Why, is he
A Prisoner, if a King as yet, he be
That's capable of Treating? Or, of more
Then you shall seem obliged to restore,
In meer humanity? Or, by that band,
Whereby, as Christians, you obliged stand,
Upon his true Repentance? And, upon
Security, like fault, shall not be done?
But if no Treaty be allow'd, how then
Shall you, and he, be reconcil'd agen?
By such a Course, as will be generous;
And, for our Genius to advise; Ev'n thus:
Like honorable Victors, offer him
Terms honorable, if he merit them,
By true Repentance (For, it will be more
Then can be justly offer'd him before)
Lest, you, at last, may be requited ill,
If Power, he get, before he change his Will.
When, you perceive, that, GOD in him hath wrought
That mind, whereto you wish he should be brought,
Give him Conditions, freely, such as may
Full well become a King, whom, to obey,
Acknowledg, and submit to, 'twill beseem
Those Nations, who, a good repute esteem.
Give him, that Kingly-Liberty, which will
Confine him, from all power of doing ill;
And, him enable, too, for every thing,
Pertaining to the Office of a King:
Which, to declare; and, to consider how
It shall secured be, I, leave to you;
Whom they concern, and, who know how, to make
Your own Conditions, if, good heed you take.
But many are suppos'd to be inclin'd
To some new Government, by them design'd


In whose erection, and establishment,
They could receive a great deal more content
Then in well regulating, what they had:
And, some of these, it may be, are so mad,
(And so incharitable) as, in heart
To pray, that GOD would rather, quite, depart
Both from this King, and all his Generation,
Then, frustrate them of their vain Expectation.
If, there be any such, far, be you from
Their evill mind; Let not their secret come
Into your Souls: And though GOD should permit
His wilfullnesse, a little longer, yet;
Pronounce your Judgements, warily, on him,
Lest, in his Person, you, your selves condemn.
And, since, 'tis possible, that, from your sin,
His Failings, and your Plagues, might first begin,
(As, once did, from the Peoples, an offence
In David, which brought on a pestilence)
Consider, 'twill make easie your own Doom,
If, toward him, affected you become,
As Children ought to be, whose Father hath
Attempted their destruction, in his wrath.
Yea, carefull be, you do not so imploy
Yeur pow'r, to cure the Head, that, you destroy
Both Head and Body; and, to ease the pains
Of Head-ache, that, you knock not out your Brains.
That, Limb, which may be cur'd, cut not away:
Those Vessells, which with water, clense ye may
Purge not with Fire; For, GOD, shall give an end
By his own Pow'r, to what, you cannot mend;
And, neither he, nor you, shall rise to stand,
But, by advancing Justice, in the Land.
Excuse me, if ('twixt what concernes the King,
And these Republikes) with some staggering,
I seem to Counsell you; One while perswading,
That, you oppose with stoutnesse, his invading


Your Freedoms, and Proprieties; Then, streight
Plead (as it were) that, Grace obtain he might;
Herein, I say, excuse me: For, it fares
With me, as with King David, in his Wars,
With Absolom; Against whom, to prevail,
He was content; yet did his death bewail.
Loth was he, by a Foe, to be out-braved;
Griev'd was he, that, a Son might not be saved;
And, him, who he had sent to overthrow him,
He did beseech, that, Mercy, he would show him.
The same I do for him: Oh, let him have it
If he be qualified to receive it:
But, if he still persist, as he begun,
Then, do, as GOD shall move you; I, have done.
Done, as concerning him: But, much I find,
Concerning, you, and others, yet, behind;
Which must be spoken, for the Reformation,
And, Welfare, of this present Generation;
Or, else, (if otherwise it shall succeed)
That Future-Ages may take better heed.
For, know, unlesse ye speedily begin
To change the present Posture, you are in;
That, you, who, at this day have Pow'r to give
Conditions, to your King; shall, to receive
Conditions, verie glad, ere long become:
Yea, and to buy them, also, with a sum.
That, this may be prevented, break the snare,
Wherewith, at this time, you ensnarled are.
When, you have anie thing to act, which may
Encrease the Publike suffrance, by delay;
Consume not precious howrs, like those who dally,
In their Affairs, with Can we? May we? Shall we?
Till they, whom you obliged are to cherish:
Through want of Justice, and Subsistence, perish.
Or, else, till they, who, yet, are knit together,
So fall away, from you, and from each other;


That, what you might effect, this present day,
Hereafter, you nor can, nor shall, nor may.
For, think not, that, the Generalitie,
Can long continue in prosperitie,
Whilst, you neglect particulars: Or, that
You can accomplish, what is aimed at,
If you, leave off, to act by rules of Reason,
Or, linger out, your works beyond their season.
Take, likewise, heed, that, when ye shall propose
The way of Peace, lest, there may be of those,
Amongst you, who, desire, that course should find,
Obstructions, whereunto, they seem inclin'd,
Or, who, for secret ends, occasions give,
That, their demands, deniall may receive;
For, GOD, so hateth double heartednesse,
That, he will favour no such practises.
Then, he as needfull, if you shall exceed
Set-bounds, by some inevitable need,
Compelling it; that, when the streight is past,
Your selves into a Legall course, you cast:
For, while a Town is burning, that, you see
May, then, be done; which, after, may not be.
Do, as you would be done to: Give not those
Who are your Friends, occasion to be Foes:
As you would be forgiven, those forgive,
In whom, a true Repentance you perceive:
Not all Offenders; for, sure, no offence
Is pardonable without penitence,
Since, Mercie deigned to Impenitents
Is crueltie, to wronged Innocents.
Reward, as well as punish: For, by that
You cherish Virtue; Fortifie the State,
And, shall gain more, then by the pence you spare,
Though, many, of this Thrift, unheedfull are.
Against all Enemies, make your defence
By prudence, joyn'd with Dove-like Innocence,


Keep firm to your first principles; For, he
That standeth fixt; though weak he seems to be
Gets strength; and will by standing still, out-go
That man, who alwaies wanders to, and fro.
Be constant then; Affect vain hopes no more:
Do Justice, and shew mercy to the poor.
Respect not Persons; but, judge every cause
According to right Conscience, and the Laws;
Remembring GOD, all men, to judgement brings,
Whether they sit with Commoners, or Kings.
Know, he marks all mens walkings; and, beleeve
Such measure, as ye mete, ye shall receive;
So, as ye answer, poor mens prayers, now,
So, GOD shall answer, and so prosper you.
Make good, the Gifts and Favours you bestow;
As well, in deed, be righteous, as in show:
Break not, your promises to any one
(Especially, to men, for you undone)
And, do not let your left-hand, them deprive,
Of that, which, with your right-hand, you did give:
Nor them repay with scandals, and neglect
Who have deserved, not your least respect:
For, privie to such practises, I am
Both, to the grief of many, and your shame.
When, any one of those free Commoners,
Whom you do represent, traduc'd appears,
Within your Houses, where, he cannot make
Reply thereto: (And, whereof he must take
No notice, when thereof he shall be told)
Let his Traducers sharply be controld.
Or, calld upon, to prove what they have said:
That, Innocencie may not be betrayd,
By Impudent Detractors; yea, and do
That, wrong, as priviledged thereunto.
For, what is more Injurious, then disgrace
Inflicted, in so eminent a place?


In presence of the Kingdom, as it were,
And, whereby, ere a man can be beware,
He may be wrong'd, and wounded mortally,
And, never know, by whom, or how, or why.
Let none aspire, to be a Grandee, thought,
Till he his Greatnesse, worthily hath bought
By prudent Honestie; Tri'd Faithfullnesse,
And such like Grandeur, nay, let none possesse
Repute by these, one minute longer then,
The Publike Rights, and those of private-men,
Are, thereby, not infring'd: For 'tis a wrong
To all men, unto whom there doth belong
Equality, to bring in such a Cheat
Among you, as a Lesser, and a Great,
Or, make Estates, or Titles passe for more
Then Cyphers do, within the Counsel-dore.
And, doubtlesse, he unworthily, there, sits
Whom, false opinion of his Fellows wits
Inslaves in Judgement: and, whose Ignorance
Deceived by a smooth-tongu'd Arrogance,
Them, doth advance, to an undue esteem;
And (which the more absurd doth make it seem)
Superiority, ascribes unto them
For that, in which, at home, their wives out-do them.
It is a shame, to hear it should be said,
(Yet, said it is, and done, as well as said)
That if this man, or that; If He, or He,
To make the Motion, can procured be;
Or, in the Cause, to speak: Or, but to heed
The same with favour, it will surely speed:
And, that, if it concerns, or may displease
But, any one, that is a Friend to these
Great Hogen Mogens; then the Suitor loses
His cost, and labour, what means e're he uses.
Yea, though he hath two hundred friends, among
Your Members, who, cry shame upon the wrong.


Nay, be not angry that I tell you so,
For, he that speaks it, speaks what he doth know,
'Tis I, (this Islands Genius who doth see,
What all your works, and inclinations be)
Who saith it: And, for him, your Conscience too,
Shall witnesse, true, what he hath said you do.
And, I beseech you, to consider, whether
This, were the end of calling you together.
The Shiers, and Burrough, by whom they were chose
For Deputies did verily suppose,
By their great words at home, their cloaths, and faces,
That, these, much better, would have fill'd their places;
And, not have proved such, of whom, they may
(As you abusively of Taylors say)
Aver, that nine of them, makes but One man:
For, twice so manie, hardly, make way can
By one Grandee, somtimes, and not be thrust
From executing, faithfully, his trust:
And, therefore, you must speedilie provide
That this abuse, be fully rectifi'd.
I know, there be among you, those, who burn
With zeal to Justice; and who trulie mourn,
For those who suffer, (and, that GOD wil keep
These safe; and make them sing, when others weep)
I know, with what compassion, they pass by
Their daily Suitors, who upon them cry:
And with what yerning bowels, they bewail,
That they for due relief, cannot prevail:
I know, with what vexations they are pained,
When Publike Prayers cannot be obtained:
I know their Love, their Patience, and their care,
With what great strivings, exerciz'd they are:
What diligence they practise, in their Calling,
To keep the House, which they are in, from falling,
Whilst, manie seeming-Labourers among them,
By false-work, or by undermining, wrong them,


And, GOD, I know, will them reward at last
Though for a while, a bitter cup they taste.
But, there are others, slyly shuffled in
Among you, who both shame and grief have been
To you, and to your friends: Therefore, lest these
By sitting neer you, bring you that disease
Which hath polluted them; And, lest thereby
They bring, not only, lasting infamy
Upon this Parliament, but likewise break it;
And, by that Rupture, an occasion make it
Of Ruine (without hope of Reparation)
To all, the rights and Freedomes of this Nation:
And, that, if these things happen, you that are
Excusable, the better may prepare,
Against the Mischiefs threatned; I am bold
To tell you, what misdoings I behold,
What dangers I may fear, what scandals grow,
By former failings; and, what wise men know
Will follow: whereof since, it is but need,
That more be said, wherewith, I thus proceed.
With grief, I speak it, (and, I speak the same
Not to asperse, but to prevent the blame
And mischief, that may follow) you, have lost
Your power, your honour, and your selves almost;
And (though, undoubtedly, you do perceive it)
Proceed, as if you meant not to believe it;
Or, were asleep: But, I intend to wake you;
Or, speak those words, which will to peeces shake you.
Oh hear, hear, hear! and, let not wholsome words
Be spent in vain: Nay, let not fire and Swords,
Dearth, Pestilence, and Blood, speak, every day,
In dreadfull Dialects, that rouze they may
Your sleepie Spirits; yet, seem, still, unheard,
Or passed over, without due regard,
Till, you be trod to dirt, in your own Gore;
Or, in the Grave, where you can hear no more.


For Love, for Shame, for Fear; for some respect,
Awake, in time, out of your dull neglect
Of Publike-Safety; and, from dreaming on,
In private projects, till you are undone.
Hark! how, the Beames of your own Houses cry
Against you! hark! hark! how the souls that lye
In those Oppressions, which you should redresse,
Roare out, and groan for sorrow, in distresse;
Hark! how your Consciences (though, you contemn,
Their clamours, and in secret smother them)
Call out, to tell you, what sad dooms attend
Your present being, or your latter end,
If you awake not, quickly, to prevent
The shames and mischiefs which are imminent.
Now, I perceive you are awake: for, Lo,
You angry seem, that I have rub'd you so.
But, ere you shew your wrath, a little, pause;
About you look: see, if there be not cause
Of this my seeming boldness. Come, arise,
Wipe out the Rheume, and spedom, from your eyes.
Walk forth into the Hall at Westminster;
Take special notice, what, is talked there.
Walk to the City, then, and those you meet
At Church, or on the Change, or in the Street,
Or at the Taverne, and in all those places,
Mark well; and, what is said to your disgraces.
Mark, how they sleight you, and, how few there are
Who, can with patience, either speak or heare
A word in your defence: And, having weigh'd
What you shall find, excuse, what I have said.
Whence, do their many Imprecations come,
And many Cursed Speakings? Flow, they from
No cause at all? No question, if they do,
Their Curses, and their Imprecations, too,
Will fall upon themselves. If, from just cause
They do proceed; Look, lest, it vengeance drawes.


For, GOD, will judg between you. If, both give
Occasion of offence, both shall receive
The recompence deserv'd; and, you, and they,
If you repent not, shall be swept away.
To Error, therefore, do not Fury add:
With him, that seeks to cure you, be not mad:
But, in your selves, examine patiently
What is amiss, and, then, what remedy
You may apply. And, I will seek to charm
The People, that, meane while, they do no harm.
Consider, what vast sums have bin brought in;
How issu'd out, and wasted, they have bin;
How partially, your payments, have been made;
How little, this man; how much, that man had;
How, you to some, make full, and speedie pay,
When others, who, deserve as well as they,
Must turn Informers, ere they can be paid;
And, peradventure, when they long have plaid
That hateful part, with loss of time and cost,
Shall add more damages, to what they lost,
By losing former friends, and getting foes:
Which, all their lifetime, they shall never lose.
Herewith, somtime, let it be thought upon,
How many of your friends have been undone
By Votes, and Orders, made for their relief,
Which did but more increase their cost and grief,
By making them, from year to year, attend,
For that, which in one week might have an end;
By suffering, your own Warrants, to be slighted:
Your own Authority, to be despited;
And, to the loss of labour, time, and cost,
One Order, by another to be crost,
And, that, to be, by Ordinance made voyd,
Which, by your Gifts, they seiz'd, possest, enjoy'd:
Yea, and, not without recompence alone,
But, without seeming sense, that wrong was done:


As if it were no matter, so you made
A shew of recompence, though none they had:
Or, as if whatsoere you pleas'd to do,
Must passe for Justice, though it be not so.
GODS WILL, essentiall Justice is indeed:
But, that yours is so, 'tis not my Creed.
When others have transgrest, do not injoyne
The guiltlesse Common-wealth, to pay a Fine,
To recompence those Parties, which were grieved;
For, that will hardly, Justice be believed.
When hungry suitors, ask for fish, or bread,
With stones, or scorpions, let them not be fed;
Nor make them wait, ere you an answer give,
As if each Person, had three lives, to live;
Or, had been borne, no other thing to do,
But, wait on you, and loose their labour too.
Draw not more suitors, to you in one yeare;
Then you are able, in twice six, to heare;
Lest, you displease them, whom ye may content,
And cause a mischiefe, which ye might prevent.
But take wise Jethro's Counsell, for the ease,
Both of our selves, & those whom you should please.
Yea, tire not out your selves, and others too,
By taking on you more then you can do.
Lest, when attendance, much expence and trouble,
Hath made the losse, and suffrance more then double,
They grow impatient; and you come to tast
The fruit of their impatiencie at last.
Give Order, how to cure those imperfections,
Which have been, heretofore, in your Elections,
Lest, Members may among you be emploid,
By whom the Publike-Body, be destroid.
Let not the Father, there beget the sonne,
Though, this in Bodies Naturall, be done:
Let none among you, be admitted in,
By Marriage, or, being near of kin:


Or, (to the Kingdomes just dissatisfaction)
For being of this Sect, or of that Faction;
As, if among you, some to purchase, meant
Inheritances in the Parliament:
And, others aim'd by Parties, to endeavour
The keeping up Divisions, there, for ever.
Let it be so no more, if you can Order,
That, such an injurie proceed no further;
But, let the Burroughs, and the Shires be free
To make their choice, (as they inclin'd shall bee)
According to their customes, till it may
Be better done, by some new lawfull way:
That, when for Trust-breach, any blamed are,
Their chusers, in that blame, a part may beare;
If they hereafter, for their private ends,
For fear, or love, shall chuse their Foes, or Friends;
Their Land-Lords, Kinsmen, Lawyers; or, whom ever
They shall not think, will faithfully endeavour,
To serve his GOD, the People, and the King,
With single heart, in ev'ry lawfull thing.
Consider, how in giving a reward,
The person, more then merit, you regard.
How often that hath been for private ends,
Procur'd; and, with relation unto friends.
How Offices, and Places are bestowne;
How, some have two or three; and others, none,
Who better merit four, if there were any
Who could be capable of halfe so many:
And, would ye well observ'd, that this is done,
As if ye fear'd, as if ye car'd for none;
Nor, how, the people, who upon you cry
For bread, observe your partiality,
In giving that to one, who hath no need,
Which would a thousand Starvelings, cloath and feed.
Refuse no just complaints; that, men may see
You sensible of their oppressions bee:


Yet, to your selves assume not any cause,
Which is determinable by the Lawes,
In other Courts; unlesse they prove corrupt;
Or, till some difficulty interrupt
The course of Justice there: And, so provide,
To try in course, what is before you tri'd,
That you undo not, e're their cause have end,
Those, who with Proofes, and Counsell, must attend.
The sad Petition, which the poore man brings,
Sleight not, nor make them but meere pocketings,
Till they are quite worne out, or quite forgot,
Unlesse purchance your store supplies you not
With tinder for Tobacco; and, so brings
To memorie againe, such triviall things.
More mind your promises, of doing right
To grieved men, when you thereto have might,
And, let them see, that your devoiur you do,
As far, as God enables you thereto.
Consider how you Legacies bestow
Before you pay those debts, which yet ye owe;
Ev'n debts, for which the Publike Faith doth lie
At Pawne; and, is dishonoured thereby:
Debts, for which, your poore Creditors have laine
In prison, till, their Freedomes to obtaine,
They sold their Freeholds, when they had no more
To live on; and, had sold their goods before.
Debts, which they lent you in your greatest feare;
And borrowed for you, when distrest you were.
Yea, Debts, which they who lent, then lent you too
Their lives, the publike services to do;
And, could have lost them, with more joy then they
Now live to see, by seeing of this day.
How easily, to some do you afford,
Beliefe to the ravaile, on their bare word!
When, in the selfe-same case you are not moved,
To do the like for others, who have proved


What they aver'd by vouchers; no, not when
It hath been prov'd, by Oathes of honest men.
Consider, how, to some you do allow
Their dues with interest, who well enough
May respite it; and, yet the same deny
To him, who felt extreame necessity
By loosing part; by lending of the rest;
By borrowing more, for you, on interest,
Now four years due; and, which before he shall
In likelihood, be paid; will eat up all.
And, let it be consider'd, if it may,
What tis, to take his liberty away,
To fine him; to permit that through the land,
He for conspiracie, defam'd should stand;
And, suffer much more by their impudence
Who misinform'd you, of his innocence,
And all for nought, but, for informing you
What, he was told; what, he beleev'd was true;
What, he produc'd his author for, with proofe
Of Part, and circumstances too enough,
To make all probable; yea, more, for what
His Covenant, oblig'd him to relate;
And, what his first Relator did aver,
And will do, still, in each particular.
Should I propose, here, as considerable,
So many things, to you as I were able,
I should as tedious in the same become,
As, many times, Committees, are to some.
Ile therefore sum up all, in wishing you
Of those things which you know, to make reveiw,
And see, if these come short, in any thing,
Of those, who heretofore misled the King;
Or, if their falshoods, or misinformations,
Were greater causes, of his aberrations;
Or, more dishonour to his Government;
Then, these have been unto this Parliament,


Whose Pride, Ambition, Malice, Arrogance,
Whose Avarice, Selfe-love, and Ignorance,
Whose Insolence, or Cowardice, of late,
Have caus'd so manie to abhominate
Them, and their courses; and nigh turned all,
Ev'n all things both Divine, and Temporall,
Into a Chaos. 'Tis not, as is deemed,
(And, as perhaps, it hath to many seemed)
'Tis not the City, which hath lately made
Those tumults, and those uproars you have had.
'Tis not the Army, whence your mutinies,
New plots, and new divisions, do arise;
And, whereby, mischiefs daily do encrease
To cause a new adjournment of your Peace;
The Parl'aments dishonour; separations
Between the late united British Nations;
And, (if it may be possible) to bring
The people of both Kingdomes, and the King,
Into a further hatred, of each other.
It is not your Dissenting-parties: neither,
Those whom ye call Malignants; who were able
So weak to make you; so dishonourable;
And, in so bad a plight, as you are in,
If your own Members, had not faulty been:
Nor had your City, or the Army moved,
In any course, which might not be approved,
If they had felt no influence upon them,
From higher Pow'rs, which thereunto had won them,
Nor had so many men, right well-affected,
(And by whose purse, and pow'r, you were protected)
Been drawne into misactings, and mistakings,
(Which falsly are misconstrued forsakings,
Of their first love) but, that the policies
Of some among you, drew before their eyes
Those mists; and practised those juggling sleights,
Which kept the safest course, out of their sights.


And, what that was, or what that yet, may bee,
Few, have discover'd, by ought I can see:
But, were it knowne, you could not rectifie
Those things among you, which are now awry,
Till you reform your selves; for, well ye know,
Foul springs above, make filthy streams below.
But, why should I complaine of you so much?
Alas! you were at first, begotten such;
The Fathers of your being, in this Nation,
Were an unsound, corrupted Generation;
And, did begin a Representative,
As like themselves, as ever, man alive
Begot a child: with members, crooked, lame,
Blind, deaf, and dumb, into the world you came,
And, such, they have continu'd ever since:
Theirs therefore is the Fault; theirs the offence.
You that are lawfull Members, have enough
Been plagu'd, and troubled with such rotten stuffe:
And, rather should be pitied and aided,
In helping you, to purge them, then upbraided,
With their defects. I therefore, have appear'd,
That, you, of those obstructions, may be clear'd
Which interrupt; and, that, whilst there is time,
You may regain your honour, lost by them:
That, I might likewise, help bring back unto you
The peoples hearts, and make them firme unto you,
By shewing them their errors, and, how, they
To late lost happinesse, may find their way:
And, having found it, how they may persever,
By GOD's assistance, in good waies, for ever.
My purpose therefore, in what followes now,
Is joyntly, to prefer to them and you,
Some things considerable, that may lend
Assistance unto that, which I intend.
If, good effects this takes, your cares, and fears,
Are likely to be shortned manie years:


For, know, GODS promises, and threats, are all
Contingencies, and but conditionall:
If you continue mad, the plagues will last:
If you repent, they quickly will be past:
Let ev'ry one contribute thereunto
A true endeavour, his owne part to do:
In what I'm born for, I will do my best:
And, when that's done, GOD, shall perform the rest.
The restauration of this Parliament,
To their due reputation; to prevent
The bondage of the People; and to bring
All things to right, betwixt you, and your King,
Is that, wherein, I have with good intention,
Imploid, long time, the best of my invention;
Yet, there appears no likelihood to me,
Of saving any one, of all the three,
From hazzard, or from plagues, that linger shall,
But, by a reconciling of them all.
And, I conceive it will deserve more thank,
To play the Artist, then the Mountebank;
Who leaves the course, that's naturall, and sure;
To raise his credit by a desp'rate cure.
He, that, by way of Chymistry would act,
And, her Three Principles hope to compact
Into one Body; ere he compasse shall
His end, must first prepare each Minerall
Secundum Artem, taking that away,
Which hinder their incorporation may;
And, adding that, which doth unite their natures:
So, he that would his Trinity of creatures
Make up again, in one, must do the same,
And, now, about that royall work I am;
Which, if I keep a rightly tempred fire,
Will bring forth that production I desire.
With Salt of true sinceritie, and reason,
Your hearts, and understandings, I would season;


With Sulphur of true Magnanimity,
Or Courage; with the perfect Mercury
Of Christian Prudence, I will temperate,
And, so essentially incorporate
These, throughout all your Faculties, that none
Should hinder that, which I am driving on;
And, therefore, have projected a conclusion
Wherein, I'le first begin with an Infusion;
Oh, lend me but some water from your eyes,
Wherewith to make it; and it shall suffice.
Lamemt, Lement your errors, and begin
To see, what great distractions you are in.
Of those Precipitations, take more heed,
Whereto you now are hasting on with speed;
Observe how busily in selfe-destroying,
And, raising works, against a free enjoying
Of your owne Peace you are. Consider on
Your purposes; and that which you have done;
And mark, if either those things you pursue,
Or, yet intend, are like to profit you,
Whilst ev'ry man, (though better be profest)
Aimes, but at his owne single interest.
By most among you, that is least intended,
Which he in outward seeming, hath befriended.
By making show, of things that should be done,
For publike profit, you so carry on,
Your private interest, that verie few
The generall advantages pursue:
Yea, King, Priest, People, Commoner and Peere,
So wilfully, to their own claimes adhere,
That, they will much indanger alltogether;
And, prove like fire, and fewell to each other,
If, God, prevent not, by a selfe-denying;
And, by a more considerate complying.
Give heed to those Predictions, which foretold
Upon good grounds, what, now, yee do behold


To be fullfil'd; and, which, behold ye may
To be fullfiling on you, ev'rie day;
And, think not, though you them, or him disdaine
Who spake them, that, they were foretold in vaine.
Mark how all Parties, and all Factions, run
Those courses, wherein, others were undone,
Whom they impeached, and condemned, too,
But some few months before, for doing so.
Remember, and consider, since this War
Did first begin, how many changes are
To be observ'd: How inconsiderable
The meanes, and Persons were, who did enable
Your weakned Parties; and oft gave them life
When they were stooping, almost, past releef;
And think it possible, there may befall
Another change, when you seem sure of all;
Because, you neither credit what is told;
Nor heedfull are, of that which you behold.
Remember and consider, what faire hopes
(When an assurance, almost, crown'd their tops,)
Have unto nothing vanish'd: what brave showes
Of Martiall fortitude, against your foes;
Of zealous faithfulnesse unto the State,
And piety to God, have fail'd of late;
And left benighted, an ascending Fame
Before 'twas noone, within a cloud of shame.
And think how possible, it may be, yet,
To see new stormes, before the sun be set:
For, that which hath been, you againe may see,
As long, as in the selfesame round you bee.
Remember, and consider, in what fear,
You have been in, what things then vowed were;
What Holinesse, you seemed to pretend;
What cause, you then protested to befriend;
What warnings, and what caveats have been given,
By judgements, mercies; yea, by men, and heaven:


What private, and what publike fasting daies,
What times of giving solemne thanks, and praise,
Have celebrated been, without that fruit
Which either with Humility, may suit,
Or, with true Gratitude: and when you see
How full of filthinesse, your best workes bee,
Think, what your worst may prove; and, what event
Will follow them, unlesse you shall repent.
When, these things you have thought upon, then mind
Whereto, your promises, have you design'd,
What fearfull Imprecations, you have made;
What wonderfull protections, you have had;
What witnesses there are, of what you do;
What forraign foes; what foes domestick too,
Expect advantage: And, such things, as these
VVhen you have thought on, with due seriousnesse,
Think, also, what may thereupon redound,
If, falshood in your hearts, be likewise found;
And, when you have provoked GOD, and men,
What plagues, and horrors, will surprize you then.
Remember, and consider, with what lyings,
What perjuries, what falshoods and complyings
With wicked men and meanes, you have assaid
To perfect those designes, which you have laid;
How, ev'rie Faction, takes delight to jeer
At their own shame, and, to relate and heare
With merriment, each others wickednesse,
And, what the scurrill Pamphleters expresse,
To their reproach, when they should rather mourne,
Then impudently laugh themselves to scorne:
Beleeve it, till Authority prescribes
A mulct for liers (chiefly lying Scribes)
And take more notice of that sleighted sin,
Which one prime cause of all your strifes have bin,
Peace will not settle; for, when one warr's done,
Another, by a lie, may be begun.


Weigh, and consider, of what Tyrannies,
Of what prophanenesse, of what blasphemies,
Of how much malice, and of what black crimes,
You have been guilty, (ev'n in these sad times)
On either side. And, when you well have thought
On these things; think likewise, how much you ought
To grieve, and to repent, that, God might spare
Those thteatned judgements, which deserved are;
For, 'tis meere madnesse, to expect his grace,
Or look for Peace, so long, as in the face
Of men, and Angells, you persist in evills,
As if you thought, there were nor GOD, nor Devills.
Think, and consider, with a serious thought,
To what a giddie posture all is brought:
In what confusion, your affaires you see,
In what amazements, now, the wisest bee;
In what a feare, the valiant, and the strong,
Now are, or will be, ere it shall be long;
How manifold, your sub-divisions are;
What symptomes of destruction do appeare;
How impudently still, you palliate
The falshooes of those Members of the State,
And, of those Agents, who abuse their trust;
How all things, out of order, they do thrust,
Through want of Justice; how, they daily sad
Mens hearts; & how, when they have made them mad,
They punish them, because, they could not use
Those wits, which their oppressions made them lose.
Mark, and consider, with what shamelesnesse,
Your Holy Flatt'rers, do bepaint and dresse
Their Patrons in the Parliament, as tho
It were not possible they should misdo:
How others, make the Army, at the least,
S. Michael, and his Angells; how, the rest,
So impudently do extoll the King,
As if he were a Saint in ev'rie thing.


And, needed no repentance, for ought done,
In former time, or since this Warre begun:
And, while such daubings are, consider you,
If penitence be likely to ensue,
Or wilfulnesse; and therewith mind I pray,
Which of the two are Traytors, either they
Who, mind a misled King, or Parl'ament,
Of those things which destruction may prevent;
Or, they, who fawne, and flatter them to hell,
By calling evill doings, doing well:
They, who by Justice would uphold the Throne;
Or, they, who praise men for what pulls it downe.
When these things are consider'd, then to mend
What is amisse, your best endeavours bend.
Let all those carnall policies, by which
The world your understandings doth bewitch,
Be laid aside: let those designes wherein
'Tis evidently seen, that you have been
Without successe; be quite by you abjur'd:
Yea, since experience often hath assur'd
That, those effects, which you have had thereby,
Did still exasperate, and multiply
Your fears, and griefs; mind, what experience showes,
And, trust no more, such broken reeds as those.
To no Dissenting-party be unjust;
Nor falsifie so much, the Common-trust,
As by your private mutuall promises,
To barter for your owne advantages;
Or, in your Treaties, at the publike cost,
To seek our selves, till you, and all is lost:
But, still in your proceedings, let pure Truth
Preserved be, both in your heart and mouth;
So, God, who marketh, what you act and say,
Will help to guide you, out of your dark way;
Advance that Kingdome, whereto you pretend;
And, make your greatest enemie, your friend:


Yea, make among you, Truth, and Peace prevaile
Though King and Parliament, your hopes may faile.
Eschew Hypocrisie; take heed of Pride,
And, of what thing soever may divide
The people, th'Army, or the Parliament;
And them into those new Divisions rent,
Which at this present are of many feared;
And, for which, Engines are in secret reared.
But, chiefly at this time, think not in vaine,
On that State-Principle, Divide, and Reigne.
For, at this Juncture, thereupon depends
Your welfare; and your Adversaries ends.
Whatever, therefore, shall be now advis'd
By others, let not this note be despis'd;
Take heed of an Adjournmint, till you see
The Kingdomes in a better posture bee;
Lest, when you are divided from each other,
You lose the meanes to meet againe together,
By some contrivance; and, by somewhat done,
Which at this present day you think not on.
Though all are much to blame, let all provide
Their best expedients, to amend, or hide
Those failings in each other, which will spread
No further, by their being covered.
Forgive, (as much as may be) one another;
That love may knit your scatter'd force together:
Lest, on a sudden, some prevailing pow'r,
Not yet appearing, all at once devour.
Let neither Parliament, nor People spare
To keep themselves in armes, as yet they are:
For, though the burden, greivous may be thought,
Your safety will not be so dearly bought,
As your destruction may. Let now, likewise
All Pow'rs, all Councells, and Authorities,
Use ev'ry prudent way, and means, whereby
The people may not feare a Tyranny;


Nor feel a present weight, which may appeare
A greater Burthen, then the thing they seare.
But, use of all cautions, to impose it so,
That, such as lay it, may help bear it too;
So, shall the people know, 'tis laid on them,
For their owne safety; and, but for a time.
And, that, the threefold Cable be not broke,
Which holds your Anchor, let all care be tooke;
That, City, Shires, and Army, yeeld and give
(As to their Bulworke, and Preservative,
Next under GOD) unto this Parl'ament
Respect, obedience, and each complement
Of duty, which may re-enable them,
To vindicate their honour, and esteem,
From those obliquities, now thereon throwne
By others, and some Members of it owne:
Yea, though some part thereof, hath been to blame,
(As all Terrestrialls are) know; that, their shame
And suffrings, will be yours; know, that the fault
Is your, that many of their Members halt:
Know, that, their Foes, who seek to aggravate
Their crimes to you, have done it out of hate
To them, and you; and, not with an intent,
That you should lesse be greev'd, or they repent:
But, that, you should be mad, and make them roome,
Into their places back againe to come,
And double your Oppressions: which, the while
With tears they pity, like the Crocodile.
Yea, know; that, if you in this storme, forsake
This Vessell, (though it bruized be, and leake)
Your Fortunes, will be therewith shipwrackt found,
If that sink, you shall certainly be drown'd.
For, in this torne, and ancient Vessell lies
That, which must free you from the slaveries
You have been in; and, keep you likewise, free
From those, in which, you are afraid to bee.


Herein, are all your stores, for war and peace,
Of safety, honour; and, of Trades encrease:
And, therefore joyne with courage; use your pow'rs,
Wit, wealth, and, ev'ry facultie of yours,
To stop the leakes, which it hath lately sprung,
To keep it tite, and make it faire and strong.
Oh, all you, who have therein fraught, or share,
Whether, ye Masters, Captains, Pilots are,
Cape-Masters, Souldiers, Sailers, Passengers,
Or, (as all some way are) Adventurers;
Consider, I beseech you, what a losse
There would befall, if some new storme should tosse
This Vessell on the Rocks: Or, if there should
Some Traytors, in her Cabines, or her hold,
Lie closely, unsuspected, or unseen,
And blow up all her Decks, and Magazeene,
By some concealed traine; or, spring a Leake
About the keel, whilst you unwisely seek,
(With quarrelling) for vailes, or private shares,
Amongst the desperatest Mutineers.
The slaves, your pris'ners, and amongst the rest,
Your Malecontents, it may be, will suggest
That, your Commanders, and your Pilots may
Make prizes of you; and, take all away
By Arbitrary Pow'r: For there are some
Who (hoping, if you jealous will become,
It would effect their ends) have whisperings,
Among their other mischiefe-breeding things,
To this effect; that, if you make them strong,
They will improve that strength, unto your wrong,
And, faile your trust. But, dreame not; think not so,
Nor, erre you, from your duties, though they do.
What change in them soever, might be wrought;
What e're they do, yet do you what you ought.
Keep to your Principles, though they may range;
Saile by the same Card; though the winds do change;


And, that you may not fear what will ensue,
Look back, a little, and things past review.
When, lately, by an Arbitrary might
You were opprest, and in so great a straight,
That you perceiv'd no meanes your selves to free,
From your oppressions; nor ought like to bee,
Whereby, to scape from thrall you should be able;
(Without attempts, then deemed treasonable)
Loe then, ev'n at that time; and, when your King
A double Chaine on you, assay'd to bring,
And thought, together in one teame to yoke,
His Oxen, and his Asses; then GOD broke
The Royall snare: and, wonderfully wrought.
For your deliverance, to passe he brought
By what was never call'd to that intent;
By what, which never more to call he meant;
Ev'n by a Parlament: to which he gave
A pow'r to be, whilst being it would have;
With Priviledges, which by Pow'r divine,
Were made destructive, to his owne designe:
For, lawfull pow'r it got, and just occasion,
To arme against a tyrannous invasion;
And, your estates, and freedomes were defended
By that, which for a mischiefe, was intended.
So, if this Parl'ament degenerate
From what it should be, and from what of late,
You thought it was; and, shall imploy that pow'r
Which was from you receiv'd; and which is your,
To raise themselves, upon a publike wrong;
GOD, them will break, when they appear most strong;
Cause those, whom they depend on, to deceive them;
Of all their expectations, quite bereave them;
And by some lawfull way, which yet appears
To no mans eye, preserve you from your fears.
For, ev'ry tyrannizing pow'r shall clash
Against each other, and to peices dash,


All those, and their designes, who shall comply
With any instruments of Tyranny;
That passage may be made, to raise up that
Which is the strength and honour of a State.
If yet, your former doubtings be not past,
But that th'aspersions, which on them are cast,
Whom GOD for your deliverers hath chose,
Hath shooke you from your confidence in those;
Or if defects, which may be found in them,
Do either urge, or tempt you to contemne
Such instruments; and in your hearts to say,
Can these men save us? Mindfull be, I pray,
What persons, to your aid, GOD, first did call;
By what sleight meanes he hath effected all
Your conquests. Yea, by what contrary things
His works, he, often to perfection brings.
Consider how this Army was despis'd
And scorned, when it was first modelliz'd:
How, likely, were they, whom you first did gather
To be your guard, to be your ruine, rather
Then to defend you? how, did they protest,
And rage, when they against their wills were prest?
With how much weaknesse was that work begun?
And, yet, thereby what wonders hath God done?
How, hath he added unto your prevailings,
By them, though they their errors had and failings?
How, hath he humbled you by their great pride,
Whose seeming vertues you have glorifi'd?
That, you may see a pow'r so excellent,
Knowes how to work with any instrument:
That, you may find there are some things despis'd,
VVhich have deserved, better to be priz'd;
That you may learne in weake meanes, not to feare;
Nor trust too much, in those that mighty are;
That, you may know, if your owne waies be streight,
You may be safe, though others go not right;


And, though you will not know it; they who live
By faith, the truth of these things do perceive;
And, would in GOD, find out a pleace to dwell,
Though, there were neither heav'n, earth nor hell.
Their credit must be kept, their pow'r obey'd,
On whom your trust, and Guardianship is laid;
And from that duty, none can be excus'd,
Though some among them, have that trust abus'd:
For, as he is a man, that hath a soule,
Although his body, he with Ulcers fowle,
Maim'd, blind and deafe; and, may from you thereby,
Claime all the duties of your charity:
So, though the Body Representative,
May wounds, and many blemishes receive;
Yet, therein, is the soule of Government:
And, therefore, all you whom they represent,
Obedience owe thereto, in ev'ry thing;
Excepting an obedience that may bring
Those publike hazzards, which are so apparent,
That in themselves, they bring a sealed Warrant
Of disobligement: And, in those things too,
So must you then proceed, in what ye do,
That your owne consciences may truly say,
Obedience, onely, made you disobey:
And, that, the world may see, by your proceed,
That GOD, and Justice, hath approv'd the deed.
Though crack'd, your Bulwork be, and faulty grown;
This is no time, to sleight, or pull it downe:
But, to repaire it rather, lest you leave
Your selves unguarded, and a blow receive.
This is no time to shake the Reputation
Of those, who are your onely preservation;
But, rather, to uphold it, by removing
The scandalous; by cherishing, approving,
And strength'ning those, among them, by whose wit,
And honesty, they have a being yet.


Informe them better, who are much abus'd,
(By false opinions, into them infus'd)
And, thereupon your Supreme Court defame;
As doing, arbitrarily, the same,
Which, was denied lawfull in the King:
For, they should know, that ev'n the selfe-same thing
May be both just, and unjust: He, doth take
Unlawfully, your goods, a prize to make,
To satisfie his lust, or, to destroy
Those Freedomes, and those Rights, you should injoy:
They, take a portion, from you, orderly,
(And thereto forced by necessity)
To save your priviledges; and, prevent
The losse of all, by that, which he hath spent.
Their actions, are not bounded, in that Law,
Whereby, men out of Parl'ament should draw
The Line of their proceedings; But, by that
Which is the first foundation of a State:
By that Supreme Law, whereby pow'r they had,
To make or change the Lawes, alreadie made;
And, for the Publike-safety, to provide:
By that Law, they must act; and, are not ti'd
To any other, when, necessity
Shall, for the weale of your Community,
The contrary require: For, otherwise,
They meet in vaine, about those remedies,
Which are desir'd; and, do but time employ
To marre the benefit they would enjoy;
And, strengthen Tyrants, in their usurpations
Upon the Rights and Freedomes, of the Nations.
Let no man therefore say, when they shall vary
From former Lawes, their Acts are arbitrary,
Injuriously; since, your experience sees,
That strong necessity, at sometimes frees,
Ev'n private persons from adhering to,
The Letter of the Law, in what they do.


The mannaging of Publike Interests,
In th'Agents reputation, much consists.
'Tis Reputation, makes a Kingdome strong,
And rich; and keeps it from affronts, and wrong.
'Tis that which maketh Lawes: For, neither wit
Nor humane Pow'r, are able to beget
That Priviledge; because, if Pow'r should make them
A greater Pow'r, by right of Pow'r, would break them.
If Wit, and Reason, would a lawe devise,
There are so many, seeming to be wise,
That they would make such over-long debates,
And work so variously, in sev'rall pates,
That, if to make a Law, some should agree,
By others, it should straight repealed bee.
And, if more Settlement, were not obtain'd,
By Reputation, then, there can be gain'd
By Pow'r, and Wit, or, Reason; you, would never
Agree; but, fight, or else, debate for ever.
Take therefore, of their good repute, a care,
On whose repute, your Safeties builded are:
For, when that once is lost; it proveth not
A Jewell, which may easily be got;
Nor, is there any precious stone, yet knowne
That gives a fairer lustre to a Crowne.
With Reputation may a single man
Do more sometime, them twenty thousands can.
A Cities uproars, sooner it restraines,
Then all their Scarlet Gownes, and Golden Chains:
And dares make stand, the peoples rage to stay,
When Wit, and Wealth and Titles run away:
Yea, calmes them sooner; and scapes better too,
Then honesty, and innocency do.
I know not any thing that can so soone,
Bring universall Discords into tune:
Nor, know I ought, that's in it self so vaine,
And empty, which doth so much pow'r obtaine


In humane actions; and, there is not now,
A Nation, whom it more concernes then you,
(Consid'ring, what your present postures are)
To keep your Senates reputation cleare.
For, should I shew your postures in a glasse,
No Puppet-play, that ere devised was
Came neere it; neither did you ever see
An Antick like that shew, which there would bee:
Such fruitlesse hopes, such fears, such mimick actions,
Such turnings, windings, sidings, such distractions,
Were never represented, on the Stage
Of anie Common-wealth, in anie Age.
There you should view a thousand contradictions,
A thousand fancies, fooleries, and fictions,
Repeated, personated, sworne, beleeved;
And, men, accordingly, made glad or greeved;
And, acting that in their false joy, and sorrow,
Which they must backward act againe to morrow.
From Ireland, this man bringeth heavy newes;
From Scotland, that man little better shewes;
One tells what Plots, are in the City laid:
Another, of the Army, what is said.
A third with an affrighted look, doth bring
A tale of some designement, with the King,
By Scots, and by Malignants; and, then stands
As if he had new purchas'd Bishops Lands.
A fourth is much dismayed by some tales
Of risings in the Counties, and in Wales;
As if he fear'd a sudden separation
From somewhat, which he holds by Sequestration.
A fifth hath heard from Holland, or from France,
He knowes not what, yet fall, into a trance,
As if his conscience knew of somwhat done,
Which he then wisht, had never been begun.
Another shewes, another way, his folly,
And looks as sadly, and as melancholy,


As if he were surprized with a dread
Of losing some great place, or, of his head.
And, at the turning of the wind or tide,
Upon some pleasing newes on t'other side,
Starts up as they do, when a Piper plaies,
Who, have been bitten by Tarantula's
You, would not, thus, with ev'ry novell noise
Be fill'd with Panick fears, and gannick joyes;
Or, moved be, with ought, which others did,
If you, your owne affaires, would better heed.
This, would not be, were men imploid about
Internall things, as on those things without;
Nor would they be so giddily affrighted,
With things abroad, if things at home be righted.
He, that his way, with sobernesse doth go,
Dreads not the furious marching of a foe.
He, who takes care to keep his conscience clear,
Shakes not, when evill tidings he doth hear.
He, that endeavours warrantable things,
Fears not the pow'r of Senators or Kings;
Nor, should you ever need to feare a jot
What by the Welch, or Irish, French, or Scot
Could be design'd or done; or, what the King
With all his party, to effect could bring;
Nor, what an open, or a secret foe,
By pow'r, or by his policy, could do,
Either within these Ilands, or abroad,
If you repose true confidence in GOD;
And, give him, but sincere, and contrite hearts
To joyn, with him, in acting of your parts:
No, though your slips, and Ignorances were
As many, and as great, as now they are.
Let all the sev'rall Nations of these Iles,
Who liv'd in love, and Amity, ere whiles,
Unite againe, and seek each others peace;
That, their encreasing strifes, and plagues may cease.


Let, our Welch-Britans, (who their actions square
By those things, which they but suspect, or heare)
Recover, so much, of their humane reason,
As teaches them, a difference 'twixt Treason,
And Lawes of Nature; that it may make place,
To bring them nearer; to the law of Grace.
That, so, they may not, still, beleeve, and doe,
Both by implicite Faith, and reason, too:
For, when they truly know what doth belong
Unto themselves, and, their owne right and wrong,
They, will the sooner, be informed, then,
What duties doe belong to other men;
And, grow more wise, by this Epitomie
Of Lawes divine, and true morality;
Do, as yee would be done to, then, all they
Who pore upon their Law books ev'ry day;
And, would be thought experienced, in all
Lawes Cannon, Civill, and Municipall.
If this advice they follow, they shall dwell
In safety on their hills, and live as well
Among their vallies and their Glins, in Wales,
As on the fruitful'st Southerne Downes, and Dales.
Then let them practise it; and not call to them,
A wasting desolation, to undo them.
Let them not woo, uncivill civill wars,
To clime up to their Mountaines, Rocks and skars:
For, if they find them rich, they'l leave them poore;
If needy, they will make them need the more;
They bring, the worst, into a worse estate;
And crash the Bones, where they can suck no fat.
Let your Scotch-Britans, so insist upon
Their interest, that, nothing may be done,
Against their Brethrens rights; and, so preserve
Their Leauges, that willfully, they do not swerve
From any Branch thereof; and let them so
Observe the Covenant, as men that know


The letter of it, or, a circumstance,
Is not to be pursued to th'advance,
Of any sense or practise, which may lame
The essence, and intentions of the same.
For, if they make the letter to extend,
Beyond the true intentions, and the end
Of what was covenanted; and, so weaken
That interest for which the same was taken,
They are deceivers, and worse hypocrites
Then were of old, the cunning Gibeonites.
Let, therefore, that stout Nation well advise
Among themselves, wherein the diffrence lies
Betwixt the Kingdoms; lest, perhaps, it drawes
A mischief on both Nations, without cause;
And, bring on those ingagements, which may lose
The love, the peace, the honour, and those dues
Which now are claim'd; &, make them lose their blood,
And Countrey too, as far as it is good.
Let them not think, that their accommodation,
The profit, or advantage of one Nation,
Prefer'd should be, in any thing at all,
Before these Islands weal in generall.
Let them seek nothing, but what Iustice may
Allow them; lest she take both that away,
On which they seiz'd; and, therewith, all the rest,
Which, formerly was lawfully possest.
For, Justice more secures, and more enriches
Then policy, although that more bewitches:
And, neither wealth, nor honour, can be lost,
By honesty; though sometime she be crost.
That Nation have done well, to think upon
The bringing of the King back to his Throne;
If from right Principles the motion came:
But, on them it would bring perpetuall shame,
If they recall'd him, without penitence
Of those faults, for which they first drove him thence.


For, that they quarrell'd with him first, none doubt;
And, they were with the last, who pull'd him out.
That people is too wise, to call him home,
Ere he shall truly penitent become;
And by some satisfying expiations,
Hath perfectly secured both the Nations:
For, if he bring the same heart back, they know,
He will, as soon as he shall able grow,
Avenge himself on them, as upon those,
Who were the first, from whom his troubles rose.
Let them not give their friends just cause to lay
That to their charge, which Foes of them do say,
Their Brethrens portion, let them not envy;
Or, look upon it with an evill eye;
Nor, let our English haughtily, despise
Their Northerne Brethrens kind compliances;
Or, sleight their friendship; or, (puft up with pride)
Their want of superfluities, deride:
But, by how much more GOD, hath seem'd to blesse,
Their Clymate, with a greater fruitfulnesse,
So much the more, respectively, let them
Be carefull, that they no way do contemn
Their Lot; lest GOD, for that ingratitude
Justly permit some other to intrude
On their inheritance; and, make them glad
To seek worse habitations, then they had.
Yea, let both Nations strive with all their mights,
To fortifie each other in their Rights;
And be assur'd, that which of them soever
Shall first to break ther late sworn League endeavour,
Shall both be ruin'd; and, if both make void
Their solemn Vowes, then both shall be destroy'd.
Let both remember well, that Covenant,
Which they have sworn; and, how much yet they want
Of perfecting their Vowes to God, and Man;
That they may keep them better, if they can.


Know; you have entred into leauge together,
Not to insnare, but to secure each other:
And, that your Treaties, were not to get more
From one or t'other, then they had before,
But, that, thereby, they stronger might be made,
Against him, who, did all their rights invade.
Know, that your Covenant was not contrived,
That Christian liberty should be deprived:
Or make that for a Jus divinum go,
Which neither was, nor can be proved so.
Or, to compell men to renounce, admit;
Or, to accord, as those, or these, thought fit;
(Or, as the best reformed Churches had it)
Ought further then GODS word authentick made it.
It is not possible that any Nation
Should make a vow, upon consideration,
To pin their Faith upon anothers sleeve;
Things to professe, which they cannot beleeve;
To practise, what their consciences abhor,
And what they find, no lawfull warrant for;
But, sure their meaning was, men should assay
To get the truths perfection if they may,
Till otherwise, they find it; to adhere
To those as truths, which truths to them appeare;
That, from compulsion, all men should be free,
Where doubtings are, till they decided be;
And, that, your vow injoyned none to do,
More, then their pow'r, and place, oblig'd him too.
Let both remember, that, they vowed have
The Person of the King, from harme to save;
His honour to preserve (and what belongs
To him, of right) from violence, and wrongs:
But, this remember, too, that, when you made
This vow, you likewise, resolutions had,
That, therein, his protection should extend,
No further, then you thereby might defend


The Kingdomes priveledges, and maintaine
Those rights, which to the people appertaine:
For, els, you shall betray your greatest trust,
And, prove but hypocritically just.
Remember, you have vowed to endeavour
To bring to publike triall, whomsoever
You shall discover, either to divide
The Kingdomes, or, to make the people side
In factions; and, that, you have vow'd to strive
(As you are able) that, they may receive
Due punishment: And, mark, if you have bin
As faithfull, as you promised therein.
Halt not 'twixt two opinions, as ye do;
If Baal be to be serv'd, let it be so.
Either, you have a pow'r, or you have none:
If none; why act yee, still, as ye have done?
Either your King, or you, deserveth blame:
If you have traitors been, repent the same;
Acknowledge it; submit, implore for grace;
And let him take againe, his pow'r and place.
If he, as much demerit, as you say;
Do not your trust, and your owne lives betray;
But, quit your selves like men, and do your best
To vindicate their cause, who are opprest.
If both be faulty, then, let both amend;
Lest, both be quite destroyed in the end.
If, you have drove the naile unto the head,
There clinch it; let no more be done, or said:
For, why should this brave Island be destroid,
That in the mean time, some should be imploid
Thereby to raise themselves? and, to prepare
Well-feather'd nests, perhaps, some otherwhere?
Those evill Counsellers, which late appear'd
To be about the King, may now be fear'd
To be among your selves; and, they of whom
The King, was made most fearfull to become,


Have now compli'd with him; and, justly may
King, People, Scotch, and English, if they weigh
What hath been done, shake hands, and well agree;
For, they are all, as like, as like can be.
Come, come, repent together, and forgive;
For there's no other means, in peace to live;
And, when you are forgiving, let all share
A part of Mercy, who repentant are.
Let, our seduced Irish, who, among
The rest, are yet involved in the throng
Of murth'rous Rebells; but have guiltlesse bin
Of their inhumane, and loud crying sin,
Find some Gate open, whereby they might gaine
An entrance, your forgivenesse to obtaine;
(Upon repentance, and on evidence,
Produced, differencing their offence:)
For, some of them assisted, to their might,
Their brethren, in their terrified flight,
Against destroiers; and in secret stood
Betwixt them, and the seekers of their blood.
Some of them, then, so far forth as they durst,
Releev'd them in their hunger, and their thirst;
Cover'd their nakednesse; and them convei'd
(From those, by whom they should have been betraid)
To Townes, and Ports, wherein they might avoid
That rage, whereby they had been els destroid.
If these, withdraw themselves, and back recede
From them whose hands in blood were deeply di'd;
Receive them unto mercy; that, you may
By justice, therewith mixed, take away
That Kingdomes guilt; and, put a difference
Betwixt the smaller, and the great offence,
That, they, whom other men did hurry on,
Against their wills, to be with them undone,
May find a passage out of that distresse
Which they are in, by others wickednesse;


And, that repentance, may not be without
A comfortable hope of some good fruit,
To ev'ry sinner, when he shall endeavour
A reformation, at what time soever.
By this course, you shall make the freer passe,
For your owne selves, unto the Throne of grace:
By this course, you shall greatly weaken those
Who, are your willfull unrepentant foes;
And, strengthen much their hands, who have been true
To GOD, unto their Countrey, and to you.
It may be, too, fullfil'd shall be, thereby,
That antient well knowne Irish Prophecy,
By which, unto that Nation, 'twas foretold,
That, there would come a time, wherein they should
Weepe ore your English Graves: For some, no doubt,
Already, tears of pitty have powr'd out;
Ev'n when they saw the cruell butcheries
Of guiltlesse Englishmen, before their eies?
And, now, shall ore their Graves, for their offence
Shed tears again, through heartie penitence.
Let those dissenting Parties, and those Factions
Which, long have multiplied your Distractions,
Leave of those many names of separations,
Of scorn, and disesteem, which in these Nations
Do now abound, and wherewith you provoke
Each other; and, whereby the peace is broke,
And malice nourished: for they prolong
Your discords, by a still renewing wrong.
Let, not all those, who term'd, of late, have been
Malignants, find that name, still set between
Themselves, and others, when they have assaid
To make amends, and their redemption paid.
For, by that Bar, you keep the Breach unclosed
'Twixt them, whose quarrells might els be composed.
For such of them, as only were misled
In judgement, have not thereby forfeited


Their honestie; as all those men have done
Who wilfully, and knowingly went on.
Nor, halfe so much as those, who have compli'd
With both sides; or, been false to either side.
Yet, trust them not with pow'r, till you have tri'd
Their truth; and, till your Peace is fortifi'd.
Let Innocents, defend their reputations,
As freely, as Knaves make their accusations.
Good turnes vouchsafe, to honest men sometime,
As willingly, as you do mischieve them:
For, to undo a man, you soone give ear;
Have tongues to speak, and leisure time to hear,
Within an houres warning; but, before
You heare him for his good, a yeare, and more,
Yea, sometimes three, four, five, consumed be,
Yet neither end, nor hope of end, hath he.
Let those who for your service, fit are knowne,
Both by abilities, and courage showne;
Those, who for you, their lives have hazarded;
Contributed, and lent their childrens bread;
For your sakes, brought themselves, and families
From plenty, to extreme necessities,
(Through want of that respect, which you should show them,
Till you have means to pay them what you owe them.
Let those, not like old shoes, be hurled by,
As if they were not worth your memory,
Or fit for nothing; when malignant Jacks,
Who laugh, and jeere at you behind your backs,
Can fill so manie places; and grow rich,
Whilst better men, lie starving in a ditch.
If spent your Treasure be, then let them share
In your Imployments, till you abier are
To pay them what is due; So, you shall ease them:
So, you, with hope of better, shall well please them:
So, you, in life, and health, may then sustaine,
Till you have need of honest men againe:


For, when their Countrey wants help, these, are they
Who will not faile her, though them faile she may.
Take these last words among you, where they fall;
And, as occasion, make them usefull shall:
For, your confusion so confoundeth me,
That want of method, may accused be
Where all is well intended; and, where nought
Is more, then may be profitably taught,
Let those among you, who desire to plead
For Christian Libertie, take serious heed
They make not passages, which may let in
Licentiousnesse, and Liberty of sin.
Let them not seek to ratifie Devotion,
To nothing but an incorporall notion;
Lest, if no place for shaddowes, they allow,
They never come their substances to know:
Lest, if too far away, from Formes they fly,
They fall into some fowle deformity;
Or lest, when they think purest light to see,
They blinded by an over-weening bee.
And you, who think, that by a Law-Divine
There is, one outward forme of Discipline,
To be observ'd of all men; and, but one
That can be lawfull; which, by you alone,
Is now in practise: somewhat bear I pray,
With such, as cannot yet, approve your way
To be infallible; or, give consent
To make essentiall, what's different.
When you possesse the Wheat, brawl not for Darnell,
Fight not for shells, when you enjoy the Kernell.
If to the true Foundation they adhere,
Against their buildings, be not too severe;
For, if the Structures they erect thereon,
Be Gold, and Silver, they have wisely done:
If Straw, and Stubble, theirs will be the losse;
The Fiery-triall, will consume the drosse;


And, they themselves, (though from perdition free)
Will in themselves, enough afflicted bee.
With love and kindnesse, seek to bring them in,
Who, by misse-teaching have deluded been:
With patience, and long-suffring wait upon
Your Brethren, as on you, your GOD hath done;
And, if their errors be but imperfections,
And not of malice, let your good affections
Be exercis'd thereby; and, then perchance
Your Charity, shall cure their ignorance,
And, sooner win them, then your indignation,
Severitie, or bitter provocation.
Compulsion often formes an Hypocrite,
But never makes the will, or heart upright:
And he, that would not vaine conclusions try,
The consciences of men to rectifie,
Must act, by somwhat which is more divine,
Then torments, or a Formall Discipline.
Speak not in Tempests, when you would reforme;
GOD, oftner comes in Calmes, then in a Storme.
Ill words, corrupt good manners; and, there flowes
From jeerings, brawlings, from your brawlings blowes;
And, many times, the woundings of your swords,
Break not the peace, so much as bitter words.
Provide therefore, as wisely as you may
To take provoking speeches quite away;
Especially among those, who pretend
The Cause of God, and goodnesse to befriend:
For, they, who cannot their sharp tongues restraine,
Professe, and talk of Piety, in vaine.
Yea, they, who are Truths Champions with their tongues,
And want true love, have done the greatest wrongs.
Let not your Supreme City over-swell
That Mediocrity, which heeded well,
Would more secure her safety, more enlarge
Her honour, and diminish more her charge.


Though she be great, let her not seeke to awe
Those, who, to her, and all the rest give law.
Though she be rich, let her not trust unto
Her riches; lest at last, they her undo.
Though she be strong, let her not boast therein;
For, some, by their owne strength, have ruin'd bin.
Though she be wise, let her not think to fool
Her Tutors, and to set them new to school:
But, let her motions, be in her owne sphere,
According as her owne occasions are;
Let her advance her tradings, without wrong
To priviledges, which to all belong:
Endeavour, by continuall watchfulnesse,
Both how, she may prevent, and how suppresse
Sedition, routs, and tumults: for these be
The bane of Cities: and I do foresee,
(Unlesse, prevented; by good takeing heed)
That then a mischiefe, may to you proceed,
Whereby, you more may suffer, in one hour,
Then in an whole yeare, by a Martiall pow'r.
Returne to your first love, and be not jealous
Of those, who mean you well, or over-zealous
In prosecuting, or beleeving, all,
Which your pretended Lovers counsell shall.
Contribute that proportion of due aid,
For, publike safety, which on you is laid,
According to the Portion of the blessing,
Which is thereby, preserv'd, in your possessing.
With praiers, and obedience, them assist,
Who stand up for the common Interest,
And take good heed, lest those who shall pretend
Your benefit, may drive some other end;
And, overthrow the common peace, and you,
By those proceedings, which they now pursue.
You have done well, and bravely; loose not then
Your thanks, and your deserved praise, agen.


You, of the Souldiery; Men of the Sword,
Receive you Orders too, and take a word
Of good advice: for much it will concerne
The publike weal, that you your duties learne.
Neglect not discipline, thereto adhere;
And, therein, alwaies rather be severe
Then too remisse: for, when an Army shall
Into disorder and confusion fall;
Destruction to it selfe, it will become:
And, of all enemies, most perilsome
To publike safety. And, 'tis better far
(Whether it be in time of peace, or war)
To suffer, by obedience to good order;
Then due redresse, by mutinie, to further.
Remember, that, you were not arm'd or paid,
To do your own work, but for publike aid:
And, that, you to your Officers are bound,
No further, then while faithfull they are found
To those, who have intrusted them; and, that
If they oppresse, ther's meanes to regulate
What is amisse; and, pow'r that may restrain
Their insolencies, if you shall complain.
Think not your selvs their creatures, as some name you:
For such an attribute doth much defame you.
There is in them no power of creation,
By dignity, by place, or by Relation,
Whereby they any creatures can produce,
But sonnes, and daughters, or fleas, wormes, and lice:
And these, are (properly) but generated,
Or, els, by their corruption propagated.
Delay not publike peace, by private hate;
Each others noble actions emulate,
Out-vie, but them envie not; neither crosse
Each other, to your countries further losse.
Upon your foes, ther's honour to be got
Sufficient, with your friends then, quarrell not.


Seek not, to be aveng'd, for that offence,
Upon the publike, which your innocence
By private hands hath suffred; measure not
Your merit, by the conquests, you have got;
But, by that worth, which truely is your owne,
And, in your heart lies, to the world unknowne.
Judge not of worth, by actions, and events,
(Which fame, it may be, falsly represents)
But, by those Principles, and reall worth
Whereby the heart is rouz'd and carried forth
To noble undertakings: Fame that's won
By having gain'd the lot of leading on
Your English Mastives, (on whose side befell
A victorie, whose author none can tell)
Is but of small esteem; for, when confusion
Hath brought their skirmishes unto conclusion,
He, many times, who merited but shame,
Of all that victorie, shall beare the name;
And, then, opinion ev'ry day doth add
Advantages, till he at last is made
So arrogant, that he begins to dream
Himselfe to be, what, some have fanci'd him;
And, so to act, that they whom he deceiv'd;
Shall soone find, what of him should be beleev'd.
Be none of these, for, you have lately seen,
How, such false fires extinguished have been;
And, when with glory, to ascend they think,
How, quickly, they descend, in smoke, and stink.
Fall not from that, which you have well begun;
But, persevere, untill the work be done.
An instrument, you are, but nor the tongue,
Nor eye, to whom, direction doth belong:
Therefore assume it not; but keep them free
By true obedience, who your keepers be.
And be assur'd, that, if you shall comply
With any to advance a tyranny


Of any kind; or, up to raise, thereby,
Licentiousnesse instead of Liberty:
GOD will let loose a spirit; which will soone
Un-nerve your Powers; make it night at noone;
Destroy you with a fillip, all together;
Puffe you away, like th'atoms of a feather.
And you, who (if you arrogate it not
Unworthily) are Stewards, for the Lot
Of GOD's Anointed; heare a word or two,
To mind ye, what ye know ye ought to do.
You see, to what confusion all is brought
By those men who themselves have onely sought:
And, what destruction will succeed thereon,
If in divided paths you still go on.
You know, what meanes, and what advantages
You have, to keep out, or to fetch in peace:
And, I acknowledge some of you have walked
The way of peace, as well as thereof talked:
And, trumpet-like, have rais'd your voices high,
To wake these Nations from their Lethargie.
Let all doe so; and joyntly undertake
To helpe repaire the Breach they holpe to make;
And not contend for that which neither was,
Nor is, nor ever can be brought to passe.
Make not those things infallible to be,
In which so many millions disagree:
Make not those things Essentialls to appeare,
Which in themselves but Circumstantialls are:
And, beare with them (since they the woe must bide)
Who give offences that you may be tri'd.
Your Temporalities, claime by your Law,
To be your due; and labour not to draw
Conclusions for your selves, from inferences,
Which make not warrantable your pretences:
For, all your claimes, by Ceremoniall dues,
Or Customes, appertaining to the Jewes,


Availe you nothing; but enfeeble rather,
Those Arguments, which from their Rights you gather.
You may as well reduce them back againe
To Sacrifices, and to entertaine
All other services, now obsolete,
As, get some things, which you have hope to get;
And, whereto you the People would injoyne
By humane Law, as due by Law divine:
Which, what they are; and how from doubts to clear them,
You shall be told, when you are fit to hear them.
From bitter words, and sharp invectives cease;
Invoke for grace, and then provoke to peace.
From all your Pulpits banish all partaking
In Factions; and in weak'ning or strong making
This or that Party: and, pull not in, all
Those things, which into controversie fall,
(Or into question) within cognizance
Of your owne jurisdiction, to advance
Your int'rest: For, all things that can be thought,
May, by that rule within your pow'r be brought:
And, by that meanes, you may recover more
Then hath been, here usurped heretofore.
Preach Faith, Repentance, Charity, and what
May true belief, and good life propagate.
Be humble, keep more closely to your charge;
And ramble not about so much at large,
To fetch in fleeces, out of others flocks,
But, be contented with your proper stocks;
Lest, as befell of late, and heretofore,
Instead of greater gaine, your losse be more.
I more might add; but, you already know it,
Oh therefore, in your practise, also, show it.
You, hear, what I have said, ye British Nations,
To further the desired reparations
Of these distracted Kingdomes; and to bring
Your King to you, and you unto your King,


If you, and he, the curing will abide;
And, for that Blessing, now grow qualifi'd:
Or, if not both, that one of you, at least
With Peace and safetie may againe be blest:
And live to praise GOD, that you forth are brought
From that snare, wherewith wilfulnesse is caught.
I have not here deceiv'd you with faire showes
From old Records, whose credit no man knowes.
From temporarie Acts, worme-eaten found;
(Of which, none knowes the reason, or the ground)
I bring not Presidents, that do belong
To things in Fact, which whether right or wrong,
Were thereby done, there is no certaintie.
You see, I use no kind of Sophistrie;
Nor do attempt, conclusions here to draw
From cheating quirks, or quiddities of Law:
From abstruse Principles, Authorities,
Unknowne; or, wherein little credit lies:
From ought, too Magisteriall for the season;
From fraudfull, or adulterated reason;
But meerly, from such grounds, and such positions,
As yeeld results, without all just suspitions.
From nature, common practice, and those things,
Whose cleare light meanes of apprehension brings
To most capacities; and, (which may best
Improve them) they, in language are exprest
So plainely; that all those throughout the Land,
(Ev'n Children) that can read, may understand.
And since, men wand'ring in a wood by night,
When they shall through a Glade, behold some light,
Take thereby courage, to walk chearly on,
In hope, their feares, and toyles, are nearely gone;
Ile from a Cloud, flash out a little gleame
Of Lightning; and, disclose a little beame,
Whereby on you a glimmering, shall be cast,
Of what you may attaine to, at the last:


For, I will shew you, by what Pedigree
That Government, to you deriv'd shall bee
Which will, at last, these British Islands blesse
With inward Peace, and outward happinesse.
It was of late, a briefe Presage of his,
Who, oft, hath truth foretold: And, it is this.
When, here, a Scot shall think his Throne to set
Above the Circle of a British King;
He shall a datelesse Parliament beget,
From whence a dreadfull Armed brood shall spring.
That off-spring shall beget a wild confusion;
Confusion, shall an Anarchy beget;
That Anarchy shall bring forth in conclusion,
A Creature, which you have no name for, yet;
That Creature, shall conceive a sickly State,
Which will an Aristocracie produce:
The many headed Beast, not liking that,
To raise Democracie, shall rather chuse.
And, then Democracies production shall
A Moon-calfe be; which some a Mole do call.
A false Conception of imperfect nature,
And, of a shapelesse, and a bruitish feature.
All these Descents, shall live, and raigne together;
So acting for a while, that few shall know
Which of them gets the Sov'raignty; or whether
There be among them, a Supreme, or no.
When they with jarres and janglings have defac'd
Your triple-building, and themselves nigh worne,
Into contempt; they, of one cup shall tast;
And, into iheir first elements returne:
Five of them, shall subdue the other five;
And, then those five, shall by a doubtfull strife,
Each others death so happily centrive,
That, they shall die, to live a better life:
And, out of their corruption, rise there shall
A true Supreme, acknowledged by all.


In which the pow'r of all the five shall bee
With Unity made visible in three.
Prince, People, Parl'ament, with Priests and Peers,
Shall be, a while, your emulous Grandees;
Make a confused Pentarchie, some years,
And, leave off their distinct claimes, by degrees:
And, then shal Rigteousnesse ascend the Throne;
Then, love, and truth, and peace re-enter shall:
Then, faith, and reason, shall agree in one;
And all the Vertues to their counsell call.
Then, timely out of all these shall arise,
That Kingdome, and that happy Government,
Which is the scope of all those Prophecies,
That future Truths obscurely represent:
But how this will be done, few men shall see;
For wrought in clouds and darknesse, it will bee:
And, ere it comes to passe, in publike view,
Most of these following signes will first ensue.
A King, shall willingly himself unking;
And, thereby grow far greater then before.
The Priests their Priesthood, to contempt shall bring;
And Piety shall thereby thrive the more.
A Parliament, it selfe shall overthrow;
And thereby, shall a better being gaine;
The Peers, by setting of themselves below,
A more innobling honour shall obtaine:
The people for a time shall be inslav'd;
And, that shall make them for the future free.
By private losse, the publike shall be sav'd;
An Army shall by yeelding Victor bee.
The Cities wealth her poverty shall cause:
The Lawes corruption, shall reform the Lawes:
And, Bullocks, of the largest Northern breed,
Shall fatted be, where now scarce sheep can feed.
You may perhaps, deride what's here recited,
As, heretofore you other Truths have sleighted.


But, part of this Presage you have beheld,
Already in obscurity, fulfill'd:
The rest shall in the time appointed come;
And, sooner, then will pleasing be to some.
The last nine signes, or symptomes, of the ten,
Which must precede it, shall appear to men
Of all conditions: But, our Author saith,
The first, is but in hope, not yet in Faith;
And may be, or not be, for, so, or so,
That King, shall have his lot, as he shall do.
If all his sins, he heartily repent,
God will remit, ev'n all his punishment;
And, him, unto his Kingdomes, back restore,
With greater honour, then he had before.
If he remaine impenitent, like Saul,
God, from the Throne, shall cast both him, and all
His whole Descent; and, leave him not a man
To fill it, though he had a Jonathan.
If Ahab-like, his mourning hath respects
To temporary losses and effects;
Like Ahabs, then it therewithall shall carry,
Some benefit, which is but temporary.
A reall penitence, though somewhat late,
The rigour of his doome may much abate;
By leaving him a part of what he had,
When he a forfeiture of all hath made:
Or else, by rooting out those, who in sin
With him, have actually partakers been;
And, planting in their steads, a Branch of his,
Whose Innocency no way question'd is.
For, this hath oft, with good successe been done
In Ages past; not in this Jsle alone,
But, in most other Kingdomes: And, if you
Will in GOD's Chronicles but take a view,
Of his proceedings; you, in them will see,
For what it is that Princes changed bee:


Why some lose but a part; why some lose all;
Why, for a time; why, some for ever fall:
Why, some shall but for three descents remaine;
And, how they might have had a longer raigne:
When war, when pestilence, when dearth, will come
Upon a land; when GOD will take it from
That land againe; and, how, they may fore-know,
When, he will bring a totall overthrow.
They, who have learn'd to contemplate aright
Those old records, may gaine a true fore-sight
Of many things, whereby to regulate
Enormities, both in the Church, Ind State;
Things to themselves pertaining; to their friends,
Their Foes, their Policies, their Fates, their ends:
And, if this were not so; what, are to you,
The stories of the Kingdomes of the Jew,
Or, of their friends, and foes, more usefull than
Those, which concern the realmes of Powhatan?
Or, so available, as those relations,
Which memorize the deeds of your own nations?
But all this is but words; there must be deeds,
Ere to perfection any things proceeds:
You must not everlastingly be stating
The Question; or, be seven yeares more debating:
For, ere that time, things will too late be done;
Which many fear, will come to passe too soone.
Expect you, some third persons, should between
The King and you, at this time intervene
To make attonement? Pray, who should they bee?
Who, wisheth you so well? who, doth not see,
That, all, 'twixt whom, and you, there be relations,
Them qualifying for such mediations,
May get more, by your wo, then by your weale?
Who knowes not, how with Friends most Friends now deal?
And, who perceives not, that those Mediators
Have interests, and, many weighty matters,


Pertaining to themselves, which they'l begin
On such a faire occasion, to hedge in?
And, thereby paradventure they may brign
Great disadvantages, upon the King,
Or, on the Kingdomes: and perhaps on both,
Which to indanger, wisemen would be loth?
What then can be effected? or by whom,
May our desires, now feiseable become?
Since, there is no way open for accesse,
Nor any meanes admitted for addresse?
The Parliament, conceives it selfe abus'd,
In that, their offers have been oft refus'd;
And, seems resolv'd, that they will never more
Send Messages in vaine, as heretofore:
And though the King, were now as penitent,
As David and Manasseh, with intent,
Unfainedly to satisfie, and do
What ever justice doth oblige him to;
VVhat ever, you in reason could require,
To answer, at the full your owne desire;
Or, whatsoe're affections mortifi'd,
A contrite heart, or conscience rectifi'd,
Should urge him to: yet, now, there is no way,
Whereby, this may be manifest, you say.
Despair not friends: mind what I said before;
True penitence, will find, or make a doore:
Though, it be treason voted, now to bring
Or, carry Message, to or from the King:
Although his person be retain'd in ward;
Attended alwaies, with an armed Guard:
Although strong walls have round inclosed him:
Though rocks far stronger, have surrounded them;
Yea, though the rageing, and the roaring seas,
Have also, like a mote, incircled these:
Through all these difficulties, I could find
Conveyances, if thereto he had mind,


To publish his repentance; and prevaile,
If to performe his part, he should not faile.
Yea, find him meanes, without an obligation
To any party, or to any Nation,
Or any, but himselfe; to make his peace,
With honour: and his Kingdomes to possesse.
Now, let him neither heed, nor harken to
What other men do say, or what they do;
For, whatsoever they shall act, or prattle,
(Will be to him, but, fruitlesse tittle tattle)
But, let him sit downe, by himselfe alone;
And, set down (as, he reads, it hath been done
By King Manasseh) most unfain'd confessions
Of all his knowne offences, and transgressions;
Acknowledge GOD's just dealing in afflicting;
His Providence, and mercie, in correcting
So like a Father; and, for his attending
So long time, for repentance and amending.
Let him expresse a resolute intent,
To leave to GOD's dispose, the government
Which he hath mannag'd ill; and to resigne
Himselfe, and his, to providence divine,
With full assurance, of obtaining place,
In his free love, and alsufficient grace.
This done; let him, subscribe the same, and spread it,
Before the LORD; let him with such teares read it,
As may declare, it was his act and deed:
Then, seale it, with a Heart, which much doth bleed;
And, with a Lion rampant, so reverst,
That, none may fear, his rage or bloody thirst.
Upon which acts, by meanes of your relation,
And, by that spirit of Communication,
Whereby, most secret actions, are made knowne,
(When to good purposes they may be showne)
Ev'n at that point of time, they, who have bin
His opposites, will feel, some creeping in,


First, hopes; then Good opinions; and at last,
That which will blot out all Offences past;
And make them kill their fat calfe; daunce and sing;
That, they, have found again their long lost King.
Oh, that I could behold that happy day
Of penitence; and, that behold I may
Both Parliament, and People meet therein
So truely; that, their unrepentant sinne
May not, when God hath re-inthroned him,
Prolong their woes, or bring new plagues on them.
But, whom am I, that, either you, or he,
Should on my word rely, or take from me
Those things which I have said? know, I am that
Which is your GENIUS cal'd. If, you ask what
A GENIUS is, I will define the same,
According to the nature, and the name.
So cal'd it is, because, it doth incline
With an affection truely Genuine,
To draw to good, and to withdraw from ill,
Those Persons, both in action and in will,
To whom it doth relate; and from disgraces,
And spoile, to keep such Persons, and such places.
A GENIUS, is an incorporeall creature,
Consisting of an intellectuall nature;
Which at the selfe-same time, a being had,
With that, for whose well-being it was made.
And, may be cal'd, that Angell, which designeth,
Adviseth, moveth, draweth and inclineth
To happinesse; and, naturally restraineth
From harme, that creature, whereto it pertaineth:
And, this am I to you. Then have a care,
My counsells now, with good respect to heare:
For, they, to whom their GENIUS represents,
That which to safety tends, and harme prevents;
If, then, he shall his good advise neglect,
And, passe it by, with willfull disrespect;


They shall deservedly, be left to those:
Ill Angells, whose direction, they have chose
And, what will then succeed, they shall perceive
When 'tis too late, their evill choise to leave.
Then looking back, he fixt his eyes on me,
And, said; my Secretary thou shalt be
To Register, and publish to these Nations,
What counsells, warnings, and what exhortations
God hath vouchsaf'd them; that what ere betide,
His Grace, or Justice may be glorifi'd.
This being said, my FANCY rose, and drew
A Curtaine; wherewith quite beyond my view,
This apparition vanish'd. And, I took
My pen, to put in writing, what was spoke,
And publish it to others, that it may
Prevent (if possible) your evill day:
For, till amendment, or destruction come,
The Beasts would preach, should men continue dumb:
Yea, what their Genius, now to them doth speake
If they should sleight it, stones would silence breake,
To rouze them from their slumbers; or, to tell
Succeeding-Ages, how and why they fell.
When all was vanish'd, and, I left alone,
Intending, what was willed to be done,
A feare surpriz'd me; and, a shuddring took me,
Which with a long continuing trembling strook me;
And my weak heart began to be afraid,
To doe what I resolv'd; and, thus it said.
Observ'st thou not the madnesse of this Nation,
The rage and fury of this Generation?
And, how like Swine, before whom Pearles are throwne,
They tread the givers of good counsell downe,
And, teare them into peices, by their scornes;
Because they then expected Barley-cornes?


For ten to one, ev'n some in whose defence,
These truths are spoke, will want intelligence
To understand them so; and foolishly
Charge thee with sland'ring that Authority
Which thou dost honour; and, which (as this day
Things go) can saved be no other way.
Hast thou nigh forty years been vext and grieved,
By this dull Generation, unrelieved?
And having for it, ventured thy life,
Undone thy little children, and thy wife,
Left them nor house, nor lands, nor cloaths, nor bread,
Nor ought wherewith they may be comforted,
(In that contagious sicknesse, which this day,
Hath driven all thy comforters away)
Yea, spent all in their service; and wilt thou
Having obtained words and paper now,
Which promise restauration, hazzard all
Those hopes, by that, which hereby may befall?
Hast thou full five years toyl'd and tired been
To struggle from the mischiefs thou wert in;
With much-much difficulty, got at last
Acknowledgments of what forborn thou hast?
And, probability, that thou perchance
Maist get one half, by giving, for advance
The other moiety? And, meanest thou
To lose it all again, by doing now
What this Illusion doth intice thee to?
And everlastingly thy self undo?
For nothing spoken for the publike good,
Will to thy benefit be understood,
By such as hate thee: And, thou well dost know
That thou maist more be mischiev'd by one Foe
(Who to the publike faithfulnesse pretends)
Then benefited by a hundred friends.
Take heed of this temptation; thou hast done
Thy share this way. Now let the world alone:


Provide for thine owne safety and thine ease:
As others do, write those things that may please:
And thou shalt then be freed from those disgraces,
That thou hast suffred: there will then, be places
For thee, aswell as others: and thou then
Shalt favour'd be, as much as other men.
Thy peace is made already; not a tongue
Doth move against thee; And, thou shalt ere long
Of all thy dues be fully repossest,
If thou wilt let the world do what she list.
When thus, my owne corruptions from within me,
Had spoke, from my good purposes to win me:
Another Voice, as coming from behind me,
Thus whispred: SON of EARTH, give ear & mind me.
Resist thou that suggession; let it be
But as a Serpent on a stone, to thee,
Which finds no entrance: For, it is the seed
Of that old Serpent, whereof to take heed
Thou hast good cause; since, if his head prevaile
To enter, he will slip in to the taile.
And thou a poore flea-biting to avoid,
Maist with the stings of Vipers be destroy'd.
Feare not those Bug-beares wherewith fooles are frighted;
Nor prize those toyes wherewith such are delighted;
Fear not the cruell Tyrants of the times;
Nor tast their dainties lest thou act their crimes.
Feare not thy Family shall be unfed;
For, he that gave them mouthes, will give them bread.
He that alreadie hath five years maintain'd thee,
(Since thou hadst nought left likely to maintaine thee
Five months) and kept thee all that while afloat
In storms, though thou hadst neither Oar nor boat;
He can aswell preserve thee now, as then,
With nothing: therefore, seek to him agen.
Think not thy selfe alone, or without friends;
For thousands favour what thy Muse intends:


The well-affected Members of each House,
Yea, all among them, who are generous,
Will favour thy endeavours; and, be glad,
That, in these times, an English-man they had,
Whom neither hopes, nor fears, could make affraid
To speake, what he thought pertinently said
For publike safety; whatsoere he lost:
Or, whose designe soere was thereby crost.
He, that in times past, did secure thee from
Thy foes; will do the same in time to come:
For, that thou maist believe he will do so,
Already five successions, in a row
He hath destroy'd; who, causlessely had sought
Thy ruine, Some, of them, (who, lately brought
A mischiefe on themselves) now rooted bee
From dwelling, where they persecuted thee:
The sixth is also ripening to be sent
To follow them, unlesse they shall repent.
They, whom thou fear'st, if thou shalt constant be
In good resolves, will be afraid of thee;
For, GOD shall put the feare of thee on those
Who to thy principles, and waies, are Foes;
Or else, at least, they shall still slumber on;
And, let thee speake in vain, as they have done.
Discourage not thy selfe, as if thy paine
In these indeavours would be quite in vaine;
For, GOD will make thy weary Pilgrimage
Bring some advantage to this present age,
Or to the next. To this work thou wert borne;
And, when thou to thy Fathers dost returne,
It shall not grieve thee, that thou hast bestowne,
More time for publike good, then for thine owne.
Thy Faculties were not confer'd on thee
For no Imployment; nor imployd to bee
In flattering fools: nor, as at first it was,
To praise the fading beauties of a face:


Or, play with those affections, which infuse
The vaine expressions, that pollute a Muse;
But, to provoke to vertue: to deter
From vice, all chast affections to prefer;
GODS Judgements to declare; his righteousnesse
To magnifie; his mercies to confesse:
And, whilst thou to this purpose art imploy'd,
Fear not to be undone, or be destroy'd:
For, by undoing, thou shalt be new-made;
By thy destruction, safety shall be had:
And, if this Generation shall pursue
Thy love with hatred; or with-hold thy due;
It shall be one addition to their doome,
To be the scorn of ev'ry Age to come.
This reconfirm'd my Spirit; and I found
My heart with fearlesse courage, to abound.
With resolutions, I was fortifi'd;
And, throwing all my owne affaires aside,
Which most concernd me; I, to write begun
What I had heard: and, now, the worke is done,
My Conscience is discharg'd; my heart is eas'd;
And, therein come what will, I shall be pleas'd.
Terræ Filius.


To the Parliaments.

It is not feare, in me; nor it is shame,
Which makes me, at this time, conceal my name:
But, humble modestie, and consciousnesse,
Of that knowne frailty, and unworthinesse,
Wherewith my Person, outwardly is cloth'd,
Oft, makes my selfe, ev'n of my selfe so loth'd,
That (not without good reason,) I suspect
My purposes, may find the lesse effect,
If, ere you tast the fruit, I let you know,
In whose poor Garden, GOD, hath made it grow,
For, many times, the best wine pleaseth not,
Unlesse, we like the Drawer, and the Pot.
A homebred Simples vertue, few will owne;
A Doctor seemes best skil'd, that is unknowne:
Yea, miracles, by Christ, were seldome done,
Where, he reputed was, but Josephs son.
How ere it please, or may be understood,
I dare aver, my purposes were good;
And, that, hereby, you have advantages
To do your selves an honour, if you please.
Therewith, you profit, likewise, may receive,
If, thereunto, but those respects you give,
Which are, in equity, to those things due,
That will both profit, and much honour you.
GODS will be done: and, if your will agree
With his, then, let your will be done on mee.


Aliquid ex improviso

The Author will not, now, this Poem send
Unto the King; because it may offend.
But, if to give it, he had lawfull way,
He downe would kneel; and, thus would humbly say.
Dear Sir, be pleased to peruse this Book.
With undistempred, heart, and gracious look;
And, though some Passages, may harsh appear,
Read out with patience, what is written here:
For, as with you, and your affaires it stands,
My due allegeance, strictly me commands,
That, I should plainely deal, and boldly do,
What, my well meaning heart did prompt me to:
And I have hope, you shall receive by me,
A wholsome Pill, although it bitter be.
I could not slatter, when you were at height:
Nor would I to your sufferings, add the weight
Of halfe a graine, (to purchase my own health,
Though I were sick) for all your former wealth.
So tender am I, and so much afraid,
To lay on more, where GOD enough hath laid;
Till I may be assur'd, that you contemn
His mercies; and proceed, in spight of him.
And, I, had now been pleas'd, with words more calme,
To have exprest my mind; and with soft balme,
To have anointed you; but that thereby,
Some (who, it may be, have an evill eye)
Might find occasion to obstruct that cure,
Which, by this course, may speedy be, and sure.
Your wisedome findes my meaning, if your heart
Hath any sympathizing with my art;
And, I shall soon perceive it, when I know
What countenance you hereupon bestow.


If I discover not an operation,
According to my honest expectation,
I shall desist. But, if respect you give
To my intent, in this sharp Corrosive;
I shall endeavour, to provide a dos,
That may close up your wounds, repair your losse;
And, give you good assurance, in the end,
That, he who seem'd your foe, hath been your friend:
Yea dares be so; if you dare be your owne,
Though, ten times more affliction, prest you down;
And act for you, as far as he is able,
His part, of Mouse and Lion, in the Fable;
Though both his foes, and yours stood looking on him,
And, threatned all the spight that could be done him:
For, with a Theefe, that Penitent shall be,
A Crucifying, undergo would he,
Much rather, then enjoy his preservation,
With Barabbas, by publike acclamation.
Quæ nocent, docent; BUT, Ex nihilo nihil fit.


Faults escaped.

Some faults, have been commited by the Printer;
Some, have escap'd the Author, peradventure:
The first, correct your selves, as you shall find them;
The last passe by, as if you did not mind them,
Forgiving, as of him, you are forgiven;
So, we shall all be friends, and reck'nings even.


Salt upon Salt:

Made out of certain INGENIOUS VERSES Upon the Late STORM And the Death of His HIGHNESS Ensuing.

By which Contemplative Object, Occasion is taken, to offer to Consideration the probable neer approaching of greater Storms, and more sad Consequences.

By Geo. Wither, Esquire.
SALT seasons all things, saving onely those
Which must feed Fishes, Maggots, Dogs and Crows.

Read it, and heed it, For you need it; And so, God speed it.


To the READER.

Occasion from a trifling Object springs,
Once more, to offer heed of serious Things,
For, by perusing some late printed Rimes,
That, which may much concern the present Times,
Was tender'd to my Thought; and what to me
Was offer'd, shall to you now offer'd be.
When I began to know the World, and Men,
I made Records of what I found them then,
Continuing ever since, to take good heed,
How they stood still, went back, or did proceed,
Till of my Scale of Time, ascending Heav'n,
The Round I stand on, maketh ten times Seven;
And, being likely, now, ere long to leave them,
A Memorandum, I intend to give them,
Of what, this day, they do appear to me,
As also, what they may hereafter be;
(According as they shall direct their Course)
That, whether they are better grown, or worse,
It may be to GOD's Honour seen and read,
(What ere befals) when they and I, am dead.


When in this Isle my Muses first were known,
The heads of VICE were not so Monstrous grown,
(Nor then so numerous) as now they be;
For, Cerberus in those dayes had but three,
And Hydra seven: At present, they are more
In Number, and more Large, then heretofore:
So that these Monsters, for whose overthrow
I was ingag'd, nigh fifty yeers ago,
Are grown so formidable, that, they make
The Fortresses of Moral Vertue shake,
And, yield at present, work enough to do,
For Hercules, and Mighty Sampson too.
Yet I have lost no Ground, but kept the Field;
And will, till I have Conquer'd, or am Kild:
For, though some daily fall off, who pretended
Adherence to the Cause which we defended,
(And though my Elder Brethren do but flout me)
I find an Unseen Army, pitch'd about me,
Which takes my Part, and will effect at length,
That, which is far beyond my single strength:
And, he, who dies, in making good his Place,
Though he prevails not, dies without Disgrace.
The List, I enter not, with guileful Charms,
Of Humane Eloquence, nor with such Arms
Defensive, or offensive, as were brought
By them, who have of late, our Battails fought;
But onely with a Sling, Stones, and a Staff,
At which my Friends jeer, and my Foes do laugh;
Yet (mark the Sequel) for, a day will come,
That shall place Justice in the highest Room;


That, they who by their Brethren were envide,
(Or by their Masters wronged) shall be tride;
That those Poor People, who oppressed be,
In Body, or in Conscience, shall be free;
And, that, though this be scorn'd, it shall be sed
Whilst I am Living, or, when I am Dead,
That, by those, now-contemned Pebble-stones,
Which I have flung, there will be Broken-Bones,
And Bruised Braines, which did to some of those
Prove Mortal, who have been my Countries Foes.
Mean while, I'll prosecute what I intend,
Not much regarding what a Foe, or Friend,
Shall either Counter-act, or Counter-say,
But, bear their Spights, and Censures as I may.
Nor to my Theam will I so close be tide,
As not, sometimes, to make a step aside,
To take in that, which may conduce unto
The Work, which I in chief, intend to do;
But, act as my INSPIRER, moveth me:
For, I'm by Him inspir'd, not He by Me.
And therefore, here, before I take my leave,
I'll warn you, (lest your thoughts I may deceive)
That Method not to look for, which by those
Is used, who express their Mindes in Prose;
For, Things, not in pre-meditated Thought,
(To me upon a sudden, being brought)
I took in, as they came; and what they were
Oft knew not, till in Words, they did appear:
Which having signifi'd, you may thereby
Guess, what to judge of them, as well, as I;


And, whether, that should not your hearts incline
To think, there's somewhat in them more then Mine.
Last Year, I sent a FLASH, which is let pass,
Unheeded, as a Thing that never was:
Now follows the Report, or Clap of Thunder,
Which have been seen and heard, thus far asunder,
To give the longer Warning; for the SHOT
And THUNDER-BOLTS, (if Grace prevent them not)
Will next year fly among you: GOD amend us,
And, then, I am assur'd, He will defend us.
Your Servant and Remembrancer, GEORGE WITHER.



Made out of certain ingenious Verses upon the late Storm, and the Death of His Highness ensuing; by which Contemplative Object, occasion is taken to offer to consideration the probable neer approaching of greater Storms, and more sad Consequences.

The said Verses are these that next follow, according to the Author's printed Copy.

We must resign; heav'n his great Soul doth claim,
In Storms as loud as his Immortal Fame;
His dying Groans, his last Breath shakes our Isle,
And, Trees uncut, fall for his Funeral-Pile;
About his Palace, their broad Roots are tost
Into the Air; so, Romulus was lost;
So, New-Rome, in a Tempest, mist her King,
And from obeying, fell to worshipping.
On Oeta's top, thus Hercules lay dead,
With ruin'd Oaks, and Pines about him spread:
Those, his last Furie, from the Mountain rent,
Our dying Hero, from the Continent
Ravish'd whole Towns, and Forts from Spaniards reft,
As his last Legacy to Britain left.
The Ocean, which our Hopes had long confin'd,
Could give no Limits to his Vaster Minde.
Our Bounds inlargement was his latest toil,
Nor hath he left us pris'ners to this Isle;


Under the Tropick, is, our Language spoke,
And Part of Flanders hath receiv'd our Yoke.
From Civil-Broiles, he did us dis-engage,
Found Nobler Objects for our Martial Rage,
And with wise Conduct, to His Country shew'd
Their Antient Way of Conquering abroad.
Ungrateful then, if we no tears allow
To Him, who gave us Peace, and Empire too.
Princes, who fear'd Him, griev'd, concern'd to see
No pitch of Glory, from the Grave is free:
Nature herself, took notice of His Death,
And, sighing, swel'd the Sea, with such a Breath,
That, to remotest shoars, her Billows rowl'd,
Th'approaching Fate of her great Ruler told.

The Result, occasioned by the preceding Theam.

Away with self-respects; For now of late
My Private, and this Publick Weals Estate
Are much alike; and both of them, to me
Seem in their Crisis, at this day to be,
Threatning a Sudden Ruine, if much further
Confusion spreads, before reduc'd to Order.
My Genius therefore, doth my Heart incline
To seek that Weal, whereon dependeth mine,
Lest, whilst for Private welfare, I endeavor,
That, and the Publick Peace, be lost for ever.
This to prevent, (though some will think I dream)
There is occasion couched in this Theam:
And (notwithstanding, much it may be fear'd,
That, what it shall produce, will not be heard,
Among the tumults and confusedness
Which now abound) it will have some Success:


For, otherwhile, by Trifles, that is wrought,
Which could not by great Powers, to pass be brought.
A small shrill whistle, in a Storm, becoms
More signal then the beating of great Drums:
And, who knows not, (he breathing thereinto)
What, by a Ramshorn Trumpet, GOD, may do?
Our late loss, doth on me to call begin,
As if I somewhat were concern'd therein,
And had a part to Act, wherein I may
Supply, at least, a Fools part in the Play.
And, since occasion given there is none,
I, of my own accord have taken one,
Which, if a causless anger, it provoke
To mischieve me, the care's already took;
I am too low a mark for Supreme Pow'rs,
Too high, to dread an equal when he low'rs.
The main prop, of this Government is gone,
The Stone, our Master-builders built upon
Is now remov'd; and, either I mistake,
Or, all that's built thereon begins to shake,
And quite asunder too, will fall at length,
Unless upheld, with more then humane strength.
No former Prince, whose Actions yeelded matter
So worthy of a Muse that would not flatter,
Di'd at a time, wherein there liv'd so few
To give him that, which justly was his due,
(Without a diminution or excess,
Either of which, makes great things, to seem less)
For, having view'd most paper-monuments,
Whereby the Fancie of this Age presents
His Fame to memorie; I finde their Rimes
Are so distracted, as if with these times
Their Authors sympathized in their wit,
And knew not what they meant, nor what they writ:


Else, doubtless, none had fail'd so in expressing
His purpose, as to curse, instead of blessing;
As he, whose Poëm-elegiacal
Is clos'd up, with the name of Jerubbaal.
Some, so malitiously Invectives write,
As if their Pens, in Juice of Aconite
Were dipt (or rather in more venom'd matter)
So opposite to that, which they who flatter
Hide underneath their tongues, that, in the stead
Of shewing hatred only to the dead,
They, living men impoyson through the ear
When their uncharitable Charms they hear:
For, these have not alone in scurrile Verse,
Blur'd him with what their malice could asperse
True, or untrue; but, also, take GOD's roome,
Dare to pronounce his everlasting Doome;
And, wickedly, with Damned souls in Hell,
(As others do with Saints) him parallel:
Which argues an Intention, to defame
The person, though he merited no blame.
Some others, on that subject wantonize
As if their Muse were hawking Butterflies:
Some, are all Oyl: some, have but this one fault,
The want of Sulphur, Mercurie, and Salt:
And, few of them, save he, whose lines preceding,
I make my Text, afford ought worth the reading:
And, they now put me into such a fit
That, if I have not much more Grace then wit,
It may to harsher Censures me expose
Then any one of them, yet undergoes.
Except Obscene Verse, (and strong lines, from whence
Are hardly screw'd intelligible sense)
Strains like to this, these Times, best prize to praise;
And, 'tis a smart neat Peece, ΘΡΙΚΙΟΝ sayes:


Which, I deny not; for, it mounts as high
As any English Pegasus can flie,
And, is as well-pac'd: But he feels the Reins
Lie loose upon his Crest, and overstrains,
To know, what best the season doth befit
With his own Ends, this Author wants not wit,
And, I believe, takes much more care then I,
What will best please, and wherewith to complie;
Though I, have more then forty years and five
Found, that my Course, is not the Course to thrive.
These Verses, which to make my Theam I chuse
Are but the sportings, of their Authors Muse,
And seem to me like Knacks which in a Hall,
I've seen hung up, for Flies to play withall.
These are Wits bubbles, blown up with a Quill,
Which watrie-Circles, with weak-Air doth fill;
Or, like a squib, which fires, and cracks, and flies,
And, makes a noise, that little signifies.
I, envie not his Fame, who is deceast,
Nor ought, whereby, it may be more encreast:
I, never suffred ought by his Displeasure;
But, did enjoy his Favour, in some measure,
Which he knows, unto whom all things are known,
I, more employ'd for his weal, then mine own,
And, disadvantaged my self, to do him
Such services, as, I thought, I did owe him.
For these respects, none justly can suppose
I grudge him ought, which may by Verse or Prose,
Be added to his Fame; or, that the Mome
I'll play, by carping, or detracting from
Another's contributions, if I see
They are in truth, what they may seem to be.
I, should be pleas'd that those Lines, which precede,
(With what else doth relate to him that's dead)


Whereby, some think, he may be honor'd much,
To all who hear, or view them, might prove such,
That, no occasion might from them be took,
Of what, to his dishonour, will be spoke;
Or, to encrease those Vanities which are
Already, multiplied, over far.
I, therefore, now expect to be excus'd
Although at this time, I have nothing mus'd,
That, may concern him, in the common mode;
For, in that place, he, now hath his abode
Where he regards not Bawbles. Praises, there,
Or Flatteries, no whit regarded are;
The most inchanting Charms, there, cannot charm him:
Detractions, or Invectives cannot harm him;
To write those Truths, which might have done him shame
Whilst here he liv'd; or gain'd the Writer blame,
Ought, now to be declar'd as well as those
From whence his highest commendation flowes;
And, that may settle Peace, now being spoken,
Which in his life-time, might the Peace have broken.
The sacred-Pen-men, future times acquaints,
Not only with the merits of the Saints,
But also, with their Failings; and as great
By th'one, as th'other, is mans benefit:
For, which respect, I will not be afrayd:
To speak, what to good purpose, may be sayd;
Nor, from my Text (as now) to wheel about
To fetch in that, which others needless thought;
For, Method, is not so much my intent,
As by good means, a mischief, to prevent:
And, my digressions, may advance my end,
As much as that, which I did first intend.
'Tis now, high time, for us to spend our hours,
In gath'ring Fruits, and not in picking Flow's.


I love to see truth, in her nakedness;
And, that, she should sometimes, put on a Dress,
With such Poetick Flourishes adorn'd,
That safe may keep her, and from being scorn'd;
To which end, I my self, compell'd have been
To mask and vail her, when I have foreseen
Apparent Dangers; and another time
To cloath her, in that fashionable Trim
Which most affect; that, therewith brought acquainted,
True Beauty, may be known from what is painted.
And, that, they who were drawn in, by the Signe,
Might Guests be, for the goodness of the Wine.
My Reverence to the Muses, is not small;
For, all true Poets are Prophetical,
And had a Preparation in the Womb,
Before they forth into the World did come;
Not, that their Faculty, should be appli'd
To stir up Carnal Lust, or puff up Pride;
But, that they should to Pietie invite,
And make Mankinde in Virtues more delight;
From which, prevaricating, they have lost
Their Honour; and are quite despis'd almost.
They should not strive for words to please the ear,
In which, no solid Matter doth appear;
But, write so plainly, that, the meanest Wit
Might from their Musings, reap some benefit.
They should not weave their Webs of Stuffs that be
So, diff'ring, that, they never can agree;
Nor, when our Sin, for Sober-Mourning calls,
Play us a Jigg, or sing us Madrigals.
Meer verbal Whimseys, in a Serious Cause,
Which most part of the Readers more amaze
Then edifie; (by that which never was,
Nor is, nor shall hereafter come to pass)


Look like solemnizing an Ordinance
In Pious Duties, with a Morrice-Dance;
Or, like their actings, who, against the Forces
Of well-arm'd Foes, bring Troops of Hobby-horses.
What, in the Theam foregoing, is there said
Which honours him deceased, if well weigh'd?
And hath not rather into question brought
Things, which to question, few men would have thought?
There, at his Death, a Storm, is fain'd to roar,
Which was o'er-blown almost a week before;
And, had it not been so, some would from thence
Have drawn, perhaps, an evil Consequence;
More Fancies, forming in the People's Brain,
Then two such Storms, would have blown out again.
Allusions, too, are made, as if surmiz'd
That, He, henceforth should be Idolatriz'd,
As more then Man, whom we this day perceive
Laid lower then the meanest Men that Live.
To teach us, that, in Princes, there's no trust;
That, all meer Human-Glories, are but dust;
And, that, Death will, their Vanity discover,
At whatsoe'er cost, Double-Guilded over.
So, did His last Breath shake this Isle of our,
As Pellets from a Pot-Gun, shake a Tow'r.
For, all her Shakings, to my best perceiving,
Rise from our own Distempers who are Living.
So, for his Funeral-Pile, un-cut Trees fell;
So, Romulus and He were Parallel;
So, New-Rome, in a Tempest, mist her King,
Then, from obeying, fell to worshipping;
And, so, on Oeta, Hercules lay dead,
As Chalk's like Cheese, and Beer is like to Bread.
So, from the Continent, He Towns hath torn,
As he, who tears a Hedge, and gets a Thorn


Which wounds his hand, and when he dreads no harm,
Doth gangrene, to the losing of his Arm.
So, are our Freedoms, and our Bounds inlarg'd,
As his, who, from a small Debt, is discharg'd,
To re-oblige himself, in that, which may
Sweep Liberty, and all he hath, away;
And, if our Endings prove like our Beginnings,
Our Losses, vvill be greater then our Winnings.
What Comfort yields it, to impose a Yoke
On others, if our Fetters be not broke?
VVhat Pleasure brings it, if our Confines be
Inlarged, if in them, vve are not free?
VVhat Profit, is it unto us at Home,
That some in Forraign Parts, inrich'd become,
If, vve mean vvhile are Beggars? or else more
At least, impov'rish'd, then we vvere before?
VVhat Honour is it, that, both Tropicks hear
Our Language, if to speak Truth, few men dare?
Or vvhat by Conquests, vvill be got or sav'd,
If they vvho Conquer'd, are at last inslav'd?
Not unto us, not unto us, be given,
(Or to our Chiefs) but to the GOD of Heaven,
The thanks and honour, that, both our Late Wars
VVith Neighb'ring Foes, and our Domestick Jarrs
Are Superseded: VVould GOD, I could say,
VVere vvholly ended: (as I hope I may)
For, had not He, with our Protector stood,
VVe, till this day, had wallow'd in our Blood;
Yea, had not GOD, a timely ayd brought in,
Destroy'd long since, both He, and vve had bin.
Our Antient Way of Conquering abroad,
VVhich this Muse, doth implicitely applaud)
VVhat got vve by it, but a Cursed Game,
Atchiev'd vvith Blood, and lost vvith Blood again?


I know not vvhat the Conscience of a State
Or Policy by Law, may tolerate;
VVith that I vvill not meddle: But to me
It seemeth not to Quadrate or agree
VVith Moral Honesty, or Sacred Laws,
(Unless there be unquestionable Cause,
And Pow'r apparent, vvhich doth vvarrantize
GOD's calling us to such an Enterprize)
That, vve, into our Neighbours Lot, should fall
VVith Fire and Sword; and Honourable call
Those Deeds, for vvhich, LAVV, to their Actors gives
The stiles of Pyrats, Murtherers and Thieves:
Or, that, a few, should vvithout free assent
Of all the People in a Parliament,
Ingage them by a Quarrel, which may cost
Their Lives, and all that may vvith Life be lost:
I know no Law or Gospel, vvarranting
So hazzardous or reasonless a thing;
Or, that, vve vvho subjection do profess
Unto the King of Righteousness and Peace,
Should take the Wages, and the Colours carry
Of him, that's both His and our Adversary.
Nor can I understand, how vve then do
As we would willingly be done unto,
VVhen to accomplish the ambitious ends
Of Princes, vve have hazzarded our Friends,
To trouble, and infringe the Peace of those,
VVho vvould not vvillingly have been our Foes;
Till many hundred thousands are undone,
To satisfie the boundless Lust of One;
Squandring away those Blessings to th'increase
Of Discord, which we might have kept in Peace.
How many a goodly City, Town and Field,
VVhich did a comfortable Dwelling yeild


To Millions, who were no way interested
In Tyrants Quarrels, have of late been wasted?
And, what a sad Accompt to make have they
Upon whose heads, that Blood and Spoil doth lie?
Believe it; though to keep from Violation
Those Laws, which have respect to every Nation,
GOD's Universal Justice, doth engage
The Nations on each other, War to wage;
Yet, use they should not make of His Commissions
To satisfie their Vengeance, their Ambitions,
Or Avarice; nor any vvay extend them
Beyond those Ends for which he doth intend them.
It is but little less then Blasphemy
The Works of Nature, so to mis-apply
As this Muse doth, who in a Strain doth write,
As if none could express a Glow-Worm's light
Unless he did Hyperbolize, so far,
At least, to equalize it to a Star.
He seems, as if he would insinuate
That Nature, at his Death was passionate;
And makes that Creature speak, which never Flatters
Or Speaks at all, save onely in such Matters,
As do concern GOD's glory, or, may shame
Those Wits who grossly mis-apply the same.
So, Nature, hath took Notice of His Death,
And, sighing, swel'd the Ocean with her breath,
The Death of her great Ruler to foreshew,
As 'twas presaged when my Cat did Mew:
For, Nature, never heed in such wise, took
Of any Princes Death, but, when it shook
The Universe, to see the SON OF GOD
Dead on the Cross, with Arms display'd abroad:
And from the Reverence that's due to such
High Mysteries, this, hath detracted much.


Of this kinde, and of such-like Airy-Puffs,
Of such deceivable, vain, empty stuffs,
Are most of all those Books, and Trophies made,
Which Princes, to eternize them have had:
And, so small credit, is attributed
To what is either to their Honour sed,
Or their Dishonour, that, wise Men reject it,
As of no Value; or at least, suspect it,
As an effect of Flatterie, or of Hate,
Though many set it at a higher Rate.
For, their Praise, whom we finde most prodigal
Of Praises, merits no respect at all;
But, rather, from the Hearers, back returns
On him that's Prais'd, and on the Praiser, Scornes:
And, seldom, shall you finde much worth in them,
That have immodest Praises, in esteem.
Yet, these vain Blasts of Fame, oft, sound as loud
As Cannons, or as Thunder from a Cloud:
The People entertain them with Applause;
Of much Expense, they are the needless Cause:
By these, wise Men, are otherwhile bewitch'd;
By these, are Fools and Flatterers inrich'd:
But, thereby, such effects alone are got,
As Powder hath, when fired without shot.
Yet, so to prize them, many men are given,
As if, without them, none could climb to Heaven;
Or, as if he, of whom most Lies we tell,
Should find least Torments, in the Pains of Hell.
The Principle I own, is to adhere
To that Power, which Supremacy doth bear,
And I'll (without an Oath) be true to those
VVho are by GOD, and by this People chose,
Till they advance another, whom I see
Invested with Pow'r-Absolute, to be;


And, whether he comes in, by Right or Wrong,
Leave that, to them, to whom it doth belong.
Him, I will serve, not with base Flatteries
VVhich blind his Judgement, or put out his eyes.
In my Addresses, I will never tell
To him, what I may fear he knowes too well:
Nor further then I know him, magnifie him,
Lest his own conscience knowing I belie him,
(Or speak more then my knowledge can acquire)
He, hereby know, I am a fawning Lyar.
Before him, I will those things onely set,
VVhich I think, he may possibly forget,
Or, vvhich unto his knowledge are not brought,
Or (if known) not consider'd as they ought;
And, do it so, that he shall not despise
VVhat's done, if he be either Good, or Wise:
If not, yet vvhen my Duty I have done,
I'll bear with Patience, vvhat ensues thereon.
In all the Changes, vvhich have been of late,
I have preserv'd this Rule inviolate,
Though some think not, vvhen one Pow'r vvas made two,
And, wiser Men, knew not vvhich vvay to go.
For, so far as my conscience vvould permit,
I serv'd that Pow'r vvhich in the Throne did sit
Most visibly; in every change that came,
Siding vvith none in changing of the same:
And vvhen the Soveraignty, on him vvas plac'd
By GOD's permission, vvho enjoy'd it last,
I did, accordingly, employ my Force
To keep vvhat might be naught, from being worse;
Adventuring, sometimes, so far therein,
That, to my disadvantage, it hath bin.
I, was to him, in all things, alwayes true,
VVhich nothing took from his Superiors due.


I did so far forth as it would consist
VVith GOD's Praise, with the Publick Interest,
And his true Honour, do what in me lay
All those Obstructions to remove away,
VVhich, by disabling him, might heretofore
Have made his Dangers, and our Mischieves more.
And, though those Services which I could do him
Some will deride, they have been useful to him:
For, 'tis at present, known, to more then One,
Yet living, (and was known to him that's gone)
That, in the greatest hazzard he e'er had,
I, seas'nably, by Providence was made
An Instrument of Safety, when th'intention
VVas almost rip'ned, beyond all Prevention.
Yea, to prevent them, vvho by his Disgrace,
Endeavour'd to destroy the publick Peace:
His Actings, too, I praised as I ought,
In what, I, them to be Praise-worthy thought,
Consider'd in themselves: But, his Desart
Left in the main, to Him, who knew his Heart:
And knowing it to be GOD's priviledge,
(Even his alone) of Secret things to judge,
No further ever did, (nor ever will)
Of him, or any man, judge well or ill,
Since first this Principle to me was known,
And by Consideration, made mine own.
It is enough, that Princes whilst they live
Are borne withal; and that vvhilst they survive
VVe hide their failings, that, none might through them
That Pow'r, and that Authority contemn
By which they Govern: for, a Tyranny,
Is somewhat better then an Anarchy.
If, I suspect my Prince a vvicked man,
To make him better, I'll do what I can;


Lest, he that's next be worse: As once by Paul
Agrippa courted was, him court, I shall,
If, need be: or, vvill flatter him so far
As by our Servants, Children flatter'd are,
To make them do their Duties: but, not vvo him
For my own ends, to that which may undo him:
(VVhich I conceive, is such a Pious fraud
As GOD allows, and honest men applaud.)
In Life, I serv'd him thus; now Dead he lies
I'll speak no more of him, then may suffice
To make those better, and take better heed
VVho shall henceforward, in his Room succeed.
Examples, we from Holy-Writ, may take,
That of the Dead we nothing ought to speak
But, vvhat is true; and that we are as well
Oblig'd, their failings as deserts to tell.
That, GOD, may have due Praise by every one;
That Men, by knowing truly, what is done,
In those things, vvhich concern them; (and by whom
Their Mischieves, or their Benefits do come)
May actuate accordingly, in season,
The Dictates of their Conscience, and sound Reason.
It vvas not then thought (as now in these times
Perhaps, it may be) that, to blaze the crimes
Of Eli, David, or Jehosaphat,
Or Hezekiah; (though unto the State
Some of them had respect) vvas sawciness,
Or vvant of Manners, though they did express
Both to those times, and future Generations
Their Failings, vvith their proper aggravations.
And therefore, if a just occasion be,
Expect the like plain-dealing novv from me:
For to the same End, I vvill do mine Arrants,
And make good my Commission, by their Warrants.


I, grant it Thanklesness, as he infers,
If we for Benefactors have no tears
When they are dead: For, I desire we may
Their Dues, both to the Dead and Living pay:
But, I conceive it more ingratitude,
Upon the World, our Fictions to obtrude,
And, let that as impertinent pass by,
Which GOD permits, or acts, to glorify
His Justice, or his mercie, whose neglects
Make other things, to want their due effects.
GOD, make us grateful for what is bestown,
In such wise, that to every one his own
We may ascribe, and, not to any give
So much, that, of his dues, we him deprive;
Nor so much to one man, that, they may be
Defrauded, who, deserv'd as well as He.
Such Partialities, at first, brought in
All Tyrannies: By such, Free-men have bin
Enslaved by degrees, and thereunto
Our Fawnings add more, then all else can do;
And 'tis impossible a means to finde
To keep those Free, who have a slavish minde,
Or Currish nature; For, the first want courage,
And give their Birth-rights, for a Mess of Porrage:
The other, must like Bandogs chained be,
Else none who live among them, can be free.
GOD, grant us grace, so to bewail his Fate,
Who is deceast, as to rejoyce in that
Which is thereby design'd: and, to take heed
We do not complementally proceed
In formal mournings, till the Counterfeit
Makes us, those Christian mournings to forget
Which are now cal'd for; and till we have more
True Cause of sorrow then we had before;


And, for the Dead, pursue a formal grieving
Destructive to the welfare of the Living:
Lest, when the Dead, their Dead, in earth shall cloth,
One day, become a mourning-day to both.
For, to suspect, just cause enough I find
Some mischief, for that day would be design'd
And acted too, if Vengeance could raise pow'r
To do, what might be done at such an hour:
As those despights, do questionless assure
Which on his Scutcheon and his Portraiture
VVere lately acted, if believe we may
VVhat seems believ'd, and common Fame doth say.
Interments of the Dead, were first intended
Lest by them, they who live, might be offended
If not remov'd from sight: Therefore, by giving
Things to the Dead, belonging to the living,
Doth injure both; and neither get, nor give
Such honour, as we may perhaps conceive:
But are occasions rather of Disgraces
And of returning durt in our Faces.
So Cynical my humor never was
To think, men should be buried like an Ass;
Nor shall I Judas-like, be discontent
To see a box of pretious Odors spent
In burying him; though for a while the Poor
May want it; if, their wants it make not more
Then they can bear; And, mends be made for that
Which they have suff'red ere it be too late.
But, I abhor it, when I do behold
Walls clothed, and poor men expos'd to cold
And nakedness: or at their needless cost
Another honour'd whilst their credit's lost
VVhich is more worth then Life; and which to save,
They many times, their Lives adventur'd have.


Small honour, by that Fun'rall-Pomp, is got
VVhere they who bear the charge approve it not.
To bring a Prince, with glory to his grave,
Is not to make his lifeless Image brave;
To give as great a reverence thereunto
As Pagans, to their Idols, us'd to do,
Or, as they, who like worship have appli'd
Unto his Image who was crucifi'd.
It is not to make Pageants at their cost
(VVho think they have too much already lost)
VVith those vain Ceremonial Rites attended,
VVhereby, the sober-minded are offended;
And till Spectators, Jeeringly do say,
It is a very costly Puppet-Play.
Or, till it gives them cause to be afear'd
That, way thereby, to worse things is prepar'd:
For, this way, was Idolatry brought in;
This way, most Superstitions did begin;
And, this way, if GOD let it be pursu'd
A little further they will be renew'd
Till that day comes, in which, what men endeavor
To build up, shall destroyed be for ever.
Philip of Spain, the Second (as 'tis sayd)
Did, of a Funeral-Pageant, thus arayd,
A Patern leave; which is resembled much
By this; one circumstance, (and some few such)
Excepted, (and for ought that I yet know,
That might be privately, performed too.)
Those Anti-roomes of State, with Blacks beclad,
Through which, men to th'Effigies passage had,
And, wherein they were forced to stand bare,
Became a property unuseful there:
For, Pater-nosters, they should there have sed,
And Ave-Maries, for the Soul that's dead,


If they that Ceremonie had observed
For which those places were at first reserved;
And, whereto (though unpractis'd at this day)
Such Innovations, will perhaps make way.
VVe are already, drawing very nigh
To superstitions, and Idolatrie;
And, at the Back-door, that is coming in,
VVhich at the Fore-door, hath expelled bin.
Who, would have thought, that we, who do neglect
One of the goodliest Piles of Architect
In all the Christian World, because, long since,
It seem'd profan'd, by things which gave offence?
That we, should raise up Trophies, in its stead,
Of Straws and Sticks, and Kexes to the Dead?
And with exploded Vanities, defile
The Palaces and Temples of this Isle?
Who, having seen what zeal expressed was
In pulling down of Crosses, painted Glass,
Old Altars, Images of Saints and Kings,
(And with these, of some inoffensive things)
Did then suppose, he should have liv'd to see
An Idol, in that place advanc'd to be,
Where heretofore, an Altar, and a Rood
To be adored by the People stood?
Who can believe, that HE, who vilifide
Not long ago, the vanitie and pride
Of former Princes? That, HE, who had spoke
Against the heavie burthens, and the yoak
By them impos'd, and was himself the Rod
And sword assum'd into the hand of GOD,
To root them out? That HE, who but of late,
VVhen he dismist the Counsellors of State
Sayd to their Sergeant, Take away that Bable;
(His Mace at that time, lying on the Table)


Should ever of his own accord, think fit
Those Trinkets which he sleighted to admit?
And, when he down into the Grave descended,
Should thither, with more vain pomps be attended
Then any English Prince, that heretofore
A Soveraign Scepter, in these Islands bore?
Oh! times, oh manners! how exceeding vain
Is mans Heart, and how giddy, is his Brain?
Who thinketh not, that such a Change hath seen,
And, heeds what they seem'd who so chang'd have been?
But, that, far greater Changes, will appear,
If GOD, prevents not, that which we may fear?
For that old Leven, which aside was lay'd,
Into the lump, is secretly convey'd:
And now corruptions, do so over-spread
The Body Politick, from foot to head,
That swarms of Hornets, and of Butterflies,
Produc'd and fed, by new-sprung Vanities,
Are like to multiply, till they shall drive
The lab'ring Bees, quite out of every Hive.
Excuse my zeal, if over-tart I seem
In this point; For, from no disgust of him,
For whose pretended honour this is done,
Nor from malevolence to any one
Who did design it, this expression flows;
Nor from what Prejudice, may mis-suppose;
But, from the Cause that's given of offence,
And, what I fear may be the Consequence.
What Meteors, Windes, and Tempests do foreshow
I know not, neither take much care to know;
Because, they rather warn us, to take heed
What's doing, then declare what will succeed:
But, by our Flatteries, and by other things
Which Pride produces; by what daily springs,


From our self-seekings; from our Avarices,
And, from our many other sordid Vices,
This, I am sure's presag'd, that if we run
Much farther, in the Course that's yet hel'd on,
(And, GOD, our folly to take place permits)
We shall ere long run quite out of our wits;
And, be at last destroyed all together,
By that Storm, which I see approaching hither.
But, who am I, that say I do foresee
A Storm, that you should credit give to me?
How can such things, to me, you say be known?
How know you, when the Sun is almost down
That, Night will follow? and the Day draw near
When you behold the morning-Star appear?
Look not on him, who tells what may ensue,
But look to that, whereby you may eschew
The threatned Plague, which (as God's threatnings all
Are for the most part) is conditional.
To that intent, your old neglected Friend
Amongst you, one Remembrance more, will send
To second this, before perceive he shall
A MENE TEKEL, written on your Wall,
Unless he sees GOD's patience out of date,
And all fore-warnings, like to come too late.
Mean while, take this that follows: For he knows
You look for Signs, of that which he fore-shows;
And, these (although they trivial may appear)
Are true Fore-tokens of what's drawing near.
Black Clouds, are now ascending o're these Lands,
Whose Figures do portend some humane hands
Promoting that great Storm; But, when abroad
It spreads, you will perceive the hand of GOD,
Who, by a slow-approaching doth express,
He comes to punish, with unwillingness.


Each man, who is not wilful, plainly sees,
He enters into Judgement, by degrees,
To move us to Repentance, that the Doom,
But threatned yet, might vanish ere it come.
GOD, hath made known unto us, in some measure,
By every Element, his just Displeasure:
Those things, without which, nothing is enjoy'd,
Have of our late Enjoyments much destroy'd.
By sudden Fires, our dwellings are consum'd,
And, into smoak, our pretious things are fum'd.
The Waters, in their Wombs, have swallow'd up
No little Portion of the Merchants hope,
And, overflowing new, and Antient Bounds,
Swept Flocks and Herds out of the lower Grounds.
The Air, by Storms and Blastings, Frosts and Snows,
Destroy'd our last Crops, in their fairest shows;
Yea, after publickly we made Confessions
That, GOD, accepting our Humiliations,
Had thereupon, vouchsafed pregnant Hopes
Of Future Health, and of more Plenteous Crops;
Even since that likely hope, we, for our Sin,
Depriv'd of that Expectancy have bin.
The Earth which bears us, too; for our Offences
With-holds her Bounty. Their sweet Influences
The Heavens withdraw. Death, when unlook'd for, seizes
More oft then formerly, by New-Diseases;
And, they, to give Accompt, are call'd upon,
Who liv'd, as if accomptable to none.
Hereto, the Naturalist, perhaps will say,
Such things do happen to us every day,
Or, in a short time, either more or less:
Which I will grant; but notwithstanding, this
He must grant too, that from the Worlds beginning
These vvere, and are, the known Rewards of Sinning:


That they are also Signes, GOD vvill bring greater
And more Afflictions, if we grow not better:
That Judgements, (though they be not general)
On Families, and Private Persons fall
Ev'n day by day: That, we have lately seen
Large Vials of GOD's Wrath, powr'd forth have been
Upon the stubborn Irish, and the Scot,
To warn us what will also be our Lot;
And that none should GOD's Patience, therefore slight,
Because a long time, He forbears to smite;
Or, pass by timely Warnings, when he sends them,
Because this way, to us he recommends them:
For, this way, they declared were of old,
And, this way, they shall now again be told.
But, hear me further, and relate I shall
Some things, which do not ev'ry year befall;
Our ablest Horse, (ev'n those perhaps, wherein
More trust reposed was, then should have bin)
Die suddenly, and Ditches are bestrow'd
With those Bones, whereupon our Gallants rode:
Their Stink (as once a Prophet said) ascends,
Yet, still, his hand against us, GOD, extends.
Those Leggs, likewise, which are our Second-Strength
Do reel already, and will sink at length
That Body which they bear: the Wings by which
We flew from Shoar to Shoar, and were made rich,
Begin to flag, and fly not to and fro,
With such Success, as they were wont to do.
Some, whose new Honours bloomed but last Spring,
Fell with the Leaf, to shew, how vain a thing
Ambition is, and let them understand
VVho flourish yet, their Winter is at hand.
Much, of our pretious Life-Blood up is drunk,
The Sinews of our Pow'r are crack'd and shrunk;


Our Honour, vvith our Publick Faith is lost;
Our Private Credits are destroy'd almost:
And, hard it is to say, whether the Debtor
Or Creditor, is in Condition better.
The Parliaments Securities are slighted,
And, He, whom they have by their Acts invited
To purchase, (and, of paying whose just Dues
An Ordinance, and Orders made fair shews)
Though, more then ten years, are elapsed since,
Gets neither Mony, Land, nor Recompence,
Nor hope of Justice; but, Suits, to the wasting
Of his Estate, which may be everlasting:
And, they, who should, from these Oppressions clear him,
Either regard him not, or sit and jeer him;
Though both by Law, and Oath, they stand oblig'd
To see the Publick Credit dis-engag'd.
That which is due to Poor Men, is delay'd
Till they have lost it twice, ere 'tis once pay'd.
He that hath Lent, till he can lend no more,
Is sure to lose all, that he lent before;
And, that which to be given, hath been thought,
Proves dearer otherwhile, then vvhat we bought.
All which things, being rightly understood,
Are Signes (if not of much ill) of small good.
Should I here mention all Prevarications,
Which have been offer'd to my Observations
By being fifteen Years together, tide
(As by the Leg) near London to reside,
They vvould fill up a Volume: and, but that
Thousands can vvitness vvhat I might relate,
It vvould be thought, I did Untruths aver,
And, that, I vvere a shameless slanderer;
For, our Abominations have exceeded
All Measure, and are more then can be heeded.


It can by no true Englishman be born,
Without much Indignation, and more scorn,
To see Foot-walkers, vvhen on Horse-back set,
So much their late Condition to forget,
As, superciliously to look on those
By whom, out of Obscurity they rose;
And when men seek but Justice, and their own,
How these, (as if to have an Alms bestown
They vvere implor'd) provoke vvith harsh replies
The suff'ring-Suppliant, till his Blood doth rise,
The Words are spoken, vvhereon doth ensue
Another Wrong, because he spoke vvhat's true.
Sometimes, from vveek to vveek, from year to year,
Suits are defer'd, vvhich they vvith speed should hear;
Yet, nothing then effected, but expence,
More adding to a former indigence.
Both Means and Time, vvhich fully might enable
To do their Work; they spend in Bibble-babble,
Or needless Complements; and vvill not vvave
A Feast or Visit, though it vvere to save
A man from Ruine; and when Plaints are long,
By long Oppression, they away are flung.
Their Suppliants are forc'd to hunt them thorough
Their starting-holes, like Rabbets through their Borough.
Yet, hardly come to speak with them, before
They (as it were) set Purse-Nets, at each door;
And then, unless they likewise, get a Hay
Pitch'd round about them, they will slip away.
That, which is absolutely in their Pow'r,
And, might be finished in half an hour,
Is made a Business during term of life;
And, then, the Suitor dies without relief:
For, Suppliants are oft defer'd so long,
That, they at last, vvho should redress the Wrong


Are puzzel'd too; and such as have been griev'd
So num'rous grow, that few can be reliev'd.
No marvail; for the Body-Politick
In every part almost, is Lame or Sick;
So, that, those Limbs, which in themselves are able,
Are render'd by the rest unserviceable;
For, though the Foot be whole, it cannot go
Because, the Great Gout, lames the greatest Toe.
And, very mean performances are found
Where, in both Hands, there's but one finger sound.
If, it objected be, that such Delayes
May justly be occasion'd many vvayes;
'Tis granted, that, it may be so in some;
But not till twice seven years elaps'd become,
Without apparent wrong: And, that abuses
Are this way offer'd, for which no excuses
May be allow'd, some thousands living are,
VVho, if need be, thereof can vvitness bear.
VVhen Publick-Debts have many yeers been due,
And Creditors compel'd for them to sue
Till they, in Labour, time, and other Cost,
The Principal, and so much more have lost,
The Shameless Officers instead of paying,
Put off the Creditors, with this harsh saying,
'Tis an old Debt; as if men did them wrong
To ask for that vvhich had been due so long;
And, that, the way to right them, vvho implore
Redress for old wrongs, vvere to do them more.
Nay, there is so much falsehood and deceit
In many, that, they make poor men to vvait
From day to day, from morning untill noon,
From noon till night, Delay, still spinning on,
(Till many dayes and nights, and weeks are spent)
As if to grant their Suits they truly meant,


Although they from the first hour, did intend
To give them flat denial in the end.
And, usually, when they speak fair and smile,
They pick your Purse, or cut your Throat the while.
They, who are guilty of such things, and know
That I, and thousands, know them to be so,
Will say, perhaps, I Rail; but 'tis no matter;
To Rail, is somewhat better then to Flatter.
None but a Fool will term it Railing, when
Reproaching Vices, we conceal the Men.
None, but a Brazen-fac'd-Offender dares,
Exceptions take to that, which truth avers;
And none but Mad-men cast reproach on those
Who chide them, to prevent their overthows.
I will proceed to further Demonstration
Of those Signes, which portend a Desolation.
Strange Prodigies, which not so oft have been
In this our Clymate, are now often seen.
By Looks, or Language, it is hard to know
VVhom you may now repute your Friend or Foe:
They, who have but one Head, have now two Faces,
And two Tongues: Both their Offices and Places,
The Members of the self-same Body shift;
Though neither of them, hath the others gift.
The Little Toe, although to be a Thumb
It hath been rais'd, will not content become,
Unless it may obtain that both the Hands
Shall be subjected under his commands.
The Head's cut off; and though that in its stead,
The Foot, may have admittance to be Head,
It (quite forgetting what it vvas before)
VVill scarce be pleas'd, unless it may be more.
Nay, from Ambition, Vermine are not free;
The nasty Body-Lice, would Head-Lice be.


Those wicked Spirits that engender strife,
Among us, more then ever, are now rife.
Stupidity, Distraction, Giddiness,
VVith such-like, many thousands do possess;
And, haunted now, our Habitations are
VVith vvorse Hobgoblins, then the Faires vvere.
To their own Principles, but very few,
Save Enemies and wicked Men are true.
Those Changes, which but rarely did befal,
Are in these Islands Epidemical.
The Servant rides, the Master goes on foot,
And, is his Servant's Servant, too, to boot:
The silly School-Boyes do presume to teach;
The Foxes pray, the foolish Geese do preach;
And, most things are so turned topsy-turvy,
That what looks best, methinks, is very scurvy.
Not onely those Ægyptians, among whom
We live, oppressors of us are become,
But Brethren also strive; yea, Saints, with ire
Are so inflam'd, that they call out for fire
From Heaven, on those, who onely disagree
From them, in things that but indiff'rent be;
And, we are told, by one whom I believe,
VVhat it portends, where such things we perceive.
By Natural Experience, we have found
That, Instruments which yeild a diff'ring sound,
(And Tones, and Voices, though they various be)
In Consort, do melodiously agree.
So, we should likewise, finde these Differences
In Judgement, whereat we now take Offences,
VVould make true Harmony, if we to Him
Did leave it, who knows how to order them;
And took more care (then most of us have done)
To set our own Tongues, and our Hearts in tune.


Our Friends in Forraign Parts, and here at home,
Each of the other jealous are become;
And should there be a Breach, no Mortal knows
VVhether our old Friends, or our elder Foes,
VVould prove our greatest Enemies; or, whether
They, would to mischieve us, joyn all together.
Our New Allies, are likely at our need,
To be to us, but an Ægyptian Reed,
Or, like a costly Armour, by whose weight,
VVe are more tir'd, then guarded in the Fight;
And somewhat sounds from them (unless Fame lies)
VVhich an unpleasing Sequel signifies.
These things, (at least united) do foreshew
That, some foul Weather shortly may ensue:
GOD, also stands, with Arm outstretched still,
The Sentence of His Justice to fulfil.
If we consult but with meer Human Reason,
VVhat's likely to succeed at such a Season
As this appears, by loss of him alone,
VVho lately was removed from the Throne:
VVhat Counsels and what Cost it will require
To keep so many Irons in the Fire
As he hath left unwrought; and what it would
Cost more, to let them lie till they are cold.
If vve consider, That he was of late
The Middle, and, main Pillar, of this State;
The Atlas (as the Attribute that's giv'n
By one, hath term'd Him) of our British Heav'n,
And, into what Confusions, it is thought
All things at his Decease, might have been brought;
Observing therewithal (without concluding
Upon false Theses, or, our selves deluding)
In what apparent Dangers we are left,
By being, at this time, of him bereft,


It may portend, although the Sun shines yet,
A Storm will rise before that he doth set.
And yet, we ought not so much to reflect
Our thoughts on Him, that we those things neglect
Which more concern us; or suppose that we
Depriv'd of any such advantage be,
As is conceived; for, he had not gone,
But, that, the work ordain'd for him vvas done.
GOD, rais'd him, by Destroying, to prepare
A vvay for that which he intends to rear,
And, to that purpose qualifi'd him so,
As they were, vvhom of old he call'd to do
Such Services; and, as it seems, intended
No further use of him, when that vvas ended:
He saw, the Pow'r vvhich vvas on him bestowne
Imployed in Designments of his own;
Then, re-assum'd it: and, they had been troubled
Perhaps, who pray his Spirit might be doubled
On his Successor, if GOD, should have said
AMEN, to that, for which they blindly pray'd.
VVe, likewise, (as of late that Parliament
From vvhom he took the Supreme Government)
So Idolized, that, vve thought too little
Confer'd upon him by the Soveraign Title
VVhich, GOD permitted him to undertake,
And, what his Army pleas'd of him to make.
To govern us, vve long'd for such a Thing
As other Nations have; forsooth, a King,
VVith all the former burthensome Aray
Of Kingship, which vvas lately took away:
Though he, as much as Flesh and Blood could do,
Refus'd it, vvith some perseverance too.
And, not content to make him parallel
VVith all who are recorded to excel


In Vertues, by Prophane or Sacred Story;
But plac'd him, in a higher Sphere of Glory.
VVe gave him Attributes, vvhich unto none
Belongs, but to the Deitie alone;
And towards him, our selves oft so behaved,
As if by him alone, we could be saved;
VVhich peradventure, did provoke GOD's vvrath
To do to Him and Us, as done He hath.
GOD's dealing therefore, let us duly vveigh,
To do him all the honour, that we may:
For no respect of Persons, Love, or Fear,
Should from that Duty, flatter or deter.
To that intent, it will have some Relation,
To know and heed, that his last Visitation
By Sickness, did that Day on him appear,
VVhich made the time compleatly just a Year,
Since he solemnized a Publick Fast
To pacifie GOD's Wrath for Failings Past;
As also for removing from our Clime,
Such Sicknesses, as raged at that time:
And, that, some Cautions, for that day prepar'd,
VVere in their Season, unto him prefer'd,
To minde him vvhat small good could be expected
From Formal-Fasts, vvhere Justice was neglected;
And what at last would follow thereupon,
If Works of Mercy, were still left undone.
At that time, such Pre-Cautions tendred vvere
(As, if need be, hereafter you shall hear)
For, GOD, to offer them, did me incline,
And, to his hands, they were prefer'd by mine:
But, whether he perused them or no,
Since they presented were, I neither know,
Nor vvhat Effect they had, if that be none,
VVhich at the years end, did ensue thereon.


We should consider too, how on that day,
Just that day twelve-month he was took away,
(Wherein he kept a Formal Celebration
Of Thankfulness, for publike preservation)
That very day, of his chief Triumphs turning
Into a sad and Fatal day of mourning:
How that day, whereon (if Fame hath not lide)
He purpos'd to be crowned King, he dide;
Leaving an Image, with a waxen Face,
To be instal'd, and crowned in his place:
Which, as since we defac'd Crowns, 'twas the first
That wore one, I desire, may be the worst,
Who shall from this time forward, live to bear
A Soveraign Scepter, or a Crown to wear.
If we consider duly as we ought,
These things; with such like, as to serious thought
Are thereby tendred; more, from thence there might
Inferred be, then I think fit to write.
Or, should I tell, vvhat vvas prepar'd, likewise,
To make compleat his Formal Sacrifize
Last mentioned, and what effects it had,
Some wholsome uses, might thereof be made
Which must deferred be; because my Reason
Perswades me, that they are not, yet in season.
I know a Flatt'rer, feared not to say
That, was the third time, his Victorious day
By conqu'ring Death: But, wisemen, do contemn
That Gloss, because, that day, Death conquer'd him;
And, do believe, and know, that none but he
Who dide for our Redemption on a Tree
(And, rais'd himself, to breathe immortal breath)
Ought to be stil'd the Conqueror of Death.
He onely, vvho, above the Heav'ns doth dwell,
And conquered vvith Death, both Sin and Hell,


Deserves that Attribute: and they, vvho dare,
To others give the same, Blasphemers are,
(Except in that sense, which, makes all who die
In him, partakers of his Victorie.)
He had his share of Honour, and, not little
His Portion was; Let not his Masters Title
Ascribed be to him: For, they, who hear it,
And are his Servants, cannot, will not bear it;
Nor be affraid to speak, vvhat may encrease
GOD's honour, vvhose soe're it maketh less.
GOD call'd him hence that day, to make us heed,
That, he in all his Actings doth proceed
By Number, Weight, and Measure; both to places,
And Times referring them in many cases,
To make observable his Visitations;
As also, to raise up our contemplations
To that, vvhich he Designs: yea, he advances
Their executions, oft, with Circumstances,
Not common; that, by searching, we may finde
His meaning, and conform unto his minde.
I know, he vvas upon that day, advis'd
To somewhat, vvhich he should not have despis'd
Whereto he gave small heed, or none at all,
Till vvhat vvas justly feared did befal:
And, vvho knows, vvhat beside that vvas neglected?
VVhat vvas pretended then, vvhat, since projected?
Or, vvhat mis-prosecuted, or mis-done,
Which might provoke the great Almighty-one,
To call him on that very day from hence,
VVhich vvas the day of his magnificence;
And lay the Scepter level with the spade.
Oh! make thereof, such use as should be made;
For, knowing vvhat I know, relates thereto,
I, cannot unobserved let it go.


We know that Death, vvhich is the hire of Sin,
On that day, always payable hath bin,
In vvhich 'tis acted, though, GOD, by reprieve
Defers it oft, or, vvholly doth forgive.
We know there are some sins, for vvhich, ev'n they
VVho are GOD'S chosen ones, are took away
From those Enjoyments, vvhich they might have had,
Until a Forfeiture of them is made.
Moses, for speaking rashly, was denyed
The promis'd Land, and in that Desart dyed,
Where others fell; and, thus, it doth befal
To many of GOD's Saints, if not to all.
We either know, or vve should know, likewise,
That, for our National impieties
As vvell as for their own sins, Princes may
In wrath be given, or, be took away.
The Holy-Ghost hath said, that, when to lies
The King gives ear (and such are Flatteries)
The people, there are wicked. And, our sin
The Cause in chief, hath peradventure bin,
VVhich, from his first Intentions, him declin'd,
To that vvhich vvas not for our weal design'd,
Nor for his honour: yea, our selves vve may
Most justly blame, if he forsook the way
VVherein, he by the Publike-Card should steer:
For, some of us thereto his Tempters were,
And, by our servile Flatt'ries, both made voyd
His first Resolves, and our own Hopes destroy'd.
As, therefore, when GOD, gave the Jews a King,
He then, did by a dreadful Thundering,
And by a great Rain in their Harvest time,
Declare that they had much displeased him;
So, peradventure, that Storm, which did roar
So universally four days before


He took hence our Protector, was intended
To signifie, that he is much offended
With all this Land, ev'n from him that's on high
Enthron'd, to him, who in the street doth lie:
For, not alone, high Palaces it rock'd,
But, also very dreadfully it knock'd
At ev'ry door; and made a signal spoile,
In ev'ry Shire and Province of this Isle.
Oh! let us therefore search out his intent;
For, when he speaks loud, there is somewhat meant
Deserving more then ordinary heed,
Whereon (if sleighted) mischief will succeed.
He seldom, putteth forth a dreadful Voyce,
Save unto those, whom nothing moves but Noyse:
And, if that, wakes them not, nor makes them fear him,
The next time, they shall feel him, ere they hear him.
Let not a vain respect to Worms and Dust,
Make us to GOD, and to our selves unjust:
For, what he acts, and how he doth proceed,
We ought, in ev'ry Circumstance to heed,
Whomever it concerns, and nothing hide,
Whereby he may be duly glorifide,
Or, men reform'd. Then, let us, since we may
Be dead to morrow, hear his Voyce to day.
We have had many days, wherein, he hath
Shewn Mercy, and forewarn'd us of his wrath.
Sometimes, in Calm-still voyces, he doth speak;
Sometimes, in whirl-winds, which the Rocks do break:
As once 'twas sayd to Isr'el heretofore,
Then what he hath done, what should he do more?
We have had many days, wherein, we made
Both Vows and Prayers, which acceptance had;
In them we made some shews of penitence
For that, which gave him cause to take offence,


And for an Ahab-like humiliation,
GOD, of his dooms, vouchsaf'd a mitigation;
Yet, still, the very same, our Courses be.
Now, GOD, will have his days as well as we.
He hath decreed a time, wherein, he will
As we have done our pleasure, his fulfil;
And who can tell, how slowly, or how soon,
That, which he hath resolved, shall be done?
What look we for? Lo, on a day of note,
Our Shepherd, our Protector, he hath smote.
A Prince, of whom our own and neighb'ring Nations,
Had great proofs, and far greater expectations:
Beyond his set day, if he spar'd not him,
How can we hope, he will defer our time?
Who knows, but that, if it succeeded thus
With him in one yeer, One yeer more to us
May be as fatal, if we still put off
Repentance, and at this fore-warning scoff?
Protector, and ye Counsellors of State,
Be therefore wise, before it be too late:
Ye Princes, and ye Judges of the Land,
Learn, and observe what GOD hath now in hand:
And all ye people throughout these three Nations,
Take notice of those dreadful Visitations
Which are portended, that, they may be made
Quite voyd, and have Effects to make you glad.
Trust not in Riches, for, they wings have got,
And, will flie off, when you suspect it not.
Trust not in Earthly Power; for 'twill at length,
Break, and be ruined, by its own strength.
Trust not in Princes; For you can of none
Have more hopes, then you had of him that's gone;
But, trust him, who, doth no mans trust deceive;
Of whom nor Death, nor ought else can bereave;


And, vvho, nor Love, nor Power, nor wisdom lacks
To finish, what for you he undertakes.
Think, and speak soberly of him that's gone;
For, he the work of GOD hath carry'd on,
So far as his appointed Station vvent;
And, being but a mortal Instrument
Made of the self-same brittle earthen stuff,
That others are, was not, of so much proof
Against the baneful Flatteries of those,
VVho seem'd his true Friends, as against his Foes
In open Field, who could not act the part
Of such as made their Batt'ries on his heart.
I look upon his Failings as mine own,
And neither whilst he lived made them known,
(Nor will disclose them further being dead)
But, that the living may be profited,
And that, GOD may be honour'd as he ought
By that which to remembrance should be brought.
My Conscience bears me witness that I know
No malice, in my heart against a Foe,
Much less against a Friend, vvhom I profest
To serve; and vvho, to his own Interest
(In what he from the right-way did decline)
Did much more injury, then unto mine.
His Words and Deeds, were all the means I had
To know him by; and what Result was made
By me thereon, I did since his decease
Thus briefly in an Epitaph express,
Which here I'll add, the Censures to prevent
Both of the Flatt'rer and Malevolent,
Who (in a manner) crucifie his Name,
Betwixt a Glorious and In-glorious Fame
As much as may be, to advance self-ends,
And nullifie, what GOD, thereby intends.



Here Dead He lies; who, Living here,
Was Britain's greatest Hope and Fear.
And, by what was on Him bestown,
Had all His Equals over-grown:
His Predecessor's Sins and our,
Made way for Him to Soveraign Power;
By rendring that an Act of Reason
And Justice, which had else been Treason.
No Prince, was ever heretofore
More praised, or dispraised more.
Advantages, few ever won
So great: None lost so great a one.
This World afford no Pattern can
Which better shews what is in Man.
His Vertues, were enough to do,
So much as GOD design'd Him to.
He Failings had: But, when liv'd any
That had not every way as many,
If he (whilst here abode he made)
Such Tempters and Temptations had?
Presume not therefore; but with Fear
Minde, what you know, and see, and hear:
Yea heed, what GOD, and Men have done,
But judge none but your selves alone;
And aim in chief, how to increase
GOD's Glory, and the Publick Peace.
This Change, and failing of our Expectations,
In many sev'ral Things, which have Relations


To Us and Him, forewarn us to pursue
Some speedy Course, Confusion to eschew,
And fortifie our Peace: But, what to do
Few know, or vvhat vvill best conduce thereto;
Nor shall know, till a Parliament convenes
To search vvhat GOD, this Prince, & People means.
In order to their wish'd-for Settlement,
The State hath chose another Instrument,
Whom GOD, hath in the room of OLIVER,
Permitted to be his Probationer.
In Prudence, this Expedient they have us'd,
Lest our Confusions, growing more confus'd,
Might bring in Anarchy: And if they now,
Pursue vvhat GOD's, and humane Laws allow,
And shall not Arbitrarily proceed
Ought further, then unquestionable Need
Necessitates, till those things on their Basis
Are fixed, vvhich vvere thrust out of their places:
It may in little time, conduce to that
Which Men of single Heart, have aimed at.
But, who, or what, vvill henceforth be a Bar
To Righteousness, the Sequel must declare,
And vvill make manifest, vvhat Mask soever
It put upon an opposite Endeavour.
If he hath conscientiously been chose,
(Which none but GOD and his Electors knows)
Our Peace, by this Prince, vvill be further'd more,
Then by him vvhom vve vvrought vvith heretofore.
Although he brings not such APPEARANCES
Either for His, or Our Advantages,
As did his Predecessor: for vve may
Finde those Defects supplide another vvay;
Yea, vvant perhaps, of what the former had
In some kindes, may to our advantage add.


Time, oft discovers in a timely season,
What cannot be till then discern'd by Reason.
Wise Samuel, fail'd in his conjecturing
VVhich of the Sons of Jesse should be King.
A Man of War, now fittest for the Throne
Some thought; but, vve behold instal'd thereon
A Man of Peace: And if in his Probations
He bide the Test, he shall be to these Nations,
A Fortress of Defence, in spight of those,
VVho, in his Government, shall him oppose;
Provided, vve obstruct not Providence,
By persevering in impenitence.
The Supreme Title, is on him confer'd,
And, by vvhat vvay soe'er it vvas acquir'd,
That, for the present vvith a Soveraign Pow'r
Invests him; and vvhatever we call our,
Is in his hands, vvith all th'Authority
VVhich Scepters, Globes, or Crowns do signifie.
And, of that Dignity he stands possest
(By GOD's permissive Providence, at least)
Not that he should Usurp, or challenge them,
As due unto his Fathers House, or Him;
But, being forfeited by our Transgression,
Them, in his hands he hath by sequestration,
To be secur'd there, till by Penitences,
A Pardon, be su'd out, for our Offences,
That, vvhat, by Natures Law, and by GOD's Word,
To us belongeth, may be then restor'd:
For, GOD, Almighty, to no other ends,
Such Seizures, by a Soveraign Prince intends:
Save when, on wicked Nations he bestowes
A wicked Prince, for both their overthrows.
If to GOD's ends, he Quadrate his Desire,
He, shall become, far greater then his Sire.


He shall do nobler things, then ere he did;
More he shall Conquer, then he conquered:
Affairs, which he of whom vve are bereft,
Both difficult and in confusion left,
He shall reduce to Order; not alone
Subduing Men and Realms, as he hath done,
But conquer also, those destructive Evils,
Which would destroy all, and triumph o'er Devils.
Nay, though he had been, either by his Youth,
By Flatterers, pretending zeal to Truth,
Or if he by a carnal Hope or fear
Of Danger, had been tempted to adhere
To those Designs, which under fair pretences,
May, to the Publick Rights, do violences;
Yet, if he shall conform to GOD, and them,
Whose Love, and Counsel, he should not contemn;
It shall (by much) a greater honour do him,
Then Scepters, Crowns, and Thrones can add unto him.
Yea, if upon the day of his Probation
He to the Supreme Council of this Nation,
(Assembled lawfully, and duly chose)
Shall rather hearken, then give ear to those
Who flatter him in secret; they shall never
Forsake him, but his Servants be for ever.
It shall on him, confer more Happiness
Then, I in words, am able to express.
VVin him more Love then can by gold be bought,
Bring in more Joy, keep Terrors better out,
And (whilst on Earth he lives) secure him more,
Then if each single Souldier vvere a score;
And, were my Life, of value to be pledg'd
For that Adventure, it should be ingag'd.
Contrary-wise, if he their Lore pursue
VVho will perswade him, that all is his due


VVhich he can grasp; or shall instead of Law
Imploy the sword, to keep Free-Men in aw;
GOD, will arise; and none shall need to strive,
A Remedy, by Violence, to contrive.
For if we vvait on him, and sit but still,
Submitting patiently unto his Will,
Our Chief Oppressors he will cause to be
Their own destruction, and so set us free.
Or, make our Foes our Friends, and back restore
All that was taken from us heretofore.
By such means, GOD in former times releast
His People, who by Tyrants were opprest,
As doth appear, by that which did befal
In Babylon, and in th'Egyptian-thral,
VVhere, not a man made use of hand, or tongue
To free himself, by violence, from wrong,
Except by Prayers, which (although offence
It gives to some) is lawful violence.
And, by some such means when GOD's time is come,
Our Bondage, we shall be deliver'd from.
GOD, hath a thousand wayes, to break the pow'r
Of twentie thousand Tyrants in an hour;
Yet, may prove many Tooles, till he finds one,
Or, moe, to finish what he hath begun.
If this turn Edge, he, peradventure may
Take those again, that have been flung away,
VVhich being purged in Afflictions Fire,
VVill, now be pliable to his Desire.
Their Actings, vvhom vve now impow'red see,
VVill shortly, evidently signal be,
Of what shall follow: But, I fear th'event,
VVill not produce a happy Settlement,
Till our Trustees, Elected shall appear
For Conscience-sake, more then for Belly-Cheer,


Or such-like by-respects; (by which we seem
To have our Birth-Rights in a mean esteem:)
And, till, GOD, likewise, hath by Lot a Voice,
(As well as men) both in the future Choice
Of our Protectors; and of others too,
Who must help act the work that's yet to do.
But, this will be no pleasing Proposition
To Avarice, Self-seeking and Ambition.
There's yet a Signe (to which things fore-exprest
Relation have) more signal then the rest,
Which, if it shall continue as it hath
Continu'd, will add Vengeance, unto Wrath;
And, what vain hope soever, we may cherish,
VVe, with our Prince and Government, shall perish.
GOD, where this grows predominant, despises
All Vows, Tears, Prayers, Cries and Sacrifices,
Fasts and Thanksgivings: For, he findes them all
VVhere this remains, but Hypocritical.
This is that Signe, which did in ev'ry Age,
Those irrevocable Fore-Dooms presage,
That introduc'd the final Desolations,
Of all those mighty Empires, Kings and Nations,
VVhereof there's little left now, but a Name,
Preserv'd among us by an empty Fame,
For our Examples: This is that which shook
Their Thrones, their Crowns defac'd, their Scepters broke:
Yet, this Signe is upon us, at this day;
From us, with speed, remove it LORD, away.
You look, as men expecting I should show
VVhat Signe that is. Good GOD! what do you know
If this you know not? Do you not behold
That Signe, by what I have already told?
Are you asleep Friends? have you neither Ears
Nor Eyes, that, undiscern'd this yet appears?


Do you not hear the Groans of Men distrest?
The Loud-loud Cries, of those who are opprest?
Nor what a sad Complaint attested stands
This day, by many hundreds of their hands?
Have you not heard, how Pris'ners do complain?
Nor seen what Tears are poured out in vain
By Widdows and poor Orphanes? see ye not
What vast Estates are by Oppressors got,
To their undoing, who their Lively-hood,
Their Fathers, Husbands, or their Brothers Blood
Lost for the Publick? see you not how sad
(Poor souls) they are? how lean, and how unclad?
Have you not heard a Merciless-Decree
Condemn the Just, and set the Wicked free?
Do you not see, that, hundreds of Petitions
Have many yeers made known Mens sad conditions,
Without Compassion? and what dis-regard
Befalls them, who have merited reward?
Observe you not, that they, who made complaints
Ev'n unto those who are esteemed Saints,
Finde them as sensless of their saddest moans,
As men hew'd out of Blocks, or carv'd in stones?
And, that Hypocrisie (in GOD's account
The worst of sins) is now grown Paramount?
Have you not seen Blood, as if water spilt,
And Black Designes with Golden Colours guilt?
Nor many foul Offences made appear
As if they meritorious Actions were?
Perceive you not, who joyning are together,
VVho give and take Pow'r, to and from each other,
To re-infringe our Christian Liberty?
And, by pretending Zeal to Piety,
Or Civil Peace, advance the Interest
Of our old Foe, the Seven-headed Beast,


VVith his False Prophet? and invented have
A Grin, both Soul and Body to inslave?
Perceive you not, that Importunities,
VVhich made one from his Bed and Children rise,
(And mov'd a Judge, who fear'd not GOD nor Men)
Prevails not now, as it prevailed then?
And, that, Mens tender Mercies are become
More cruel, then their Cruelties to some?
Nay, see you not, this Signe more signal made
By that, which our Apostacies now add?
And, that, this day, we do apparently
Stand guilty of the great'st Apostacie
From our first Covenants, Vows and Protestations,
Then ever could be charged on these Nations?
Obsérve you not, what foolish Prophesies
VVe take up? how, of Fictions and of Lies
VVe make us Refuges, as heretofore
They did, whose Paper-Works, we down have tore?
And how the lying Prophets and the Priests
Comply, to save their carnal Interests?
Have you not lately taken observation,
That Laws by gross, have had a confirmation,
Of which there's nothing on Record, (or little)
To warrant them, except their Names or Title?
And heed you not what Mischieves that abuse
VVith such-like, may insensibly produce?
VVell, GOD, forgive us all; for I believe
These things you may apparently perceive.
But, if you shall make doubt, whether or no
It be, as I believe, or else, not so,
To GOD Himself, for tryal I'll appeal,
And, to the People of this Commonweal,
VVho, know what's done, and will not be afraid
To justifie what may be truly said.


For, when this Signe is fix'd; though men look high
Or big, it shews Destruction draweth nigh.
Yea, though the Proud may seemingly contemn
This Signe, it will impressions leave on them:
For, horrid inward Pangs, and secret Dread
VVill seize upon their Hearts, when this is read;
And that great Storm of Brimstone, Fire, and Snares,
VVhich GOD, for men impenitent prepares,
VVill oft to minde be brought; and waking keep
Their eyes, sometimes, when they desire to sleep.
But to be plain (why should there be a doubt
Of that whereof, Proofs need not to be brought?)
I, see the want of Justice and Compassion
(The most apparent Signe of Desolation)
So evident; that, I, do boldly here
Before GOD, Men and Angels, witnesse bear
That our Oppressions are at this day more
Then ere I knew them at one time before,
Since first I knew the world; though I have been
No stranger where mens actings best are seen;
And, where I saw (for their and our Offences)
Six Parliaments cut off by Violences,
Or by untimely ends, within the space
Of these last twenty years, and somewhat less:
Yea, though I've seen two Governments arow
Destroyed for Injustice; and see now
A Third indanger'd; which thus makes me speak,
And like the Son of Crœsus, forth to break
Into expressions beyond Expectation,
To make men seek their timely Preservation.
For this Signe is so fatal, that unless
It quickly be remov'd by Righteousness
And Brotherly Compassion, we shall never
Enjoy that Peace for which we do endeavor.


Some, naytheless, will judge me worthy blame
And punishment, thus to disclose the shame
Of this my Nation; and, I should confess
That for so doing, I deserv'd no less,
If Malice had inclin'd me thereunto;
Or, if I ought have aggravated so,
That it exceedeth Truth; or, if o'er-blown
These Crimes had been, unless by me made known.
But, 'tis not so, nor so; And, if he may
Deserve the Rod, who doth but write or say
What is mis-done, (and speaks it with intent
Those Mischieves which may follow to prevent)
What merit they, who act them without care
Of what sad things, they certain Symptomes are?
That this bears Date the last day of December
In sixteen hundred fifty eight, remember;
And, that a Reconcilement be before
VVe have provok'd GOD's Patience, one yeer more;
Lest, I my self, be made another Signe
Of what the former Symptomes pre-divine.
For, those Confusions VVhich distract this Sate,
Are typified in my outward Fate,
And printed on me, by that violation
Of Justice, which defiles this Generation.
They seem to have enough in outward show,
To bear their Port, to pay the Debts they ow,
And for the future a sufficiency:
So also, if I had my Right, have I.
As (notwithstanding this) with much ado
They, now subsist: So, fares it with me too.
As, at the present, their Expences be
More then their Incomes; So it is with me.
They have more Foes then Friends; And much I am
Deceived, if I may not say the same.


My Foes and troubles in another year
May ruine me; and so will theirs I fear
If he on whose assistance I depend
Prevents not what their Foes and mine intend,
Before another yeer wheels round, I may
Enjoy an outward Peace; And so shall they
If they embrace the means, that will be shown,
And, follow not Devices of their own.
Yea, that perhaps, which will to them betide,
Shall in my Lot, be first pretypifide.
If timely Justice, be vouchsaf'd to me,
By timely Mercies, they reliev'd shall be:
If I, permitted am to be destroy'd,
Their Power, may not long after be enjoy'd:
And GOD so much incensed may appear
(As with the Jews once) that, he none will hear
But for himself, who ere from thenceforth stands
Within the Gaps, to keep Plagues from these Lands.
Thus, in plain language, and in homely Rimes
You have a brief Character of these times,
Made on a sleight occasion; to awake
The drowzie; that more heedful, it may make
Men heedless; and him to be somewhat wiser
Who is not of good Counsel, a Despiser.
A Souldiers dream, but of a barly-Cake
Told to his fellow, when he did awake,
And Spirited with his Interpretation,
Produced an Effect, worth observation;
And so may this, although to some, it seem,
No better then a silly Souldiers dream.
I'll add no more (though much more add I might)
For, here will be too much for them to sleight,
Who, in those Flatt'ries, much more pleasure have
That send them with dishonour to the Grave,


Then in plain spoken Truths, which would to them
Have brought salvation, if embrac'd in time.
And here, will be enough to startle some,
To stir up others, till th'Alarum come
To such a number, as may then suffice
To make a reconciling Sacrifice.
Unless we Sodom-like, stand unreform'd
Until with Fire and Brimstone, we are storm'd.
This SALT, made out of SALT, I took occasion
To boyl up, for the service of my Nation
To this height, as conceiving it was meet
To keep what's yet unputrified sweet,
And those corrupted humors to expel
Which in GOD's nostrils have an evil smel.
I hope, men will not throw it in mine eyes,
Neither so universally despise
These timely warnings, that they shall by none
To good effect, be read, and thought upon:
And, if but two or three, shall thereby gain
Some benefit, I have not lost my pain.
Mine be the shame, if I, hereby to him
Intend disgrace, whose Verses, are my Theam.
I did but thus, his Mercury calcine
For Physick; Let him do as much by mine;
And, if, ought from my failings, he deduce
Which may to others, be of wholsom use,
I, shall be pleas'd; because, what lose I may
In one kind, will be gain'd another way.
But, if he hath, so generous a minde
As to believe he hath, I am inclinde,
He will return me thanks, that I have us'd
To no worse purpose, that which he hath mus'd.
Yea, and rejoyce, that, what in sport he writ,
This needful premonition did beget.


When I had pen'd this, and o'erview'd the same,
Therewith consid'ring what a worm I am,
What they are, who, offence thereat may take;
What misconstructions, Prejudice may make;
With what scorn and contempt it may be read;
And, having therewithal considered
That, I, am one adhering to no Faction,
To give me countenance in such an Action.
Nor having in my self, pow'r to defend me,
From Injuries, nor Patron to befriend me;
It quail'd my Courage; and I'll not dissemble,
It made my heart ake, and my Flesh to tremble.
And I had hid my Talent in the ground,
Unless, a timely Cordial had been found.
But, he who gave it, my faint heart reviv'd;
From him, new Resolutions I receiv'd,
Wherewith confirm'd, my Soul to him addrest
Such Musings, as are next, in Words exprest.
Lord GOD, if, to thy glory, this may tend,
Give it, some way a Pasport to that end,
And set thy Imprimatur thereupon;
For, Thou hast done it, if it be well done:
If it be such, as will not honour thee,
'Tis mine, and as mine, let it smother'd be.
I feel a strong perswasion, in my minde,
That, hereunto, I was by thee inclinde
And, that, there may be somewhat more exprest,
Whereby, thine, and the Publike Interest
May be advanced; which if it be so,
And, thou shalt please, to call me thereunto,


By giving me a Spirit, that may fit
So weak an Agent, to adventure it,
I'll prosecute it home, although it shall
Cost all, which in this World, I mine can call.
I have been subject to some Hesitations,
Through pity, to those dear and near Relations,
Which thou on me bestow'dst; and thereby, have
Lost much, which by that means, I thought to save,
To make me take more heed, by, and from whom
All things that shall advantage me, must come:
Them, therefore, henceforth, I resolve to trust
To thy disposal, whom, I knew so just,
That, thou of those, unmindful canst not be,
Who truly place their Confidence on thee:
And, now to fix in me, a Confidence
For time to come, upon thy Providence,
By those Experiments, which I have seen,
I will confess, what thou, to me hast been.
So universally thou dost extend
Thy Love, that, all men it doth comprehend,
Who shall not wilfully reject thy Grace,
When thou, to them shalt offer an embrace;
And, all things dost vouchsafe, which may enable
To honour thee, or make life comfortable,
So far, as we may carnal things possess,
Without obstructing, our chief happiness.
To evidence this gratiousness of thine,
No living mans experience outgoes mine:
For, ev'ry Faculty of mine hath heard
Thy wondrous Mercies, thereunto declar'd
In its own language, to th'intelligence
As well of every Passion, and each sense,
As of my Reason; so, that I can say
They have to me, abounded ev'ry way.


For since I knew the World (ev'n ever since)
Thine, extraordinary providence
Hath watched over me; and, I, from none
Have had subsistence, but, from thee alone;
Or, by those, whom no temporal Relation
Could move thereto, without thine Invitation;
Kind'red have been to me, in wants and dangers,
If not my Foes, at best, more strange then Strangers:
And, not the smallest portion of my wrong
Hath from their malice, or their envie sprung.
Few have been more Censorious of my ways,
Or, apter to believe what malice says.
That, which my secret Foes designed had,
To ruine my estate, thereto did add;
And, through thy mercy, more unto me gave
Then ere I got, by all the Friends I have.
Friendships acquired by mine own endeavor,
And, all my own works, have been fruitless ever;
Except it were, to bring those troubles on me,
Which have no less then twice or thrice undone me,
And made work for thy Mercy. Thrice, thou hast
Redeem'd me, when in Prison I was cast
By Supreme Pow'r; and freed me without shame,
When I was threatned, by the voyce of Fame
With loss of limb and tortures, and knew none
On whom I could rely but thee alone.
Through dangers, into safety, thou hast led me;
And, when I wanted meat, by Ravens fed me.
Twice, nigh as poor as Job, I have been made;
And ev'ry time, that, which was lost, I had
To me returned double; without cheating
The Common-Wealth; or private men defeating,
Of what to them belonged; Nor, by wiving,
(Which is to some, a sudden way of thriving)


Was my Estate repair'd; nor thereunto,
Did I, by fawning upon Friend or Foe,
Add ought; nor ever had a Legacy
To me bequeath'd, these losses to supply;
But, by such means, that, if I should declare it,
Few would, perhaps, believe it, when they hear it.
For, I confess, that I my self do wonder,
When past, and present things, I duly ponder,
In what great Wants, I, without Want have liv'd,
And under what Oppressions, I have thriv'd.
This makes the World, which hitherto hath grutcht
That, I, with what is hers should be enricht,
(As many think I am) to wonder more
How I, whom she intended to keep poor,
Subsist in her despight, then, how all they
Grew wealthy, who were beggars tother day:
And from her sight, thy Bounty, being hid,
She thinks, I thrived, as her Servants did.
And, leaves no means unpractis'd, to destroy
That Competencie, which, I yet enjoy.
When to be thought poor, it may do me shame,
(Or, make me poorer, then she thinks I am)
She taketh all occasions, then, to say
That, more I owe, then ever I can pay.
When to be deem'd rich, may deprive of that
Which is my due; she trebles my Estate.
But to prevent the mischief, which thereby
Had else ensude, thou sent'st in a supply;
And, always, hast enabled me, at least
To bear the weight, wherewith, I was opprest.
Thou, likewise, kept'st me without shame of face,
Maugre Detractions, malice, when Disgrace
Was then, and there intended, where it might
With most disparagement, on me alight:


And though but few, more scandaliz'd have been,
Few, of my Rank, have liv'd in more esteem.
Thou, from the violence of great Oppressors
Of Pietie's, and Friendship's, false Professors
Hast often sav'd me; yea, and from the Rage
Of those, to whom, I long since did presage
VVhat they, and I, saw afterward inflicted,
According as my Muses had predicted;
And, they, who then, for that, at me did rave,
Have many yeers, lain quiet in the Grave.
In that great Pestilence (whereof no time
Hath mentioned the like, in this our Clime)
Thou did'st preserve me, when on ev'ry side,
In short time, many twenty thousands dide,
Though underneath the self-same Roof I lay,
VVhere many by that Plague were took away,
That I might leave that Judgement on record,
To them who were reserved for the sword:
And when the Sword was sent his work to do,
From that, thy Mercy, did preserve me too.
Thou hast, moreover, from the menacing
And dreadful Wrath of an incensed King
Deliver'd me, without a Mediator,
Or back receding in the smallest matter,
From Truths aver'd. Thou from th'unjust intent
Of Evil Members in a Parliament
Did'st twice preserve me: and, all those Neglects,
Of Justice, and those other sad effects
Which I have suff'red, Demonstrations be
VVhat, most men are, and what thou art to me.
Nay (which is more then this) thou hast, thereby
Not onely shewn to me the Vanity
Of other men; but also, made mine own
Deficiencies unto my self, more known:


And both my Sins and Follies to appear
More my advantage, then my Vertues were:
For, those things, which the Devil to undo me
Design'd; and whereto Flesh and Blood did wo me,
Thou mad'st to be a means of Preservations
From those, and also, from the like Temptations;
And all the troubles, which the world brings on me,
With those great Injuries which have been done me,
(Instead of harming me) have in the Dust
But tumbled me, to rub away the Rust;
Or been a necessary Discipline,
To fit me for those Services of Thine,
VVhich else had been omitted to this day;
Or, if done, not so done, as now they may:
For which my Soul out of that Dust doth raise
A Voice, in Hallelujahs, to thy Praise.
Yet lest, these thy great Mercies, might at length,
Prove ineffectual, by that little strength
VVhich is in Flesh and Blood, if they vvere quite
Depriv'd of that, wherein they take delight;
THOU, who know'st vvhat defects are in mans nature,
(And therefore art indulgent to thy Creature)
Hast graciously been pleas'd to intermingle
VVhat might distaste, or be unwholesome single;
So temp'ring sweet vvith sow'r, that I by neither
Might harm receive, but Good from both together:
And, vvheresoe'er I live, dost still provide
To neighbour me, one of the Sons of Pride,
To make me vvatchful, and consider vvell
VVhere I yet am; and, among whom I dwell.
To me, Thou likewise hast vouchsaf'd a share
In vvhatsoever Pleasant doth appear
To men of all Degrees, vvho grow not mad
Or drunk, by those Delights, vvhich they have had:


For Poverty and Sorrow have to me
Made Common things, more pleasureful to be
Then their chief Dainties, vvho to that are born
VVhich must be won by others, ere 'tis worn;
VVho have but such Enjoyments at the best,
As they, who come full gorged to a Feast.
Yet, when of those Delights, I am bereav'd,
By whose enjoyment, I content receiv'd;
They leave not, (when departing I do finde them)
A Bitterness upon my Soul behinde them;
But, give the better appetite to those
Whose taste, and pleasure, I shall never lose:
And LORD, it flows from thy great Mercy, too,
That, flesh and blood, should willingly forgo
What constitutes themselves, to place affection
Upon an inconceivable Perfection.
Though, (as Thou know'st) the world my Foe hath bin,
And, would afford me little share therein;
A Portion I have also, there acquir'd
By thy Free-Grace, more then I once desir'd:
And vvhen I coveted more to possess,
(Though by a lawful meanes,) thou mad'st it less,
To minde me, that, nought will with me indure,
Save what by Thy meer Bounty, I procure.
If, therefore, it be lost, confess I must
That, Thy permission of it will be just;
And, with contentment, I will let it go,
Though all the rest, be taken from me too:
For, I most covet those things to enjoy,
Which neither I, nor others can destroy:
And, though sometime, Thy Cup imbitter'd be,
By those distempers vvhich remain in me,
I take it, naytheless, with true Thanksgiving,
And vvould not change my Lot with any living.


Though out of Levity and Custom, too,
I, ev'ry day, think, wish, and speak, and do
Like other foolish Men: yet, if I know
Mine own Mind, though Thou vvould'st on me bestow
All I could vvish, for vvishing; I vvould vvave
That Grant: and onely ask of Thee to have
VVhat Thou vvilt; and that Thou vvould'st take away
My Self-will, though my Life upon it lay:
For nought I now desire, to have or be,
But what may be best pleasing unto Thee:
And, if this temper could be still retain'd,
Men vvould believe, vvhat they, yet, think is fain'd.
To fortifie my Faith, and that desire
VVherewith, at present, Thou dost me inspire,
Thus of thy Mercies past, I have in part
Confession made: and, if I know my heart,
I durst not them before Thee thus aver,
VVho knowest all things, if untrue they vvere.
Yet, pardon my mistakes, if any be,
And, make, what I conceive thou art to me,
A Pledge, of what thou wilt be, to mine end.
Above all other Enemies, defend
And, save me from my self: For, World nor Devil,
Can then inflict upon me any evil,
That shall deprive me of ought transitory,
Which may advance my welfare, or thy Glory.
Next to my self, my second-self, and They
Who sprung from us, do stand most in the way
To hinder me, in that, whereto, my minde
Perswadeth me, it is by thee inclinde:
For, my respect to them, I must confess,
Oft, makes me guilty of faint-heartedness.
Oh! be so merciful to them and me,
That, neither of us, may a Grievance be


Unto each other, in vvhat doth pertain
To Thy Affairs, whilst vve on Earth remain;
Or make us, vvith Reluctancy, to spare
Our selves to serve Thee; Or, vvhat is more dear
To either, then our selves: But, give each other
To thee, that we in thee, may live together
VVhen we are called hence, and timely know
Our Bliss consists not in things here below.
I know, Thou art vvell pleas'd it should be thus,
And that, hereto Thou wilt enable us:
For, though I feel them, to be somewhat neerer
Unto my Flesh, Thou to my Soul art dearer;
And, as thou gav'st them vvhen they vvere desir'd,
I'll back return them, vvhen they are requir'd,
VVith mine own Soul to boot: Do not dispise
This All; For, in these, All, I sacrifice.
To Thee, for these Relations, I am Debter,
Then vvhich I know no man enjoyeth better,
VVho meriteth so little the possessing
Of any extraordinary Blessing.
Yet, if thou hast a Work to call me to,
By which, I may my Self, and them undo,
I'll undertake it, so, Thou stand but by me,
And shalt thereto, with needful Pow'r supply me.
Yea, though Thou shalt no more Thy Blessings double
As heretofore; but waste away in trouble
(By multiplied Sufferings, Wants, and Grief)
The remnant of my, yet, prolonged Life;
I am resolv'd, that, I will never more
Thereat, repine again, as heretofore:
But onely pray, my Sins, may be forgiven,
Believe, and love, and seek my LOT in Heav'n.
LORD, keep me in this minde; and then, let MAN,
World, Flesh, and Devil, do the worst they can.


Sarcasmus Ænigmaticus.

Hereto is added the following Riddle, with the occasion of composing it, as neither altogether impertinent to what precedes, nor to what is counselled by this Portion of Scripture;

Answer a Fool, according to his foolishness, lest he be wise in his own conceit, Prov. 26. 5.

As well, to Foes, as Friends, I thought it fit
To shew this Poem, ere I publish'd it,
Because a Foe, sometimes, lets fall a word,
Which (heeded well) more Caution may afford
Then friendly Censurers: And, to that end,
When I to some had read what here is pen'd;
By them, proposed jeering Questions were,
Fit for no Answer but by Counter-jeer.
Yet I will Answer them, when unto me
This following RIDDLE, shall unriddl'd be.
What may that be, which, when it is Exprest
Is most Unknown? Is Worst, when 'tis at Best?
And when it is at Greatest, then 'tis Least?
'Tis Black and White, Red, Yellow, Blew and Green;
Yet, Understood, Felt, Smelt, Heard, Tasted, Seen;
Neither now is, nor shall be, nor hath been.


To any one, who tells me what it is,
That's answerable ev'ry way to this,
I do engage; and thereto set my hand,
To tell him any thing he doth demand.
George Wither.


A bitter-sweet Passion of the Soul, Expressed in A HYMNE to GOD.

By The same Author.


My dear, my gracious GOD!
From me Thy Face, why hidest Thou?
Oh! why is Thy aboad
So far, so long, removed now?
See, how alone
(Now Thou art gone)
And helpless, I am left;
Of ev'ry thing
That joy may bring,
Heed, how I am bereft.


I, who but lately seem'd
Of many Friends belov'd to be,
And so of some esteem'd,
As if their Souls had liv'd in me;
(Though, nor neglect,
Nor dis-respect,
Of them deserv'd I have)
Am now, forlorn
As one unborn,
Or lodged in his Grave.



The lovely Desart-Owl,
Which dares not fly abroad by Day;
That persecuted Fowl,
For which the Fowler Snares doth lay;
Is not hipt at,
As I, of late,
By Wag-Tayls, Dawes and Crows.
Nor hardlyer scapes
His Gins and Traps
Who seeks her overthrows.


For, when with some Delight,
My heart began on Thee to muse,
This World, forsook me streight;
And, ever since, doth me abuse.
To Hate and Scornes,
Her Love she turns;
Her Friends, my Foes she makes:
What sland'rous Lies
She can devise,
Of me, she faines, and speakes.


And, now, with Vaunts and Brags,
That, she, on me, aveng'd appears;
From me, her gaudy Rags,
With all her Gifts, away she tears:
And not content
So to have rent


What was by her bestown,
She would bereave
(With what she gave)
Those things, that are mine own.


She doth corrupt my Friends,
My Wrongs and Sorrows to increase;
Job's Comforters she sends,
To make more grievous my Distress:
To mind she calls,
Things true and false,
Which may my Peace impair;
With whatsoe'er,
May make me fear,
And, let in Black Despair.


Not those Defects alone,
For which, she justly me suspects,
(Or Duties left undone,)
To my Vexation, she objects;
But, doth devise
How, she likewise
May to my blame pervert,
What I design'd
With upright minde,
And singleness of heart.



And, (which augments my care)
My Selfness oft with her conspires,
Which ere I am aware
Lets in false Fears, and vain desires;
Which, taking part
Against my Heart,
Therein such Tumults make,
That, sometimes, they
Bear Spoiles away,
And, cause my Faith to shake.


Yet this affrights me more,
Then all their Malice, Force or Guile;
Thou, though I Thee implore,
Stand'st by, as Newter, all the while.
What she hath done
Thou look'st upon,
And, knowst what they intend;
Yet letst them still
Pursue their Will,
As if Thou wert her Friend.


Oh! whither or to whom
Can I for Health or Comfort fly?
If thou, my Foe become,
Whereon, henceforth, shall I rely?
I hope may have
That in the Grave


Immortal Life may be;
And finde as well
A Heav'n in Hell,
As Joy in ought save Thee.


But, LORD, though in the dark,
And in contempt, thy servant lies;
On me there shines a Spark
Of Loving-kindness from Thine eyes:
Yea, though without
(Quite round about)
I am inclos'd with Sin,
Increasing Foes,
Fears, Wars, and Woes,
Thou, Peace, preserv'st within.


For, when I looked on
Those Terrors which begirt me round,
I thought, Thou had'st been gone,
Because no outward Hope I found.
Yet hid Thou wert
Within my Heart,
Still present, all the while,
And my late Fear
Doth false appear:
For, now I see Thee Smile.


The Prisoners Plea:

Humbly Offered in a Remonstrance; With a Petition Annexed, To the Commons of England in Parliament Assembled; By GEORGE WITHER: Falsely charged to have composed a Lybel against the said Commons, and therefore now Prisoner in Newgate.

It containeth also, many Interjections not to be despised; As also a Colateral Corolary, of publick Concernment; and in particular touching The Blood-shed, Whereinto God is now making Inquisition.

My strength is made perfect in weakness; for when I am weak, I am strong. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in Persecutions, and in distresses for the sake of Christ, and a good Conscience. 2 Cor. 12. 9, 10.


Jamq; Opus Exegi.

My Life, and work (for ought, that yet I know)
Is either quite, or almost ended now;
And my Quietus est, within a Grave
Is, that, which best would please me, now to have:
For, by their struggling, many years together,
My Flesh and Spirit, have nigh tir'd each other.
Lord, let the short-snuff, of my Life unspent
Burn out, with clear flames, and a pleasing scent.
Newgate, January the 27th. 1661.
Geo. Wither.


A Memorandum to London,

Occasioned by the Pestilence there begun this present year MDCLXV, and humbly offered to the Lord Maior, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City. By George Wither.

Thereto is by him added, a Warning-piece to London, discharged out of a Loophole in the Tower, upon meditating the deplorable Fier, which consumed the house of an eminent Citizen, with all the persons and goods therein, at the beginning of our most Joyful Festival, in December, 1662.

Also, a Single Sacrifice offered to Almighty GOD, by the same Author in his lonely confinement, for prevention of the Dearth feared, and probably portended, by immoderate Raines in June and July, 1663.

Moreover, in regard many have reported and believed this Author to be dead; we have annexed his Epitaph, made by himself upon that occasion.

------Quis Legit hæc, &c.
Who read such Lines as these?
How few men, do they please?


A Seasonable Memorandum

Humbly tendred to the City of London, the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and the whole Commonalty thereof, by occasion of the Pestilence, begun this year, MDCLXV.

By their Old Remembrancer, George Wither.
The Psalmist, when he saw Truths foes grow strong
A while resolved to withhold his Tongue
Ev'n from Good words; (as I have often done)
But, in his heart, New-musings then begun
To muster so, that, he was forc'd to break
His resolution, and his thoughts to speak.
So fares it now with me; and I must do
That which my Mover hath inclin'd me to:
Vouchsafe it hearing, and GOD be my speed,
For, it concerns you, and deserves good heed.
This, now commencing, is the fourtieth year,
Since first, the greatest Plague that raged here,
Within our time, was sent for our correction,
To scourge us, with a Pestilent Infection,


That, GOD's intention, being timely heeded
We, by Repentance, might have superseded
Those following Judgments, which have ever since
Inflicted been, for our Impenitence;
And, are still multiplying, as if from
GOD's quiver, Sharper Arrows were to come.
That year, I having lived, till the Sun
Had thrice twelve times, quite through the Zodiack run,
Consider'd I had spun out half that time
Within your Walls, and might be one of them
For whose Transgressions, that sharp Visitation
Came to destroy, or work a Reformation;
And, thereupon (without constraint) intended
To wait on God, where I had him offended;
That, if to spare my life, vouchsafe he should,
I might as truly serve him as I could,
By heeding both his Actings, and our own;
And making those things unto others known,
Which I should then observe, might best promote
His honour; and from being quite forgot,
Keep that upon Record, (though to our shame)
Which might hereafter, glorifie his Name.
During that Plague, not one night, all the while,
Remov'd I thence, the distance of one Mile,
Or shuned either person, place, or sight,
Which, me, experimentally then might
Acquaint with any thing, whereby to learn
My Duty, or what would my work concern;
By which means, I found reason to confess
(As Job in his probation did profess)
That, I, who heard of GOD, but by the ear,
Before that time, then, saw him as it were;


And, had some things, likewise, to me reveal'd
Which were from many wiser men conceal'd;
So that I both foresaw, and then foretold
What many thousands did fulfil'd behold
Soon after: yea, moreover, some of them
Who, many years, my Cautions did contemn,
(And scofft at my Predictions) justifi'd
That, which in times past, they did much deride.
But, in their old waies, most men did proceed
As if they took a very little heed,
Of any thing, past, present, or to come,
Which might preserve Peace, or prevent their Doom.
What I then saw, and foresaw would befall,
I did record, in that which I did call
BRITANS REMEMBRANCER; and have not been
Regardless, what transactions, here were seen
During those fourty years of Provocation,
Wherein, GOD's Spirit, by this Generation
Hath greeved been. Of that large Premonition,
At least four thousands at the first Impression
Were publisht through these Islands, to prevent
What seem'd at hand; and, to the same intent
In several modes, at several times before
This present day, five times as many more
Premonitory hints, whereon ensue
As mean effects, except among those few
For whose sake (next his Sons) GOD, yet hath pity
On these three Nations, and on this great City,
Though they have persecuted and opprest
Those, in whose Weal their welfare doth consist.
But, this comes not within the Creed of many
Nor can be possibly believ'd of any,
Whom Pride, Self-love, and Ignorance bewitches
Either with dotage upon Pleasures, Riches,


Or Power exorbitant; because no Grace
Can get admittance, where those fill the place,
For, these, are part of those things where withall
The Devil tempted Christ; and they who fall
By not resisting him in that temptation
Are drawn, at last, to yeeld him Adoration
(Though peradventure they perceive it not)
And, when he that advantage once hath got;
It is not in the power of any one
To dispossess him, bud of GOD alone.
Judgements and Mercies, in the common mode
Move not without th'immediate hand of GOD,
Or, some impulses extraordinary
When from his Dictates, wilfully they vary.
The most Convincing Truths, make them but madder;
They, to the wisest Charmer like the Adder,
Still stop their ears; and them he works upon
No more, then if he Sung unto a Stone.
This renders these more brutish then a beast
By whom CHRIST is but formally profest:
For, Beasts will shun the dangers that pursue them;
Meet those who feed them, when their meat they shew them;
Know their preservers, yea return them too,
Requitals, in their kind, for what they do:
Whereas besotted men, ev'n when they may
Perceive themselves beleagured ev'ry way
With mischiefs; although plainly they may see
That their Endeavours unsuccesful be
In spight of all their policy or power,
And, God, Avengments threatning every hour
By Prodegies, and by Events, that from
No mortall hand, to cross their hopes can come,


They either look on them as casualties,
Or, them not to concern, in any wise:
Then, with full sailes, run head long on that Rock
Which is in view; at their good counsel mock,
Who tell them lovingly, how to avoyd
That, whereby, they shall else be quite destroyd,
If they proceed; or, cast an Anchor where,
They, now in hope of Preservation are:
And, if these be not madmen, there are none
In Bedlam, where we hear is many a one.
Ev'n as a nice and wanton Appetite,
Longs after Kickshaws, and takes more delight
In dishes made up of they know not what,
And not so wholsome, as plain solid meat;
So, most men, with Expressions are best pleas'd
From whence, one sentence, hardly can be squeas'd
Which well consider'd, any way conduces
To civil manners or to pious uses,
Though you should strain out all, that every word
For Caution, or Instruction, might afford.
To all such true Phanaticks, this will seem,
To be perhaps, of very small esteem,
Because, it speaks plain sense, and is not deckt
And trim'd up with such gawds as they expect.
Yet this, & those strains which they much dispise,
May be a means to make some fools more wise.
GOD promis'd to his servants long ago,
He would upon their Children shed forth so
His holy spirit, in the later ages,
That they should be inspired with presages
Of things to come; and (to his Name be praise)
This we have seen accomplisht in our daies.
Strange Visions have appear'd, Truths are foretold,
By men and women too, both young and old,


Which (though to carnal men vain dreams they seem)
With such as know God, they have more esteem,
And will appear to be his Dispensations;
As proper also, to these Generations,
As those, which were dispenc'd, in ages past,
Unto the Jews at first; or, at the last,
When, as phanatik, and ridiculous,
Their Prophets to them seem'd, as ours to us.
For, oft by their Inspirer, they were moved
To Speak and Act, what was by few approved;
Sometimes, to personate, what was abhord,
Or seem'd not with good manners to accord,
Ev'n in their Judgements, who appeared then
The wisest and the most religious men;
Especially, when God impos'd on some,
Things to be signal of what was to come.
But, all his Dispensations heretofore,
And now in use (or whatsoever more,
Shall be hereafter) scarcely will suffice
To make us, in these doting ages wise.
God, hath omitted nothing to recal us
Or, to prevent that, which may else befal us;
For every year, and upon each occasion
That did occur (to cause a perturbation
Or breach into our Peace) he moved some
So zealous of our welfare to become,
That they their own peace have oft hazarded,
(And lost it too) by things endevoured
For our avail; yea, though their pains and cost,
(As to themselves) was likely to be lost
Persu'd their Aime, sometimes, by general
Precautions, which did much concern us all;


And, otherwhile, by memorizing that
Which in particular seem'd to relate
To Persons or to Places, as it best
Might bring advance to publick Interest:
Forewarnings have by GOD vouchsafed been
To you by others (as they cause have seen)
Who seem'd to come with more authority
And trusted with Credentials, whereof, I
Unworthy am; But, whatsoever they
Or I appear, that, which I have for you
Prepared by Gods help, I offer now,
In hope, it will be heeded somewhat more
Then that, which hath been tendred heretofore.
This year his former Judgements GOD repeats,
And, once again, your sinful City threats
With Pestilence. He, over us doth shake
A dreadful Rod, wherein I notice take
Of three sharp twiggs; and he above knows whether
They shall be singly felt or all together,
Because, he onely knows what will be done
To stay that, which already is begun,
And keep out those two, which your City threat,
But, have not yet got entrance through the gate.
London, I fear, unless thou take more heed
In what Course thou hereafter dost proceed
(Although that God's Long-suffering towards thee
Continues yet) at once, with all the three
Thou shalt be scourg'd: for mockt, GOD will not be.
I am resolved therefore, whatsoever
May be the Consequent of my endeaver,
Now to proceed in what he moves me to,
And, I in duty am oblig'd to do;
Because, though my Good will you should abuse,
Your faults, my negligence would not excuse,


Who, look for my reward (if any due)
From him, whose work I do, and not from you.
My first Memorials, in their Title page
Hold forth an Emblematical presage,
Besides much thereby verbally exprest
(Relating to the plague which doth infest
Your City now) which worth the observation
May be, in every such like Visitation,
And might have had, if heeded, good effects
(Which have been lost by manifold neglects)
And still may, were things better thought upon
Which thereby, are advised to be done.
But here, to adde that, will spend too much time,
And therefore, I referring you to them,
That, now will prosecute, which more then Reason
Perswadeth me, is at this day in season.
Your City, I have lov'd and honored,
And, no less now, then heretofore I did,
For, GOD hath made it, the most honour'd place
That is within these Isles, or ever was;
He hath inrolled, and renown'd her Name
Among the Cities of the greatest Fame,
That either are, or were below the Sun
Since men to dwell in Cities first begun.
Large Pledges, he upon her hath bestown
Of his especial Love; some favour shown
Vouchsaf'd to few of them; and such a measure
Hath stored up in her, of his hid treasure,
And intermixt, from time to time, so often
Mercies and Judgements, hardned hearts to soften;
So in Long-suffering, also doth persever
(Though we are at this day, grown worse then ever)
That I perceive in her a Seed and Root,
Which to his Glory shall bring forth good Fruit


In his due time; and this inclineth me
To send these Memorandums now to thee,
Intending in thy Sickness, here to stay
Once more, when thy false-lovers fly away;
And in, or near, thy borders, to remain
Till GOD restores thee unto health again;
Or, till by being quite deserted here,
I shall be forc'd to seek my bread elsewhere;
Of which I dreadless am. For, I depend
Upon that powerful, and most faithful friend
Who hath preserved me often since my birth,
From worse things then War, Pestilence, & Dearth.
Physitians, and all else, who ere they are
That, of Sick persons undertake the care,
Do challenge, and ought also to assume
(Though them, it may be it will misbecome
At other times) a freedom to speak so
And, and as occasion moves them thereunto,
To act what's pertinent to their disease
In way of Cure, although it may displease.
I may, and do, as justly challenge now
(Since neighbour like I mean to watch with you)
Like Liberty; and will be bold to tell
That which I know will help to make you well,
Although, therewith displeas'd, you froward be,
Harsh words for my good will return to me,
And rage like those, who seem to loose their wits
When they are in their Pestilential fits:
For, I shall sober be, though somewhat sad,
To see those, whom I would keep tame grow mad.
And you I hope, what ere shall now be said
Will patient be, when well my words are weigh'd.
Consider well (for now high time it is,
That you and all men should consider this)


I say, consider how you have improved
GOD's Mercy since his Judgments were removed;
How, that provoking sinfulness abates,
And that Abhomination which God hates:
Nay well consider if it be not more
Abhominable, then it was before.
I fear it much, and ev'ry day this fear
Increaseth by what I do see and hear;
For, since I knew the world (which I have known
And heeded, till an old man I am grown)
I never heard this Nation so defam'd
As now of late; and sins not to be nam'd
By modest men, with so much impudence
So often acted with so little sence
Of manhood, nor with such impunity
By persons of no vulgar quality.
Both old and young men, high, low, rich and poor,
Out acted have transgressors heretofore;
Children are left so loose to speak and do
What their corruption doth incline them to,
(And ill example teach) that if their course
Continue long, we shall at last grow worse
Then Sodom and Gomorrah; which GOD knows
I do not mention (as some may suppose)
To scandalize this City or this Nation
But to provoke them to a Reformation.
To that intent, (so far forth as it shall
Concern this City) speedily let all
Who are in power, with prudence and in love
The strength of their Authority improve
Them to indulge and keep from violence,
Whose conversations are without offence;
And, by their executing of the Law
In purity, strive to keep those in awe


Who either shall malitiously transgress
(By an infringment of the publick peace)
Or wilfully commit, abet or teach
What, of the Moral Law may be a breach.
That nothing may by you be done unto
Another, which you would not have him do
To you, if in his case; search what you find,
That may on you be charged, in that kind,
And heartily repent it. That, moreover
You may faults, which will else lye hid, discover;
Consider, whether you have not with gladness
Insulted over men opprest with sadness,
Afflictions heaped up, upon Afflictions,
Or, added Cruelty to due corrections,
By seeking more to satisfie your Lust,
Or Vengeance, then to execute what's just
For Justice sake; or else, to please their Foes,
Condemned Innocents, their lives to lose.
Your waies examine, & search out what crimes
You have of late, more then in former times
Been guilty of: As, whether you have been
Or not, defiled with that scarlet sin,
Which in times past your City did abhor,
As being a peculiar heretofore
Of that Malignant City, where the Whore
Bestrides the Beast: be heedful also, whether
It be not partly, or else altogether
His work, to be in cruelties delighted;
To see meek, honest, harmless men dispighted
For Conscience sake; inhumanly exil'd
Husbands from wives, the parent from the child
Imprison'd to the loosing of their lives
Their little Children, their beloved Wives,
And their whole Families expos'd thereby


To that unspeakable extremity
Of wants and sufferings, which no flesh and blood
Can bear, without immediate help from GOD.
Whose will is thereby wilfully withstood.
And why all this? not for transgressing Laws
Of GOD or Nature, but alone, because
These could not condiscend the world to please
By an infringment of their consciences.
Heed what this may deserve, if you desire
To stop the Plague begun; lest else the fire
Which may be kindled in your habitations,
Do quite consume them ev'n to their foundations.
For, GOD, of his Prerogatives is Jealous
To vindicate all those he will be zealous
Who suffer for his sake, although perchance
They may be blamable through Ignorance,
Or other, humane frailties; for where he
Sees Faith and Love, their sins he will not see.
As for their Persecutors, though he may
His just Avengments, for a while delay,
The patience of his people he doth mind,
And, they who shew no mercy, none shall find.
Examine, whether since you made your peace
With GOD, the renovation and increase
Of wilful sins deserved not renewing
Of Plagues removed, and of worse ensuing.
It is not without cause, that God now hath
Such complicated Judgements, in his wrath
On thee and thine inflicted, when grown great
In hopes, thou thoughtst thy happiness compleat:
Nor is it hidden from thee altogether
For what sin, GOD sends this, or that plague hither.
In truth, all Plagues are due unto each sin
When with Impenitence, persisted in,


Yet, frequently the ROD's wherewith we are
Corrected, shew forth in Particuler
What we offended in. For Superstition
Was Gideons Family brought to perdition;
King Davids pride, made manifest in him
By numbring of the people) brought on them
A Pestilence: GOD visited the earth
For wilful breach of Covenants, with Dearth;
And (as to Zedikiak and to Saul
It did for that provoking sin befal)
The chief offenders and their Children too,
Stand liable to death for sinning so.
Oppression, Cruelty and Idolizing
The Creature (or things of our own devising)
Have been chastiz'd with servitude and war,
And, when Will-worshipings imposed are
On others, with inhumane violence,
Injustice acted with such impudence
As Jezabels and Ahabs, rarely shall
Such, scape from that, which did to them befal.
But, when that Hipocrites, by lying hid
As Annanias and Saphira did,
(Till GOD discover'd them) may possibly
Obscure the grouth of Infant Piety;
When they, who Truths foundations overthrow,
When, her malitious persecutors, grow
So mighty, that the Saints unable are
To calm them, or their furious rage to bear;
Or, when Prophaness and Abhominations
Like Sodoms, wholly, hath corrupted Nations
Or Cities, till there shall appear in men
Nor will nor power, them to reclaim agen;
GOD, in such cases, to himself alone
Assumes the punnishing of what's misdone


And very frequently doth punish too,
In such a mode as mortals cannot do:
Sometimes, by Sudden Death, when they are in
Their Jollity, or in the Act of sin;
Sometimes, by sicknesses that long endure,
Whereof no man can find the Cause or Cure;
Sometimes, by that, which (till their provocation
Of GOD) had been a means of preservation;
Sometimes, they of their lives have been bereaven
By Lightning, or by Thunderbolts from Heaven;
And, otherwhile (struck with dispaireful fears)
Are made to be Self-Executioners.
This gives a Hint of that which more affords
Then fully is expressed by my words
To make it plain; but either thou, no doubt
Or, some for thee, will search and find it out;
Or, by the the searching after it, discern
Somewhat, which thee as nerely will concern.
Take heed of neighbours, and familiar friends,
Who fawn upon thee for their own base ends,
And love thee not, (though they respect profess
By many shews of hearty friendliness)
For, some of them, already cause have bin
Of adding much both to thy Plagues and sin.
But, specially, of thine own self take heed
For, thence thy greatest dangers will proceed.
Consider therefore, by thy self alone,
What thou omitted hast, and what misdone;
Whether thy folly, falsehood, fickleness,
Apostacy from what thou didst profess,
Falling from thy First Love, by mis-advice;
Thy Luxury, thy sordid Avarice,
Or, some vain hopes, deserv'd not deprivation
Of that, whereof, thou hadst an expectation;


Heed, whether, to have cured, or prevented
One Plague, thy self thou hast not complemented
Into a score; (at least, to stop one curse,
Indanger'd drawing on thee many worse.)
Observe, if ever Beggery and Pride;
Did both together, upon one horse ride
So frequently as now, through every street,
Or walk so often on the self-same feet;
And, whether mischiefs which at present fall
On some, will not at last extend to all.
Mind well what thou art doing; what is done;
What is designed, but not yet begun;
For what thou both with words and swords hast pleaded;
What, thou hast most affected, or most dreaded,
What thereon follow'd, or might have succeeded;
What factions thou hast favor'd, and what still
Wouldst favour, were thy power like thy will.
London, if seriously thou ponderst this
Thou wilt perceive that what succeeds amiss
Flowes chiefly from thy self; and how can those
Be friends to any who are their own foes?
Thy Chiefs, care not how others they inslave,
So, they themselves from servitude may save,
Yet, these in fine, by that which doth befal
Become to be the basest slaves of all,
Ev'n Bondslaves to their Lusts, and to the Devil
By getting an habitual love of evil.
They hunt for honour, but, their fiery Title
Will adde to them, less honour then a little.
They covet to be rich; but wealth shall more
Increase those wants and Lusts, that make them poor.
In Policy and Powre, their trust is plac't
Yet, they become dispised fools at last.


Yea, we have seen those whom wealth, wit, and powre
Supported, sink down breathless in one hour,
That, we may know, there is an unseen hand
Which oft strikes those, who without fear, may stand
Of humane Justice, and beyond the reach
Of Mortals: That, therefore, which this may teach
Let all those heed, who, yet much heed it not:
And, let them (by whom this is oft forgot)
Remember ther's an all beholding eie,
Which ev'ry secret purpose can espie;
And, Angels alwaies ready at command,
To execute what no powre can withstand;
And such, as will for no bribe or respect,
The prosecution of their charge neglect.
Let likewise, those who most oppressed are
Be taught hereby, still patiently to bear
The Cross impos'd for trial of their Faith:
(What ever, their oppressor doth or saith)
In perseverance, let them still attend
On GOD with meekness, till their Trials end.
And leave all Carnal weapons, to their use
Who, must be ruined by their abuse.
I do presume, among you many are
Who, to this wholesome Principle adhere,
And, that if into practise carried on
It shall both supersede the Plague begun
And ev'ry other feared Plague prevent
If timely they their other sins repent.
For GOD, will winck at many faults in those
Who love, and leave Revenge to his dispose;
Yea, oftentimes experience we have had
That, worse it makes things which before were bad,
When through impatience we in our own mode,
Attempt to do, what must be done by GOD.


Or, our own suffering shall prolong (at lest)
By our self-actings, when we do our best.
This Pestilence, which now is brought in hither,
I am assur'd, proceeds not altogether
From Causes meerly natural, but comes
To execute GOD's just deserved Dooms,
From his immediate hand; and will therefore,
Those Medcines need, which must do somewhat more
To cure, or stay it from proceeding on,
Then can be, by joint Art and Nature done.
If you desire a Soveraign Antidote
The best I know (if you neglect it not)
Is metaphorically call'd Herb-grace,
And will be very useful in this case;
Some, term it Rue, because twill not begin
To operate, until we Rue our sin.
Take Rue and Reasons then, which signifie
Repentance and Discretion; These apply
As you find cause; which, if you do, and Fast
From things that were offensive in times past,
Keep from thenceforth a constant wholesome diet,
And in your hearts endeavour to be quiet,
My life for yours, GOD will your Souls deliver
From ev'ry hurtful arrow in his quiver.
Nor this, nor any Plague shall you anoy,
Although as to the flesh, it should destroy;
For, that can adde to mans loss or grief
VVhose expectation is a better life.
GOD, to this Pestilence hath joyned War,
And Famine, seems not from us to be far;
VVhich, if it now shall come will make the trouble
VVe feel already, to be more then double,
Because, our fellow feeling is no more
Of what they suffer, whome these times make poor.


For, such are our deportments, as if neither
Sword, Pestilence and Dearth, put altogether
Were no more, but an Army which did stand
Arayed, to be at our own command,
To execute our pleasures upon those,
(Although our friends) whom we repute our foes.
And therefore, have rejoyced when they seiz'd
On them, with whom we highly were displeas'd.
When, unto us, ill grounded hopes appear
Whereby, of Mercies we presuming are;
We are frollick, as if GOD did see
Our gross Hypocrisies, no more then we.
But, let men heed well whether, to acquire
The Sequels which they naturally desire
Is to insult when GOD corrects their foes,
Or, censure his Intents concerning those
Whom he Afflicts; as if for wrong to them
It rather were, then for offending him:
Or, as if sins to others onely known,
Were more considerable then their own.
There is observ'd, much Arragance and folly
In some of thy Relations; from which wholly
Thou for the time past, canst not cleared be;
Therefore to keep from future scandal free,
And also, for thy Credits reputation
Take these Memento's to consideration.
Consider, if it sober men befits
To sing with Jollity about the streets
Vain Triumph-Songs, when war is but begun
As when a final Victory is won;
Since tis well known, that many who at first
Have thrived best, at last have thrived worst;
And, that GOD justly suffereth sometime,
(For Causes which are onely known to him)


Those, more then once, before their foes to fall,
Whose Cause he best approveth; and who shall
Be conquerors at last: and that, where guilt
Is equal, he lets blood be often spilt,
And war prolongs, or maketh peace twixt them
Who disagree, as they make peace with him.
Therefore, when you are underneath the Rod,
Remember, you are in the hands of GOD.
When he hath crown'd your hopes with good success,
Demean your selves with Christian Lowliness:
For, when his Mercies much inlarged are,
He doth expect a joyful filial fear:
This, labour to preserve, lest else, the lack
Thereof, may bring reversed Judgments back.
Consider, whether Ships, Arms, men and horse,
With policy united unto Force,
Can prosper to th'advancement of their end,
Who, upon those things, or themselves depend:
Who, all their opposites as much dispise
As if their Armies were but Gnats and Flies,
Think to subdue them with jeers, mocks & taunts,
Puff up each other, with braggs, shameless vaunts,
And lies devised by their foolish makers
To keep from fainting Cowardly Partakers,
Whose Consciences accusing them of guilt,
(Because, their hopefulst Refuges are built
On Quicksands) they become heart-sick with fear,
As oft as any evil News they hear;
And, on each slight Report of good success,
Insteed of pious and meek thankfulness,
Run to the Taverns (which are much more free
To all, then pious Meeting places be)
There, heathen like, nay rather more uncivil,
Offer up Drink Oblations to the Devil.


And, to chear up each others drooping Souls
Sing songs between their glasses and their bowls;
Or intermix Reports of what was won
Or lost, though that was never said or done.
Such Sacrificers, may find some effect
In part, according to what they expect,
But neither for their Faith or Righteousness;
Nor will our hopes, longlasting be, unless
Use, of the Common means for our defence,
Be Sanctified by true confidence
In GOD, and we with his known will comply,
Bearing what ere betides us patiently;
Improve each Favour and Deliverance,
To somewhat which his Glory may advance;
And whereby, they who are opprest and grieved
May some way charitably be relieved:
For, it is no beseeming Thank-Oblation
For Mercies, when a City or a Nation
Shall Solemnize it with but little else,
Save Gunshot, Bonfires, Jangling of the Bells,
Or, making others of their Joys partakers,
Onely, in smoke and stinck, of Squibs & Crackers;
Or gathering rude throngs of men and boys,
To make about those flames a barbrous noise,
Which must be fed with fewel forc'd from some
Who had none left to make a fire at home;
Then drink healths to each other in the street
Untill they cannot stand upon their feet,
Or else loose their own healths: what thus to do
Can wise men think it will amount unto
But meer dispight of GOD, contempt of grace,
And, throwing (as it were) durt in his face
For, Benefits receiv'd; though they make shew
As if they had return'd him all his due,


When, they but please themselves, by doing that
Whereby they sing their own Magnificat?
What can be deemed a just recompence
For such ingratitude, for an offence
So foul, so capital, but that insteed
Of future Blessings, Curses should succeed?
London, heed this, and if thou wittingly
Of such Prophaness and impiety
Art guilty now, or hast been heretofore,
Repent it, and henceforth, do so no more.
But, herein, some will more concerned be
Then thou art, yet, I mention this to thee
With some hope, that, they will the less contem
What's written here, because, not writ to them.
Much more I have to adde, which I forbear
Lest, I by adding more then thou canst bear
With patience, may destroy what I design
For this whole Nations welfare and for thine,
By so displeasing thee, with what I write
That, thou slight all whereto, I thee invite:
For, though thy flattrers make thee to believe,
Thou art in better case, then I conceive,
Thy best friends know, that thine own provocations,
Imprudency in some of thy Relations,
(Ev'n of thy Watchmen) who should cures provide
For thy distempers, are so giddifi'd,
And, that their Eies, their Ears, yea and their brains
(With every faculty which appertains
To thy weal) are obstructed so, by fumings
From their Self-seekings, & their, high presumings,
That thou art, by what these in thee have wrought
Into an dangerous Consumption brought;
For, thy decay of Trade, much hath increast
Their Poverty who thereby are distrest:


Thy hands and feet whose labour heretofore
Supplyd thy wants, now, can do little more,
Because, thy ablest members, by whom these
Employd have been, partake of their disease:
And, such Confusions daily do begin
To multiply, and farther to break in,
That, I am at a stand, what more to say
Or, what on thy behalf, I ought to pray.
Yet, one Expedient, I now think upon
Whereby, it may be, somewhat will be done
For they availe, if thou shalt not omit
(As GOD inables) to endeavour it.
And therefore, let that which I next express
Be read, and minded with due heedfulness.
In thee, are at this day, the chief Well-springs,
Of all those good, and of those evil things
Which throughout these three Nations are disperst;
And of the Later, were the Stream reverst
Or dam'd up at the Fountain; and, the first
Set freely open here, it would become
A Rivolet of Waters, flowing from
That River, which through New-Jrrusalem
His Currant hath, still issuing out of him
Who, of those Living waters is the head
VVhich through all Nations will at last be spread.
And London, three times happy, shalt thou be
If this Blest Fountain may break forth in thee,
To sweeten ev'ry Cistern in these Lands,
VVhich now, brimful of stincking water stands,
And breed all these Infections in our Clime,
VVhich are so baneful to us, at this time.
There is a possibility of this
If we our parts do, as GOD hath done his;


Or, but endeavour so to co operate
With him, as he enables us, in that
Which he requires (thereto vouchsaving still
Assistance to our deeds, and to our will.)
By this Compliance, that New Heaven and earth
VVhich is expected, would ere long come forth;
And Righteousness, then from thy habitations
As amply flow out, thorow all these Nations
As wickedness doth now; or heretofore
It did, when ill examples made it more.
This Change, more happiness would hither bring
Then, when in triumph thou broughtst in the King,
And of rejoicing, give more cause by much,
Then we shall have when we do beat the Dutch,
And are from dread of that delivered too,
VVhich some suspect the French intend to do;
Yea, and from what, more dangers threats then either
Of those two singly, or both joyn'd together:
Ev'n from those, which are possible to come
From Factiousness, and Male contents at home.
But this Joy will encrease, and all our fears
Abate, when men do more incline their ears
To what's proclaimed by those Trumpeters
VVhom GOD reserved, to make proclamation
Of that, which most concerns this Generation;
And, when the Influences of GOD's graces
By supreme persons, and by powerful places
Shall not obstructed be, as we have seen
Of late, and as they very long have been,
By Antichristian wiles; and those through whom
They are more dangerous to us become,
Because their formal piety makes showes
To be for him, whom, chiefly they oppose.


Thou art abused by misinformations,
Not thou alone, but likewise these three Nations
By those Mintmasters of untruths and lies,
Who cheat the whole world with their fallacies,
Yea, much dis-serviced, dishonor'd too,
Is he, to whom, they yet pretend to do
Good services; and they by their Deceits,
Have him reduced unto may Streights
Which will destroy him, ere he is aware,
Unless, GOD shall unsnarle him from their snare;
And, in what misbefals, thou wilt have share.
To take my counsel, then, think it no shame,
(Although, a poorer man then he I am
Who sav'd a City; for, a Mouse may gnaw
That snare asunder, which, nor Lions paw
Nor teeth can break. Go, quickly, quickly lay
Your Skarlet Gowns, and your gold chains away;
Fast, watch and pray; do as King David did;
(When he the pestilential Angel spide)
Of somewhat, unto GOD an offring make
Which is thine own; that he a gift may take
Made acceptable, by, and in his son,
To stay the Plague, which newly is begun.
Shut up your selves awhile, and throw aside
Your factiousness, your malice and your pride;
Lust, Avarice, and them with ev'ry Sinn
Whereby the wrath of God provok'd hath been.
Fall down before his feet with humbleness,
Your misdeeds, with true penitence confess,
Especially, those crying sins, whereby
You often have insenst his Majesty.
Among which, no crime can offend him more
Then when you shall (as Cain did heretofore)


Destroy your bretheren, because, to GOD
They dare not sacrifice in such a mode,
As they believe he neither doth command
Nor takes, with good acceptance, from their hand.
Your Priviledges, they do not invade
By violence; but, lovingly perswade
To what they do believe, promoteth best
Gods glory, and the Publick Interest.
Be thou as charitable unto them;
Leave that to God alone, which unto him
Alone belongs; when he into the Land
Hath cast his seed, permit the Crop to stand
Till harvest time, & pluck not that away,
Which looks like wheat, though it may prove but Ray
But, weed out that alone, which ev'ry one
Knows hurtful to the Corn, and will be none.
Thus, having way prepar'd to make your peace,
With GOD, in Faith and Love emplore his Grace.
This being done; the next work, which to do
Thou art, as I believe, oblig'd unto,
Is to improve the powre thou hast in him
Who over all these Islands is supream,
And with whom, thou dost in more favour stand
Then any other City of this Land.
Whilst his esteem of thee, doth seem to last
(And ere fit opportunities are past)
Unto his Royal Throne make thy Address,
Emplore him, with deliberate advice,
To hear and heed that, without prejudice
Which may in season, offred be by them
Who fear God, and both love and honour him,
With an intent to serve him faithfully,
Without selfends in ev'ry thing, whereby


Their services shall really consist
With GOD's, with his, and with their Interest,
For whose sake, he originally gave
All those Prerogatives that Princes have.
For, though men so unbiassed, may dare
To speak some Truths which all men cannot bear,
(When cause requires) they will with moderation
So heed what tendeth to the preservation
Of common peace, and of the dignity
Belonging to his royal Majesty,
(Whom God hath honor'd by restoring him
Unto his Predecessors Diadem)
That, neither he, nor they, nor I, nor you,
Shall have cause, to dislike what will ensue.
If you believe this, and endeavour so
To prosecute it, as you, may yet do,
Who knows, what he, who hath the hearts of Kings
(And the disposing of all other things
VVithin his powre) will do, although this may
Proposed seem, in a dispised way.
Tis an adventer, which though partly lost
VVill bring in some return, that's worth the cost:
And those streights (if well heeded) wherein he
This City, and all these three Kindoms be
Adventrers needs, and somewhat to be done
VVhereof, no likelihood is yet begun.
For, that which must draw order from confusions,
To our Destractions, timely, put conclusions,
And, so, divine and civil pow'rs unite
That, neither, may infring each other right,
Effected cannot be, by hauty words,
By Policy, or temporary swords,
Nor by that Formal Sanctity with which
The Grand Impostors of this world bewitch


Deluded souls (that all things may become
Subjected to their Arbitarry Doome)
But by such Instruments and by such waies,
As those, by which Christ did begin to raise
His Kingdom at the first; and by which here
It shall continue untill he appear
With that powre, which shall batter & beat down,
More Idol Temples then were overthrown.
Since his first coming; and, root out all those
Idolatries, which out of them arose;
Together with the Thrones of all those Kings,
That are partakers in such worshippings,
And made drunk with her Cup who rides the Beast;
The Subjects of his Kingdom, have opprest,
And shall oppress them without penitence,
For provocations, by that great offence.
More might be said, but, this shall now suffice;
GOD make us all unto salvation wise,
“Preserve us in his love, so knit together
“That we in his love may preserve each other;
And, that all we can think, or say, or do
May now, and in the close, conduce unto
The glorifying of his holy Name
Though to our selves, it may occasion shame.


A Warning-Piece to London,

Discharged out of a Loophole in the Tower during the Authors Close imprisonment there.

It was meditated upon the deplorable consuming of an eminent Citizen with his whole Family, in the night, by a sad and suddain Fire, at the beginning of our most Joyful Festival, in Decemb. 1662.


The Author conceived, that it would better stir up the hearts of some, by being sung, then Read: Therefore, he composed it in Lyrick Verse, fitted to the Tune of the Lamentation, at the end of the singing Psalms, if the last Strain of that Tune shall be repeated with the two last lines in every Stanza.


VVake London wake, Fast, watch, and pray,
Well heed likewise this Warning-song;
To eat and drink, rise up and play,
Hath been thy daily practise long:
Oh! from henceforth, remember more,
Thy Brethren, whom oppressors grieve;
Refresh the fick, relieve the poor;
For none without good works believe.
If hardly sav'd the Righteous are
Ah! how shall wilful sinners fare?



The Rich man, heedlesly discerns
The near approaching day of wrath,
To fill his Warehouse and his Barnes,
Is all the present care he hath.
At large, he preparation makes
For offerings to his Belly God,
Till Justice an occasion takes
To mixe those offrings with his blood;
When fools in folly most delight,
They, often, loose their Souls that night.


Our Love is cold, nigh ripe our sin,
And, in their march, GOD's Judgments be;
At his own house they do begin;
Then, from them, who shall now be free?
To make us thereof take more heed,
One house they singled out of late,
And, in a bright flame-colour'd weed,
Upon the top thereof they sate
And when to sleep they laid their heads,
Consum'd her dwellers in their beds.


Why should not each man to whose ear
This news was in the morning brought,
Upon himself reflect with fear,
Thus, thereon musing, in his thought?
LORD, this unlook'd for stroke of thine,
Hath often been deserved by me;
This sad mishap might have been mine
This night, had it so pleased thee;
But, (praised be thy holy name)
Here, yet alive, and safe I am.


Oh with what terrors, were they stroke
How sadly were they discompos'd,
To find themselves when they awoke
With stifling fumes, and flames inclos'd?


It made their terror much the more,
If to remembrance they did call
What they had done, awhile before,
And, what so quickly did befal.
More dreadful it appears to me,
Then Dungeons, Racks, and Halters be.


Thus will they fare, when his last Doome
To pass on sinners, Christ appears;
Thus, in a moment, he will come,
When least the world his coming fears.
Thus, whether then her heedless heart
Is either sleeping or awake,
Surprized with a suddain start,
They shall with horrid terrors quake,
When they behold with sad amaze,
All things about them in a blaze.


Unless my thoughts misdictate me,
A secret Judgment, in this Act,
May doubtlesly discerned be
To shew GOD's hand was in the fact.
For, though his waies are in the dark,
Forth from the Cloud, a flashing breaks
To shew us, (if we such things mark)
His purpose, by the Course he takes.
In darkness he hath perfect Light,
And all mens deeds are in his sight.


But, though this Judgment be severe,
Let not us who escape it, ween
Them, greater sinners then we are;
But, judg what our deserts have been.
Christ doom'd not those whom Pilat slew
As more to blame, then other men,
Though with their blood he did imbrew,
That, which they sacrifized then;


And of those persons judg'd as well,
On whom the Towre of Silo fell.


Hereof, small sense have carnal men;
This, for sad news, at Noon they tell,
Return unto their sins agen,
And sleep next night at brink of hell:
That, which concerns their safety most,
As quickly slips out of their mind
As letters written in the dust,
Blown out with ev'ry puff of wind.
Of others harms, how senseless grown
Are they, who do not mind their own?


This came to pass within thy walls,
That, thou mightst thereof take good heed,
Mind, who thereby upon thee calls,
And think, what further may succeed:
It was not from those places far,
Where much to be, thou dost delight,
That thou shouldst heed thy dealings there;
And, it befel there in the night,
That, thou, a stricter watch maist keep:
For Sathan wakes, when men do sleep.


Hereof, likewise, let heed be took,
That, when thy heart was most supine,
This Judgment, in upon thee broke,
Amidst thy Musick, mirth and wine;
And, that, unless for sin thou mourn,
Relieve and comfort men distrest,
Thy Feasts, to Fastings GOD will turn,
And, smite thee when thou fearst it least.
When Sodom sinned without shame,
Down thereon, Fire and Brimstone came.


The Drowned world, was warn'd of old
Of what would in short time befal,


By Words and Doeeds it was foretold,
Yet unregarded still by all.
They married and in marriage gave,
Did eat and drink, as we do now,
Did so, the wrath of GOD outbrave,
And, as we, liv'd they car'd not how:
But, lo, when in least awe they stood,
Out break the Deeps, in came the Flood


Thou, LONDON, whosoe're doth weep,
Dost, on thy Viol, play and sing;
Thy Children, daily revel keep,
Ev'n when their Passing bells do ring.
Themselves on costly Beds they streach,
Regarding not how Joseph fares;
To them, who of Repentance preach
They listen, but with Adders ears.
And, well he speeds, who shall be heard,
If mischiefs be not his reward.


In sixteen hundred ten and one,
I, notice took of publick Crimes,
With mine own faults, I first begun;
Observ'd the Changes of the Times:
And, what GOD had on me bestown
Employed for the Common good;
Therein, I sought to find mine own,
Which, was so oft misunderstood,
That I, for being so employd,
Have been three times, nigh quite destroyd.


In sixteen hundred twenty five,
When thou wert sick, I watcht by thee;
Then, did my First Forewarning give,
And, this perhaps, my last must be.
For, now, my Tools away are took,
Some things half wrought, some but begun;


Quite being rob'd of alll my stock,
Concludes my work, before tis done;
And that Flesh Ragg, by me yet worn,
May soon drop off, or, off be torn.


Here, I yet live, where, what me grieves,
But few of thine, have heeded much;
Nor Mayors, Aldermen, or Sheriffs
Or any noble, great or rich;
But, in Long-suffrings being old,
(If not relived by the poor)
By sickness, hunger, or by cold
Death had ere now, unlockt my door.
Lest thou as much neglected be,
Think more on GOD, though less on me.


My Publick warnings, are supprest,
As once, was Jeremiahs Roll;
Which GOD, will when he sees it best,
Revive, with an inlarged Skroll:
Meanwhile, by stifled musings tir'd,
The flames within me closly pent,
Like powder in Granado's fir'd,
Do tear my heart, through want of vent,
And crack my earthen vessel more
Then all my suffrings heretofore.


Within thy West and Eastern Jail.
Now twice ten months confind I've lain,
Denied both Relief, and Bail,
Which Law allows, and Rogues obtain:
To tell, what others did, or said,
Is thought in me a grand misdeed,
Though being of their harms afraid,
I did but bid my friends take heed:
If this be falls for words well ment,
Woe to ill deeds, with ill intent.



Alas! how apt are we to fear,
Or fancy danger, where is none?
Yet how unapt, how loth to hear,
What may prevent a certain one?
Except propounded in their mode,
Who, in their own conceit are wise,
The Counsels both of Men and GOD
They, either frustrate, or dispise:
Which being well weigh'd, is a signe,
That, to destruction they decline.


Seaven daies before the late sad night,
Thy Prætor, seized in my hands
What GOD inclined me to write,
For timely warnings to these Lands;
So, that, which to their weal conduc'd,
Hath hitherto been fruitless made;
And, I more strictly have been us'd,
Though, I before, hard measure had.
But, GOD, by whom it was begun,
Will gard me, till my work is done.


No more seems now within my powre,
But, down to lie, beneath my Lode,
Attending my Redemption hour,
With patient waiting on my GOD.
Yet, there is hope, that Prayers may
To what is feared stoppage put;
And, since, to Heaven ther's open way,
(Though from the world, I close am shut)
As Jonas did (when in a Whale;
Close prisoner kept) to God ile call.


Correct us LORD, but not in wrath,
Purge rather, what misdone hath been,
By any temporary Death,
Then by correcting sin with sin,


For all the blood that hath been spilt,
Let us, who think our selves most clear,
In private, search out our own guilt,
And, wherein else, we faulty are,
That, by a self-condemning Doom,
We may escape the wrath to come.


Preserve thy Church, Lord, bless the King
And, seeing thou hast him restor'd,
Him, out of all his troubles bring,
And, make his will, with thine accord,
That under his Protection here,
We, without faction, hate or strife,
(In all uprightness, without fear)
May live a sanctified life,
And, he indulge the Conscience tender,
As best becomes, the Faiths Defender.
Thus, on what lately did befal,
I sung my Musings, to the wall,
Which gave thereto, as much regard
As most will, when abroad tis heard:
For, little have such lines as these,
Which may a Carnal pallat please.
The wanton huggs a wanton strain,
The miser, that which treats of Gain;
Ambitious men give most applause
To that, which their, Ambition claws;
In lies and follies, fools delight,
And, if this ever come to sight,
It will by none, be relish'd well
Save those, with whom the Graces dwell.
The more Precautions are in season,
(The more agreeable to Reason)


Their Rage it will the more increase,
Who are inclined to oppress;
And, if I die not in this place,
It will be meerly of GOD's grace,
To make it known, the Rage of man,
Is bounded, do the worst he can.
These Musings, and some other too,
Escap'd surprize, with much ado,
And, that whereof I was bereft
Me, for awhile in sadness left;
Yet, much more sorrowful am grown
For others sakes, then for mine own,
Because, the world so misbefriends,
What to her own well being tends.
God, never any Place bereaves
Of saving means, till him it leaves;
Nor is their any man quite lost,
Till he resists the holy Ghost.
He, helpless leaves no willing one
In acting what he would have done;
But, when to selfness, man adheres
Then, as he worketh, so he fares.
GOD, gives first motion to each wheel,
In motion also, keeps it still,
If he with him Compliance feel,
Else let's it go which way it will.
Thus he will do, and thus hath done,
Ev'n ever since the world begun.
That, men his works and mind might mark,
He preach'd by Noah and his Ark,
And, to prevent their threatned doom
Allow'd them sixcore years to come.
That, Sodom timely might repent,
He, Lot to be exemplar sent;


When Balam misaffected was
He made a Preacher of his Ass;
And by a Whale, he Jonas sent
To bid the Ninevites repent,
Who, more thereto inclined were
Though heathens, then most Christians are.
What did to Israels weal belong,
He gave by Moses in a song,
That, when Records could not be had,
They, thereof mindful might be made.
When their Transgressions were nigh full,
To Babel they were sent to school;
Since which time, they still growing worse
(Till they incur'd Cains dreadful Curse,
For shedding of their brothers blood,
Who died zealous of their good)
Them, out of their good land, GOD hurl'd,
To rovee like him about the world;
Depriv'd (now sixteen hundred years)
Of Prophets and Remembrancers:
And, in this mode, with ev'ry Nation
God deals, e're final Reprobation.
LORD! from their wandrings call them home;
Into thy fold, back let them come.
We got advantage by their fall
Let it increase by their Recall.
Since they, and we in ev'ry sin,
Have Paralels, a long time been,
Let our joint force, henceforth be spent
To move each other to repent,
That, they and we may in that Place,
Become Partakers of thy Grace,
Where Jews and Gentiles shall be saved,
By our Redeemer, and thy David.


By wiser men, in times of old,
Much was exprest, which I have told,
And, they have both in Prose and Rimes,
Forewarnings given in their times;
Declar'd in season, how GOD deals
With wicked Realms and Common-weals.
Our own Records likewise declare
GOD's frequent dispensations here;
How constantly, avenging wrath
In ev'ry Age pursued, hath
The greatest Tyrants in their turns,
Though sometimes, he their doom adjourns.
But, that, no just excuse will be
Either, to other men, or me,
If we shall negligently do
What, GOD inclines our hearts unto,
And may, now, or in future daies
Advance mans welfare, and God praise.
For, on us lieth Obligations,
To bring forth in our Generations,
VVhat needful seems to be exprest;
In such a manner also drest
As best that Ages temper fits
In which we live, and best begets
A timely heed, in those to whome
VVe serviceable would become:
Yea, we to them must hand it too;
Else, lamely, we our duties do.
Thus, I according to my powre
Have done, and therefore kiss the Towre
From whence, I send this Warning-shot
By Ammunition hardly got.


LONDON, as Moses gave a song to be
Israels MEMENTO, I give this to thee;
To shew, that (though the world doth me deprive
Of what was hers) I somewhat have to give
Which I by GOD's free grace, may call mine own,
And, is not needlesly on thee bestown.
But, e're some change, the means thereof bereave,
Now, both of Friends and Foes, Ile take my leave;
Adue my Foes; for often, by event,
You did me good, though none to me you ment.
To pray for you, I know, I am your debter,
And, therefore so I do; GOD, make you better,
And so to mark and mind what he intends,
That, we may in his Love, henceforth be friends.
My friends, farewel; and no whit grieved be
Though you should me no more in Babel see,
For, at the Holy Lambe, we safe shall meet,
E're long, in New Jerusalems high street.
Written in the Towre 1662.

[The meek, and humble to advise]

The meek, and humble to advise
I write; but not to teach the wise.
You must not therefore, here expect,
Such Strains as these times best affect;
For, you may have enough of those
By others writ, in verse and prose.



Humbly offred to Almighty GOD, by the Author during his lonely Confinement in the Towre, to mediate his gratious preventing the Dearth feared, and probably portended, by immoderate Rains in June and July, 1663.

That he with Tools might for this work be fitted,
His Jailer, and his Keeper, he outwitted;
For, twas his greatest suffring, to be pent
From means, to give such meditations vent.
Sin, like the Ocean (but, not so well bounded)
These Islands hath on ev'ry side surronded,
And, many Breaches, lately made it hath
Which to the furious Tempests of GOD's wrath
Exposeth us (ev'n quite throughout these Lands)
So, that, Hills, Dales, and all in danger stands.
The Air, whose cloudy brow, upon us lowrs,
Dissolves it self, into destructive showrs,
To move us unto tears of penitence
By feeling that, whereof we have no sense.
For, they, who are most sensible of spoyl
(by Rains or Droughts) of corn, and wine and oyl,
Feel not in heart, the least remorce for sin;
But, when they should bewail it, laugh and grin.


They, who are very froward, and repine
If they loose but their monky or their swine,
(And, sometimes vex them selves till they are sick,
For losses, not amounting to a Chick)
And can with many bitter tears, bemone
Small suffrings, for their greatest sins shed none.
In mine own person, I much need not fear
Such temporary Plagues, as threatned are
By Rain or Winds, by cold, or scortching wether,
By suddain floods, or fires; for, I have neither
Estate to lose, nor hope of getting ought
Which, by such things, may be in hazard brought;
And, am at present, with my daily bread,
By his own hand, miraculously fed,
Whose All-sufficiency, should me sustain
Though all the world were to be drown'd again.
External things, are little pertinent
To my chief safety, or my best content:
For, should a Famine; me of life bereave
Death would be more advantage then to live
A life like mine; and as I have been us'd,
A speedy death, is rather to be chus'd.
Yet, whilst, I may be serviceable made
To him, from whom, this life at first I had,
I am content to live till it expires,
Although it were in stormes, in floods or fires;
And, likewise, am so sensible of that
Which to the Common welfare doth relate,
That up to GOD a prayer Ile prefer
To crave prevention of what many fear:
For, though I am not suffred to present
A prayer to King, Lord, or Parlement;
Here, to GOD's Throne I free access have got,
And he doth hear me when men hear me not:


Of which assured, in this loneliness,
My self to him, I humbly thus address.
Almighty and most merciful Creator,
Of heaven and earth, of fire, of aire and water,
With whatsoe're, consists of forme or matter,
Of all invisible, or to be seen,
Of all that is or shall be, or hath been,
Felt, heard or understood (excepting Sin,
At whose birth all Privations did begin.)
Thou, by whose wisdom all the whole Creation,
Is ordred, and hath still a preservation,
Make acceptable in thy sight, I pray,
What I shall meditate or write this day
And, let not my Requests be flong away,
Though we have often forfeited again
That Grace, which we did heretofore obtain,
And liable to all thy plagues remain.
We must confess, that in these last three years,
Thou hast abated many of our fears,
For thine own sake, and for the sakes of them,
Whom thy blaspheamers and their Foes contemn.
Awhile ago, we were surpriz'd with dread
Of hunger, and the scarcety of bread,
By such distemper'd seasons, as foreshew'd
That Chastisement which here, is now renew'd;
And, was remov'd, ere many had much sense,
Of what some felt, or of their own offence.
Once, we were frighted with such sicknesses
As seem'd forerunners of the worst disease;
And, till this hour, a brutish Discord,
Keeps us in daily hazard, that the Sword
Will be again unsheath'd: yea, though we are
Preserved still, from what we justly fear,
And that, thy patience might be more disern'd,


Have year, by year, been gratiously forewarn'd
(By Signes and wonders probably foreshewing,
The sad events, that seem to be pursuing
Our crying sins) yet, we do ne're the less,
Continue still in our obduratness.
Though, much Instruction, likewise, we have had,
Examples, Premonitions, publick made,
And extraordinary Dispensations,
To draw us, from our wilful aberrations,
We so increase them, that, it renders me,
Exceeding fearful to Petition thee,
Those Temporary Judgments to withdraw
Whereof, we at this present, stand in aw,
Lest they, whom no good counsel mollifies
Thy Justice and thy Mercy quite dispise;
And fall into that Reprobated sense,
Which brings unchangeable Impenitence:
For, that, the Consequence hath often proved,
When Plagues before Repentance were removed.
The fields were lately cloth'd beyond our hope
With an appearance of a fruitful crop,
Which moisture by unseasonable showrs,
So evidently, by degrees, devours
That, most men are afraid the teeming Earth
Insteed of Plenty, wil produce a Dearth;
And, they among us, who do most neglect
Removal of the Cause, most dread th'effect.
Yet, humane pitty, me doth so incline
To make the Common fear, a part of mine,
That, though I am not likely much to gain
Or loose thereby, whether it shine or Rain,
I, (as I am a man) well pleas'd could be
Thy Peoples votes, might be vouchsaf'd by thee.
To that intent, I meekly do assay
To mediate; but, now I come to pray,


That Spirit whose assistance is expected,
Withdraws, as if my suite would be rejected;
So, that I know not how to speak or write,
What gain thy gratious acceptation might
Through fear, my prayers may be turn'd to sin,
Considering, what Postures we are in.
For, who, the pleading of their Cause dares own,
On whom, a righteous King doth justly frown?
They being Rebels too, in whom appears
No penitence, but onely slavish fears?
Who, conscientiously, can pray for them
Who persevere all Justice to contemn?
Who turn away their eies, when thou forth sendst
Foretokens, of what thou for sin intendst?
Who hide them too, so far forth as they may
From other men; or, (if that fails) assay
To misinterpret them, when they do see
The things nor hid, nor disapprov'd can be?
Who, can with Faith, thy Grace for them implore,
Who, are unmerciful unto the poor?
Who, daily to thy burning wrath add fewel?
Who, both to others, and themselves are cruel?
Who, their afflicted Brethren to dispaiers
Expose? close up their ears against their prayers?
And most injuriouslys with those men deal?
Who, most endeavour, to advance their weal;
Yea, for whose sakes it is, that they are not
Destroy'd like Sodom, when thou caldst forth Lot?
Who, are so far, from striving to be better,
That still, to hide one sin, they act a greater,
Till they on one another heap so many
That they have little shame, or sense any;
Although their impudent abhominations
Have their Infection spread, through all these Nations?


LORD! who, on their behalf, can mediate
For any of those Blessingss which relate
Unto their temporary weal alone,
Who, of their Brethrens welfare, care have none?
Who, do employ their powre, but to oppress?
Turn all thy Graces into wantonness?
Fling, as it were defiance against heaven?
And, though by thee, they freely were forgiven
Innumerable debts, (and likewise are
By thee inrich'd more then before they were)
Take ne're the less, their fellows by the throat,
VVho owing them not much more then a Groat,
Forbearance crave, and at their feet do fall,
With, promise, when they can, to pay them all?
VVhat can such look for; but to be bereaven
Of that Grace, whereby they were once forgiven
Their debts; or think deserv'd, but, to be laid
In chains, till ev'ry farthing shall be paid?
VVho, can to thee be Advocate for those
VVho, both to Truth and Righteousness, are foes,
Though they profess both? who, though ever learning,
Can never get the knowledg & discerning
Of what pertains to th'essential Truth,
Because, they being all EAR, or all MOUTH,
Neither hear willingly, or speak of ought
VVhereby they may to stedfastness be brought?
But rather itch to hear, and speak, and do
That, which their own self-will doth prompt them to:
And, was infus'd into them by false teachers,
Whom they suppose to be the soundest Preachers,
VVhen they confirm them, in what doth belong
To their will-worship, be it right or wrong;
And keep up those Diana's, which were made
Their Goddesses, but to uphold their Trade?


These, twixt Beleevers, do contests maintain
For Trifles, which tend more to their own Gain
Then Godliness, or those means to increase
Which may conduce to setlement of peace,
In Christian Charity, and Righteousness.
All, I (with hope to speed) can pray for such
Is, that they may not love the world too much;
Or, by hypocrisie, and lip professions,
(To get themselves a share in her possessions)
Obstruct the blessed work of Reformation
By Factions, to the final extirpation
Of all those Dispensations, which have yet
Some use; and which, whilst thou dost them permit,
They to advance thy Glory may improve:
And, by sincerely seeking Truth in Love,
So exercise thy Graces, whilst those last,
That, they will perfect be, when their times past.
My GOD, for these, to this effect I may
And, do (I know) with thy allowance pray;
Because, I hope, tis no malitious pride
Which hath to Selfness, drawn their hearts aside.
But, as for them, who have inclinde their ears
So long time, to ungodly Counsellers,
So persevered, in the sinners way,
And, therein with delight, so long made stay
That, to the Scorners Chair advanc'd they are,
Resolving with themselves to settle there;
The Dictates of thy holy ghost contemn,
Absolve the wicked, Innocents condemn,
Term evil, good, the best things evil call,
(Or, make twixt them no difference at all)
Ascribe thy Attributes unto the Devil
And his Vicegerent; make thee, of all evil


Prime Author; Thee detrude out of thy Throne
To set their Idol, and themselves thereon;
Pervert the lawful use of ev'ry Creature,
Till their depraving the whole humane nature
For Vengeance calls, and as it were, inforces
Thy Justice to turn Blessings into Curses;
What can be spoke for these, to save them from
Thy Judgments here, or in the world to come?
I cannot, LORD, thy mercy comprehend,
Nor know how far their malice doth extend,
Such things, are knowable to thee alone;
Therefore, concerning these, thy will be done.
The best of us have gone astray so far,
In Provocations, that, perhaps here are
Now, very many in the state of those
For whom, we are forbid to interpose
Our mediations betwixt them and Thee,
As touching Judgments, that now threanned be:
Such, ev'n among thy People heretofore,
Made thee forbid a Prophet to implore
Withholding of those Plagues, which at that time,
Were threatned to be hurled down on them.
Yea then, though thy choice worthies should have pleaded.
That, thy Decree might have been superseaded,
Thou didst resolve, their suite should not be heard
For any, save themselves, with good regard.
When sins grow ripe, and Scandalous become,
They seldom scape a temporary doome,
Though thou vouchsafest mercy, as to David
Whereby, the Souls that sinned, shall be saved.
LORD, though that growth, our Guilt attaineth hath,
Alway remember mercy, in thy wrath.


Some such like Barr, and prohibition now,
From thee is issued forth, for ought I know.
Alas! if so; what possibly can we
Endeavour, till it shall reversed be?
Or else dispens'd with? I can never pray
With confidence, for what suspect I may
Is not precarious: And, as qualifi'd
We are, things grantable may be deni'd,
At least, so long time, as that shall be wanting
Which makes the chief condition of their granting.
Tis not a slavish terror (without Love
And faithful Penitence) that will remove
The Plagues that lie upon us; or prevent
A Threatned Judgment, when 'tis imminent.
Tis not wil worshippings, though much applauded,
By their approvers, and by them begawded
With Superstitious Dressings, that can please
Thy Majesty, and thy just wrath appease:
Tis not our formal whinings, or Orations,
Or, our Confessions, or our Deprecations,
Or, Bablings with the Tongue, without a heart
That, will thy threatned Judgments quite divert,
Till thou hast done thy work which is in hand,
Or, till we more conform to thy command;
Whereto, perhaps, that, which we fear, may more
Conduce, then that, which we to scape implore.
For, few do conscience of their duties make
Much longer, then the Rod is on their back.
Yet, somewhat, makes me hopeful, that thou hast
Against what I would ask, no sentence past;
And, fain would I obtain from thee, this day,
A Publick Blessing, e're I go away,
Which might in some degree, abate the dread
Whereby, now, many are distempered.


To thee, thy Children for a Blessing cry
Upon those Fruits, which drench'd in waters lie;
And (though unworthy) Jacob like, I am
Resolv'd with thee, to wrestle for the same.
Let, not my LORD, be wrath, that I go on
To prosecute the suite I have begun;
For, I with filial fear approach thy Throne.
Direct us, how in this, and such like cases,
We may make acceptable our Addresses,
Lest, we grow overwhelmed with dispairs,
Or, come with over peremptory Prayers:
For, somewhat thou, at all times, hast to grant
To comfort those, who consolation want,
When they are sensible of their condition,
And come before thee with unfaind contrition.
Yea, though, when we are outwardly distrest,
We may not absolutely make request
For what seems needful; yet, when we resigne
In all our sutes, our own will unto thine,
Our wants (if in particular deni'd)
Are with a Fatherlike respect suppli'd
Some other way, by mercifully granting
A better thing, then that, which we thought wanting.
For, thou, till he himself shall bar the door,
Excludest no mans prayre, who doth implore
In Faith and Charity, that, which may tend
To give him, a well-being without end.
Of this, experiment I oft have had,
And, me thou confident thereof hast made.
This Creed, thou hast been pleas'd to teach me, LORD,
Both by thy holy spirit, and thy word,
Confirming my experience day by day,
That, I to other men declare it may,


As I in duty, am oblig'd to do,
When thou my heart inclinest thereunto.
And, by thy favour, now proceed I can
In that, which, when these musings I began,
I neither able was to prosecute,
As I intended; or commence my sute,
In terms, which I could think fit to present
To thee; or, to my self, could give content.
But, now the Bars remov'd and I can make
A shift to Stammer, what I could not speak.
By thy Assistance likewise, I believe
That, what I now shall pray for, thou wilt give;
Ev'n ev'ry thing (implicitly at least)
Which shall in this my Prayer be exprest:
I, therefore, in thy sight, now spread abrode
My private meditations, in this mode;
And hope, it shall be spread, where many may
Add their Amen to that, for which I pray:
And, that their joyning in this my Oblation,
Will gain us all shares in thy acceptation.
Oh! I should then sing, with a Joyful heart
LORD, let thy servant, now, in peace depart.
That Everlasting Gospel make more known,
By which, thy Love eternal is forth shown
To all mankind; and which, a glorious throng
Of Angels, publish'd in a Joyful song,
(Unto the glory of thy blessed Name)
When first thy Son aray'd with flesh became;
That, all the world may know, the same Goodwill
Which thereby was exprest, continues still:
And, that, Desire to know both Good and Evil,
Proceeded from our Selves, and from the Devil,
But, not from thee, who, didst intend Salvation
To Adam, and to all his Generation;


Not reprobating any of his Race
Save such as wilfully dispis'd thy Grace,
And, justly, caused the product of that
Which, thou didst never prenecessitate.
Thy Love to all mankinde, compels me oft
(Though for it, I maligned am, and scoft)
To preach it to the world, that, men may more
Mind it with thankfulness, then heretofore.
I know this Truth is own'd, ev'n among those
VVho, unto thee are yet, apparent foes;
And, that, hath hindreth many to embrace
The Doctrine of thy Universal Grace,
Because, they are not heedful, that, unless
These held some Truths with that unrighteousness
VVhich they maintain, not many would believe
That Mistery, by which they do deceive.
But, to prevent their wiles, unclose their eies,
VVho cannot yet perceive their fallacies;
And let it be made manifest to them
VVho do not wilfully the means contemn,
VVhich, thou vouchsafed unto all men hast,
And alwaies wilt, at first, or at the last.
Let that large mercy, our hearts work upon,
More then thy Judgments hitherto have done;
To which intention, let thy Saints improve
That Influence which thy Eternal Love
Hath shed on them, to work throughout this Nation
By Love and Gentleness, a Reformation;
Which will be then more speedy, and sincere
Then that, which is compel'd, & wrought by fear.
Preserve that pretious seed, sown in this Land;
Now, many Ages past, by thine own hand;
It hath been often watred by the Blood
Of thy Elect; hath many Storms withstood,


And took such root, that, now it doth extend
By sev'ral Branches, to the worlds far end.
Permit it not to suffer diminution
Either by calms, or storms of Persecution.
Let not the lofty Cedars over-top it,
The wild-swine root it up, or tame-beast crop it;
Nor weeds or brambles (among which it grows)
Starve it, or choak it; nor the greedy Crows
Devour it; nor the swarms of Locusts, which
In smoke, ascended from th'infernal Ditch;
But, let it, when appearing most opprest,
Palm-like, most thrive, and be the more increast,
Till th'earth it fills; and till up rooted be
All plants, that were not planted there by thee.
This, I first pray for Lord, because possessing
Hereof, doth lay the ground of ev'ry blessing.
Correct thou not these Nations in thy wrath,
But, in that measure, which shews mercy hath
An intrest in thy Justice. Let them hold
The same proportion which they did of old,
In thy severest chastisements; that, neither
Both Good and Evil, be destroy'd together,
Nor, their hopes thereby vacated, by whom
There is a Kingdom look'd for, yet to come.
Five wicked Cities might have spared been,
Had twice five, Righteous men been found therein:
Yea, Thou (although in them there was but one)
Defer'dst their dreadful doom till he was gone.
LORD, I hope, here are many thousands yet,
On whom thy Seal, on whom thy Mark is set.
Who trust in thee, whose faith doth not yet fail;
Who, their own, and the Nations guilt bewaile:
For their sakes, lay aside thy wrath again;
Let thy Sun shine, and let thy Clouds drop Rain


Both on the just and unjust, as thou hast
Been pleased to vouchsafe in Ages past;
That, Spring and Summer, Seed and Harvest-times
Untill the world shall end, may in all Climes
Be from each other still distinguished,
As long ago, by thee was promised.
At this time also, to this sinful Nation,
Extend thy wonted favour & compassion,
By blowing hence those clouds, whose frequent showrs
Spoil not alone grass herbs and pleasant flowers,
But, threaten also, to destroy those crops,
Whereby the painful husband-man hath hopes
To be rewarded for his toil and cost;
Yea, let this Isle, which now despairs almost,
Of such a blessing, be secured from
That Famine, which we are afraid will come.
Both of our Earthly, and thy heavenly bread,
Preserve the means, that therewith being fed,
In soul and body, we may for the same
In flesh and spirit magnifie thy Name
Till Christ shall come. Continue in this place,
The special pledges, of thy special Grace,
Close up those Rents, which malice hath made wide;
Unite by Love, those whom self-will and Pride
Have dis-united: For, thy Love was that
Which made thee at the first, this world create;
And, 'tis the same essential Love (by thee
In thy Elect made active) which must free
The world again, from that confus'd estate
Whereto 'tis brought by Envy and by Hate.
To that end, let thy spirit, (unto whom
All Dispensations, till thy Son shall come
Committed are) the hearts of men incline
To be obedient to that Discipline,


In ev'ry Form, which they believe to be
To them injoyned by thy word and thee;
And, that accept of, which they shall profess
And practise with unbiast Consciences.
Make thy Elect to stand out all the shocks,
Of Tyranny, like never moved Rocks;
And give them prudence, to discern the wiles,
Whereby, their Antichristian foe beguiles
Unstable hearts; and please to pardon that
Wherein through frailty, they shall deviate.
Indow them withall sanctified graces
That may enable in their several places
To do thee honor: And, LORD, let the Pride
Of their Oppressors, break so, and devide
Their Power and Counsels, that, they may at length
Be ruined, by their own Wit, and Strength.
Behold, the many troubles of this Nation,
With mercy, and vouchsafe it thy salvation.
Make haste to our deliverance oh LORD,
And, succour us according to thy word.
Let them be turned backward, and with shame
Confounded, who blaspheme thy holy Name;
Who, with their own inventions do defile
Thy Ordinances, and pursue the spoil
Of those who seek thy face. Let them who cry
Aha Aha, and say insultingly,
So we would have it, when thy people are
Opprest, be caught at last, in their own snare,
That, they who love thy Truth, may to thy praise
Rejoyce in thy salvation all their dayes.
But, gracious LORD, beside that wasting Rain,
Which makes this Nation with much fear complain
And brings me now to thee; there is a Flood
Portending Inundations too, of Blood,


Ev'n blood of Innocents, for whose prevention
To be Petitioner I have intention.
A portion of thy word, concerning Cain
To me, a mystery seems to contain
Implying somewhat which relates to those
Who were, and shall unto thy Saints be foes
Throughout all Times; and doth relate, likewise,
To them, who offer thee that sacrifice
In which thou most delight'st: For, ever since
That day, Will-worshippers have took offence
At their Oblations; and proceeded on
In that, which he so long ago begun.
Cain was the first that persecuted them
Who in their worship differed from him;
And, I collect thence, that, ev'n from that hour
Thou didst subject them to the temp'ral power
Of all those persecutors, of whom, he
Became the Type, whoever they should be.
And, as I understand that Hystory,
Therein is couched the whole mystery
Of that iniquity, which now is grown
Almost full ripe, and shall be overthrown
In thy appointed time; but, not till then,
Nor by the weapons or the hands of men:
For, thou hast markt them to be saved from
Destroying, till their fatal hour is come.
And I conceive likewise by what thou hast
In that memorial to the world exprest,
Thou wilt avenge it, on all, who withstand
Their persons, with a life-destroying-hand,
Though they are murdrers; &, that, this suctjection
Tends to thy glory, and the Saints perfection;
Whereof, some of them, take so little heed,
That of precautions they may have some need.


This hath inclin'd me, conscientiously
To shun opposing them destructively
In whom there is a visiability
Of Sov'raign Power, although tyrannical;
Untill that some way, it grow doubtful shall
To whom it appertains; as, here of late,
When it was thought, thou didst that power translate
To other hands, and when he, who bereft
Them thereof, to an Anarchy, us left.
And, thou, who knowst my heart, knowst I did never
To pull down, or to set up Thrones endeaver:
But, only, to preserve the common peace,
Complide with that, which did the Throne possesse,
Till thou restor'dst him, who was driv'n hence,
And, to whom, true, I have been ever since.
Now, also, to preserve, still, as I ought,
That peace, whose preservation, I then sought;
I do implore thee, on behalf of him
Who wears this day, the Supream Diadem,
That, from those evil Counsellors, he may
Deliver'd be, who do, or shall assay,
To bring him to a wilful resolution,
Of being partner in that persecution
Which they intend: And, that, in all temptations
(And maugre all severest provocations)
Thy Saints, may be preserved from contriving
And acting, what may tend to the depriving
Them of their lives or power, who e're they be,
In whom that Power shall be confer'd by thee.
And grace vouchsafe them, alwayes to persist
In that obedience, which may manifest
That, conscientiously they may submit
To what thou hast ordain'd, or shall permit


For their probation; till the fewd and War
'Twixt Good and Evil, at a period are:
And, that, upon thy will they may attend
Untill that Good and Evil, hath an end,
Which had form us proceeding, and gives place
To that Eternal GOODNESSE, which IS, WAS
And SHALL BE, when all evil heretofore
In Being, shall a being have no more.
Meanwhile confer all means, whereby both they
And he, may walk on, in a peaceful way.
Thy Judgment to the King vouchsafe to give
That, he, and we in Righteousness may live:
That, he may to the Prisoners and the poor,
Shew mercy; to the wrong'd, their dues restore;
And be as kind and merciful to them,
Who are opprest, as thou hast been to him:
That, our high Mountains may produce thy peace,
And little Hills, the fruits of Righteousness;
For, whether high or low, all shall receive
Such measure, as to other men they give.
I know this will be done, even by the drops
Of mercy, which to keep alive my hopes,
Are in this place, to me derived from
Thy Bounty, to fore-shew, a shower will come
That shall refresh both me, and those, at full,
Who, at this time, each others case condole.
Be pleased to confirm this my belief,
Redouble still, our Courage, as our Grief
Shall be augmented: And although among
Thy Foes, our bodies perish in the throng;
By those external Judgments, which we shall
Occasion to be Epidemical,
Inflict them, rather then permit thy Name
To be exposed to reproachful shame,


By suffering wickedness with proud despight,
To violate thy Justice in thy sight;
Or, wantonize with grace, till it becomes
The saddest of all Temporary dooms:
For, common myseries less grievous are
Unto thy Saints, though they in them have share,
Then all their private sufferings, when they see
Their insolence who sleighted them and thee,
So winked at, as if thou either wouldst not,
Avenge thy self upon them, or else could not.
Thy Souldiers will be pleas'd amid thy foes
To die, e're any honor thou shouldst lose,
Since death by them, needs never to be fear'd,
Who know with what life, thou wilt them reward.
Let Dagons temple then, be overthrown
Though Sampson die, in pulling of it down:
For, all thy Souldiers, seek their glorifying
In conquering, although it be by dying.
Our General, in person, led the Van
That way, when he his glorious Conquest wan,
Bereft Death of his deadly sting, thereby,
And, over Hell, triumphed gloriously.
Preserve those, in thy Truth by Faith and Love,
Whom thou shalt please in these last times to prove
By fiery tryals: So, what e're wind blows,
Whether, it rains or shines, or hails or snows;
Whether thou shak'st the heavens or the earth,
Or both; whether, War, Pestilence, or Dearth
Shall visite this depraved Generation,
Thine, shall be free from inward pertubation,
And sing, a blessed Requiem to their soul,
When their Oppressors gnash their teeth and howl.
To that Salvation which thou dost design
For thy Elect, preserve thou, me and mine;


And, in our several passages thereto,
Whether, the way in which we are to go
Be either rough or smooth, or short or long,
Keep us content; and let our Faith be strong
Although the flesh is weak. Let our Afflictions
And, our prosperities, with benedictions
So sanctified be throughout our dayes,
That, thou mayst in our lives & deaths have praise
A large Petition (whereof now bereft)
Before thy face, long since ingrost I left,
Whereby, I thee besought to this effect,
For my Posterity; and to direct
And keep them in thy ways: LORD, though to me
The words are lost, they are not so to thee;
My spoilers, cannot hide them from thine eyes,
Nor wilt thou, my Requests therein despise.
Rememember those, by whom we have been fed,
When we were by the world depriv'd of bread.
Vouchsafe thou, for their Charitableness,
They, never want a Friend in their distress;
Or comforts, when on their sick beds they lie,
Or, Freedom, though on outward bands they die:
Mind them, when I of them forgetful grow;
Know them, though I their persons may not know;
Their Alms-deeds, which they labour to conceal,
Let thy Son, before all the world reveal;
And, what for me or mine, in these my prayers,
I have desired, grant to them and theirs.
My Foes have some way been my Benefactors,
(Though, therein, they against their wills were Actors
For, that, which to afflict me they design,
Adds more to their vexation, then to mine;
And, that, whereby, they thought me to have harmed,
Against all future mischiefs, me hath armed.


In which respect, without dissimulations,
They, are to me, an object of compassion,
And, I beseech thee, so their hearts to turn
That, for their sins, they heartily may mourn.
To operate in them a preparation,
To prosecute the means of their salvation,
Their, too much loving of themselves abate,
Which hath inclin'd them other men to hate,
And more to punish them, who reprehend,
Their sins, then those, who, against thee offend.
Bereave them of that wealth, in which they trust,
And spend, in giving fewel to their lust;
That Power exorbitant, make to be less,
Which doth but Pride, and Tyranny increase;
Lest they may make themselves the slaves of sin,
And to be Devils, who might Gods have been.
Forgive them their offences against thee,
When for them, truly penitent they be:
For, all their wrongs to me I can forgive
As I from thee forgiveness would receive.
This Charity of mine to them, is thine;
Thou, thereunto my heart dost now incline;
Then, surely, if thou hast a love for those
Who hate thee, yea whilst they continue Foes,
Thou wilt on them bestow all I can crave,
If they contemn not, that which they might have.
And, who, can then, be hopeless of thy Grace,
Who, in true faith, and love shall seek thy face?
Oh hear me, in what to their welfare tends,
For all in general, both Foes and Friends,
(To whom, Christs ransom shall not bounded be,
More by their own fault, then by thy Decree;
And, who against themselves, shut not that Gate
Which thou to all Mankind, hast open set.)


Make us true Lovers, as we ought to be,
And, we shall be beloved still of thee.
Incline us charitably to regard
The poor mans prayers, and ours shall be heard.
Make us upright, and then shall rich and poor,
More advantageous be then heretofore
Unto themselves; and they who hate each other,
Shall love, and live in amity together.
None, then, shall make a prayer, to enjoy
In private, what weal-publick, may destroy,
But, all our suits, (as in destructive Rains
Or Droughts) shall be prefer'd for what pertains
Unto the common good; and very many
Be benefitted, without harm to any.
I shall, moreover, be permitted then,
To do thee service with my Tongue and Pen,
And, thou, with other blessings, wilt send hither
What I now pray for, seasonable weather.
LORD! should these meditations be despis'd,
Or, (as some have been lately) here surpriz'd,
And smother'd; I beseech thee, let them not
By thee, be dis-regarded or forgot;
Nor that, which yet remains to be exprest,
Be stifled any longer in my brest:
For, that, hath been more torment to my mind,
Then to my Body, to be here confin'd.
But, each branch only grant of these Requests
As with thine own good pleasure best consists;
And, that in chief, which hath preferred been
To work in us, Repentance of all sin;
Lest else, when from one Judgment we are freed,
Another, and another still succeed,
Till e're from all our fears, thou us deliver,
We feel the sharpest arrows in thy Quiver.


Though all alone, the world hath shut me here,
And, from her self, exil'd me, as it were,
She, being part of that great Work Divine,
In which there is aswel a share of mine
As hers: (And, though no sense she seems to have
Of what I suffer in this living Grave;)
I have a Fellow-feeling of her fears,
As by these private musings it appears,
Which often, heretofore I have exprest,
On her behalf, and now, by this Request;
Which GOD (I know) for his own sake hath heard,
Although my prayer merits no regard.
The last great Rainy-day, I first begun
These Meditations; and, e're they were done,
The Clouds were blown away, the Sun appear'd,
The face of heaven was from thick vapours clear'd,
And, he, who lately mustred them together,
Continues, yet, a seasonable weather
That will renew the hopes (if it holds on)
Which this year promised, when it begun.
For, (to the blessed name of GOD be praise)
The earth begins her face again to raise,
Out of her watry bed, chear'd by those Rayes
Whose absence, made her many weeks of days
Sit melancholly, and aside to throw,
Those dressings, wherewith she is trimmed now.
This, doth to me, appear to be a sign
That, to compassion, GOD doth still incline,
And, will, once more, make proof what Reformation
Shall be endeavour'd after this probation.
Oh! in some measure, let this grace effect
That, which he justly, may from us expect,
Lest worse befall: For, GOD will not be mockt;
The doors of heaven, are not yet so fast lockt,


But, that, he suddainly may send again,
Not only such another wasting rain,
(Or in the stead thereof a scorching Drouth
And make the tongue, cleave to the parched mouth,)
But Fire and Brimstone too, if he so please;
Whereas, now, whilst his mercy doth appease
His wrath, a little hearty penitence,
Improv'd, may keep some other Plague from hence,
And, for one sin that truly is repented,
Three may removed be, or else prevented.
Meditated and composed during the Authors close Confinement in the Tower, July. 1663.
Oh! that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,
and for his wondrous works to the Children of men.

Psalm 107 8.


The whole Psalm is very pertinent to stir up to a due consideration and practise of this duty.


June 15. 1665. A PRECAUTION Relating to the time present.

Two years are past, since what precedes was writ
When here, Excessive Rains occasion'd it.
The present Drougth, now makes us as much fear,
A Dearth may probably conclude this year:
For want of timely moisture, in the spring,
Hath in the Bud, nipt many a growing thing;
And that Defect continuing to this day,
Starves herbs, and turns the standing grass to hay.
The Winter corn, as yet, prick up their ears;
But, to decay, the Summer Crop appears;
And both (if GOD prevent not) may consume
Before our usual harvest time is come.
As, when to cure, or give their Patients ease,
(Who long have suffred by a strong Disease)
A good Physitian first applies for cures
His best known helps in such distempratures,
That failing, tries another; and that done,
Doth then, through ev'ry course of Physick run,
Repeats it often too; and as Events
Occasion it, makes new Experiments:
Ev'n so, hath GOD proceeded with this Nation,
To bring us to a timely Reformation;
Yet, our habitual wickedness is such,
That, nothing works upon us very much,


Except it be the quite contrary way:
For, when we should Repent, and Fast and Pray,
We Feast and Triumph: when we should release
The Prisoner, we the Freeman do oppress.
When we the poor and needy should relieve,
The Rich we begger, and the poor we grieve.
When Princes should put mourning Garments on,
Each Vassal is arayed like a Don.
The meanest Pinnaces weare Silken Sailes,
And like the Peacock spread their gaudy Tailes.
Yea, in the steed of due humiliations,
In publick, here are publick provocations,
Still multiplied quite throughout the land,
Ev'n whilst we lie beneath GOD's heavy hand,
And manifestly see, both ev'ry blessing
Withdrawing, and Plagues ev'ry day increasing.
He therefore, justly may, if so he pleases,
Do, like Physitians, when they find Diseases
To, be incurable. They then permit,
Such Patients to take what course they think fit;
Leave them to any Emperick, who will
Pretend to that wherein he hath no skill;
Send them to Epsom, or the Tunbridge water,
Or, that at Lewsham (to which tis no matter)
Or to that Country Air, where first they drew
Their breaths, to try what thereon will ensue.
Thither, if GOD sends after them a Blessing,
Tis more then they deserve, and worth confessing:
For, tis of his meer Grace; And, this, sometimes
He doth vouchsafe ere men repent their Crimes.
Such mercies none can sound, much less express;
For they are infinitely fathomless.
And, if they work not, in a timely day,
GOD's will be done, is all, that I dare pray.


The Authors Epitaph.

Composed by himself, upon a Common fame Of his being dead and buried. It hath a short Preface prefixed, and an Epilogue added after it, for a Copartment to set it off.

The Preface.

Rumors of things that shall be, are begun
Sometimes, before they actually are done,
That, we thereby forewarned, may prepare
To entertain them, when in Act they are;
And, four times, at the least, (though yet I am
Surviving it) my death hath been by Fame
Divulged so, that some, no credit give
To those men who affirm that I yet live.
At this time also, a Report doth goe
That, I was lately dead and buried too:
Perhaps, not without being fore-design'd
That I, in prison might be hunger-pin'd:
For, having nothing left, that was mine own,
Or ought allow'd, save what should be bestown,
By their compassion, who have me preserved
From being in my close Confinement starved,
I might have dy'd indeed, through want of bread,
Had all my Friends believed me to be dead.


It may have likewise, an Ill Consequent,
If, I shall be releast; which, to prevent
I have compos'd this following Epitaph,
Thus Prefaced, with this short Paragraph,
And, sent it to my Friends, that, they may know
I live, and live in hope, that what I owe
To them, repaid (in life or death) shall be,
By GOD, although, not probably by me.
That, also, what this Epitaph expresseth
May mind me of my duty, till life ceaseth;
And, be by others, with some profit read,
Both whilst, that I am living, and when dead.

The Epitaph.

By way of Epitaph, thus sed
George Whither, when Fame voic'd him dead.
If, I did scape the dooms of those,
Whose heads and limbs, fed Rats and Crows,
(And, was not thrown into the fire
Or water, when breath did exspire)
Then, here, (or somewhere else) my Bones,
Lie raked up, with Earth and Stones.
Their burial place, you shall do well
To learn from those men who can tell,
And in what mode inter'd they were;
For, I do neither know nor care,
Or, what was either sung, or said,
By others, when I there was laid;
Nor any whit, suspitious am
That, they shall be expos'd to shame


Nor fear I troubling of their rest,
By those who living men molest,
Because, how e're the world shall please
To use them, they shall be at ease,
When that, which her despight intends
To me, shall ceaze on her own friends;
As it befel to some, of late,
If that be true, which fame doth prate.
My Life was nor too long, nor short,
Nor, without Good and Ill Report;
And, profited, as many waies
I was by Scandals, as by praise.
Great foes I had, and very many,
Friends too, a few, as kinde as any,
And, seldome felt their earthly hell,
Who love, and are not lov'd as well:
For, that, whereof they had sharp sense,
I knew, but, by intelligence.
A Wife I had, as fit for me
As any one a live could be;
Yea, as if, GOD, out of each other
Had made us, to be joyn'd together.
And, whilst she lives, what ere is sed
Of my Death, I am but half dead.
Beside the Issue of my Brain,
I had six children, whereof twain
Did live, when we divided were,
And, I, alive was buried here.
When, Portions, I had none to give
God gave them (as I, did believe
He would) a means, whereby to live:
Which is here mention'd, to this end,
That others, may on him depend.


I priz'd no Honours, bought or sold,
Nor wish'd for youth, when I was old,
But, what each Age, Place, and Degree,
Might best become, best pleased me.
I coveted nor Ease, nor Wealth
(No, not enjoyment of my health)
Ought further, then it had relation
To GODs praise; and my Souls Salvation.
When I seem'd rich, I wanted more
Then e're I did when deemed poor;
And, when in Body, most confind,
Enjoy'd most freedom in my mind.
I was not Factious or Seditious,
Though thereof, many were Suspitious,
Because, I humor'd not the times,
In Follies, and destructive crimes.
In things, that Good or Evil were,
I had abundantly my share;
And, never wish'd to change my Lot
For what another man had got,
Or, that, in any time or place,
My Birth had been, save where it was.
So wise I was not to be mad
Though much opprest; or, to be sad
When my Relations did conceive
I had exceeding Cause to grieve:
For, GOD, in season, still supplide
Those needful things the world denide,
Disposing ev'ry thing, so well
To my content, what ere befel,
That, thankful praise to him was due;
And, will be, for what shall ensue.
I sold not Honesty, to buy
A formal Garbe of Sanctity;


Nor to hate any was inclin'd
Because, they were not of my mind;
Nor fear'd to publish Truths in season,
Though termed Heresie or Treason,
But, spake, what I conceiv'd might tend
To benefit both foe and friend;
And, if in Love, they seem'd sincere,
With their Infirmities, could bear.
I practis'd what I did believe,
And pinned upon no mans sleeve,
My Faith or Conscience; for, ther's none
Judgd, by what other men have done.
My sins were great, and numerous grown;
My Righteousness, was not mine own,
Yet, more prevail'd by Grace divine,
Then if it had been wholly mine.
I loved all men, feared none
Except my self, and GOD alone;
And, when I knew him, did not make
Esteem of ought, but for his sake.
On him, in life time depended,
By Death are all my troubles ended,
And, I shall live again, ev'n here,
When my Redeemer, doth appear,
Which (by what I have seen and heard)
I know, will not be long defer'd;
Nor that Raign, here on Earth, among
His Saints, which they have look'd for long.
But, that, which we shall then behold,
May better be believ'd then told;
Because, we may presume as well
To put the Sea into a shell,
As to demonstrate, unto men,
Of flesh and blood, what will be then.


Nor oft, nor much desire had I,
Long time to live, or soon to die;
But, did the work I had to do,
As I enabled was thereto;
Then, whether lt seem'd Good or Ill,
Left that, and all things, to Gods will;
And, when this mind is not in me,
That, I am dead, assured be.
Do Reader, what I have well done;
What I have err'd in, learn to shun;
And, when I must no more appear,
Let this, be thy Remembrancer.

The Epilogue.

This, I perceive will take up too much Room,
Within a Church, or, on a Chappel Tombe;
And, peradventure, need a larger Stone
Then my estate will buy to write it on:
Ile therefore, let it wander on betwixt
The two Poles, till it finds where to be fixt:
For, though it seems brought forth before the time,
It may, whilst it continues in this Clime,
Some way advantage me, by bringing that
Into my minde, which I might else forget,
That, Whilst I live, I might conform thereto
So far forth, as I am oblig'd to do.
Moreover, I shall know, (when this is read)
What will be said of me when I am dead;
Which, that man cannot hear, who shall not have
An Epitaph, till he is in his Grave.


Some part thereof, may likewise useful seem
To others, who my words, now disesteem:
For, through the spatious earth, I know not ought,
That is, or may be said, or done, or thought,
But, hath a tendance, if we heed it will,
Either to what is good or what is ill:
A Single haire, or fluttring of a Bird,
May providentially, sometimes afford
Hints, or precautions, to incline us, to
What we ought to Observe, beleive, or do.
This, also will be, as it were, to some
A Messenger, who from the dead is come,
To Preach what is agreeable to Reason,
(Although it be a Preachment out of season)
But, now, both dead and living Preachers too,
Are sleighted, whatsoe're they say or do.
And, if such Predicants found no regard,
Where Moses and the Prophets were not heard,
What, probably, from those can be expected
Who Christ and his Apostles, have neglected?
Yet, from dead Letters, and from men deceast
There comes (from what in lifetime they exprest)
A voice sometimes, to which men will incline,
A willing ear; and so, there will from mine.


A Petitionary Meditation on the behalf of F. S. The Authors much Honoured and Charitable, Friend then visited by a Languishing Sickness.

In my contemplatings, VERSE, is to me
What DAVID's Harp, to him, was wont to be;
And, (on occasions offered) unto GOD)
I, often, make Addresses, in this mode.
Lord, thou didst raise me friends, when few or none
I had, whom I could much depend upon;
And, none of those, had they not first been thine,
Could possibly have been a Friend of mine,
In such a manner, or at such a time
As when thy kindness did appear in them:
For, such Respectiveness, to men that are
In my case, is at this time, very rare.
Thereby, they worthily therefore, are grown
More precious for thy sake, then for their own;
And, me to them it binds, in Bonds more strong,
Then if their frindship, from themselves had sprung.
My GOD, to thee, for one of those by whom
Thou hast refreshed me I now am come
To offer what my poverty affords;
Which (though it be no more then hearty words)
Be pleased to accept, for those proceeds,
That were extended unto me in deeds;
And, thereunto, vouchsafe thou to impute
That vigour, which I cannot contribute;
Since, there is nothing in my best oblation,
Which of it self, can merit acceptation.


On his behalf, whom thou to me hast given,
I, here on earth, Petition thee in heaven,
(Not for our own deserts, but for his sake,
Who did for all mankind atonement make)
That (if it shall be pleasing unto thee)
His crazed health may now renewed be,
And, he continue by thy preservation,
A faithful servant to this generation,
Till he those works hath finish'd altogether,
For which thou principally sentst him hither;
And, till they who yet want him, less may miss
His passage from them, to eternal Bliss:
For, Life, and all that therewith is bestown,
He had, as well for their sakes, as his own.
Thy people thought themselves oblig'd to plead
To Christ for him, who for them, had but made
A Synagogue: Elias thou didst hear
For, her, by whom, refresh'd his bowels were:
And, thou hast promised an easie bed,
To them, by whom the hungry soul is fed;
Whereby I am incourag'd, and inclin'd,
To pray for him; who hath to me been kind,
With hope, it shall some good product beget
Both to thy glory, and his benefit.
For, thou hast to the prayers of the poor,
An ear as open, now, as heretofore,
And grantst the humble sutes of faithful men,
Aswell, as of thy greatest Prophets, then.
To thee, I dare not absolutely pray
For ought, belonging to the present day,
Save what that patern warrants, which hath taught
To whom, for what, and how to pray we ought.
When therefore LORD, my frailty shall incline
My will, to what repugnant is to thine,


(Though I should ask it) let it be deny'd,
And, wants, according to thy will supply'd.
The objects, and the subjects, of my prayers
Are positively, nor hopes fears, or dispaires,
Or paines, or pleasures; neither joy nor greif;
No nor a temporary Death or Life,
(Though they concern my self) except they fall
Within the verge of that Conditionall
With which thou bound'st them: For, enough there is
Besides that, grantable, unless amisse
We ask it. And soon'st, thou wilt that dispence,
When Faith assaults thee with most violence.
Such things as thou hast promis'd, we may crave;
Such things in their best season, we shall have,
Though they are oft deferr'd, till we know better
How, by their use, to make the blessings greater:
Such things, I dare to ask, and persevere
In asking them, untill vouchsafd they are;
And, such things, ile now beg of thee, for him
Whose cause I plead: LORD, therefore grant thou them
Confirm him in that Love, whence all things had
Their Beings, when created things were made;
And, which at last, will knit up all in one
That was created, when the world begun.
Contentment give him, with what change soere
Thou shalt be pleas'd to exercise him here.
Preserve him in the saving faith of CHRIST,
Which will secure the blessed interest
That, he to all men offers; and to none
Denieth, who, to lay fast hold thereon
Not wilfully, and finally neglects,
Thou having cur'd his natural defects.
Grant him true self-denyal: him befriend,
With constant perseverance to the end


Of all his tryals: Every sin forgive
Committed in the flesh, whilst he shall live.
Enable him, whilst he hath time and place,
To make such an improvement of thy grace
On him conferred, that, as day by day,
Sin sprouts up, it may rooted be away.
In all, whereby the world, the flesh, or Devil
May him assault, deliver him from evil,
And all distemperatures, that may begin
Either from things without him, or within.
Let these Petitions, for his Consolation
Be sanctified by CHRIST's Mediation,
And lie still spread before thee, whilst in life,
My Friend is sensible of pains and grief.
So far forth also, as that, which by me
Is pray'd for now, shall with thy will agree,
Let him with faith, in our Redeemers name
Both for himself and me, desire the same.
And (to conclude this prayer) let all those
By whom, thou hast been pleased to dispose,
Thy manyfold Love-tokens unto me,
In all, here prayed for, partakers be
At ev'ry need; till thou translatst us thither
Where, all thine, shall with thee, live still together.


Vaticinia Poetica.

or, rather, A FRAGMENT, of some PRESAGES, long since written, and, also, of some lately composed; which (though the Beginning, and later End, be clipt off) are neither altogether imperfect, nor impertinent, to these Times;

But, doe considerably relate to all CHRISTENDOME in generall, and particularly to SPAIN, FRANCE, ROME, ITALIE, VENICE, and to some other parts of EUROPE, with the ILANDS thereof; especally to these of GREAT-BRITAN.

Wherein are contained, likewise, some Cautions, touching them who are called QUAKERS, and the Nation of the JEWS.

Sinè Nomine, non sinè Numine.

Things, past, and present, doe foreshew
Those, which, hereafter, will ensue:
And, Candles, though but of a Rush,
If lighted at that Burning-Bush
Which wasteth not, may that disclose,
Which Star, nor Moon, nor Day-light shows.


Vaticinium Poeticum:

OR RATHER A Fragment of some Presages, partly long since, and partly lately written; which (though the Beginning and later End be clipt off) are neither altogether imperfect, nor impertinent, to these times, &c.

Hic , desunt nonnulla

[OMITTED] I did intend
Some Premonitions, forth to send.
But I, in vain, have more then once
Assaid to charm deaf Loggs and Stones:
And, at this time, If, I should throw
Those Pearls to Swine, th'event I know.
I, therefore, now resolved am
To wave, what to the seed of Cham,
I purposd; and will speak to those,
To whom my soul more service owes.
Yee Sonns of Japhet, who long whiles
Th'European Continent and Isles


Have now possest (by grace from him
Who hath, into the Tents of Sem,
Perswaded you) be pleasd to read,
What follows, with a serious heed:
For, though, perhaps, I scarcely know,
Whether I tell you Dreams, or no,
This will be usefull; and, there may
Be reall Truths, in what I say.
According to the numeration
Of years, by vulgar computation,
In sixteen hundred fiftie five,
The Roman-Tyrant will percieve
His Empire sinke (begin to fear
His Fatall Number draweth neer;
And, therewith growing faint and sick,
Throughout his Body-Politick,
Take swift advisement, how, he may
Procrastinate his Judgement-Day;
And, shall finde means out, to beguile
Himself, and others too, a while:
For, till six hundred sixty three,
A Project will pursued be,
Wherby, the Saints will much be griev'd;
And, many, doubt what they believ'd.
The Stratagem he shall devise,
Will be to cure th'Antipathies
Of his Chief Champions, that their power
May joyn, the Faithfull to devour:
And, he shall prosecute that way
With all the Force, and Craf, the may:
But, to unsettle the Pyrene
Which parts them (and, make Oile with Wine
Incorporate) less hard will prove
Then that Obstruction to remove;


Because, th'Event, which will be best
For th'one, marrs th'other's Interest;
And, them, will, at the last, expose
To Schisms, which no Designe shall close.
It is apparent, that by him
Who claims a Cath'like Diadem
(And who, his Locusts spreads throughout
The World, to bring that aime about)
His Rival will, in little space,
Be undermin'd, in ev'ry place,
If, to that Peace he condescends,
Which, his Friend seeming Foe intends,
(And, who will prove, at last, much rather
A Step-sire, then a Holy-Father.
For, then, that Ofspring of the Woulfe,
Will, on the City in the Gulf,
Great mischiefs bring: Next, by his crafts,
Divide, and break, those Sheaves, and Shafts,
Through Europe; by whose Leagues, you see,
His Projects unsuccessfull be;
And, by whose Unity, that Flood
Of Gog and Magog, is withstood,
Which, else, long since, had broken in,
And worse then Noah's Deluge bin.
But, Remedies may be foreseen,
Which, e're those mischiefs intervene
That are design'd, will fruitless make
Their Counsells; all their Engins break,
And, make the Pitfall and the Snare
Catch those, who did the same prepare.
For, if the Cup of Fornications,
Which hath inchanted Kings and Nations,
Hath not caroused been so long,
That; for all Charms it grows too strong,


He, whom they stile, the Christian King,
Will, with that Name, embrace the Thing
Relating to it: (Thereby, finde
That, they, whose ruine is design'd,
Are his Chief Strength) and, then, to those
Unite himself, who shall oppose
The Whore, the Dragon, and the Beast,
Which are, in three, one Antichrist:
That, so, the Kingdome, and the Doome,
Long look'd for (to his joy) may come.
But, those Occasions, if he lose,
Which Providence will, then, propose,
In his own Bowels, there will breed
A Gangreve, whereon will succeed
His Neighbours Fate; and give him, there,
His Portion, where his Interests are.
The year, six hundred sixty six,
A period, to the Beast, will fix,
If numbred from that time, in which
He rose, unto his highest pitch.
The next preceding thousand years,
The time of Sathans Bands, declare,
Who, when the Lord, of life, was slain
(And, Rome did to her height attain)
Restrained was, from bringing in
The Man, and Mystery, of Sin,
For so long space (though, in the dark,
It, sooner, did begin, to work)
But, when that set time, was expir'd,
The Birth was born, which, he desir'd;
Ev'n, that Impostor, which hath, here,
Now reign'd above six hundred yeere,
Since he got loose; whose chain, did last
Untill the thousandth year was past.


Both these two summs, in one, contain
The joint, and the divided Reign,
Of bloody Rome, from her Declension,
And Antichrist's, from his Ascention
Into God's Throne: And, both their Falls
Are shewn, in their own Numeralls,
Without a wrested valuation,
Without disordred computation,
And, without adding, or omission,
A doubling, or a transposition,
Of any Letter. So, (by that
Accompt, whereby our Deeds we date)
About One thousand thirty four,
The Beast did, first, receive his Pow'r;
And, lose it shall, upon, or neer,
The thousandth and seven hundredth yeer:
Which makes, since first he took his Seat,
Six hundred sixtie six, compleat;
And, is the sum, which doth contain,
The, whole, continuance of his Reign.
Let those, that can receive it, heed
This Mystery, and, give it creed,
As it shall merit; for, to you,
Though it may seem as vain, as new,
It will not prove, to be so sleight,
Or, such a whimsicall Conceit,
As those, which groundless Fancy frames
From Titles, Attributes, or Names;
And, whereof, Wit makes Antichrists,
When, and of whomsoe're, it lists.
E're that day comes, you will behold
Such Changes, as no Age, of old,
Did ever see; and, year by year,
Strange Novelties will still appear;


Some mixt, and of a various make;
Medlies, composd of white and black,
Of truth, and falshood, wit, and folly,
Of sacred things, of things unholy;
And, some so plausible contriv'd
(With paint, and shadows unperceiv'd)
As would (if possible) beguile
Th'Elect: yea, they shall for a while,
Make many slip. Yet, these, must come
And (though offensive unto some)
Shall, at the last, Expedients be,
To make Dissenters, more agree.
There is, already, spreading forth
A Generation, from the North,
East, West, and Southward, who profess
Simplicity, and holiness,
Not much to be reprov'd: if, on
The Rightside, them you look upon;
Nor well to be allow'd, if, they
Intend, what some among them say:
For, if the truth of them be fam'd,
They, are our Levellers, new nam'd;
Or, els, th'old Cynicks, in a mode
Newly disguis'd, are come abroad,
To personate, in her excess,
Pride, with a shew of lowliness.
For, he that's proud, (and cannot be
By other means, so great, as he
That is the greatest) may with these,
As proudly, as Diogenes,
The Pomp of greatest men deride,
And, tread on Alexanders pride;
yet, in their sullen Cynick way,
Be twice as proud, perhaps, as they.


But my intent is to declare,
What they may be; not what they are.
Their goings out, are not with force,
Either of armed Foot, or Horse,
Neither with Multitude, or Power
Externall; but, by three or four,
Or two at once: Who, taking on
A Garb and speech, which few or none
Allow of (save themselves) neglect
All those expressions of respect,
Which are in use, to represent
A personall distinguishment,
Whether it in relation be
To Wealth, Age, Office, or Degree.
For this austereness, the Precise
Dislike them; them, the Rich despise;
The Proud, their manners doe deride,
As not complying with their pride;
The Covetous, they much displease,
And, all that love luxurious ease;
Which, doth beget them many foes,
Reproach, Imprisonments, and blowes:
Yet, Patiently they doe proceed,
As if they did nor greatly heed
Nor minde it: And, proceed they will
Their Work, and Errand to fullfill:
Wherein, the Best, may witness beare
Against the world (yea, and I fear
Against themselves) if well they heed
What admonitions they doe need.
And, when that they have walk'd their Round,
And stood their time, it will be found,
That, though some, under their disguise
Spread scandals, and preach blasphemies,


Which, for a while, obstruct those ends,
That, Providence, by them, intends)
It will, to Prudent men, appear,
That, signes, unto this Age, they are,
Of Things, which will, hereafter, more
Consider'd be, then heretofore;
As were some Actions, which, of old,
The World did, with contempt, behold,
When, they gave true signification,
Of what befell that Generation.
And, though that some, of these, assay,
To take the wholsome Rules away,
Of Faith, and Life, in hope to finde
Christ, formed in their selfish minde,
Without the Word; A Fierie-triall
Will give, at last, a flat deniall,
To their false hopes; Their own Work burn,
To nothing; Make them back return,
To Truths Foundation; Or, else, leave them
To those Delusions, which deceive them.
Wait, therefore, on each Dispensation,
With Christian meekness, moderation,
And charity: For, Time, will show
Whether, they be of God, or no;
How much of their designe, is evill;
How much of self, or, of the Devill:
And, men, thus tempred, shall not need
To fear th'Events, that will succeed,
Till they are greater haters grown,
Of these mens faults, then of their own.
Lights, from obscurity, will blaze,
Of other kinds; which, though they'le cause
Divisions, (and imperfect be,)
Will help Times future, how to see


Some Truths, conceal'd; and, lead the sight,
Gradatim, to the noblest Light;
If, of those false Gleams, men beware,
Which, will, by Flashes, here and there,
Break out, among them. Some, are such,
As neither help, nor hinder, much;
But, are like those, which, many think,
They doe behold, when hard they wink;
Or, like to those we view, sometime,
Glare out of rotten wood, or slime.
Some, like nocturnall wandring Fires,
(Which lead men into Pits and Mires)
Will oft appear; and, may doe harm:
But, we, against them, have a Charm;
And, they, who will, well know them may;
For, they appear not, in the day;
And, if men heed it, they shall finde
Such, alwaies, leave a stinke behinde.
The time, now, seemeth neer, likewise,
When, they, on whom Cain's curse yet lies,
Will make some Trialls, how they may,
To their long-failing hopes, make way.
For, now, that Ev'ning draweth on,
Wherein, they to and fro, shall run,
Like Doggs, about the Citie wall,
(As was foretold) and grin, and bawle,
Because, they have no Revelation,
To satisfie their expectation:
And, God, to pass, is bringing, now,
A nobler Work, (for ought we know)
Then they design: And, some of them,
Will fit, for that Jerusalem
They look not after: Yea, perchance,
What they would marre, they shall advance


And, when a carnall rest is sought,
Finde that, to which they should be brought.
For, (though they are disperst among
The Nations, and have wandred long
In much contempt) preserv'd they were
For somewhat, which, time will declare
When that day comes. Perhaps, those things,
Which David, in their person sings,
Of their undated desolation,
Will bring them to consideration,
That, all their Tokens are bereft;
That, they have not one Prophet left;
Nor any Prophecies, that give
Assurance, of what they believe;
Or promise, that, God, will restore
Their Nation, as oft, heretofore,
When they had sinn'd: And, that, the crime,
For which they suffer so long time,
Is, some fault, of a deeper die,
Then either their Idolatrie,
Or, all their ancient Crimes: yea, that
The Sin which makes them desolate,
Must be the sale, and crucifying
Of him, who, for their ransome dying,
Foretold the Plague, in which is neer
Compleated sixteen hundred yeer;
And, wherein, they shall still abide,
Till they confesse whom, they denide.
For, though their Law, they never better
Observ'd, according to the Letter,
Then they have done, since him they kild,
By whom, alone, it was fulfild;
Their legall service, to their Curse
Still adds, and daily makes it worse.


Yet, some, may, under this Rejection,
Be Objects, of divine Election,
(As I beleeve) And, who can tell
When, God, shall pleased be, to seal
Twelve times twelve thousands, of the Race
Of Isr'el, by a stamp of Grace?
(And, when to make up, he shall please,
The Gentiles fulness) but, that these
Shall mustred be, and called thither,
Where those, Elect, must meet together;
Who are to act that finall doome,
Which, on his greatest Foe, must come?
(And, who can tell, but, that by those,
At whose rejection, we were chose,
To witness against their offence,
(And, whose preserving, ever since,
Confirms our Faith) may usefull prove,
To set forth his impartiall love,
Who suffers all, aside to goe,
That, he, to all, might mercy show?
If so; he's blest, whom, God, then makes
So wise, that, neither he partakes
In their, deserv'd, Infatuation,
Nor doth obstruct their Restauration.
Some, seem to fear, that, if the Jews,
(And, others too) who may abuse,
That Liberty, should, in this Nation,
Obtain, their wish'd for, tolleration,
They, peradventure, thereby might
Eradicate the Truth, outright;
And, surely, whosoe're intends,
That Freedome, for sinister ends,
(Or, without Cautions, would thereby
Infringe his own security:


But, Truth's prevailing, none needs doubt,
Where she hath Rome to fight it out;
For, most refin'd and strong, she grows,
When she is hem'd about with Foes.
No thought (much less a Resolution)
Have I, to force, by persecution,
Religious duties: yet, I may,
Both justly think, and safely say,
That, if Exile, and Forfeits too,
On him, with us, who should forgoe
His Christian Faith, imposed were,
Those Penalties, were not severe.
For, if the way, which he then chuses,
Be safer, then what he refuses,
He buyes it, at an easie Rate,
With less of Country, and Estate;
And, if he changeth Good for Bad,
He, justly, forfeits all he had.
Were that Provision made; not many
Would, on those terms, be Jews, if any.
But, neither Jews, nor Turks, are worse
Then Hypocrites: No greater Curse
Can their admission, hither, bring,
Then doth, from their Contagion, spring,
Who, to be Christians, doe profess;
And, are, in manners, nothing less.
Whose, is the greater Blasphemie?
His, who denies Christ's Deitie,
Or Incarnation, with his tongue,
And, doth him some despitefull wrong,
Externally? (meerly, perchance,
Through blindness, and, through ignorance;)
Or, rather his, whose heart denieth
Him, with whom he, in words, complieth?


What Heathens, Jews, or Turks, can be
So pestilentiall, as is he
Who, preacheth Christ, from place to place?
Who, boasteth of his saving Grace?
Who, doth profess him, to be good?
Who, hath his Raiment, and his food
By that Profession? Who, doth praise
His Love, his Precepts, and his Waies,
Yet, in his life, himself doth shew
Worse then a Pagan, Turk, or Jew?
Beleeve it; till reform'd we are
In Manners, we might, rather, fear
The Jews admission, will our shame
Much more illustrate, and our blame,
Then harm us otherwayes; or, more
Obdure their hearts, then heretofore,
But, that, a Pow'r, above men sits,
Which, out of Darknes, Light begets.
Most Christian Nations, doe pretend,
To seek their Weal; and, to that end,
Make daylie prayers: (yea, some, too,
This duty, with sincereness, doe)
But, he's an Hypocrite, who sayes,
That, he, for their Conversion prayes,
Yet, thereunto, no means affords,
Save, only, formall, empty, words.
More then most Nations, we are thought,
Their Restauration to have sought.
They, also, thereof, notice take,
Yet, when they come, a proof to make,
Of our sincerity; Lo, we
Grow fearfull, what th'events may be.
But, in due season, God, I trust,
Will render us, as wise, and just,


As wary; and, direction give
To Act, as well as to beleeve,
What he requires; lest, we abuse
Our selves; take Jesuites for Jews,
And Runagadoes, from our Creed,
To be the ancient Hebrew-seed;
Or, else, shut up our hearts to those,
To whom, our soul more Mercy owes:
For, such, as truly are descended
From Jacob (though they have offended)
Are to be look'd upon, as men,
Who may be reconcil'd agen.
They, though rejected, are a Nation,
Who claim a right in that Creation,
Which we possess: At least, to Live,
A right, by Nature, they receive,
That, ought not to be rendred void,
Lest, God's Fore-purpose be destroi'd.
He, hath disperst them, here and there,
That, we might not presume, but fear;
And, of that Grace, be mindfull made,
Which we, by their Rejection, had:
But, if all Countries, where they be
Should (as they might, as well as wee)
Deny them an Abiding-place,
Where should they finde the means of grace?
Where should they live the life of Nature,
The Birth-right, of each living Creature?
How, by our Mercy, shall they gain
That Mercy, which, in words, we fain
To further? Which way, shall we show
That Love, which, unto them, we owe,
For their Fore-Fathers sake, by whom
Salvation, unto us, did come?


Or, how, to them, shall that succeed,
Which, Providence hath fore-decreed?
They, like to Cain, are mark'd out so,
That, (though abhor'd, where e're they goe)
They are preserv'd; and have aboad
(Ev'n by the Common Grace of God)
In sev'ral places, not a few,
For which, they owe no thank to you;
Nor much to them, with whom they dwell,
Because, their Souls, or Bodies, weal
Moves litttle, with their Entertainers,
Save, when, by them, they may be gainers.
But, being neither Pro, nor Con,
In things, by others, to be done:
My private judgment having shown,
I'le leave each Reader to his own.
God's Works, with Clouds, are vail'd about,
Deep, high, (yea, past our finding out;
And, many things, he hath to doe,
To make his passage thereunto;
Which, to unriddle, 'twill be hard,
Because, mysteriously declar'd,
By Glimerings only, to our eyes,
Our Faith, and Hope, to exercise,
Which, else, would fail; and, to provide
Against the puffings up, of Pride.
For, Revelations, when most clear,
Of such a Ghostly nature are,
(And, that, which should be understood,
By them, is, unto flesh and blood,
So hardly taught) that, few can see
Their certainty, though true they be.
I cannot speak, what I conceive,
Nor utter that, which I beleeve,


Yet, I conceive, beleeve, and mark,
Enough to guide me through the dark,
Without despair: And, my foresight
Discernes, by Raies, which give true light,
That, e're God's Work effect shall take,
He, will, by sev'rall Changes, shake
Thrones, Pow'rs, and Scepters, to break down
Those Kingdomes, which oppose his own:
That, likewise, he shall bring to nought
All things, that humane Wit, hath taught:
Yea, all that holiness, in which
The Carnall Gospeller seems rich;
And, bring a Generation in,
Which, all things will, anew, begin
(Save that Foundation, which must stand,
Till there is neither Sea, nor Land.)
The Life, wch hath lain hid with Christ,
Shall then, in us, be manifest,
To mortifie, and take away
That life of Sinne, which, to this day,
Hath been upheld; Infuse that Light,
Which makes a Day, without a Night;
And, which shall not, as it hath done,
Need either Star, or Moon, or Sun.
Our Outward, and our Inward parts,
Our Will, and Longings of our hearts,
It shall renew; renew our Birth,
Our Governments, the Heav'ns, the Earth;
Yea, make all new, and, as a Scrowl,
Wrap up all old things, in a Roll.
In order thereunto, our eies
Have, lately, seen a Prince arise,
His entrance making through great Floods
Of water; through unlikelyhoods,


And Difficulties, which no hand,
But his, who made both Sea and Land,
Could have remov'd: And, though his Foes,
Doe multiply; Though, malice grows
Implacable, and many aime,
To turn his Glory into shame;
He is receiv'd, by other some,
With Love and Honor, as one come,
And, sent, by Providence, from Heav'n,
To make the Dales, and Mountains, ev'n;
To countenance, protect, and shrowd
The Meek, and Righteous, from the Proud;
Their Rights and Freedoms, to restore,
To those that were opprest, and poor;
And, Introductions to prepare,
For things, which doe not, yet, appear:
And, doubtles, if he shall ------ [OMITTED]

Hîc deest multum.

More had been said; but, some begin,
Already, both to jeer, and grin.
That's worse, which was exceeding bad:
They that were foolish, are grown mad:
Truth, is less favoured, then Lies:
To be known honest, or thought wise,
Is dangerous; and, he best thrives,
Who, no man trusteth, or beleeves;
And, can, by fals dissembling shows,
Hide that, which he beleevs, or knows:
I see it; and, am stricken dumb;
From 'twixt my finger and my thumb,
My Penne is fall'n: 'Tis also Night,
And, I had rather sleep, then write.


If, therefore, you desirous grow,
To learn the rest, ask them that know
What others think, and pleased are,
To speak to them, who will not hear:
For, having heard, what will befall
To him, who tells his Mare a tale;
To cool my broth, my breath I'le keep,
And, try to sing my self asleep.


My Soul, come listen to my Charms:
And, now she rests betwixt mine arms,
Sound out, yee everlasting Spheres,
That Musick, which no mortall hears:
And, whilst thereto, my Tongue forth sings
Those calm, and blessed Requiems,
Which, this depraved World contemns,
Thy self, my discomposed heart,
New-tune (in Consort) to bear part,
With them, upon her quav'ring strings.
Though all things in confusion be;
Though, from corruption none are free,
Why should our Bowels yerne, or pant?
What need we fear? What can we want,
Which we, by reason, would enjoy?
No rising, or declining Star,
Our blisse, can either make, or mar;
No influence, of Moon or Sun,
Or, ought omitted, or misdone,
Our peace, or safety, can destroy.


Look up, to that bespangled Skie,
So bright, so spacious, and so high:
A higher Orbe, those Orbes contains,
Where my Redeemer, lives and reigns;
To him, by contemplation, mount,
By him, Hopes Anchor, cast, and weigh;
On him, by Faith, firm holdfast lay;
With him, by Love, thy self unite;
Through him, establish thy delight;
And, of him, make thy chief account.
Then, from that height, thine eyes down cast,
On all things, which on Earth are plac't;
(Ev'n on the bravest of those things,
Which are the pride, and joy of Kings)
And, on those Bugbears, which men dread:
And, when thou findest, what they prove,
(How worthless of thy Fear, or Love)
Thou may'st, with confident repose,
Ly down, alone, where all thy Foes,
Their Banners, have against thee spread.
Sleep, then; for, all, those windes that blow,
And bluster round about thee so,
Into a calm, will either turn,
Or, breath away, at last, with scorne,
And, prove but puffs, to be despis'd.
Sleep; for, those goodly seeming Gaudes,
Which thou admired'st, are but shades,
That, in a moment, will be gone,
And, worthy, really, of none,
But, Fools, or Madmen, to be priz'd.


Sleep; for, those earnest Longings, which
Disturb'd thy Rest, are but an Itch,
Or, Dreamings, that will take their flight,
As soon as Day removes the Night,
Though, much account of them thou mak'st.
Sleep; for thou neither feel'st, nor hear'st,
Such Bears, or Lions, as thou fearst;
They are but squeekings of small Mice,
Or, niblings, of those Fleas, and Lice,
Wch, will fall from thee, when thou wak'st.
And, you, who have disturbers bin,
Of Rest, without me, or within,
Submit your selves to due controll:
And, when, on my retired soul,
A sweet refreshing sleep, shall seize,
I, charge you, by the Pow'r of those
Who guard th'Elected from their Foes,
(On penalty, of whatsoe're
The damn'd Infernall Spirits fear)
That, her, you wake not, till she please.
Give ear, oh, regardfully give ear
What is timelie here expressed relating to this Generation.


[Last Midnight, many things to minde were brought]

To fill up the following spare pages, this Midnight Musing of the Author is here added.

Last Midnight, many things to minde were brought;
Amongst wch, this that follows, came in thought.
Now, most men are in Bed; and, so am I,
(Employ'd in Musings, whil'st they sleeping lie)
Why, may not, in our Graves, a diff'rence be,
As well as in our Beds, 'twixt them, and me,
Which will my Soul, in somewhat, active keep,
Whil'st, in the Bed of Death, my Flesh doth sleep?
Since, God, made all things good; Why entred in,
Such enimies thereto, as Death, and Sinne?
Why, is the World, so over-spread with evill?
Why, is there not, a God, without a Devill,
As in Eternity, e're Time began?
Or, wherfore, seeing God created Man
In purest, and in perfect Innocence,
prevail'd it not, to keep him from offence?
And, why, so long as Time lasts, shall there be
Such warre, betwixt the two Seeds, as we see?
Some Thoughts, within me, to these Thoughts repli'd;
Th'Eternal Wisdome, did this means provide,
To make the Infiniteness of his Nature,
So farr forth knowable, unto his Creature,
That it might love him, and, enjoy Communion
With him, in an unseparable Union,
By having reall proofs, in Time and Place,
Of his eternall Righteousnes, and Grace:
Which could not be effected, but, by giving
A reasonable pow'r, with Rules of Living,


Upon Condition, safe and easie made,
By what, his Mercy, thereunto should add;
Except, he should have made him to excell
Those Angells, that, both stood in Grace, and fell:
Which, had been, to have made him of a Nature,
So far beyond the Limits of a Creature,
That, at the Moment, wherein first begun
Mans Being, he, with God, should have been One.
Which, was a Dignitie (though preordain'd
Eternally) to be, by man, obtain'd
Another way; whereby, it being known,
What Attributes were God's, and what his own,
The Love and Union, which, from thence should flow,
Would, to perfection, answerable grow.
Betwixt the supreme Creature, and his Maker,
There cannot be a Mean; or, a Partaker
In Supreme Power; neither, can there ought
Below the God-Head, possibly be brought
Into Existence, which, a Pow'r can have,
To make it own self; or, it self to save
From losing of that Being: But, by loving
His Maker; and, by faithfully improving
Those Talents he receiv'd: wherein, the Giver
Hath, also promised to each Receiver,
Concurring aid, both to beleeve, and Doe,
What he requires; and, will perform it, too,
In ev'ry soul, that swerveth not aside,
Through selfness, malice, wilfullness, or Pride.
As had the Angells, Man had pow'r to chuse
The Good way, and the Evill, to refuse:
And, had the self same blessed means of Grace
Which those Good Angells had, that kept their place.
Two disadvantages, alone, he had,
Whereto, no Angell was obnoxious made,


Flesh, and a Tempter, for which God did please,
To give, to Mankinde, two Advantages,
Deni'd to Angells; That is, Penitence;
And, One to satisfie, for their offence:
Who, from his fall hath rais'd Man, to be greater
Then Angells: yea, and to a State that's better
Then what he lost; if he, again, abuse not
His Talents, and renewed Grace refuse not.
By making Man, and all things, as they were
First made; And, by his ordering, ev'ry where,
Each Creature, in his Course, according to
Those motions, wherein, naturally, they goe,
The Justice, Love, and Wisdome, doth appear,
Of him that moveth in the highest Sphere.
Thereby he, in some measure, is exprest;
And, could be no way else, made manifest.
For, as God, is, he, fully can of none
Be known, or lov'd, but of hmself alone.
Meer Sense, to no mans understanding brings
The Notion of Intelligible things;
Nor, perfectly, all those that come within
Their own Orbe, till their knowledg, bought hath bin,
By some Privation. By the Night we know,
The Comforts of the Day. Our pains doe show
What Ease and Pleasures are; And, when we shall
Regain the Reason, maymed by our Fall,
It will, by ev'ry man, be understood,
That, as God, at the first, made all things good,
His Providence did likewise so forecast,
That, ev'ry thing shall turn to Good, at last.
Though, woe to them, by whom Offences come,
They are Expedients, and there must be some,
And will be, while the disagreeing Creature
Is lab'ring in the Common Course of Nature.


For, ev'ry diffring thing, conduceth to
That, which their Wise-Disposer means to doe.
Virtues, and Vices; things prophane, and holy;
Weakness, and Strength; true Wisdom & meer Folly;
Hypocrisie, Sincerenes, Truth, and Lies,
The most abhorred of all Heresies;
Turks, Jews, and Pagans; Martyrs, and Confessors;
Ev'n Rebells, Tyrants, Traytors, and Oppressors;
Yea, and the Devills too, shall help complete,
In their despight, the Work they would defeat;
And, as it was, before the World begun,
God shall be All in All, when All is done.
Thus, casually, to fill a vacant Rome,
These Midnight Musings into words are come,
Compos'd in haste; which will (it may be) keep
Some Readers, waking, when they thought to sleep,
To meditate, upon that End and Use,
Whereto, such Thoughts, most properly conduce;
And, learn, whil'st they amongst Disorders dwell,
To trust in him, who Orders all things well.


Three Private MEDITATIONS, Which being, for the most Part, of Publick Concernment, are therefore Published, by their Author, Geo. Wither.

The First, is, a Private Thanksgiving, consisting of three Hymns, whereby GOD is magnified for his Mercy vouchsafed in the late Ingagement between the English and the Dutch, in June 1665. Composed after Celebrating the Publick Thanksgiving commanded by the King.

The Second, is a Sacrifice of Praise & Prayer, by him offered to Almighty GOD, for his providential respect, to Him, his Wife and Children, during his Imprisonment in the disgraceful Goal of Newgate, when left destitute of all ordinary means of subsistance, by being deprived both of his Estate and Liberty.

The Third, Intituled NIL ULTRA, is a Soliloquium, wherein this Author expresses the improbability of an effectual proceeding further, to prevent the Sins and Plagues increasing, by ought which he can offer to consideration.


A Private THANK-OBLATION, Consisting of Three Hymns,

Whereby Almighty GOD is magnified for his Mercy vouchsafed in the late Ingagement between the English and the Dutch, in Iune 1665. after Celebration of the Publick Thanksgiving commanded by the King.

The first Hymn, is a Preparatioon of the heart to the Duty intended.

[Now, what to GOD's Praise belongs]


Now, what to GOD's Praise belongs,
I will sing in holy Songs;
Who shall from his Heav'nly Quire,
With such strains my heart inspire,
That (though distant) I and they
Therein joyn together may:
For, his influenced Grace
Is not barr'd by Time or Place.


Let his Rays of Light Divine,
In me, and upon me shine;
Let his Holy Spirit shake
Drousie flesh, till it shall wake;


Touch my lips, unloose my Tongue,
That his Praises may be sung;
For, till rouz'd up, from on high,
Dark, and dull, and dumb am I.


Humane words, cannot impart
What GOD speaketh to my heart,
Nor my faultring tongue declare
All his Operations there;
Yet, I am compell'd sometimes,
In plain Verse, and broken Rimes,
Thus, to stammer out such things,
As to me the Spirit brings.


To extol what God hath done,
Here, I musing am alone;
And, do praise him in my heart
For what none can claim a part:
But, what to his praise belongs
I'le now sing in vocal songs;
And, will so his praise declare,
That, no man shall therein share.

The second Hymn, being an imperfect Narrative and Confession to Gods glory, of what he hath done for us in the late Ingagement; how little we have merited the mercies vouchsafed, and how merciful GOD hath been to both Nations.

[Lord, in a publick Meeting, I, this day]


Lord, in a publick Meeting, I, this day
Have joyn'd, a Sacrifice of thanks to pay;
And, being warmed at the common fire,
(By what external notions could inspire)


To perfect that which is begun,
(And ought in duty to be done)
I, now withdraw into my heart,
To speak to thee, who therein art;
And learn, how, I may to thy praise,
So sanctifie my words and wayes,
That henceforth, they may more conduce unto
Thy glory, then they heretofore could do.
Oh! let my Meditations be
Made acceptable unto thee.


For Victory confer'd, we prais'd thy Name;
We hear, our foes have likewise done the same.
And doutless, whosoever lost or won,
To thee, are praises due for what is done;
Yea no less praise for what is lost,
Then that, for which we triumph most;
The one our pride may elevate,
The other, humble us for that
Which was mis-acted, or mis-spoke;
For, thou, who heed of both hast took,
So graciously, oh Lord, hast shar'd betwixt
Both Nations sweet with bitter intermixt,
That, no man, this day duly keeps,
Save he, who therein sings and weeps.


For all Transactions, which concern in gross
Our publick, or our private gain or loss,
(And which unto our knowledge, fame doth bring,
Well-weigh'd) gives cause, no less to weep then sing.
The good successes we have had,
Abate some fears, to make us glad;
The hopes, which those events do give
(Of what we willingly believe)


So high our expectations rear,
As if we were above all fear.
But, when we hear the many Lamentations
For loss of Limbs, Lives, and belov'd Relations,
To sadness all our Joy it turns,
And he who much rejoyced, mourns.


A final Conquest is not yet obtain'd;
That, rarely with one Victory is gain'd:
For, they who lose at first, at last may win,
By mending faults, with which they did begin.
And they who did at first prevail,
Find, oftentimes, their hopes to fail:
Because to trustless things they trust,
Or else, employ to feed their Lust,
That which thy Majesty intends
Should strengthen them to better ends.
When, therefore most Victorious we appear,
Let us rejoyce, but with a trembling fear;
Lest, when the rowling wheel shall turn,
We who rejoyce, find cause to mourn.


Thou art but little pleas'd (if ought at all)
To see us triumph, when our foes do fall;
Especially, when they (though ours they be)
Are thy known enemies, no more then we.
To be our GOD, we thee profess;
They (to our knowledge) do no less.
We say, our trust is in thy Name;
They may as truly, say the same.
Their sins are many; we are sure
(Or may be) that ours are not fewer.
We have not yet, our hopes at full enjoy'd;
Nor are their expectations quite destroy'd;


To praise thee therefore, we and they,
Are equally oblig'd this day.


VVe say the Dutch to us ingrateful be;
Our Conscience tells us we are so to thee.
They with our Nation cruelly have dealt;
Our inhumanity thy Saints have felt.
Their Avarice makes them oppress;
Ill husbandry and idleness,
Have made our wayes as grievous prove,
To those who seek for peace in love.
And we, and they, pursue the course,
Most likely to make bad things worse.
Then, Lord, which of us justly can expect
That our Contests should have a good effect?
Or, that the one should have a place
Above the other in thy Grace?


Had it so pleased thee, thou at first shock
Both Earthen Pitchers mightst have justly broke;
But they (as if they had been made of leather)
Are only bruis'd, by being knock'd together:
VVhich, in meer love to us and them,
Thou didst vouchsafe to give us time,
VVith more advisement to take heed,
VVhat, by Contention, will succeed;
Lest both before their Quarrels end,
Be broke like pots, which none can mend.
Lord, were there but that Mercy, and no more,
In that which we pretend to praise thee for,
It merits from this and that Nation,
An everlasting Thank-Oblation.



For, in this Mercy, unto both extended,
Are very many Mercies comprehended,
So complicated, one within another,
And, to thy Judgments linked so together,
That, if we could be brought to learn,
How, they both Nations do concern;
To what each Judgment doth direct,
What every Mercy might effect;
What we should seek, what we should shun,
And, what ought timely to be done;
The wisest men among us could not tell
Whether those things which us have pleased wel,
Or, that which grieves us most, shall best
Thy Loving-kindness manifest.


The Trophies, which most men delight to raise,
As testimonies of a thankful Praise,
For what thou daign'st, are but a medly mirth,
Of wholsom simples mixt with coursest earth;
Or, with such noisom weeds as grow
Upon dunghils here below,
That to thy nostrils and thine eyes,
Offensive fumings vaporize,
Which do provoke thine Anger more,
Than many Errors heretofore:
And that which for thine Honour some pretend,
Is for their own praise, or a baser end;
Either to satisfie their Lust,
Or, praise false gods, in which they trust.


My GOD, look not severely upon this,
Or on ought else that hath been done amiss;


For no Oblation can from us proceed,
VVhich will deserve a favourable heed.
Some of our Offerings, now and then,
May beneficial be to men,
Or, to thy Saints on earth extend,
If we confer them to that end
For which they seem to be bestown,
(And in their welfare, seek our own:)
But, to advantage thee, the precioust thing,
Which, we to please, or to appease can bring,
Adds nothing: though thou pleased art,
With what comes from a faithful heart.


Be mindful still, that we are flesh and blood,
Whence nothing can expected be that's good,
Till by his Cross it shall be mortifi'd,
Who, to redeem it from corruption, dy'd.
Remember whereof we are made;
That ev'n the best of us are bad;
Our seeming sanctified joyes,
Uncomly actions and rude noise,
Which make thy best beloved sorry,
Instead of adding to thy glory.
Oh! let hereof, a free unfain'd confession,
(A burnt Oblation made by true contrition,
And, hallow'd by Christs blood) purge hence,
All that which gives to thee offence.


The more thou shalt inlarge our wealth and power;
Our selves, let us lay down so much the lower;
And, rather use them to unite together
In love, then in destroying one another.
He, in the best mode gives thee praise,
Who ordereth aright his wayes;


Who, justifies thee in thy will,
By thereunto conforming still;
And brings to thee a contrite heart,
Ascribing thereto no desert:
This is, most gracious GOD, a sacrifice,
Which thou didst never (never wilt) despise;
And, such a sacrifice, I pray
Make that which I present this day


Unfaigned thanks my heart returns to thee,
For that, which thou hast done, what e're it be,
Against, or for us: hearty thanks we owe
Both for what thou withholdst, and dost bestow.
Prosperity is no true sign
Who is a Favourite of thine;
Nor any one dost thou reject,
Whom frequently thou dost correct,
Unless he be more wilful far
Then frail, as very many are;
And whether thou dost give us wounds, or heal,
It will at last conduce unto our weal,
If we, (but as we may) persever
In contributing our endeaver.


Two of thy greatest Plagues on us now lie;
The third is threatned, and seems very nigh:
Thy other Judgments also scatred are
So thick, through these three Kingdoms ev'rywhere,
That, by them, very few or none,
Have scaped, being seiz'd upon;
Or, being pincht, in what relates
Unto their Persons or Estates:
Yet, sin doth most men so besot,
As if thy frowns they feared not;


And, are more zealous others to destroy,
Then, of the means their own peace to enjoy.
A madness, which worse plagues procures,
Than Pestilential Calentures.


Arise, O GOD, advance thy Throne on high;
Thy self, let thine own actings glorifie.
Thy Justice and thy Mercy so unite,
That they may honour thee in all mens sight.
Rebuke those who delight in War,
And to thy Saints injurious are:
Give Peace to those who Peace affect,
And them from all their foes protect,
That Righteousness and Peace may hither
Return, and here still reign together.
Thy foes are now become exceeding strong;
Thy coming therefore, Lord, defer not long.
But, I have done; for thou with pow'r
Art coming, and wilt keep thine hour.


Dear GOD, this petty sacrifice of mine,
Was took out of a Treasury of thine,
And, of mine own, I nought can thereto add,
Except my heart, which from thee too, I had:
Kept to thy self, now let that be,
And never left again to me;
Or wander thither, where it may
Unto the world be made a prey;
Or, by the temptings of the Devil,
Be drawn unto the love of evil;
Then this (and that, which I have heretofore,
To praise thee offer'd) thee shal praise much more,
Than many things, done, heard, and told,
In Temples deckt with Silk and Gold.


The third Hymn, proceeds to a thankful Illustration of GOD's deserved Praise, by acknowledging his Almightiness; his observing what hath been openly and secretly done in every part of the World, by both the said Nations, and that no praise is justly due to either of us, but shame rather, for ought performed in the said Ingagement.

[Most Almighty LORD of Hoasts]


Most Almighty LORD of Hoasts,
High Protector of our Coasts,
Who command'st, as thou dost please,
Fire and Water, Earth and Seas;
Who lookst down from Heav'n, upon
All that here on Earth is done,
And survey'st her darkest parts,
Ev'n the Crannies of mens hearts.


Thou beheldst the Preparations
Of these wilful Neighbouring Nations;
Thou hast heard what they have spoken,
Heedest what such words betoken;
Thou hast search'd out their Designs,
With what thereto them inclines,
And knowst whether of the two
Is the worst, if one be so.


Thou observest what was done,
Not in Africa alone,
Or both Indies; but what was
Done likewise in ev'ry place:
Why the English and the Dutch
Are divided now so much:


What is false, with what is true;
And to which most blame is due.


Thou remembrest what Relations
Have been long between these Nations,
What Professions to each other
They did make when knit together;
Yea, what they profest to thee,
Which now seems forgot to be,
As if they were not such men,
Or such Christians now, as then.


To prevent what is begun,
Much, by thee, was timely done;
But, their Avarice and Pride
Them did more and more divide.
To self-will they did adhere,
Like men without wit or fear;
So thou leftst them both to do
What they were enclin'd unto.


Then with Streamers and with Flags,
Foolish vaunts and shameless brags,
They weigh'd Anchors from the shoar,
Which by some was seen no more;
And, with an unchristin a rage,
'Gainst each other did engage;
Fire and Water, in that hour,
Striving which should most devour.


Dread of Death, that man amazes;
Noise, and smoke, and sudden blazes
This man blinds, and deafneth so,
That he knows not Friend from Foe.


Some are slain by their own Tools;
Wise-men speed as ill as Fools:
Here a Valiant Souldier dies,
There a Coward sprawling lies.


Loud the thundring Guns did roar,
Sails, and Masts, and Keels were tore;
Ships were either split or fir'd;
Men by thousands there expir'd;
This man sinks, and that man swims;
Some escap'd with loss of limbs.
But to whether best befel,
Thou alone, O Lord, canst tell.


Horrid sights, and sounds without,
Them assaulted round about,
Which, in some, did thoughts begin,
That rais'd greater Frights within;
And, though wounds did grieve them sore,
That tormented them much more;
For their pains none can declare,
Who in spirit wounded are.


This we know that thou art just,
As is ev'ry thing thou dost:
Thou art kind, and lov'st so well,
That by woundings thou dost heal.
Thou art wise, and actest so,
That we thereby wise might grow;
And by what was lately done,
Might new Mercies be begun.


Not to Us, LORD, for the same,
Be the praise, but to thy Name:


Unto us, for what was done,
Nought belongs, but shame alone.
We were so much terrify'd,
That, we knew not what we did,
Nor yet seem to understand,
What work thou hast now in hand.


This Correction was in love,
Which, if both should so improve
As (if they had grace) they may
By true penitence this day,
Our endeavour to be Friends,
To thine honour so much tends,
That, it would for both these Nations,
Prove the best of their Oblations.


Victories do not belong
To an Arm of Flesh, though strong.
Tis nor Policy nor Force,
Ships, nor Troops of Men and Horse;
No, nor formal thanks and prayers,
That prevents Death, or Despairs;
But it is thy powerful Arm,
That secures from fear and harm.


Therefore praise, for all well done,
I ascribe to thee alone:
All that men have brought to pass,
Merits nothing but Disgrace;
And the best that we can do,
Will but Ruine add thereto,
If we keep our crooked wayes,
Or shall grudge at thy due praise.



Occasioned by somewhat spoken concerning this Thank-Oblation, and this Authors other Writings.

It may be, many will these Hymns contemn,
Because, they do not relish well to them.
They likewise may Inferiour Gods offend,
Because in this Oblation, I intend
No praise to them, but that, praise should be given
To magnifie alone, my GOD in heaven.
The first of these, I leave to their own mode,
In offring up Oblations unto GOD:
For, if well-pleasing unto him they be,
They cannot be distasteful unto me;
And whatsoever they of me shall say,
I may be thereby profited some way.
As for the latter, there is little need
That I to their deserving should take heed:
For Prophets, Priests and Poets of their own
Enough they have, to make their merits known.
These, to extoll their Patrons, can, and may
Write more, and speak much more, then I dear say,
Who, (whatsoe'er advantage thence may flow)
Can praise no man, for what I do not know.
These do, as their inspirers them incline,
And I do, as I am inspir'd by mine.
Moreover, it becomes not him, who sings
A Song of praise unto the King of Kings,
The Attributes of men to intermingle
With his (as to those works he worketh single)


That were to follow their absurd example,
Who worship GOD and Baal within one Temple;
Or Chronicle the Deeds by HERO'S done,
With Tales of Robin Hood, and Little John:
For these respests, I know men Sober-witted
Will me excuse for what may seem omitted;
And, as for those men, who so prudent are not,
Whether they me excuse, or no, I care not.


A Sacrifice of Praise & Prayer

Offered unto Almighty GOD, by George Wither, for his gracious Providence, in providing for Him, his Wife and Children, during his Imprisonment in the disgraceful Goal at Newgate, and when left destitute of all ordinary means of subsistance, by being deprived both of his Estate and Liberty.

Lord, though my Prayers and my Praises be
Unworthy to be offer'd up to thee,
Thus (as I am obliged) I essay
To add unto thine Honour what I may,
By publishing both with my Tongue and Pen,
Thy Loving-kindness to the sons of men;
Especially, in those particulars
Whereby thy kindness unto me appears.
Prais'd be thy blessed Name; for thou art speedy
In shewing thy compassion to the Needy;
And leav'st not any Suffrer in despair,
Who timely seeks thy help by faithful prayer,
In patient waiting during his probation,
For thy appointed hour of Salvation.
Of this, thy never failing Clemency,
Few men have had more evidence then I.
Or in all straights, vouchsaf'd more seasnably
A needfull, and a competent supply;


Yea, though my suffrings have been great and many,
And I in flesh as sensible as any
Of ev'ry grievance, thou hast by their length
Improved so my patience and my strength,
That, oft such grievances, were not alone
As tolerable as if they were none:
But such as also have my joy encreast,
When I to other men seem'd most opprest.
For, though I have compleated now well near,
In weal and wo, the three and fiftieth year,
And six Confinements, since I first begun
That Work, which I thought needful to be done;
Thou hast preserv'd me so, and me so arm'd
Against all Changes, that none me hath harm'd;
Which unto me a knowledge doth derive
Of what thou art, that's more than spec'lative;
That what experimentally I speak,
In other men may more impression make,
Than when I Notions only shall declare,
That were infus'd into me through the ear.
And 'tis not thy least Mercy, that of late
Thou dost their seeming Charity abate,
Who thought they might thereby have tempted me
To wrong my conscience, and be false to thee,
By smoothing or adulterating that,
Which to Truths vindication may relate:
For, when with needful food men bait their hook,
The heedless hungry Fishes are soon took;
And, whether we confide in thee or no,
Whilst we have Oyl and Meal, 'tis hard to know.
Nor I, nor mine (though rob'd of all) ought lack
What's needful for the belly or the back.
Thou hast my Wife and Children cloath'd & fed,
When I could neither give them Cloth nor Bread;


And from the Earth, (when in seed, branch and root,
I seemed likely to be rooted out;
My Withred Sprouts were then by thee replanted,
Where they enjoy the nourishment they wanted:
So timely, and in such a manner too,
VVas that vouchsaf'd which thou wert pleas'd to do;
That for it my Well-wishers prais'd thy Name;
And vext thereat my envious foes became;
Especially in that place, where their worst
And last despights were manifested first;
For there, and in their sight, by whom undone
I seem'd to be, that mercy was begun.
The Families from whom I was design'd
To take my being, thou hast now twice joyn'd,
And their two Surnames, being joyn'd together,
Denominate my Grandson, HUNT L'VVITHER,
VVho is in possibility to have
Earth of his own wherein to make his Grave;
And find a Livelihood whilst here he lives,
If he thy Bounty thankfully receives;
(And no whit further shall be trusted in,
Than that should be, which hath supplied bin
Instead of what I lost) For, Lord, in thee,
(And not in what thou giv'st) our trust should be.
My only Daughter when left portionless,
And without any likely hopefulness
Of more than thou didst on her Birthday give her;
Yea, when I was disabled to relieve her,
Thou didst, ev'n in that great necessity,
Espouse into a Loving Family,
Enobled by a Pedigree or Stem,
VVhich hath no blemish to disparage them;
Or such wants, as may make the reputation
Of Births and Titles lose their estimation.


Oh! let thy so uniting them together,
Make them a mutual blessing to each other;
And, by considring with due thankfulness,
What thou hast done for me in my distress,
Make both my Children and their whole descent
With thy good pleasure, at all times content;
That they to others, good example giving,
By their well-doing, joyn'd with right believing,
(And likewise heeding how thou dost proceed
With such as in thy Fatherhood confide)
They never may despair, though quite bereft
Of what their earthly Father might have left:
And, from my personal experiments,
Let them, thereof to minde them, take some hints.
For when I by the world seem'd quite forsaken,
And she, with Lands and Goods, from me had taken
My Liberty; that, what then grieved me
Might more imbittred, and redoubled be,
By what my Children suffred; when, they had
No means of comfort, and, thereby grew sad:
Thou didst for that a Remedy provide,
By making them a Bridegroome, and a Bride
(Whilst I imprison'd was within that place,
Which added to my Poverty, disgrace)
To my good liking, and their own content,
Without self-seeking or disparagement.
This providential mercy, did appear
The more, in that, they likewise married were,
(As I awhile before, presag'd they should)
Without such portions, as I lately could
Have given them, when thou didst me disable
Not without cause. And, tis considerable
That, they kept both their Weddings in the sight
Of those, who them pursu'd with most despight;


Ev'n in my plundred house, and at that time,
In which my wife had not to welcom them
A dish or spoon, but what a neighbour lent;
Or meat, but what by thee was thither sent.
Yea, thou hast, when the world deni'd us bread,
Me and my Consort competently fed,
(E'er since, the world depriv'd us of our own)
By them, whose faces are to us unknown;
To evidence, that all thy Saints are friends,
To him, who on thy providence depends,
And to the utmost of his power persevers
In just and conscientious endeavers:
Yea, though corruption so in him prevaileth,
That of his duty many wayes he faileth.
He, hoping those Experiments to some
May comfortable in like straits become:
Thus, for their sakes, in words exprest they be
For, without words, all things are known to thee.
All this consider'd, I obliged am
To take unto my self deserved shame,
When therewith I will heed, how oft, by sin,
To thy commands I have rebellious bin;
As also, that exceeding graciousness,
Which thou to me vouchsafest ne'ertheless:
And it begets in me a greater fear,
Then when thy Chastisments upon me are;
For, in correcting me, thou art more mild
Then is a loving Father to his Child,
When he not only chideth, but intreats,
Kind language mixing also with his threats;
Whips him, then kisseth; and sometimes to see
Him weep, doth shed as many tears as he.
LORD, for those mercies graciously afforded,
(Well meriting, by me to be recorded)


Accept this petty Sacrifice of praise,
And make us truly thankful all our dayes;
(Not only in our verbal Thank-Oblations,
But also, in our lives and conversations:)
For, though we cannot Golden Gifts prefer,
Yet we may offer Frankincense and Myrrh;
And from him, who hath not a Lamb to give,
A Dove thou with acceptance wilt receive.
Vouchsafe us, in each temporary trial
A constant progress with true self-denial;
Let not the benefits we have received
Be underpriz'd, because we were bereaved
Of those externals, which we have enjoyed,
For, their enjoyment might have us destroyed;
Yea, those whom thou mak'st poor thou lov'st as much
As those, whom thou art pleased to inrich;
And, by thy Grace we may advantage make,
Of whatsoever thou dost Give or Take.
Keep me and mine from that Prevarication
VVhich turns thy proffred Grace to Reprobation.
Incline us to desire, and to embrace
All means of perseverance in thy Grace,
And, never let the asking, or the granting,
Of any necessary gift be wanting.
Make us to shun and hate all things, whereby
We may offend thy awful Majesty;
Nor limiting thy Mercy, neither slandring
Thy just Decrees, as causes of our wandring:
For, no man to be wicked is inforc't,
Or left by thee, untill he leaves thee first;
Which all men will confess, when from their eyes
That scurff is rub'd which yet upon them lies.
So knit us in one True-love-knot together,
By loving thee, and love to one another.


That, we in all Temptations fast may stand
And Sathan, nor the world dissolve that band;
For, where Love in the heart keeps residence
Diff'rence in Judgment, gives no more offence
Then diff'ring faces, although more delight
We take in those, who love and judge aright.
VVhen we offend, Correct us as our Father
VVith all thy Temporary scourges, rather
Then suffer sins, by sins to be corrected,
(VVhich is the greatest Plague can be inflicted)
And that, we faint not underneath thy Rod,
With stripes, mix mercy still, my gracious GOD.
I ask nor Honors, Liberty, nor Wealth,
Nor temporary pleasures, no nor health,
Save, so far only, as thou know'st the use
Of such things, to thine honor may conduce
VVith our eternal safety, and the Good
Of those with whom we have a Brotherhood.
And, hereto I will add but this Request,
(VVhich comprehends all that can be exprest)
For me and mine. Oh let it, LORD, be plac't,
Where it may stand, as long as Time shall last,
Within thy sight; and though, nor I, nor they
For whom I sue, can merit what I pray,
Vouchsafe it for his sake, in whom I have
So much confided, as his Boone to crave.
Let us Dear GOD, from whom our Children sprung,
And, all their Off-spring, whether old or young,
Who, from our loins have being, or shall come
Into this world, until the day of Doom,
By him be so preserved, at whose cost
Redeem'd we were, that no soul may be lost,
Or be deprived of thy promises
In passing thorow this lifes wilderness,


Either by Adams fault, or our own gilt:
And then, of other things give what thou wilt:
For, this I value more, then if I had
Thy Grant, we should all Kings and Queens be made,
Possessing in this life the largest measure
Of temporary honors, wealth, and pleasure.
For they are Baubles, in respect of that
My sanctify'd Ambition aimeth at.
They who obtain'd most of them, were but slaves,
VVho dropt with infamy into their Graves;
And oft less misery to them befalls,
VVho get their bread by cobling under stalls;
Or, in this world, advanced are no higher
Then raking dirty rags out of the mire.
Thus I in brief have summ'd up my Request,
Grant this, and let who pleaseth, take the rest.
LORD, I know none, who ever heretofore
Did in this mode thy Majesty implore;
And, from what he believes of thee it comes,
That, so to do, thy servant now presumes.
Forgive me if this absolute Petition
Extends beyond the bound of my Commission;
For, nothing I intend, what ere I crave,
Save, what thou art well-pleased I should have,
VVhose will I so prefer before mine own
In all things (if to me my heart is known)
That whatsoever may succeed thereon
Now or hereafter, Let thy will be done.
My soul thou hast inclined to believe
His Promises, who said, Ask, and recieve;
Help then my unbelief: For if the grant
Of this Petition shall that fulness want
VVhich is desir'd; no want of Love in thee
Occasions it, but, some defects in me;


And that Obstruction which thereon is cast,
Shall by thy Love removed be at last.
He that in Faith and Love can to this Prayer
Say for himself, Amen, shall ne'er dispair;
For, it implies, he is no stranger to
What man may hope for, & what God will do.
Newgate Feb. 1661.



Being a Soliloquie, wherein this Authour expresseth the improbability of an effectual proceeding further, in his endeavours (to prevent the Sins and Plagues increasing) by ought offered to consideration.

When the Foundations are destroyed, what can the Righteous do? Psal. 1. 3.


I at a Nonplus am this day,
And know not what to think or say,
Or, what part I am next to play:
That therefore which I now express,
Whether the mark I miss or hit,
To publick view I will commit,
And leave to God the giving it,
In his own time, a good success.



We neither love his Laws nor Him;
Those men whose deeds we did condemn,
We (by our imitating them)
Have justifi'd in all their works.
They, who have seemed self-deniers
In their professing Truths, are Liars,
Like Lillies look, but scratch like Briars;
Talk Christian-like, but live like Turks.


Some say I dote; and that 'tis so,
I almost am perswaded too,
When I consider what I do:
For, little less than doteth he,
Who gives them Bread, who look for Chaff;
Cast Pearls to Swine, who look for Draff;
And strives to save them, who do laugh
When sinking down to Hell they be.


Examples we have had of old,
And daily we fulfill'd behold,
What hath been oft of late foretold;
Yet more and more besotted grow.
Nor Chastisments, nor Mercy shew'd,
Though oft withdrawn, and oft renew'd;
Nor what hath for our sins ensu'd,
Can make us heed the things we know.


VVhat can by me be said or done,
To stop them who still headlong run,
To meet the mischiefs coming on,
And which already are in view?
Since men will neither see nor hear
VVhat is apparant ev'ry-where,


Nor have Grace, Courage, Wit or Fear,
VVho can prevent what may ensue?


How can good Sequels be expected,
VVhere Truth and Reason are neglected,
And gross crimes, not alone suspected,
But acted also with shame?
VVhere men, all Prophanations dare,
In all well-doings cowards are;
And seem to have nor sence nor care,
Either of good, or evil Fame?


VVhen what relates to Earth and Heav'n,
Seems of its proper use bereaven,
(And what for common use was given,
Made only for th'abusers sake)
VVhat humane Wit can save them from
A sad inevitable doom,
VVho false to other men become,
And Pitfalls for themselves do make?


VVhen first I did converse with men,
They were exceeding wicked then;
But now seem worse by five in ten:
For, till of late I never heard,
That such Abominations were,
So impudently acted here
VVithin this Clime, as now they are
By probable Reports, aver'd.


If Justice executed were,
If we were what we would appear,
In thought, in deed, in word, sincere;
Oppressors and self-seekers fewer;


It might be hoped that those few,
VVho to good principles are true,
Might more successefully pursue,
VVhat would at last, our weal procure.


But whilst we see one crying sin
Brings ev'ry day another in,
Whence new Corruptions do begin,
VVhat can the Righteous hope to do;
But meekly wait on GOD, (until
Her measure wickedness doth fill)
Submitting all things to his will,
And adding their Amen, thereto?


VVhilst we each mangie humour claw,
Turn Grand Oppressions into Law,
Stand nor of GOD, or men in awe,
And, Truths, by Violence confute;
VVe bring but fewel to that fire,
Or breath to blow the flame still higher,
VVherein our hopes will quite expire;
And Prudence then is justly mute.


For when GOD threatens Desolations,
If men turn due Humiliations
To Triumphs and vain Recreations;
VVhat can be justly then expected?
But changing hopes into despairs,
More Breaches, instead of Repairs,
And that our formal thanks and prayers,
Should be offensive, and rejected?



Oft under Trust is hatched Treason,
VVise to be thought, is to want Reason,
Sincerity is out of season;
Foundations likewise are orethrown:
To speak the Truth is now a Crime;
To look for Justice 'tis no time,
(To be a Knave, the way to clime)
And sin almost full ripe is grown.


My witness, therefore, having born,
(Among men in the hope forlorn)
I'le all alone, sit down and mourn
For that which cannot prevented.
My Lot, I'le meekly take with those,
VVhom GOD shall unto that expose,
VVhich may befall both Friends and Foes,
And therewith will remain contented.


This now, is all that can be done;
That therefore I resolving on,
VVill let the world a while alone,
And GOD therein to work his will?
Ile only take that Ammunition,
VVhich gives no just cause of suspicion,
And (without seeking their perdition)
Let filthy men be filthy still.


Thus far forth I have trod the Maze,
VVithout offence to any Cause,
That's justifi'd by righteous Laws;
But now no further can proceed:
For so Confusion here abounds,
That Good and Evil it confounds,


And whirls us in an endless Round;
VVhich fruitless makes both word and deed.


For they who dance upon the brink
Of Hell it self (and fondly think
They are secure because they wink;)
Their open danger cannot see,
But are so vext to hear me tell
Their Heaven borders upon Hell;
That for my wishing of them well,
They wish but little good to me.


Perhaps too, as the Round now goes,
They who my good intents oppose,
(And are both mine and their own foes)
May seek to take my life away:
If they so do; when that is done,
I shall beyond their reach be gone;
And he who all deeds looks upon,
VVill suddenly their spight repay.


Yet I shall make no such Request,
As may not with their weal consist:
I, neither by the Sword, or Pest,
Or Famine, wish aveng'd to be;
Or by ought else, which might destroy
The Life which here they do enjoy,
(Though they that Mercy mis-imploy;)
This rather shall my Prayer be,


Let GOD confound their pride, their hate,
And all their Plots annihilate,
Who shall design to practise that,
Which may to his dishonour tend.


Let none of those endeavours thrive,
Whereby ungodly men contrive;
How they another may deprive
Of his just Freedom, Foe, or Friend.


This Deprecation doth not reach
Mens Persons, or that Love impeach
Which Christian Verity doth teach:
For, to avenge themselves of wrong,
That giveth liberty to none;
But, to do good for evil done
Required is of every one,
To whom a Saintship doth belong.


The Publick Welfare I prefer
Before mine own particular;
And this for truth I may aver,
Whoever shall the same deny:
My Country, or my Sovereign Lord,
Neither by actions, or by word,
Or by my Pen, or by my Sword,
To self-ends injured have I.


I have not broke my Faith to those
Who did a Trust in me repose,
Whether they prov'd my Friends or Foes;
But did with Loyalty submit,
To do, or suffer under them
Who exercise the Power Supream,
Which is at the dispose of Him,
Who gives and takes, as he sees fit.


I never did for Love or Hate,
Act, or design to innovate


The Government of Church or State,
But did my duties in my place;
And when I fear'd that for our sin
An Anarchy was creeping in,
Endeavor'd, when it did begin,
How to preserve the Common-Peace.


When Civil Pow'rs were so divided,
That then both Fools and Wise men sided
As Interest or Conscience guided,
I sought not to inlarge the rent;
But, being called Aid to bring,
To, (and by) them, whose counselling
Had been Authoriz'd by the King,
I, to perform my duty, went.


Retir'd from Court and City then,
I liv'd among plain Countrymen,
Employing otherwhile the Pen,
My private Musings to record;
Which, I had more desire to do,
Then that which I was call'd unto,
Till I was importuned so,
That I at last, put on my Sword.


To do my best, forth arm'd I came,
(My Conscience warranting the same)
And porpos'd nothing worthy blame,
By unjust violence, or guile.
For, in sincerity I thought,
A course we follow'd as we ought,
Whereby means might to pass be brought,
Divided Friends to reconcile.



But so divsions them inrag'd,
Who were in that Contest engag'd,
And, such ill consequents presag'd,
That, I my Troop did soon disband;
And, hopeless I should ought assay
Successful in a martial way,
My Sword, and Arms quite flung away,
And took my Pen again in hand.


Such new Adventures this began,
That, I appeared to be then
Betwixt the Fire and Frying-pan:
For, such proceedings I espy'd;
That, they who with the best intent
Pursu'd the way in which they went
(And ill to neither party meant)
Found least respect on either side.


To see what was done well or ill,
I had just cause, against my will,
To be there, an ey-witness still,
Where grand affairs transacted were.
As well the Person as the Name
I knew of most men, who by fame
Were said to merit praise or blame,
And who did best or worst appear.


Self-love, base Avarice, and Pride,
I saw among themselves divide
The publick Rights, on either side;
Their Foes befriending out of season;
Well-meaning Innocents destroying,
Their pow'r to favour Guilt employing,


And often to a self-destroying,
Against their Friends committing Treason.


I saw both GOD and Man offended,
Much finding fault, but little mended;
Good Life and Piety pretended;
But few whose words and works were one:
They who most quarrell'd with each other,
In evil so agreed together,
That to repose a trust in either,
I found but little cause, or none.


The worse men were, they seem'd the better
To serve their ends, and much the fitter
To be inriched and made greater.
Him who did most indulge their sin;
Or, to inflame their lust brought fewel;
Or, were unto their foes most cruel,
They kept about them as a Jewel;
And, such, their chief esteem did win.


Such as had neither Grace nor Wit,
Such as Job judged men unfit
Among his Shepherds Dogs to sit;
Ev'n such as were, the other day,
More worthy of contempt than those
Who liv'd by picking Hips and Sloes,
(With such food as on Hedges grows)
VVere honour'd; yea few more than they.


These having scratcht up wealth and power,
In Court and City, Town and Tower,
Did act as if our fatal hour
VVere hither making an advance:


The mean-while men, here, and abroad,
At hazard plaid, in such a mode,
(At Hide, at Even, and at Odd)
As if all things were rul'd by chance.


Thereby my hazards greater were
Than those which I had cause to fear,
When War most dreadfull did appear:
For, at what I before had done,
One party only took offence;
But, I have anger'd ever since
All parties, who have lost the sence
Of what they seem to carry on.


This made me dip my Pen in Gall,
Impartially reproving all,
Without regard what might befall
To me, whilst just things I intended:
For, alwayes I regarded so
Their Honour, and their Profit too,
With whom my Muses had to do,
That none have cause to be offended.


It nev'rtheless, on me so brought
Their hate, whose welfare I had sought,
That of mine own they left me nought,
Which might my likely want supply:
No place whereon to rest my head,
No certainty of daily bread,
But in my old age to be fed
And cloathed by pure Charity.


In which strait GOD provided so,
That I yet live his work to do,


Well pleased with my portion too;
Yea, more than when it larger seem'd:
For, what's bereaved was but Lumber,
Which did with many cares becumber,
And, is not put into the number
Of things which merit best esteem.


I therefore, whatsoev'r befel,
To High and Low did plainly tell,
(Whether they took it ill or well)
Such things as I thought needful were;
And oft expressed with my Pen,
What might minde me and other men,
More heed to take, both how, and when,
Unto our selves we Traytors are.


And time to come, when I am dead,
Shall find there will be still much need
To tolerate one in my stead,
That may pursue what I begun.
VVhen God so pleaseth, let him come
To do him service in my room;
And, let the Work he calls me from,
Thrive better than it yet hath done.


My time is almost wholly past;
And, thinking this may be the last,
For a Nil Ultra here 'tis plac't,
As having no more now to say:
But if my life God longer spare,
And shall my heart anew prepare,
His pleasure further to declare,
I'le take this Bounder-stone away.



I sute it thus unto these times,
In that with which most fancies chimes,
Expressing that in gingling Rimes,
Which I suppose to be in season;
Else little heed they give thereto;
Or, if plain Truths observe they do,
Good meanings are mistaken so,
That safe it is not to speak Reason.


Things may result sometimes perchance,
Ev'n from a trifling circumstance,
Which will be helpful to advance
Th'effecting of a Grand Design.
Once e're Elisha would begin
To speak, a Fidler was call'd in;
Of use, that seem'd then to have been
For his Work; so may this for mine.
Man proposeth, but GOD disposeth, and his will be done.
God save the King.