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For Graduates.

Only one of the following courses will be given in the session 1918-1919:

Philosophy D1: Admission on approval of the professors in charge.
Empiricism and rationalism. The empirical movement as represented by Locke,
Berkeley, and Hume, and the rationalistic movement as represented by Descartes,
Spinoza, and Leibniz, are studied with reference to their distinctive methods.—
Hours by appointment. Professor Lefevre and Associate Professor Balz.

Philosophy D2: Admission on approval of the professors in charge.—The
critical philosophy of Kant. A study of the Critique of Pure Reason, of the
Critique of Practical Reason, and of the Critique of Judgment. Special attention
is given to Kant's relation to previous philosophical systems, to the development
of his own philosophy, and to the interrelation of the three Critiques.—Hours by
appointment. Professor Lefevre and Associate Professor Balz.


Page 133

Philosophy D3: Admission on approval of the professors in charge.—A
study of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre; of selections from Schelling's works;
and of Hegel's Logic.—Hours by appointment. Professor Lefevre and Associate
Professor Balz.

Further advanced work in philosophy, including the critical study of recent
tendencies, will be arranged in accordance with the needs of individual students.

For summer-school courses in philosophy, on which credit will be allowed,
see pages 216-217.