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Sleep that soothingly restores
Weary nature's wasted powers,
Gift of an indulgent God,
Be it on our child bestow'd.
Jesus, Lord, we cry to Thee,
Friend of helpless infancy,
Now the sufferer's grief suspend,
Now the balmy blessing send.
In the arms of faith and prayer
Whom to Thee we humbly bear,
Safe in Thy protection keep,
Let him on Thy bosom sleep.
Touch'd Thyself with human pain,
Sympathising Son of man,
Ease the anguish of his breast,
Lull him in Thy arms to rest.


Object of Thy dearest love,
Hide his precious life above,
Precious in the sight of God,
Dearly bought with all Thy blood.
Him we to Thy grace commend,
Confident Thou wilt defend,
Till the answer'd prayer is seal'd,
Till the child of faith is heal'd.