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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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expand section33. 
expand section35. 
expand section36. 

expand sectionI. 
expand sectionII. 

Article VIII. B-1 Business District.

Sec. 24. Regulations generally.

The regulations set forth in this article, or set forth elsewhere
in this chapter[20] when referred to in this article are
the B-1 business district regulations. (2-17-58, § 33-24.)


This Appendix.

Sec. 25. Use regulations.

A building or premises shall be used only for the following

1. Any use permitted in the B office-shop district.

2. Bakeries when products are sold at retail and only on the

3. Businesses, dancing or music schools.

4. Filling stations; provided that such use shall be governed
by the following regulations:

(a) Site plan. A plan for the development of the entire
site to be used for a filling station shall be submitted in accordance
with sections 72A and 25(4b).

(b) Standards for filling stations.

Specifications for driveway entrances:

(1)  Maximum width of driveways  40 feet. 
Minimum width of driveways  30 feet. 
(2)  Minimum distance between driveways  20 feet. 

(3) Minimum distance from driveway to street corner
when radius is:

5′-9′  distance 20 feet. 
10′-14′  distance 15 feet. 
15′-19′  distance 10 feet. 
20′-24′  distance 5 feet. 
over 25′  distance 0 feet. 


Page 588.7

(4) Minimum distance between driveway and adjoining
property line—10 feet.

(5) Minimum distance between gasoline pump island
and back of sidewalk—16 feet.

(6) A raised curb 6 inches high must be constructed
back of the sidewalk separating the driveways and opposite
the pump island. The raised curb shall extend to within 2
feet of each driveway.

(7) In cases where there is no existing curb, gutter
and sidewalk along the street or streets from which the filling
station shall take access, the developer constructing the filling
station shall at his own expense construct the necessary curb,
gutter and sidewalk according to the specifications of the City
of Charlottesville.

(8) Maximum number of driveways permitted for each
100 feet is two (2). An additional driveway may be permitted
for each 50 feet of frontage owned, provided the need can be
established and the minimum requirements as set out above
can be complied with.

(9) All sidewalks, curbs, gutters and driveway entrances
shall be constructed of concrete.

Miscellaneous requirements for filling stations:

(1) Filling station sites shall contain a minimum area
of 2,500 square feet for each pump.

(2) Buildings shall be set back at least 40 feet from
the street right-of-way line and at least 10 feet from any
other property line.

(3) Grease and wash racks shall be limited to one per
5,000 square feet of site area. All wash and grease racks
shall be contained entirely within an enclosed building.

(4) The site shall be fenced with six-foot masonry
wall or opaque fence against all abutting residential zones.

(5) No delivery tanker shall be allowed to park on
public right-of-way during gasoline delivery, nor shall any
hose be permitted on the public right-of-way.

(6) At least 50 percent of the street frontage shall be
landscaped with plant materials. Such planting area shall
have a minimum width of five (5) feet.


Page 588.8

(7) In order to preserve the sight distance advantage
offered by filling stations located on street corners, that area
defined by a straight line drawn between curb cuts shall be
landscaped with low profile plants having a height of not
more than three feet. Signs and/or light standards may be
permitted within this area, but the bottom of any sign or
light fixture shall be above the sight line of a large truck
(approximately 8 to 10 feet). No portable signs or automobiles
shall be placed between this area and the station

(8) All used tires and parts, trash or similar objects
shall be stored within a building or within a fenced enclosure
in the rear half (or in the case of corner sites, rear quarter)
of the site.

(9) In cases where a hillside must be graded for construction,
suitable protection for the hillside must be provided
for slopes in excess of ten percent. Such protection shall
be in the form of terracing, retaining walls, planting of suitable
vegetation or a combination of the above in order to
avoid excessive runoff and soil erosion.

(10) All lighting of the filling station shall be directed
onto the site and in no case shall lights be placed so as to
illuminate any abutting street or residential property.

5. Retail stores without limitation as to floor area.

6. Restaurants; provided, that drive-in restaurants shall
be governed by the following regulations:

(a) Site plan. A plan for the development of the entire
site to be used for a drive-in restaurant shall be submitted
in accordance with sections 72A and 25(6b).

(b) Standards for drive-in restaurants.

(1) Access. Access to public streets or other public
ways shall be provided from at least two points at all times.
Such means of access shall be kept clear at all times.

(2) Sale from windows. The sale of food, frozen
desserts, beverages, candy and other products from a window
or other opening in a drive-in restaurant shall not be permitted
unless such window or opening is at least 20 feet from
any property line.

(3) Areas for eating in car. All areas for eating in
cars shall be paved so as to avoid creating dust and so as to


Page 588.9
provide for adequate drainage of surface water. All spaces
shall be clearly marked.

(4) Fence or wall. All drive-in restaurants shall be
fenced with a six-foot opaque fence or wall against all abutting
residential zones.

(5) Illumination of area. The parking area of any
drive-in restaurant shall be adequately illuminated by electric
lights, but such illumination shall be so arranged so as to be
directed onto the site and in no case shall lights be placed
so as to illuminate any abutting street or residential property.

7. Theatres, but not drive-in theatres.

8. Laundries and dry cleaning establishments using a nonpetroleum
base solvent.

9. Bowling alleys.

10. Rebound tumbling centers.

11. Commercial swimming pools.

12. Commercial skating rinks.

13. Billiard parlors, provided that the aforesaid use is
located approximately at ground or sidewalk level with sufficient
windows or clear glass fronts to afford an unobstructed
view of the interior.

14. Soft drink bottling plants; provided, that adequate
space is made available within the building and is used for
the loading on delivery vehicles of all finished products manufactured
or processed by the plant; and provided further,
that the unloading and storage of returned containers is done
within the building.

15. Small size parts assembly in any building existing as of
January 1, 1969, which has a floor space area that does not
exceed 20,000 square feet; provided that all of the following
conditions are met:

A. The finished product of such assembly operation shall
not exceed 100 pounds nor the overall dimensions of said
product exceed a volume of 4 cubic feet.

B. No portion of such operation including storage shall
be outside of the building with the exception of loading and

C. The building so used shall not be closer than 200 feet
to any other building used for residential purposes nor closer
than 400 feet to any residential zoning district.


Page 588.10

D. This use shall have no adverse influence on surrounding
development because of smoke, odor, noise, dust or fumes.

E. The owner or lessee shall procure from the building
official annually an occupancy permit for the continuance of
said operations which permit shall be granted only if use
of the land in question continues to meet all conditions set
forth in this paragraph.

16. Automatic car washes or buildings using production-line
methods with a chain conveyor, blower, steam-cleaning
device or other mechanical device; provided that such use shall
be governed by the following regulations:

(a) Site plan. A plan for the development of the entire
site to be used for an automatic car wash shall be submitted
in accordance with sections 72A and 25(16b).

(b) Standards for automatic car washes.

(1) Minimum size of lot. 10,000 square feet, with a
minimum width of fifty (50) feet.

(2) Waiting space. A hard-surfaced driveway of either
one or more lanes shall be constructed on the site in such a
manner as to provide for a continuous movement of cars
into the wash rack. The driveways so provided shall be not
less than 10 feet wide for a single lane and not less than 10
additional feet in width for each additional lane. Where
access to the wash rack is restricted to a single lane, this
lane shall be used only for such purposes as are a part of
the washing operation. The total length of the required lane
or lanes so provided shall be determined by the overall length
of the building including areas having side walls but no roof.
In any building where the washing operation moves in other
than a straight line, the length of the building for the purposes
of this section shall be the distance measured along the
center-line of the conveyor and/or wash line from the point
of entry to the point of exit from the building. The overall
length of the required lane or lanes as measured along the
center-line shall be determined in accordance with the following

Where the building is 80 feet or less in overall length,
the total required lane or lanes shall be not less than 200
feet in length. Where the building exceeds 80 feet in length,
the length of the required lane or lanes shall be increased


Page 589
20 feet for each 10 or fraction thereof by which the building
exceeds 80 feet in overall length.

(3) Gasoline pumps. Gasoline pumps may be permitted
on the site; provided, however, that the area occupied
by such pumps shall be in addition to the area required under
section 16(b2).

(4) Exit. The building exit for automobiles that have
completed the washing process shall be at least 25 feet distant
from the nearest point of the public sidewalk of the
adjacent street.

(5) Sand trap. A sand trap for waste water with a
minimum capacity of 120 cubic feet shall be provided within
the building for the protection of the sewers.

(6) Vacuuming facilities. Vacuuming facilties may
be outside the car wash building but shall not be in the front

(7) Distance to any "R" zone. The building and/or
vacuuming facilities shall not be less than 100 feet from any
"R" zone.

(8) Illumination. Any light used to illuminate the area
shall be directed away from abutting streets and residential

(9) Fence or wall. The site shall be fenced with a
six-foot masonry wall or opaque fence against all abutting
residential zones.

17. Coin-operated self-service car washes not necessarily
requiring an attendant; provided that such use shall be governed
by the following regulations:

(a) Site plan. A plan for the development of the entire
site to be used for a coin-operated self-service car wash shall
be submitted in accordance with sections 72A and 25(17b).

(b) Standards for coin-operated self-service car washes,
not necessarily requiring an attendant.

(1) Waiting and drying space. A hard-surfaced paved
area, at least 20 feet wide and 50 feet deep, shall be provided
in front of each stall. In addition, a like area for the purpose
of drying and vacuuming a vehicle shall be provided at
the rear of each stall.

(2) Sand trap. A sand trap for waste water with
a minimum capacity of 120 cubic feet shall be provided for
the area under the stalls for the protection of the sewers.


Page 590

(3) Vacuuming facilities. The vacuuming facilities
shall be located in the drying space behind the stalls in the
rear half of the site.

(4) Distance to any "R" zone. The stalls and/or
vacuuming facilities shall not be less than 100 feet from any
"R" zone.

(5) Illumination. Any lights used to illuminate the
area shall be directed away from abutting streets or residential

(6) Fence or wall. The site shall be fenced with a
six-foot masonry wall or opaque fence against all abutting
residential zones.

(7) The interior of the wash stalls shall remain illuminated
during hours of darkness, but the operation shall be
limited to the hours between 6:00 A. M. and 11:00 P. M. with
an automatic timer switch to accomplish such illumination.
(2-17-58, § 33-25; 10-3-60; 8-21-61; 9-18-61; 2-4-63; 1-21-69;
2-17-69; 7-26-71.)

Sec. 26. Height regulations.

The height regulations are the same as in the R-3 multiple-dwelling
district. (2-17-58, § 33-26.)

Sec. 27. Area regulations.

1. Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth
of not less than twenty (20) feet.

2. Side yard. The side yard regulations for dwellings are
the same as in the R-3 multiple-dwelling district. In all other
cases, a side yard is not required except on the side of a lot
adjoining a dwelling district, in which case, there shall be a
side yard having a width of not less than six (6) feet. See
also section 33-55.[21]

3. Rear yard. The rear yard regulations for dwellings are
the same as in the R-3 multiple-dwelling district. In all other
cases, a rear yard is not required except on the rear of a lot
abutting a dwelling district, in which instance, there shall be
a rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet.

4. Lot area per family. The lot area per family regulations


Page 590.1
shall apply to all dwelling units whether above stores or in
residential buildings, and are the same as in the R-3 multiple-dwelling
district. (2-17-58, § 33-27.)


Section 55 of this Appendix.