University of Virginia Library

De sancto Thoma archiepiscopo et cantuariense

Gilberd was sein Thomas fader þat triwe man was & god
He louede God & Holy Churche suþþe he wit vnderstod
Þe crois to þe Holy Lond inis ȝonghede he nom
And mid on Richard þat was is man to Ierusalem he com
Þare hi dude hare pilgrimage in holy studes faste
So þat amang Sarazins hi were inome attelaste
Hi and oþere Cristenemen and in strang prison ido
In miseise & in pine inou in honger & chile also
In strang swinch niȝt & day to of swinke hore me[te] stronge
In such swinch & hard lif hi liuede ham þoȝte to longe
For volle oþer half ȝer gret anuy hi hadde & ssame
In þe prince is hous of þe lawe Amiraud was is name
Ac þis Gilberd of Londone best grace he hadde þere


Of þe prince & alle his among alle þat þare were
For ofte al in veteres and in oþer bende
Þe prince he seruede atte mete for he þoȝte him god & hende
And ofte þe prince also god in conseil him wolde drawe
And þe manere of Engelond him esste and of þe lawe
So þat me wolde is felawes muche god ofte do
For is loue & alle hi uerde þe bet for him also
And nameliche for a maide þat louede þis Gilberd uaste
Þe princes doȝter Amiraud þat hure heorte al upe him caste
And louede him in triwe loue in gret mornynge and wo
And þe princes eir he[o] was for he nadde children namo
And of hure he hadde lite blisse and lite harm it was
For he[o] com to betere ende as ȝe ssolle ihure þat cas
Þis maide þat louede so þis Gilberd deorneliche
He[o] spak þo heo sei hure tyme wiþ him priueliche
And esste him of Engelond and of þe maner þere
And of þe lif of Cristendom & wat hare bileue were
Þe manere of Engelond Gilberd hure tolde uore
And þat þe toun het Londone þat he was inne ibore
And þe bileue of Cristen men & þe blisse & þan ende
In heuene ssolde hare mede habbe wanne hi ssoldeþ hanne wende
Wostou quaþ þis maide þo wo so bode it þe
Þolie deþ for þi Louerdes loue Gilberd sede ȝe
And þat him were swuþe leof wo so him þerto broȝte
Þo þe maide him sei so studeuast he[o] stod longe in þoȝte
Ich wolde he[o] sede al my lond bileue for loue of þe
And Cristen womman bicome ȝif þou wolt spousi me
Þo Gilberd hurde þis he was in grete þoȝte
And feinede is word here and þer & ne grantede al noȝt
And seide he was al to hure wille ac he moste him biþenche
For he was strange he dradde ȝut of womman wrenche
He drof euere forþ wiþ faire biheste þis maide longede sore


And louede him deorneliche euere þe leng þe more
Gilberd and is felawes suþþe as God þe grace sende
Prison breke & bi[n]iȝte out of þe londe wende
Þe reue amorwe þat ham ssolde to hare labour lede
Nuste þo he miste ham wat him was to rede
Faste he siwede after ham he and oþer mo
Ar hi come to Cristen men me ne miȝte ham noȝt ofgo
Ac wanne hi ne miȝte hom oftake aȝen hi turnde þo
And dude hare beste aȝen þe prince ac arst ham was wel wo
Þe ma[i]de made þo deol inou þat he[o] was euere ibore
For al þe ioie of þis lyf hure þoȝte he[o] hadde ilore
He[o] weop and made so muche deol þat me nuste neuere of more
Ne telle of womman þat me weste þat boȝte loue so sore
For by niȝte he[o] wende al one he[o] nuste woderward
And of spence wiþ hure nom to seche þis Gilbard
And bileuede al hure gret heritage & hure heie kun also
And ne sparede for non eritage þat hure miȝte come to
Ne for siknesse ne for deþ ne for honger ne for wo
Ne for peril in þe se ne alonde noþemo
Ne þat he[o] ssolde amang Cristene men vylore þan an hound be[o]
Ne þat hi ne knewe hure speche noȝt ne þat he[o] weoste woder te[o]
Ne ware he[o] ssolde þis Gilberd alyue finde oȝt
Ne weþer he wolde spouse hure wanne he[o] him hadde al isoȝt
And naþeles he[o] wende forþ mid wel god pas
Hou þingþ ȝou was he[o] hardi oȝt for Gode me þingþ he[o] was
He[o] wende and esste to Engelond & gret peril anhonde nom
So þat in pine and wo inou at þan ende þuder he[o] com


And þo he[o] elles þuder com he[o] ne couþe Engliss word non
Bote Londone Londone to esse woderward gon
And þare þoru me teiȝte hure þe wey so þat he[o] þuder com
And ȝeode aboute as a best þat ne couþe no wisdom
As he[o] were of anoþer world þat folk þicke inou
To biholde a such mopiss best aboute hure þicke it drou
And nameliche childrene and wilde boyes also
For þe wonder hi siwede hure & scornede hure þerto
So þat mid noise & cry inou attenende bicas
He com aȝen þulke hous as þis Gilberd inne was
And sein Thomas was suþþe þerinne ibore gracious was þat cas
Þat is nou an ospital irered of sein Thomas
As Richard wiþinne was þe noise he hurde þere
Out he ȝede forto awaite wat þat noyse were
He stod þo he hure ykneu as a man þat were forlore
In gret wonder in he orn and tolde is louerd fore
Þis Gilberd þoȝte wonder gret ac þan cheson wel he þoȝte
He het Richard þat he hure nome & mid a god wif hure broȝte
Þare biside fair inou and wiþ semblant hure nom
Suþþe þo þis Gilberd byuore þis maide com
Þe mayde vel upriȝt iswowe anon so [heo] him isei
Þat deol was among al folk þat þare was ney
Þis Gilberd him held somdel stille as him noþing nere
Ac sixe bissops þulke tyme at sein Poules þare were
Ac hi were at parlement for neode of þe londe
Þis Gilberd in þis wonder cas him gan vnderstonde
And ȝeode & tolde ham euerich del red of ham to auonge
Þare of alle hi wondrede and in conseil stude longe
Þe bissop verst of Chichestre is auis sede þanne


Þat it a bitokne of God is and noȝt of manne
And þat he wolde þat hi were ispoused & such cas sende þerfore
And þat þer miȝte som holy child bytwene ham be[o] ibore
Þereuore alle hy radde & bitwene ham gonne byse[o]
Þat þis Gilberd hure ssolde spouse ȝif he[o] wolde Cristene be[o]
So þat þis maide amorwe biuore þis byssops com
Hy radde hure for Gilberdes loue auonge Cristendom
Wel vawe quaþ þis maide þo ȝif he me wole spouse oȝt
For ȝe mowe alle vnderstonde ȝif ich nadde þat iþoȝt
Inadde noȝt bileued al my kun ne so wide isoȝt
Ne mid honger ne mid oþer wo so deore him iboȝt
Þis maide ibaptized was among þis bissops echon
And heiemen þare at of þe lond þer were ek manyon
For reuerence of þe heie kunne & for þe gentil blod also
Of wan he[o] com and for he[o] was seme & fair þerto
Of þis bissops hi were anon ispoused in þe place
Ech man may segge wel þat þer was Godes grace
For þe uerste niȝt þer afterward bitwene ham biȝete was
Þis gode child of wam we spekeþ þe holy sein Thomas
Þis Gilberd anon amorwe so gret wille him com to
To wende eft to þe Holy Lond þat he nuste wat do
Of is wif was is meste care hou he miȝte fram hure be[o] ibroȝt
Þat was so ȝong & ne couþe of þe londes maner noȝt
So muche he carede deorneliche þat it was deol to se[o]
Is wif was eke in grete þoȝte ware fore it miȝte be[o]
And dradde þat it were for hure þat hy were ispoused þo
Ne mai noman clene telle of hore beire deorne wo
Þis ȝonge wif nolde fyne on hure louerd to grede
Forte he þe encheson of is sor al clanliche sede
And hou is care was al for hure to þe Holy Lond to wende


Sire quaþ þis godewif oure Louerd is grace þe sende
Lite we habbeþ togadere ibe[o] & lite ioie auonge
After myne pines & angwises þat bitere were & stronge
And noȝt for þan ich bidde þe ȝif þou hast wille & þoȝt
In oure Louerdes seruise to wende ne bilef it for me noȝt
For ich hopie þat oure Louerd þat me haþ iwest herto
Þe wile þat ich ne kneu him noȝt þat ȝute he wol also
And bet nou ich am of his þeruore ich bidde þe
Ȝif þou wolt inis seruise ne bilef it noȝt for me
And bilef me Richard þy man þat my wardein mowe be[o]
Þat knoweþ me wel & my langage forte ich þe eft ise[o]
Gilberd þo he hurde þis in gret ioie was ido
He ordeinede wel is hous and is meyne also
And is wif hou he[o] libbe ssolde forte God sende oþer sonde
And wende forþ a Godes name toward þe Holy Londe
And was oute þreo ȝer and an half ar he ham com
Þo he com hom he fond is sone a god goinde grom
Þeoinge fair & manliche so eny child miȝte be[o]
Ech man tolde of him pris þat him miȝte ise[o]
Wel it wax and iþei and to eche godnesse drou
Ȝong it was to lore iset and spedde wel inou
Is moder him wolde alday rede and faste on him crie
To lede chast lif & clene and fleo lecherie
And louie for al oþer þing God and seinte Marie
And serui ham and Holy Churche & bileue alle folye
Þis child þei it were ȝong fol wel þis vnderstod
For sely child is sone ilered þar it þingþ be[o] god
Þo þis child was bet in elde of two & twenti ȝer
Is moder wende out of þis lyue þat so muche him louede er
Þis child wolde go leng to scole ac is fader him nolde finde
For child þat haþ ilore is moder is help is muche byhinde
Þis child þoru is fader heste as a man þat oþer red not


Seruede a borgeis of þe toun and is acountes wrot
So longe þat he com to court and was in god offis
Wiþ þe erchebissop of Kanterburi sire Tibaud god & wis
He seruede hym so hendeliche þat in a lite stounde
He made him al is conseiler so studeuast he him founde
Is ercedekne he made him suþþe & dude al bi is rede
Swuþe wel gan þis ercedekne Holy Churche lede
And stilleliche held up hure riȝte as alle men iseie
And þer of nolde þolie wrong þei he ssolde deye
Wel ofte he wende to Rome for Holy Churche also
Such prelates nou to vewe þar beoþ an eorþe ido
So þat þe duc of Normandie ymad was al in pes
Henri king of Engelond after Steuene þe Bleis
Þis king Henri þe gode kyng þo he to londe com
Louede muche wel to do and godemen to him nom
And fondede habbe god conseil & wis bi al is miȝte
Forto holde riche and pouere and echeman to riȝte
Of þe ercedekne sein Thomas me tolde him sone inou
Hou he was stable iwis and to alle godnesse drou
Þoru þe erchebissop grant he made him is chanceler
For euere me mot him abowe þat haþ mest power
Þo sein Thomas was iturnd fram offis of Holy Churche
To a gret offis of þe world þar after he moste werche
Al to nobleie of þe world is contenance he broȝte
Þat me ne held nawer so prout man þei oþer were inis þoȝte
Wiþ more nobleie he rod inou þanne he was iwoned to do
Is loreins were of seluer stirops and spores also
Þat plei he siwede of hondes and of haukes inou
As men þoȝte in euerich point to alle prude he drou
Ac inis heorte it was anoþer hou so he him bere
And euere chast þoru alle þing he was hou so it were
And euere he was for Holy Churche and for pouere men also
Aȝen þe proute courteors þat ham wolde misdo


[To holde vp þe riȝtes of Holi Churche so moche wo he gan dryue
Aȝen þe liþere conteccours þat nuyede him of his lyue]
As he þe erchebissop tolde wepinge we[l] sore
And oþere ofte in priuetes þat louede him þe more
He wilnede mest of alle þing and on oure Louerd gan crie
Þat he moste wiþ honur bileue þulke baillie
And ech oþer seruise of court wiþ þe kinges gode wille
For he nemiȝte noȝt paie is court bote he wolde is soule spille
Ac þe king him fond so stable and so god conseiler
Þat he nolde make for noþing non oþer chanceler
He ne triste to non so muche ne þer nas non so hei
Þat so muche wuste is priuete ne þat him were so ney
So muche is herte on him was þat inis warde he gan [d]o
Is eoldeste sone sire Henri and is eir also
Þat he were is wardein and al is ordeinour
To wissi him after is wille to þe kynges honour
Þe kyng wende into Normandie to soiorny þere
And bileuede is sone mid sein Thomas þat he is wardein were
Boþe þe uader & þe sone mest hore heorte caste
Ope sein Thomas þe holyman þe wile it wolde ilaste
Þer nas man in Engelond þat hadde so gret poer
Of þe kynedom as hadde sein Thomas þat was þo chanceler
Hit biuel suþþe þat Tebaud as God þe grace sende
Erchebissop of Kanterburi out of þis worlde wende
Þat cri was sone wide aboute amang þiwe and fre[o]
Þat sein Thomas ssolde after him erchebissop be[o]
Þe kyng also in Normandie þo me tolde him þat cas
Anon bar is heorte mest to do þar sein Thomas
Þe couent of Kaunterburi desirde him also
So as echman it wolde it was ibroȝt þerto


At Westministre he was ichose to þulke heie poer
Þe vifte ȝer þat he was ymad chanceler
Of eolde he was þulke tyme of foure & fourti ȝer
His owe deþ he aueng and is martirdom þer
For þe kyng was in Normandie ipresented he was
To is sone in Engelond þo non oþer kyng nas
Ac þei it were aȝen is wille he nolde it noȝt forsake
Ac he axede in wuche manere he ssolde þe crois take
Me seide him þat me ssolde auonge Holy Churche so freo
Þat he nessolde vnder noman bote vnder þe pope beo
Ne noþing þenche bote holde up Holy Churche lawe
In þis manere quaþ sein Thomas ich it auonge vawe
Atte Witesontid þis was þat þis dede com to ende
Þis godeman toward Kanterburi anon bigan to wende
Al þe contreie wiþ onur aȝen him com and drou
Þer was for him in Kanterburi ioie & blisse inou
Þe day of þe Trinite isacred he was
And aueng þe dignete þis gode sein Thomas
Sire Henri þe kynges sone was atte sacrynge
And sixtene bissops ek þis dede to ende bringe
Þo þis dede was ido hi gonne sende sone
After þis palm to Rome as riȝt was to done
Þe pope Elysandre was þo at Mounpailers
Þuder wende þis wise men þat were messagers
Þe abbot Adam of Eusam hore cheueintein hy nome
To þe pope Elysandre to Monpaillers hi come
Hore erande hi hadde sone for þe pope noþing ne we[r]nde
Hy nome of him hore leue sone and hamward aȝen turnde
An þis palm was to seint Thomas ibroȝt
Þis holyman it aueng wiþ wel milde þoȝt
Þo he was inis dignete al clanliche ido
He gan to changi is lif and is maners also
Þe here he dude on next is liche is fleiss is maister to be[o]


Sseorte and brech streit inou anon to þe kne[o]
For him [þoȝte] he miȝte wel [] of oþer habbe maistrie
Ȝif he hadde of is owe fleiss al out þe seygnurye
Ȝif is soule is maister were and is fleiss is hyne
Him þoȝte he miȝte is dignete bringe to gode fine
Anouwarde þe her suþþe þe abit of monk he nom
And suþþe clerkes robe aboue as to is stat bicom
So þat he was wiþoute clerk wiþ[inne] monk also
Þoru þe abit þat he hadde on him priueliche ido
In penance and in fastinge he was niȝt and day
And in orisons bote som tyme wanne he aslepe lay
Euere wanne he masse songe he weop & siȝte sore
Faste he hastede þer wiþ nemiȝte noman more
Faire he uedde him at is bord wiþ gret nobleie & prute
And of þe beste him sulf he et ac swuþe scarse & lute
Of is ordres he was wel streit and he was in gret fere
Forto ordeyni enyman bote þe betere he were
Idel nolde he neuere be[o] ac euere doin[d]e he was
In eche manere of betere lyue neuere no bissop nas
Sire Henri þe kynges sone þat wiþ him was ibroȝt
Bileuede euere inis warde and fram him nolde noȝt
Þe loue þat was hom bitwene neuere nas iseie
Ne þis child nadde neuere of noman more loue ne eiȝe
Suþþe it biuel þat þe kyng of Normandie com
To Engelond to loke þe stat of is kynedom
Sein Thomas nom wiþ him sire Henry is sone
And wel faire aȝen him wende to Souþ Hamtone
Þar was ioie and blisse inou þo hy togadere come
Hi custe hom vaste & clupte and herede God ilome
Þe kyng bileuede [in Engelond ] to loke is kynedom
And to al is priue conseil sein Thomas he nom
And huld him euere as he dude er is hexte conseiler


And nolde is þonkes habbe iheued non oþer chaunceler
And naþeles wanne he eny þing dude aȝen riȝte
Sein Thomas was þer aȝen euere wiþ al is miȝte
Suþþe it biuel þat þe bissop [] of Wircestre ded was
And sire Gilberd Foliot as God ȝaf þat cas
Þat was bissop of Herford ibroȝt was ȝute to more
And ymad bissop of Londone þat ne ofþoȝte him noȝt sore
So þat boþe bissopriches vulle into þe kynges hond
Of Wircestre and of Hereford as lawe was of þe lond
Þe kyng ne ȝaf ham anon noȝt ac huld hom wel longe
Inis hond þat he miȝte þe more prou auonge
Hit ne likede noȝt sein Thomas [] þat Holy Churche so
Ssolde for a lite couetise in þe kynges hond be[o] ido
Him þoȝte þat it was wel muche aȝen oure Louerdes wille
And þat þe kyng miȝte so al Holy Churche aspille
In vaire manere he bad þe kyng þat he ne ssolde byleue
Þat ulke two bissopriches somme godemen [he] ȝeue
Þe king anon in faire manere grantede al is bone
And þis bissopriches ȝaf tweie godemen wel sone
Sire Rogger he made a godman bissop of Wircestre
Sire Roberdes sone þat was eorl of Gloucestre
Bissop he made of Herford an holyman inou
Sire Roberd de Melons þat to eche godnesse drou
Anon sein Thomas þoȝte wel þat he nemiȝte noȝt al paye
Þe kyng ne his conseil bote he wolde Holy Churche bitraie
In care and sorwe he was inou hou he miȝte best do
For he nemiȝte noȝt [paie] þe kyng and oure Louerd also
Sein Thomas halwede þulke ȝer þe churche of Redynge
Þat ifonded was and arered þoru Henri þe oþer kynge
Þat liþ þere faire ibured Willam is sone bastard
In þulke ȝer ek sein Thomas ssryned seint Edward


At Westmistre as he lyþ þat biuore kyng Willam was
Bote king Harald was bitwene for is poer no leng nas
Þe loue was euere gret inou bytwene sein Thomas
And þe kyng forte þe deuel destourbed it alas
Lite and lite þe contek sprang for pouere men riȝte
For paie oure Louerd & þe kyng sein Thomas ne miȝte
Þe ferste tyme þat sein Thomas outliche him wiþsede
Was for aȝen pouere men þe kyng dude an unriȝt dede
Þe kyng nom þoru al Engelond fram ȝere to ȝere wel wide
After is wille a somme of panes ideld bi eche side
And suþþe þoru enqueste he let þoru þe contreie enquere
Hou muche echman ssolde paie and hou muche is riȝte were
So longe he nom it to talage þat he esste it attelaste
Ech ȝer for a certein rente þoru al Engelond wel faste
Wat for loue wat for eiȝe non him ne wiþsede
Ac euere þoȝte sein Thomas [þat hit was] an vnriȝt dede
He þoȝte on God and on is soule & bileuede is manhede
And to þe kyng wel baldeliche wende wiþoute ech drede
Sire he sede ȝif it is þi wille þou ert riche and hende
And king of gret poer inou oure Louerd þe more sende
A tailage þou askest her þoru out al þi londe
And axest for a certein rente wiþ vnriȝt ich vnderstonde
For a certein rente ssel be[o] take ech ȝer at a certein daie
And som certein assigne[d] as þou wost wel bi riȝte lawe
Ac þis nis certein itake ac ech ȝer asommed is
Þoru enqueste of þe contreie as talage iwis
War þoru me þingþ a certein rente þou nemiȝt it noȝt make
Ac a tailage and somdel wiþ vnriȝt itake
Thomas Thomas quaþ þe kyng þou ert my chanceler


Þou aȝtest bet holde up þanne wiþsegge my poer
Sire quaþ þis holyman ich habbe ibe[o] wiþ þe
And þou hast God it ȝulde þe gret god ido me
Ac anoþer baillie ich habbe auonge þei it were aȝen mi wille
And ich ne may noȝt loke boþe bote ich my soule aspille
For ich am to lite worþ þe on forto loke
Þanne dude he gret folie þat me boþe bitoke
Þere fore ich ȝulde up hure al out þe chancelerie
And take me al to Holy Churche to God & seinte Marie
Þo was þe kyng wroþ inou more þanne he euere was
Ac naþeles euere is heorte bar mest upe sein Thomas
Þe þridde þing ȝute mest of alle in contek hom broȝte
A preost þer was a luþer man þat of God lite þoȝte
Þat of manslaȝt was bicluped & inome þeruore also
And in þe bissops prison was of Salesburi ido
Þe mannes frend þat was aslawe siwede uppon him uaste
So þat þe preost to iugement ibroȝt was attelaste
Me acusede him faste of þe dede he ne answerede noȝt þerto
Ac huld him al to Holy Churche and ope non oþer nolde do
Iloked he was to purgi him þoru clergi ȝif he miȝte
And þer of him was a day yset þoru Holy Churches riȝte
Þo þe day him was icome he nemiȝte him purgi noȝt
He was sone ilad aȝen and into prison ibroȝt
Þo was þe bissop in gret doute wat was þerof to done
Forto habbe wisor red to sein Thomas he wende sone
He him sende word aȝen þat he ssolde þe preost take
And disordeiny him of is ordre and a lewed man him make
And suþþe in strong warde him do þat he neuere eft out newende
In penance and in pine inou is sunne forto amende
Þe bissop of Salesburi dude sein Thomas heste


So þat þis preost was ibroȝt in tormens wiþ þe meste
So þat þe tiþinge her of to þe kyng com
Þat a luþer þeof and a man quellare hadde so liȝt dom
Him þoȝte þat nas no lawe ne þat nemiȝte noȝt be[o] so
And Phelip de Brois a chanone him hadde eke misdo
Þare fore was ech oþer clerk þe more him aȝen wille
Him þoȝte þat such lawe ssolde pais of londe spille
He wilnede as a god kyng pais of is londe
And in god entente wel to do he dude ich vnderstonde
For þe pais of is londe he wolde holde as vawe
As sein Thomas inis manere Holy Churche to lawe
He sey þat þe deueles lymes þat ycrouned were so
Þat miȝte so allonge day aȝen is pais misdo
For hore iugement was so liȝt þe lasse hi wolde doute
Ac do þufþe and robborye in al is lond aboute
To Westmustre he let somny þe bissops of is londe
And clerkes þe grettest and hexst ich vnderstonde
Beu seignurs he sede inot wat ȝe habbeþ iþoȝt
Ȝif ȝe goþ forþ as ȝe habbeþ ymunt oure pais ne worþ ȝute noȝt
Ȝif a clerk haþ a man aslawe oþer gret þufþe ido
And he mowe be[o] desordeined and to lyue come so
Misdo hi wolde allonge day and þare up be[o] wel bolde
And so ssolde þe pais of þe londe wel vuel be[o] iholde
For wel lite hom wolde recche to leose hare ordre so
Wanne for hare ordre [hi] ne sparieþ þufþe forto do
And euere þe herre hare ordre is me þingþ bi pur lawe
Þe strengore hor dom aȝte be[o] wanne hi wolleþ to þufþe drawe
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas ȝif it is þi wille
Loþ us were do enyþing þi pais forto aspille
Ac clerkes þat beoþ iordeined þou wost wel bereþ a signe
Þat hi beoþ lymes of Holy Churche þat so worþ is & digne


Ȝif hi were þanne wiþ þulke signe to vile deþ ido
Auyled were & assend al Holy Churche so
Ak ȝif hi beoþ ferst desordeined & for þulke sulue dede
Suþþe to deþe þoru dom ibroȝt hit nere noȝt wel to rede
For it nas neuere lawe ne riȝt double dom to take
For on trespas as þou wost wel & sunne it were to make
And vnworþer þanne a lewed man Holi Churche were so
For a lewed man for a trespas nis bote on iugement ido
Þare fore þi grace we bisecheþ ȝif it is þi wille
Þat þou nerere no lawe Holy Churche to spille
For we biddeþ niȝt & day as riȝt is þat we do
For þe and for þi children & for þi kynedom also
Beu sire quaþ þe kyng þo þou seist wel inou
Ich hadde loþ by my concience do Holy Churche wou
Ac lawes þare beoþ & costomes þat habbeþ euere ibe[o] holde
Of bissops þoru al Engelonde as oure auncetres us tolde
And bi þe kynges day Henri þat oure grant sire was
Iconfermed were and iholde þat noman þer aȝen nas
Woltou þulke lawes holde do me to wite sone
We solleþ sire quaþ sein Thomas al þat us is to done
Alle þe lawes & costomes we solleþ holde mid oure miȝte
Þat beoþ to holde & habbeþ ibe[o] sire saue oure riȝte
Saue ȝoure [riȝte] quaþ þe kyng beu sire wy seistou so
I ne ssolde noþing bi þat word aȝen þi wille do
Þat þou nost segge þat it were aȝen Holi Churche riȝte
And so bringe al mi lond in contek and fiȝte
Ac þare wiþ oute hold þe lawes for siker ich vnderstonde
Þat þulke word be[o] uenymous to þe stat of my londe
Sire quaþ þis holyman ne meoue ȝou riȝt noȝt
Wel þou wost þat ech of us ar we were herto ibroȝt
Triwenesse we swore as riȝt was & eorþlich honur also
Saue oure ordre & oure riȝte ac þat was out ido


Hou ssolde we nouþe oþer do ȝe ne aȝte us noȝt beode
For Godes loue hold us to riȝte for ȝe nehabbeþ non oþer neode
Ich ise[o] wel Thomas quaþ þe kyng warto þou wolt drawe
Þou ert icome to late forþ to bynyme us oure lawe
Þou wost make me more wrecche þanne eny euere was
Þou ert ycome þer to late þou hast icast ambes as
Þe kyng aros in wraþþe anon and let ham sitte echon
And to is chambre [wende] forþ and ne grette ham noȝt on
Fram Londone he wende sone in wraþþe as þei it were
He ne sede noman of is þoȝt ac bileuede hom alle þere
Þe bissops þoȝte þo echon þat he was wroþ inou
Þare [were fewe bote] sein Thomas þat toward him nedrou
On sein Thomas hi cride vaste is þoȝt forto wende
Oþer he wolde al þat lond wiþ þulke o word ssende
Kniȝtes and oþere ofte come þat wiþ þe kyng were
And bede ententifliche þat he þat word forbere
And him were gret folie þe king in wraþþe brynge
And destourbi al þat lond for so lite þinge
Sein Thomas stod in þoȝte longe leoue breþeren he sede
Neuere aȝen þe kynges onur nel ich do no dede
Ac ech word ichelle bileue þat aȝen is onour is
Þo were þis oþere glad inou þo hi hurde þis
And radde him wende to þe kyng is wraþþe forto stille
Leof ich hadde [quaþ] sein Thomas mid riȝte do is wille
To þe kyng he wende to Oxenford and wiþ him þer he uond
Grete eorles and barons þe hexte of þe lond
Þe kyng him wolcomede so wiþ wel liȝte chere
Bissops he let clupie and eorles þat þare were
Beu freres he sede ich am kyng mid riȝte of þis londe
Costomes þere were biuore yused ich vnderstonde


And so muche wrecche nam ich noȝt þat ich nele þe lawes holde
Þat vure auncestre[s] hulde wile as oure conseil us tolde
Þare fore ichelle þat ulke lawes iconfermed be[o] echon
Of myn eorles and myne kniȝtes þat hi ne wiþsegge noȝt on
Þeruore ich hote ȝou echon þat ȝe be[o] þulke day
At my manere at Clarindone wiþoute ech delay
To confermi þulke lawes ope peine þat ichelle sette
Ich hote þat ȝe be[o] þere echon þat noþing ȝe ne lette
So departede þo þis court to is inne ech drou
Ac euere was sein Thomas in care and sorwe inou
Þis bissops and þe baronie come alle to þe daye
To Clarindone in Wiltessire þe kyng forto paye
Þis parlement him was iholde in þe elefþe ȝer
Of þe kynges crounement þat so muche folk broȝte þer
Enleue hondred ȝer and in þe voure and sixti riȝt
It was after oure Louerd þat inis moder was aliȝt
Noble was þis parlement of þis Clarindone
For þere was ferst aforeward þe kyng and is sone
And þe erche bissop of Kanterburi and sire Rogger also
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik were þare boþe two
And sire Gilberd Foliot bissop of Londone
And þe bissop Roberd of Lincolne were alle at Clarindone
And sire Nel bissop of Eoly and þe bissop of Wircestre
Sire Roger & sire Illare bissop of Chichestre
Þe bissop of Salesburi Iocelin and Roberd
Þe bissop of Herford and also sire Richerd
Þat was bissop of Chestre þeos bissops echon
Were at þis grete parlement and eorles manyon
Sire Roberd eorl of Cornwale & þe eorl of Leicestre
Sire Roberd & sire Roger eorl of Gloucestre


Sire Conan eorl of Brutaine & Ion eorl of Aungeo
Sire Geffrei eorl de Mandeuile was þere also
Sire Hue eorl of Arondel þat so noble was & fers
Sire Hue eo[r]l of Chestre and sire Willam de Forers
Barons þare were ek manyon sire Willam de Lucy
Sire Reinaud de Warenne & sire Reinaud de Walri
Sire Roger Bigod also sire Richard de Caunvile
Sire Willam de Brewes ek sire Roberd de Dunstauile
Sire Nel de Moubray sire Homfrai de Boun
Sire Symond de Beuchamp louerd of mani a toun
Sire Iocelin [de] Bailol sire Willam de Hasting
Sire Huwe de Morvile so wel was mid þe kyng
Sire Willam Malet sire Ion þe marchal
Sire Symond le Fis Peris gret man þoru out al
Sire Willam Maudut sire Geffrei de Uer
Þeos alle grete louerdlyngs & ȝute wel mo were þer
Nou God helpe sein Thomas for he was al one
Þat wiþsede attelaste þeos louerdlinges echone
Þo hi bigonne þis parlement þe kyng hom esste anon
War hi wolde þe lawe holde þat is auncestres hulde echon
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas ȝif it þi wille is
Echman mot speke for him sulue & ich for me iwis
For my stat & for Holy Churche ich answerie þertwo
Þat alle þe gode olde lawes and þat ȝute beoþ also
Grante ichelle for Holy Churche forto habbe þin ore
Saue oure ordre and oure riȝte þou ne miȝt esse namore
For þat word þe kyng was wroþ þat gan him euere mislike
Sein Thomas wep inis herte and sore bigan to sike
Al to blody was þat word and deore it was iboȝt
For þere fore to deþe he was attelaste ibroȝt
Þe bissop of Salesburi and of Norþwich also


Kneolede wepinge to him þat he ssolde anoþer do
Louerdlings quaþ sein Thomas ich am ȝute ȝong man
And lite wile bissop ibe[o] and þer of lite can
Þare fore of þis olde lawes transcrit ȝe me take
And ichelle þer uppe conceily wuche be[o] to forsake
Þe king him let transcrit take of þis costomes echon
Sein Thomas grantede somme and wiþsede manyon
Þe lawe þat ichelle nou telle he grantede wel vawe
Ȝif a bondeman haþ a sone to clergie idrawe
He ne ssel wiþoute is louerdes leue noȝt icrouned be[o]
For þe man ne may noȝt be[o] ymad wiþoute is louerdes leue [freo]
Anoþer lawe he granted ek þat ȝe mowe nou ise[o]
Ȝif eny man of Holy Churche halt eny lay fe[o]
Parson oþer wat he be[o] he ssel do þare fore
Seruise þat þe kyng biualþ þat is riȝt ne be[o] forlore
In plai stonde in eche place and in iugement also
Bote ware man ssel be[o] bylymed oþer to deþe ido
He grantede ek ȝif enyman þe kynges traitour were
And enyman of is chateus to Holy Churche bere
Þat Holy Churche ne ssolde noȝt þe chateus þere lette
Þat þe kyng wel baldeliche as is owene hom vette
For al þat þe feloun haþ þe kynges it is
And echman mai in Holy Churche is owene vecche iwis
He grantede ek þat a churche of þe kynges fe[o]
In none stude eu[er]e & euere ne ssolde iȝiue be[o]
As to hous of religion wiþoute þe kynges leue
And þat he oþer þe patroun þe uerste ȝift ȝeue
Sein Thomas grantede vawe þeose and oþer mo
Ac þis oþere he wiþsede þat dude him wel wo
Ȝif bitwene tweie lewede men were eny striuinge


Oþer bitwene a lewede & a clerk for Holy Churche þinge
As for [v]oueson of churche weþer ssolde þe churche ȝiue
Þe kyng wolde þat inis court þe play ssolde be[o] dryue
For as muche as a lewed man þe on partie was
Clanlich was vnder þe kyng and vnder no bissop nas
Anoþer was þat no byssop ne no clerk noþemo
Ne ssolde wiþoute þe kynges leue out of Engelond go
And þanne hi ssolde swerie hore oþ ope þe bok iwis
Þat hi ne ssolde porchacy non vuel to þe kyng ne non of his
Þe þridde was ȝif enyman in mansinge were ibroȝt
And suþþe come to amendement & aȝen riȝte nere noȝt
Þat he ne swore noȝt ope þe bok ac borwes finde ssolde
To stonde al þat Holy Churche mid lawe him loke wolde
Þe veorþe was þat [no] man þat of þe kyng held oȝt
In chef oþer in eny seruise in mansinge were ibroȝt
Bote þe wardeins of Holy Churche þat broȝte him þertwo
Þe kyng sede oþer is baillifs wat he hadde misdo
And lokede uerst ware hi wolde to amendement it bringe
And bote hi wolde bi hore leue do þanne þe mansinge
Þe vifte was þat bissopriches and abbeis also
Þat vacans were of prelat in þe kynges hond were ido
And þat þe kyng ssolde al þat lond as is owe take
For[te] attelaste þat him luste eny prelat þare make
And þanne þulke prelat ssolde inis chapel ichose be[o]
Of is clerkes wuch he wolde to such prelat bise[o]
And þanne wanne he were ichose inis chapel riȝt þere
Omage he ssolde him do ar he iconfermed were
Þe sixte was ȝif eny ple in chapitre were idrawe
And enyman made is apel ȝif me dude him vnlawe
Þat to bissop fram ercedekne is apel ssolde make
And fram þe bissop to þe erchebissops court & suþþe non herre take
And bote þe erche bissop to riȝte him wolde bringe


Þat he ssolde fram þulke court biclupe to þe kynge
And fram þe king non herre mo so þat attenende
Plaidinge of Holy Churche to þe kyng ssolde wende
And þe king amende ssolde þe erchebissops dede
And be[o] as in þe popes stude ac sein Thomas it wiþsede
Þe seueþe was þat pleidinge þat of dette were
To ȝulde wel þoru truþe ipliȝt and noȝt iholde nere
Al þei þoru truþe it were þe ple ssolde be[o] ibroȝt
Biuore þe king and his baillifs and to Holy Churche noȝt
Þe eiȝteþe was þat in þe londe citacion non nere
Þoru bulle of þe pope of Rome ac clanlich bileued were
Þe niþe was þat Petres panes þat me gadereþ manyon
Þe pope nere noȝt isend ak þe kyng echon
Þe teoþe was ȝif eny clerk as felon were itake
And for feloun iproued ek and nemiȝte it noȝt forsake
Þat me ssolde uerst desordeiny & suþþe þoru pur lawe
And þoru iugement of þe lond bring him of lif dawe
Þe kyng þeose lawes pulte forþ and monie oþer anon
And het þoru out al is lond þat me ham helde echon
Þis was biuore Candelmasse þe veorþe day ido
Þe kyng het sein Thomas anon and þe oþer bissops also
On þis chartre sette hore sel þat non after tale nere
Þat þoru al is lond þe costome iholde were
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas for Godes loue þin ore
To conseili bet ȝif us leue ar we speke more
So þat respit was inome and eche wende inis side
Sein Thomas nom is transcrit and nolde noleng abide
To Winchestre he wende þanne wiþ sorwe inou
Hou he miȝte Holy Churche ssulde fram þis wou
Wanne oþer men were aslepe he wep & siȝte sore
He bad God helpe Holy Churche & cride milce & ore
He sai þer nas bote o wey oþer he moste stif be[o]
Oþer Holy Churche were byneþe þat mid riȝte was so fre[o]
Carfol he was and sori þat he tok on so


Forto entri into answere þare he ne ssolde noȝt do
Þat he aueng þe transcrit and respit hadde ibede
For him þoȝte al Holy Churche he misdude in þulke stude
For Holy Churche ne ssolde noȝt in no stude stonde to dome
Ne answere king ne prince bote þe pope of Rome
Þe deol þat sein Thomas made no tonge telle ne may
Louerd he sede alas alas þat ich euere isay þis day
Þat ich þe warde of Holy Churche so folliche ssolde take
And so ffre as he[o] was er so þeu hure nou make
He[o] þat was so hei and fre[o] by mine auncestres daye
Þat ich ssolde byneþe bringe alas and so bitraie
For þis martirs þat wile were for hure to deþe ido
And he[o] is þeu þoru me imad alas wi dude ich so
Vnworþe icham al Holy Churche wardein forto be[o]
And as vnworþe þerto inome as echman may ise[o]
For inam and riȝt were fram non ordre inome
Ac fram kynges court to Holy Churche þat uuel wole bycome
Of houndes ich was and haukes wardein wiþ þe kyng
And wardein am of soulen nou þat ne veiþ noþing
Ich þat forsok myn owe soule þe wile ich was chanceler
So mony soule habbe to loke alas wat ssolde ich her
Ich doute God me haþ forsake hou tok ich on alas
Þat deol þat made þis holyman wiþoute ende was
He wep and siȝte niȝt and day he huld him al forlore
Ȝif he miȝte asoiled be[o] to þe pope he þoȝte þare fore
He wende toward Kanterburi sone þe kyng me tolde
Þat þe erchebissop nolde noȝt is status holde
Þe kyng het is baillifs and sende aboute is sonde
Forto greuy sein Thomas ouer al up is londe
Þe baillifs were þo prest inou and ope is maners wel uaste
Nome is bode and greuede him and wende þer wiþ agaste
Sein Thomas let al iworþe and ope God is heorte caste
And wende him wel priueliche biniȝte attelaste


Toward þe se toward Rome þat non of his men it nuste
Bote tweie þat he tok wiþ him þat is priuete mest wuste
Suþþe þo is men him miste and nuste ware he bicom
And hi seie hi were louerdles ech is red nom
Forto do euerich is beste ech wende inis side
As men þat were louerdles hy nuste wat abide
Þis holyman him wende forþ him dude in þe ssip sone
And wende him forþ toward þe se as he þoȝte to done
Þe wind com as God it wolde and drof him aȝe to londe
Suþþe he wende eft in þe se þe passage to fonde
Þe wind him drof efsone aȝen and eft in he wende
Euere he was aȝen idriue as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Þo sai wel þis holyman þat it nas noȝt Godes wille
Þat he þe ȝute of londe wende he turnde aȝe wel stille
On of is sergans sat a niȝt þe wile þat men woke
Inis chambre at Kanterburi is chambre forto loke
In þe euenyng he het is knaue to steke þe dore faste
Þe knaue ȝeode toward þe dore and is eiȝen aboute caste
Þo sey he sein Thomas in an hurne stonde
He orn and tolde his louerd fore and þonkede Godes sonde
Þe sergant ne luuede it noȝt ac naþeles up he aros
And fond sein Thomas in þis heorne somdel him agros
Þer was sone ioie and blis his folk to him drou
And wolcomede him and made feste wiþ ioie & blisse inou
Hi sette bord and spradde cloþ and gonne to soupe faste
Sein Thomas wel mildeliche tolde ham attelaste
Woder he þoȝte habbe iwend and wuch cas God him sende
And hou it was Godes wille þat he þe ȝute wende
Þe tyþinge com to þe kynge þat þis godeman sein Thomas
Aȝen þe status of Clarindone of londe iwend was
For þe status was þat no bissop ne ssolde by non ende
Wiþoute leue of þe kyng out of þe londe wende


Þe kyng sende his men anon to saisi al is lond
And þe erchebissopriche also as is traitour inis hond
Þe baillifs come to Kanterburi as hi ihote were
Þo hi wende habbe al hore wille hi fonde sein Thomas þere
Noþing nemiȝte hi seisi þo hore wei hi hadde forlore
As hi come hi wende aȝen and tolde þe kyng fore
Ȝute sein Thomas þoȝte eft forto fondi more
Ȝif he miȝte habbe of þe kyng betere milce & ore
He ȝarkede him wel mildeliche and to him þe wey nom
He fond him at Wodestoke and to him þuder he com
As is eorþliche louerd he grette him faire inou
Þe king bihuld him al an hoker and ascorn somdel lou
Thomas he sede hou geþ þis be[o] we so grete fon
Þat we nemowe wonie in none londe hou ssel þis Thomas gon
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas so ne ssolde it neuere be[o]
Ac God sende Holy Churche betere grace to þe[o]
And sende þe wille to louie hure bet & God for is miȝte
Lete me neuere aȝen þi wille do þing wiþ vnriȝte
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik fondede forto bringe
Acordaunt loue bi is poer bitwene sein Thomas & þe kynge
Þe kyng swor anon is oþ þat non oþer acorde nolde
Bote þe status of Clarindone ech bissop holde wolde
And nameliche þeos biuore alle oþere ȝif a clerk hadde misdo
And for felon ypreoued were and for þeof also
Þat me ssolde desordeiny and suþþe anon þoru lawe
Þe kynges baillifs deliueri him to honge oþer to drawe
Sein Thomas isei wel þo þat þer nas wei bote on
Þat he moste stif wiþstonde oþer is riȝtes forgon
He þoȝte þat Holy Churche he nolde neuere bitraye


And þat he nolde neuere in such seruage hure bringe bi is daye
Raþer he wolde [as] oþer were to martirdom be ido
Þane Holy Churche were so bineþe iredi he was þerto
Neuere ne miȝte þe kyng and he acordi noþing þer
Ac departede al in wraþþe as hi ofte dude er
Þe kyng made him wroþ inou þat so ofte in bar[et] was
For o man þat wiþ him sede and non oþer aȝen him nas
In grete wraþþe he swor is oþ he wolde of him be[o] awreke
And þat sein Thomas ssolde anoþer wiþ him speke
He let somni sein Thomas þe nexte Tiwesday þat were
Biuore sein Lukes day at Norhamtone to answere þere
And alle þe bissops of þe lond and þe baronie also
He het be[o] þere þulke day is heste forto do
Sein Thomas is londes ek inis hond is men nome
As to destreini him þat he to is court come
Nou God helpe sein Thomas for oþer frend naþ he non
Among so many tirans to come þat were is fon
Bodi and soule he bitok Iesus Godes sone
And to is day isomned wende to Norhamtone
In þe castel sat þis court of þis tirans echon
Þis holyman a Godes name among hom wende anon
Sire king he sede God þe loke and saue þi dignete
Somens ich hadde at þis daie here to answerie þe
Ac erche bissop of Kanterburi nas neuere isomned so
Ne so destreined of no kyng inot wat þou þengst do
Inot wat is þe niwe lawe þat þou wolt forþ drawe
Bote it be[o] of Clarindone þat þou þengst bringe to lawe
On me nastou power non such destresse [to] do
Imad ich am Holi Churche heued þei ich vnworþe be[o] þerto


Þi gostliche fader ich am þei þou of me lite lete
Hit nas neuere ordre þat þe sone þe uader ssolde bete
Ne þat þe deciple bet is maister al þis were aȝen lawe
Al þis wo so riȝt bihalt þou biginst forþ drawe
And þis bissops also god þat wardeins beoþ mid me
To holde up þe honur of Holy Churche & þe dignete
Beoþ aboute hure to ssende and bring hure in vilte
Sire kyng God ȝiue al Holy Churche betere grace to þe
Ȝif þou wolt oȝt toward me þou wost i nemay noȝt fiȝte
Ȝare ich am þane deþ auonge for Holy Churche riȝte
Inelle noman quaþ þe kyng for Holi Churche quelle
Beu sire þou spexst as a fol anoþer þou sselt telle
Com to morwe bi speche tyme þat þou þe day ne breke
And answere me of oþer þing þat ichelle to þe speke
Þus departede þo þe court amorwe þane Friday
Sein Thomas wende þuder aȝen þo he þe tyme isay
Þe king sat anhei inis ce and acoupede him wel faste
Þou were he sede my chanceler ac al to longe it laste
Ich lenede þe þo an hondred pound ac [þ]ou ne ȝoulde me noȝt on
Sete me þer of a ssort day for þou sselt is ȝulde echon
Sire quaþ sein Thomas God sende us bet þin ore
I ne wende noȝt of þulke panes hure acountes more
For ich hadde þulke tyme betere grace of inou
Of þe þanne ich habbe nou and þat me þingþ wiþ wou
Gode grace ich hadde þo to þe þou lenedest me inou þo
And þulke panes þou ȝeue me and wost ȝute wel mo
Wel ich am þerof iknowe þat ich am aueng of þe
And of þi ȝifte wiþ gode heorte for siker þou ȝeue me
And so hei man as þou ert it miȝte wel be[o] stille
To axi þing þat þou ȝeue er mid so gode wille
Þe kyng him esste ȝif enyman þulke þinge isay
And ware he miȝte þe ȝifte preoue & he sede nay
Nou louerdlinges quaþ þe kyng ȝe hureþ wel al þis
Of þe gerison he is iknowe þat ich him bitok iwis


Ac þe ȝifte nemay he preoue noȝt as ȝe moweþ alle ise[o]
Iugement ich esse of þis court hou it ssel þerof be[o]
Þe court him lokede as he was iknowe of þe þing
And nemiȝte noȝt þe ȝifte preoue to ȝulde eche ferþing
Þe kyng him het ȝulde ech peny oþer sikernesse him make
Oþer is marchals anon uaste is body to prison take
Sein Thomas of is bissopriche hadde wel lite god
Ac helples among is fon wiþoute conseil he stod
Þe marchals iredi were to prison him lede anon
Hy hete him do sikernesse oþer he ssolde wiþ hom gon
Þis holyman nuste oþer red bote soffre al hore wou
Somme godemen þer þat [stode ] hadde of him ruþe inou
Vif kniȝtes nome hom to rede & wende hom to þe kynge
And nome an hond for sein Thomas of alle þulke þinge
Ech of hom an hondred pount for þis holyman to paie
Þo was he al quit inou as to þulke daye
Amorwe þe Wendesday to court efsone hi wende
Forto hure þe kynges wille hore heorte forto amende
Þe kyng sat adoun inis ce sein Thomas byuore him stod
Bel amy þou hast quaþ þe kyng ystole muche god
To longe þou were my chanceler and haddest in þin hond
Abbeis and bissopriches and muche del of my lond
And me ȝoulde þer of non aconte þat reweþ me wel sore
Þer of þritty þousond pound þou sselt me and wel more
Þare fore make þe ȝare anon þine acountes to ȝeolde
For siker þou be[o] þou sselt it do ȝif ich þe may awelde
Alle þat hurde þis demande in gret wonder stod þer
And sede among hom ech to oþer þat hy ne hurde it neuer er
And þat sein Thomas was al byne[þe] þat he ope þe pointe was
To b[eo] icast in prison and non oþer wey þer nas


Sein Thomas stod in þoȝte longe of þat þe kyng hadde ised
And bad he him moste conseily and þerof nyme is red
Þe bissops he nom to conseil þe kyng ne wernede him noȝt
In a chambre fast iloke alle hi were ibroȝt
Þat hi nessolde ofscapie noȝt ar hi responce sede
Nou louerdlinges quaþ sein Thomas her of ȝe mote me rede
For so God me bringe out of care inabbe þer of gult non
Ac me to ssende he askeþ hom mid vnriȝt echon
For ich was wiþ him er wel inou þat bringeþ me nou in teone
And þerfore ne tok ich no witnesse of þat was us bitwene
Þe bissop Henri of Wynchestre ferst bigan to rede
Sire he sede þus me þingþ þou miȝt do of þis dede
Þou miȝt segge þat þulke tyme þat þou were wiþ þe kyng
And þo þou wendest of þi baillie he neaskede þe noþing
And þou auonge þe erche bissopriche so clene and so fre[o]
Þat þou of non oþer þinge ne ssost icharged be[o]
And he quaþ þe quiȝt al clanliche of ech oþer cure þer
Ne esse þe noþing of no dede þat þou haddest idon er
Ware þoru þe þingþ of noþing þou ne sselt answere noȝt
Bote to wardi wel Holy Churche of alle oþer cure þou ert ibroȝt
Þe bissop Gilberd of Londone sede þo is auys
Sire he sede ȝif þou þingst as godman ssel and wys
Wat god þe kyng þe haþ ido and in wuche poer ibroȝt
And hou lite god þer wol come of so wonder þoȝt
And in wuche wo þou bringst us alle & Holy Churche also
And peril of þin owe body bote þou is wille do
Ȝif þou al þis vnderstode me þincþ wel iwis
Þat þou wost fondi him to paie and elles þou dust amis


Þo seide þe bissop of Wircestre sire Gilberd be[o] stille
Wy suspendest such conceil for it nis noȝt worþ a uille
Ȝif þe erchebissop ssolde abowe al to þe kynges wille
Þe riȝtes he ssolde of Holy Churche aneþeri & aspille
Þe bissop Illare of Chichestre bigan to speke þo
Sire he sede my conseil is hou so it euere go
In faire manere to fondy to paie þe kynges wille
Mid faire biheste forte efsone þat it were somdel stille
Þanne we miȝte wanne he were of þis distresse ibroȝt
Þe bet cheue of oure conseil for nou ne do we noȝt
Þe bissop Roberd of Lyncolne radde wel þertwo
Sire Thomas he sede for Gode þou most it do
Oþer þou leost þi bissopriche and par auenture þi lif
And þanne þou biȝute lite me þingþ of þi strif
Þe bissop Bartelmeu of Excetre bigan to segge is þoȝt
In al þe sorwe of þe world & care we beoþ ibroȝt
Betere it were þat on heued in peril him broȝte
Þanne Holy Churche were bineþe and ibroȝt al to noȝte
Þe bissop Rogger of Wircestre longe in þoȝte stod
Inelle he sede on ne oþer for inot wat is god
Ȝif ich rede forto be[o] al to þe kynges wille
Min owe mouþ my sulf demeþ al Holy Churche to spille
And ȝif ich rede aȝen him be[o] in þis place som is
Þat wolde telle þe king fore & make him my fo iwis
Bi þe bissop of Londone þulke word he sede
Þat aȝen sein Thomas euere was mid worde & mid dede
Þare fore he sede on ne oþer inelle segge iwis
God conseil God us ȝiue for al neod it is
Hy alle ne couþe þis conseil bringe to god ende
Ne deuisi hou hi miȝte best out of þe chambre wende
Attelaste ope sein Thomas þis conseil moste gon
Tweie eorles of þe kynges hous he let clupie anon
We habbeþ he sede louerdlinges ispeke of þis þinge
And as uer forþ as we mowe mid riȝte we wilneþ paie þe kynge


Ac for we nabbeþ noȝt iredi her oure conseil al clene
Forte þe nexte day we biddeþ ferst þat ȝe grante us ene
So þat respit was igranted and ech wende inis weie
Monie of sein Thomas is men bileuede him for eiȝe
And kniȝtes þat were ek wiþ him al fram ward him drowe
Sein Thomas nom bi þe wey pouere men inowe
And ladde wiþ him to is in and to þe mete hom sette
And seruede hom is owe body and mete inou ham vette
Þis beoþ he sede Godes kniȝtes oþer men me habbeþ forsake
Þeose kniȝtes ich louie more to hom ichelle take
Þe Sonedai þer nas no court iholde for þe day
Þe Moneday sein Thomas wel sore sik lay
In þe vuel of maudeflank þat to him ofte com
And for þe care þat he was inne wel þe wors it him nom
Me sede þat he made him sik for he ne dorste noȝt forþ wende
Þe kyng in gret wraþþe inou after him let sende
Wel ȝe seoþ quaþ sein Thomas þat i nemay come noȝt
Ac certes to morwe ichelle hou so ich þuder be[o] broȝt
Þei ich ssolde be[o] þuder ibore in barwe oþer in bere
Þuder ichelle þoru Godes grace God be[o] min help þere
Amorwe þe Tiwesday oure Louerd him gan arere
Þe morwe after sein Lukes day as it fel in þe ȝere
Þulke day he aȝte vnderstonde as mony anoþer also
For bi costome al is gret anuy bi Tywesdai com him two
Alle þe bissops þane Tywesday erlich to him wende
Sire hi sede in vuel point þou ert God þe amende
We habbeþ oure red þerof inome & mid one mouþ echon
We redeþ þe to paie þe kyng hou so it euere gon
Oþer he þe wole bere an hond þat þou ert is traitour
And forswore wanne þou him swore to don him eor[þ]liche honur
Ac ne dest him nou onur ac tricherie as he þe wole bere an hond


And bynime þi stat & bi cas driue þe of is lond
Mi leoue breþeren quaþ sein Thomas ȝe seoþ wel echon
Þat al þe worle gret on me one & alle myne fon
And is mest reuþe ȝute of alle ȝe þat mine breþeren beoþ
And me þei ich sunfol be[o] ȝoure fader in torment iseoþ
And beoþ mine meste fon of alle and also beoþ al ȝare
In seculer court to deme me and it nolde noȝt wel fare
For ȝe habbeþ in þis tweie dawes þat bispeke ilome
Nou God helpe Holy Churche and take þerto gome
Ac in obedience ich ȝou hote þat [ȝe] þer ney ne be[o]
Ȝif ich am ibroȝt to iugement ac ȝe raþer fle[o]
And enyman hond on me sette ich [ȝou] hote also
Þat [ȝ]e sentence of Holy Churche for such violence do
And holdeþ op þe riȝtes of Holi Churche þat ȝou is bitake
For i nessel for no drede of deþ hure riȝte forsake
Þe bissops were þo wroþ inou & wende to court echone
Nou God helpe þis selyman for he was þo al one
Bote þe bissop of Wynchestre þare ne leuede mid him non
And þe bissop of Salesburi þat nere alle fram him agon
Sein Thomas triste al to God and greiþede him anon
And song a masse of seinte Steuene ar he come among is fon
He song after þulke masse for as he doþ byginne
Þer ferste offis was propre inou to þe stat þat he was inne
Þe bygynnynge of þulke masse an Englis is þis
For wanne princes habbeþ isete & aȝen me ispeke iwis
And luþer men porsuede me Louerd min help þou be[o]
Mony sede þat þis ihurde nou we mowe ise[o]
Þat he singþ þe masse for þe none for þe kyng & for his


And þat [he] halt hom al luþer men þat aȝen him specþ iwis
Þis word com to court sone ware þoru hi were echon
In þe more angwisse aȝen him and þe more is fon
And somme of þe kynges conseillers to him ofte wende
And sede bote he held him stif al is lond he ssende
Ȝif he grantede sein Thomas at þulke tyme is wille
Is poer inis owe lond nere neuere eft worþ a uille
Bote lete þe clergie al iworþe & hold him sulf stille
And clerkes diȝte al is owe lond and þe reume aspille
And attelaste bi hare owe wille make kyng and cheose
And so ssolde ech kyng after him is franchise leose
Þare fore he moste him wel biþenche & ne flecchi noȝt
Such wordes and many oþere apeirede ofte is þoȝt
Þo sein Thomas hadde is masse ido is chesible he gan of weue
Ac alle þe oþere vestemens he let on him bileue
Oþer armure nadde he non for Holy Churche to fiȝte
Anouward he caste is clerkes cope þat fel him to riȝte
Godes fleiss he tok and is blod wiþ him stilleliche
A crois he nom inis hond and wende forþ baldeliche
Þe vestemens [were] is armure as fel to suche kniȝte
Þe crois was is baner for Holy Churche to fiȝte
Forþ wende þis gode kniȝt among al is fon
Nou swete Iesus be[o] is help for oþer frend naþ he non
Þe crois he bar inis hond and arerede is baner
Þe bissop Robe[r]d of Hereford wende anon him ner
Sire he sede ich crie þin ore þi chapelein make þou me
Biuore þe lete me bere þi crois for it ne falþ noȝt þe
Þe wile ich is bere quaþ sein Thomas and þe fourme ise[o]
I ne douti of noman þe hardiore ich may be[o]
Þo sede þe bissop of Londone þat euere was is fo
I ne rede noȝt þat þou so byuore þe kynge go
For wraþþi he wolde him anon & awreke him in þe place
Ich take me quaþ sein Thomas al to Godes grace


Ȝe al þi lyf quaþ þis oþer a fol þou hast ybe[o]
And þat neltou neuere bileue as me may here ise[o]
Sein Thomas þus wiþ þis crois in to þis court gan gon
Þo þe kyng him sei come so he wraþþede him anon
Louerdlynges he sede here ȝe seoþ hou þis man me schend
In wuche manere is he here in to þis court among us iwend
As ich ne biluuede noȝt in Cristendom ne in oure Louerdes name
Ne mot ich nede awreke me ne deþ he me gret ssame
Þo sede al þe court anon sire ȝe mowe ise[o]
Þat he is prout and contekour and euere haþ ibe[o]
And in despit of þe and þine þis dede he haþ ido
And ȝif þou wolt þou miȝt be[o] iwar to take eft on so
To bringe in so gret poer such as he is
To be[o] þin hexte of þi londe as þou madest him iwis
Þere fore we nemeneþ þe noȝt for þou nost beo iwar biuore
Ac we seggeþ by him echon þat he is purliche forswore
And as bi such man do by him as bi on of þi fon
For he þe swor eorþliche honur and he ne deþ þe non
Þe bedeles and þe oþer schrewene grennede on him uaste
And abide euere þe kynges heste in prison him to caste
Þe king let crie anon aboute ȝif eny so wod were
Þat were at sein Thomas conseil oþer companie him bere
Þat as þe kinges traitour me ssolde him nyme anon
Nou swete Iesus be[o] is help among al is fon
Þe bissop of Excetre to sein Thomas fel akne[o]
Merci he sede for Godes loue for sorwe þou miȝt ise[o]
Haue reuþe of þe and of us oþer þou wolt us alle ssende
We worþe al ybroȝt to noȝt bote þou þi þoȝt wende
Sire bissop quaþ sein Thomas þou miȝt as wel be[o] stille
Go hanne of þe nekepe ich noȝt do echman is wille
Þe bissops wende togadere alle and hore conseil nome
And þo hy hadde hore forme iset to þe kyng hi come
Sire hi seide we beoþ anuyd and ofþencheþ sore


Forȝif us þat ȝe on us bereþ & we nesolleþ misdo namore
Wel we witeþ þat þis wrecche þat ssolde oure chef be[o]
Fals he is and forswore and þat may echman yse[o]
For he swor to holde þe eorþliche honur and he haþ ibroke is oþ
And þat we ssolleþ prouy wel ȝif ȝe nolleþ noȝt be[o] wroþ
For ȝif us þi wraþþe we þe biddeþ and we ssolleþ to Rome wende
To bynime is erche bissopriche and as a wrecche him ssende
Forswore we wolleþ him proue sire bi ȝoure rede
Þe kyng bihet hom gret honur to don þulke dede
To sein Thomas þer he was hi wende alle anon
Þe bissop of Chichestre tolde for ham echon
Sire he sede oure gostliche uader þou were here byuore
Ac for uader we forsakeþ þe for þou ert fals & forswore
For þou swore þe kyng eorþlich honur & nelt him do non
Þarefore to þe court of Rome we biclupeþ þe echon
To answere us tofore þe pope of þat þou hast ido amys
Louerdlinges quaþ þis holyman ich hure wel al þis
Nou swete Iesus beo is frend wanne all oþere beoþ is fon
Þe kyng him let clupie faste þat he come forþ anon
Þe eorl Roberd of Leicestre and oþere manyon
Come after him and het him sone byuore þe kyng gon
Louerdlinges quaþ sein Thomas ȝe witeþ wel echon
Hou wel ich was wiþ þe kyng þei ich habbe nou luþer won
Erche bissop he made me to soþe aȝen my wille
For euer ich dradde for vnco[nn]ynge my soule forto aspille
Þo esste ich byuore al þat folk in wuch manere he me toke
Þe maistrie of Holy Churche to warde and to loke
He me bitok þo Holy Churche in ech manere so fre[o]
To be[o] quit of al oþer court as wiþ riȝte ssolde be[o]


And wanne Holy Churche is so fre[o] inelle answere þe kynge
Ne non oþer inis court of non eorþlich þynge
For led nepasseþ noȝt so muche in bounte as gold iwis
For þe dignete of preost herre þanne lewed is
And is gostliche fader ich am ȝif he wolde nyme ȝeme
Hit is no lawe þat þe sone þe fader ssolde deme
Þare fore ich segge at o word inelle me noþing take
To iugement of kniȝtes court ac outliche it forsake
And take me al to Holy Churche and to non eor[þ]lich dome
And biclupie to fore ȝou alle to þe court of Rome
Saue þe stat of Holy Churche and my dignete
Þat Iesu Crist it saue wel wanne it ne may noȝt þoru me
And ȝou bissops ich biclupie to þe court of Rome also
Þat ȝe honureþ more an eor[þ]lych kyng þanne ȝe God almiȝti do
And so þoru riȝte of Holy Churche out of þis court ich wende
To bringe þis cause of Holy Churche byuore þe pope to ende
Þis holyman wel mildeliche out of þis court gan gon
Þe kyng and al þat mid him was wraþþede ham anon
Hi cride on þis holyman and belwede echon
Mid as gret noise as al þe toun biset were mid hore fon
Hy ne miȝte make more cri þei al þe toun were afure
Þanne hi dude upe þis holyman þat deol it was to hure
Nou God almiȝti be[o] is help for [he] hadde þere lite rewe
For in al is lif he hadde gode dawes vewe
Forþ him wende sein Thomas as him noþing ne roȝte
For more me ssende Iesu Crist þo me him to deþe broȝte


He werþ up is palfrei and to is in wende so
Vnneþe he miȝte wiþ is honde þeos þreo þinges do
Blessy þat folk & bere is crois and is bridel wisse
Þe simple uolk orn him aboute wiþ ioie inou & blisse
For hi wende wel h[e] hadde ibe[o] at court faste inome
Hi herede alle Iesu Crist þat he moste among hom come
To is in at seint Andrewes hy siwede faste inou
Alle þe pouere men mid him to þe mete he drou
And sede comeþ here uorþ mid me for myne frendes ȝe beoþ
Inabbe non oþer frendes þanne ȝou as alle men iseoþ
He let hom vede echone wel for al is hous ney
And him sulf þe gladdore was þat he hom ysey
As sein Thomas sat atte mete þei he no wille nadde
Þis word þat oure Louerd het his redare touore him radde
Ȝif me porsuwede ȝou in o toun into anoþer ȝe vle[o]
Þis holyman þoȝte by him þis word miȝte wel be[o]
And it was Godes wille into anoþer lond to gon
A man as þe gospel seiþ forto fleo is fon
Þe hardiore he was þo of londe forto wende
Wanne he miȝte ofscapie wel & God wolde þe tyme sende
Þo it was toward þan eue tweie sergans come
Sore wepinge & warnede him þat he som red nome
For þe kynges men hadde iswore þoru heste of þe kynge
War so hi him finde miȝte to stronge deþe brynge
Sein Thomas þoȝte anoþer he let make is bed a niȝt
In þe heie churche anhey bitwene two weuedes riȝt
Þo oþer men were al aslepe and noman him nas ney
He ros him up and biheld on þe image anhey
He fel adoun akne[o] byuore þe weued & on oure Louerd gan crie
And sede ferst þe vij saumes and suþþe þe letanye


And wepinge ech halwe bad his help forto be[o]
And at ech halwe up aros and sat suþþe adoun akne[o]
Nou Crist of heuene be[o] is help for neod he hadde inou
For him was toward muche wo as ȝe ssolleþ ihure mid wou
Þo he hadde ido is preiere stilleliche he gan gon
A lite byuore cokkes crowe out of þe churche anon
And wende him out of Engelonde þat noman wiþ him nas
Bote a frere of Se[m]pringham þat wel priue wiþ him was
Þis godeman flei Engelonde for Holi Churche riȝte
Of al is wo neȝaf he noȝt ȝif he it amendi myȝte
Þe niȝt þat fram Norhamthone sein Thomas þane wey nom
To on of is clerkes in auision þer com
A cler uois þat sede of þe sauter þis
As it were a sparwe oure soule ibroȝt is
Out of þe hontares bende and þe bend is vndo
And al defouled and we beoþ deliuered so
On wam was þis auisyon bote of sein Thomas
Þat out of þe bendes of is fon deliuered þo was
Þat word com of sein Thomas to þe king sone
Þe heie men nome þer of red wat were to done
Þe king and al is baronie and þe bissops echon
Þat aȝte wiþ sein Thomas be[o] were is meste fon
To þis conseil euerichon hi encentede atte nende
Þat þe kyng ssolde of is hexte men to þe court of Rome sende
Aȝen him wanne he þuder come and þe pope do vnder stonde
Þat he was fals and forswore and destourbour of þe londe
And to do þis grete neode þe wisoste men forþ nome
And þat þis king were al in pes forte hi aȝen come
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik and þe bissop of Excetre
To Rome wende for þis neode & þe bissop of Chichestre
Þe bissop ek of Londone and of Wircestre also


And grete eorles and barons and clerkes þerto
To bere witnesse of þis falshede wanne hi to court come
Noble ȝiftes & giuwe[l]s wiþ hom also hy nome
For þerwiþ me may þe riȝte bringe to wou
Nou Crist helpe þis holyman ffor he was pouere inou
None ȝiftes he nadde to ȝiue to holde up is riȝte
Fram Norhamthone barefot he ȝeode for Holy Churche to fiȝte
Fram seint Andreu þis holyman fram Norhamthone wende
Wiþ a frere of Se[m]pringham are God þane day sende
Viue and twenti mile he wende to þe toun of Graham
Ar he stunte in eny stude wiþ þe frere of Se[m]pringham
Al norþward he drou him uerst al framward þe se
Þat þe kinges men ne fonde him noȝt to nyme ne to sle
Suþþe he wende fram Graham viue & twenti mile also
To þe cite of Lyncolne ar he wolde to reste him do
Þe morwe ope sein Lukes day Tiwesday was þo
He departede fram þe kynges court mid such sorwe & wo
And þe wei þe Wendesniȝt out of þe toun he nom
Sone amorwe þane Þoresday to Lincolne he com
At an foulares hous is in he nom þere
Al gate is wei he nom biniȝte þat he awaited nere
In water he dude him at Lincolne ar God þane day sende
And þe Friday forti mile al bi water wende
To an ermitage of Se[m]pringham þat amidde þe water is
Þare he bileuede hardeliche þreo dawes iwis
To sein Botulf þanne he wende þat þanne was þre[o] mile
And þare he dude him eft in water and com in to an ile
To þe hous of Auerholt þat of Sempringham eke is


Þe frere him ladde bi þulke hous þe sikeror to be[o] iwis
Fram þanne he wende to Estreie is o manere wiþ riȝte
And þe erchebissops ȝif he were of myȝte
Þat was ney þe se inou he abod wel þere
And lokede is point to passy wanne best tyme were
Seueniȝt he leuede þere forte Al Soulene day
In a chambre riȝt bi þe churche day & niȝt he lay
Þat noman ne ssolde of him iwite ne iwar of him be[o]
Þoru þe churche wal he made an hol þe sacringe to se[o]
And forto hure þare is masse and hi þat to c[h]urche come
Nuste noȝt þat he was so ney ne tok of him no gome
Wuch an auncre he was bicome Louerd þat him was wo
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi þat ne dorste among men go
An Alle Soulenday þe Tiwesday ar God þane day sende
He tok God al Holy Churche and into þe se wende
Hi rewe forþ al þane day and aȝen þe euenynge
A mile hy ariuede biside þe hauene of Grauenynge
Oye me clupeþ þulke stude as hi come to londe
In þe lond of Flandres as ich vnderstonde
Forþ moste þis holyman hors nadde he non
For al is erchebissopriche auote he moste gon
And noman him ne kneu þe abit of frere he nom
And as a frere forþ he ȝeode þo he to Flandres com
Blac was is cope aboue is curtel wiȝt blanket
Op is rugge is cope he bar forto go þe bet
Þe rein was gret & swuþe strong & þe wei deop inou
So weri was þis holyman þat vnneþe is lymes he drou
So weri he was of þe wey and of þe se byuore
Þat he sat adoun & ne miȝte veor bote he were ibore
Þo ȝeode forþ on of is men and hurede him a mere
For an Engliss peni wiþ an halter þis holyman to bere
Þis holyman is cloþes nom and ope þe mere hom caste


And werþ up aboue is cloþes and rod him forþ uaste
A weilawey such a man vuel it was is riȝte
So febliche wende ouerlond muche is Godes miȝte
Vuel him bicom go afote oþer up such best to ride
Holi Churche he boȝte deore þat me telleþ of wide
Wiþ þis haltere ope þis mere forþ rod þis holymon
As a frere and let him clupie frere Cristian
For he nolde liȝe noȝt for Cristian he was
And he was adrad to be[o] iknowe ȝif me clupede him Thomas
At a god mannes hous is in a niȝt he nom
He sat atte bordes ende as him wel noȝt ne bicom
Al is men sete al w[iþ] inne as he lowest were
Is oste nom wel gode ȝeme hou hi hom alle bere
He nom ȝeme of þis holyman atte bordes ende
Hou milde he was atte borde & hou corteis & hende
Hou corteisliche he delde is mete hom þat bifore him stode
And hou lite him sulf he et wiþ wel simple mode
Is lymes also he biheld hou gent hi were and fre[o]
Honden faire wiþ longe fingres none fairore nemiȝte be[o]
Is face brod & long also is front large inou
And biuore alle oþere mest is herte to him drou
Of þe erchebissop of Kanterbury he gan him vnderstonde
Þat it was couþ ouer al þat he was iwend of londe
His herte him ȝaf þat it was he in gret steodie it was ibroȝt
He rounede inis wiues ere and tolde hure al is þoȝt
Is wif after þulke tyme þat soþe also þoȝte
He[o] seruede þis holyman and of deintes him broȝte
Applen and peres and notes ek and fondede in eche manere
Amang al þis oþere men to gladi þis seli frere


He[o] bileuede to serui oþere and upe him was al hure þoȝt
Sein Thomas it vnderȝet he[o] nepaide him þerwiþ noȝt
So þat he bihuld aboute anon after soper
Wel mildeliche he bad is oste forto come him ner
And to sitte bi him adoun to solacy a stounde
A sire merci quaþ þis oþer ichelle sitte in þe gronde
He sat adoun at is fet sein Thomas him bad arise
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer i ne ssel in none wise
Nolde God þat ich bi þe sete my louerd ihered þou be[o]
Þat þou ssost in myn hous come & ich þane day ise[o]
Lyte deinte quaþ sein Thomas of a such pouere man
A seli frere as ich am ihote frere Cristian
Sire þin ore quaþ þis oþer wel ich vnderstonde
Erche bissop þou ert of Kanterburi iwend out of Engelonde
Wi seistou so quaþ þis oþer þou hast selde yseie
Þe erche bissop of Kanterbury in such manere wende bi weie
Sire quaþ þis oþer þou it ert as me seiþ my þoȝt
And ich bidde for þe loue of God ne ofsak aȝen me noȝt
Sely Thomas him biþoȝte þat oþer he moste lye
Oþer be[o] iknowe þat he it was so þe oþer gan on him crie
Attelaste he was iknewe ac wiþ him amorwe he nom
His oste þat he ne wreide him noȝt fforte he a uer wei com
He ȝeode him forþ uer ar day and in wel voule weye
Twelf mile he ȝede gret inou to a grei abbeye
Þat me clupeþ Cler Mareis of greie monkes iwis
Þat biside þe castel of seint Omer is
To þe abbei of sein Bertin fram þanne suþþe he wende
And þare bileuede forte oure Louerd betere tidinge him sende
Þe bissops of Engelond and þe barons also


Toward þe court of Rome wende hore erende to do
To þe king of France hi wende & lettres wiþ him bere
Fram þe kyng of Engelond þat þus an Engliss were
To is louerd þoru grace of God sire Lowes þe kyng
Henri kyng of Engelond sent loue & gretyng
Thomas þat þe erche bissop was of Kanterburi biuore
Out of mi lond is iwend as my traitor & forswore
Þare fore as myn eorþlich louerd ich bidde þe by my sonde
Þat þou ne soffre noȝt þat he be[o] irescettet in þi londe
Þo þis king þis bone hurde a wile in þoȝte he stod
Certes he sede me þingþ þis bone nis noȝt god
So strong þeof nis in Engelond ȝif he in France come
Þat he ne miȝte bileue þer as me sucþ ilome
Nere he iproued so strang þeof oþer hadde þe lond forswore
I nemiȝte him do for noþing þat he hadde þere misbore
And watloker ssolde such an hey mon necome he noȝt so sone
Ac noþer ich ne he nabbeþ wiþ oure bissop to done
For myne bissops wiþ Holy Churche hore wille ich lete do
And fairore were him me þingþ lete his iworþe also
Þanne entre metie of Holy Churche hure riȝte forto aspille
And loke þe pes of is lond me þingþ he deþ is wille
Nemiȝte þe heie men of him non oþer word auonge
So þat hi wende hore wei þo hi hadde abide longe
Maister Herbard of Bosham and oþer suþþe wende
To þe kyng Lowes of France as sein Thomas hom sende
And tolde þe king of al þe wo þat seint Thomas hadde mid wou
Þe kyng wep þo he hurde þis and made deol inou
And tolde ham hou þe kynges men were at him biuore
And wuch answere he ham ȝaf & hou hare wei was forlore
Þis godemen wiþ ioie inou hore leue at him nome
And fram him wende mildeliche to þe court of Rome
Þare nere hi noȝt wel wolcome for þe bissops biuore


Hadde desclandred sein Thomas þat he was fals & forswore
And naþeles þe grace h[i] hadde þat to þe pope hi miȝte go
Him sulf hi tolde in priuete of sein Thomas is wo
Of þe status of Clarindone hou hy ferst forþ come
Hou he was ibroȝt at Norhamthone biuore þe king to dome
Hou he wende out of Engelond in wuche miseise and wo
Hou he changede is name þe sikeror forto go
Þe pope gan to sike þo wiþ wel dreori þoȝt
Þe teres folle out of is eiȝen he nemiȝte hom weorne noȝt
He þonkede God þat such prelat vnder him moste be[o]
So studeuast to Holy Churche and þat he moste þe day ise[o]
Amorwe come þis bissops and þis barons also
To procuri al þat vuel þat hi miȝte do
Biuore þe pope as he sat wel nobliche hi come
And biuore þe cardinals and al þat court of Rome
Þe bissop of Londone þat euere luþer was
Bigan ferst to telle is tale aȝen sein Thomas
He stod up biuore al þe court beu pere he sede
To þe we beoþ icome to mene us of wrechede þat we doþ lede
Ȝoure riȝt it is up to holde alle þat gode beoþ
And foles bringe of folie wanne he eny iseoþ
A destance þer is spronge liȝtliche in Engelonde
Þat destorbeþ al þat lond wiþ vnriȝt ich vnderstonde
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi al aȝen oure wille
A folie bigan in Engelond Holy Churche to spille
To binyme þe kynges ffranchise and is riȝte also
Ac he ne miȝte us makie for noþing concente þerto
Þare fore for wraþþe suþþe for we nolde is wille do
Ope us he caste is owe gult and ope þe kyng also


And attelaste as it were þat lond forto blende
Þat noman strengþe him ne dude of londe he gan wende
For men þat weste þe soþe ssolde vnderstonde
Þat þe kyng him [dude] vnriȝt and driue him out of londe
Þo he hadde al is tale itold and mid is grete wise
He sat adoun and þe byssop of Chichestre gan arise
Beu pere he sede to þe pope me þingþ it falþ to þe
To destorby þing þat valþ to harme of þe comunite
Þat o man ne be[o] isoffred noȝt to go forþ wiþ is wille
To bringe al þat lond to ssunnesse & Holy Churche to spille
Þat haþ þe erchebissop iþoȝt & þat is isene iwis
Wanne echman of þe lond faste aȝen him is
Þe erchebissop of Euerwik þo [he] is tyme isey
Aros him op & gan to telle is tale al anhey
Sire he sede noman ne knoweþ so wel as ich do
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi ne þe bissopriche also
Þe erchebissop is wilfol and wanne he is elles ibroȝt
In a wille þat is lite worþ he ne bileueþ it noȝt
For noman nessel for noþing bringe him of is þoȝt
In such fol wille he is nou þat we habbeþ deore aboȝt
Liȝ[t]liche þer inne he com ac he ne bileueþ it neuere mo
Bote ȝe pulte ȝoure hond þerto to bringe us out of wo
Sire sire quaþ þe bissop of Excetre þo
Þis case he mot amendi sone hou so [it] euere go
And ȝif ȝe ne luueþ noȝt þat soþe þat me deþ ȝou vnderstonde
Send wiþ us fot wiþ fot a leget to Engelonde
To enqueri þat soþe þer and let him þer after worche
For certes bote ȝe oþer þenche ȝe ssendeþ Holy Churche
Þo aros þe eorl of Arondel man of gret poste
Sire he sede for Godes loue a stonde herkne to me
We lewede men þat here beoþ þat ne conne Latyn non


Noþing ne habbeþ vnderstonde þat ȝe habbeþ itold echon
Ac in langage as we conne suche men as we beoþ
Heiȝe barons & noble kniȝtes as ȝe bi ȝou yseoþ
Telle ich wol biuore ȝou alle wi we beoþ hider iwend
Oure louerd þe kyng of Engelond us haþ hider isend
Noȝt þat we wraþþi enyman oþer enyman segge amis
And nameliche oure alre heued þat oure alre chef is
To wam al þe world abouþ þat God holde longe is miȝte
Þat aȝte echman bidde to holde echman to riȝte
And such kniȝtes as we beoþ hider we beoþ iwend
Þoru my louerd þe kynges heste þat us haþ hider ysend
To ssewy ferst þe reuerence and þe grete loue also
Þat he haþ euere to ȝou ibore & euere þingþ to do
And he sent ȝou word bi us as ȝe seoþ us stonde
Bissops eorls & barons þe hexte of is londe
Ȝif he eny herre hadde yheued hider hy hadde iwend
Ac to so heie court as þis is he haþ us hider isend
To ssewy ferst inis name þat as wide as þe world is
So triwe prince nis to Rome ne þat ȝou louie so muche iwis
Ne so muche honureþ Holy Churche and euere haþ ido
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi noble man is also
Þat ȝif o manere of him nere as ich vnderstonde
Þare nere lond in Cristendom aȝen Engelonde
Ne Holy Churche so wel issulde fram ech wou
Vnder swuþe noble prince & prelat god inou
Ac þis erche bissop Thomas haþ a lite wille
Þat appeireþ muche is godnesse & þat lond ginþ aspille
Is wille is such þat wanne he is icome into fol þoȝt
He nele þoru conseil ne þoru red þer of be[o] neuere ibroȝt
In such folie he is nou icome oure Louerd is þoȝt wende
Bote me mowe him þer of bringe þat lond he wole ssende
Þare fore mi louerd þe kyng ȝou bit þat ȝe wiþ us sende


A leget into Engelond to enquere þerof þan ende
Oþer certes he is ope þe pointe al þe lond to aspille
Bote ȝe chaste him þoru lawe and bynyme is fole wille
Of þe clerkes þat þare sete non of ham þer nas
Þat ne preisede muche þis h[eȝe] man for he so renable was
Louerdlinges quaþ þe pope we seoþ wel inou
Þat he to þe erchebissop telleþ be[o] it riȝt oþer wou
Oc we nemowe no dom ȝiue þerof bote him sulf here were
For me ne iugeþ noman bihinde him no riȝt it nere
Sire quaþ þe eorl of Aroundel ȝe mote bet vnderstonde
A certein day us is iset to come into Engelonde
And þe day ne dorre we noȝt breke for oure louerd þe kynge
Þare fore ȝe mote us grace do somdel of þis þinge
We biddeþ ȝou ȝif it is ȝoure wille a leget wiþ us sende
And þe erchebissop hot also into Engelond aȝen wende
And as þe leget þer enquereþ þer after he may do
Certes beu frere quaþ þis pope inelle noȝt take on so
Inot wanne þe erchebissop comþ wat he wole forþ drawe
To deme a man bihinde him þou wost it nis no lawe
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer we ne dorre abide noȝt
De pardeus quaþ þe pope doþ as ȝe habbeþ yþoȝt
Þis oþere were wroþ inou wel faire hore leue hy nome
And wende ham forþ in grete wraþþe & to Engelond aȝen come
Sein Thomas was þo in Flandres in hudinge as it were
In þe hous of sein Bertyn for he abusseþ him þere
Attelaste he aros biniȝte and of Flandres wende
Al priueliche into France as God þe grace sende
Þe kyng of France þat was þo king Lowes god & hende
Hurde telle of þis holyman he lette him sone ofsende
Þo þis holyman to him com gret ioie he gan him make
And het him up al is lond moneie of his take
To spene to him and to alle his war so he euere come


Nolde sein Thomas noȝt abide ar he come to Rome
Þe king him tok spence inou to him an[d] two alle his
And sende wiþ him god condut to bringe him þare iwis
Þo þis godeman to Rome com he was faire vnderfonge
And þe pope was somdel anuyd þat he abod so longe
Me acused him of þe trespas þat þe bissops tolde er
And bad him answerie for is stat & aleggi riȝt þer
Sein Thomas wolde up arise me bad him sitte adoun
Biside þe pope he sat and schewede is resoun
Sire he sede ich am iset þei ich vnworþe be[o]
To warde þe churche of Kanterburi as ȝe mowe yse[o]
And þei ich ne be[o] noȝt wel wis so muche fol iwis
Naþeles nam ich noȝt þat þe kyng and alle his
Ich wolde for noȝt bileue and in such contek bringe
And ȝif ich wolde is wille do and paie him of alle þinge
He me wolde louie inou and al is lond iwis
Scholde at my wille beo and [alle þing] þat is his
Ac my profession þat ich habbe to Crist ido
And þe biheste þat ich habbe ymad ne soffreþ me noȝt so
And ȝif ich ssolde ȝute bileue inadde no neode
To noman to go bitwene myn erende forto beode
A[c þe] churche of Kanterburi was iwoned to ssyne wide
And be[o] as þe sonne amang oþere of al þe west side
Þe sonne þat was er so cler derk he is bicome
Brode cloude & stronge inou hure liȝt habbeþ bynome
Ouercast he[o] is mid þis clouden þat liȝt ne ȝaf he non
Ware þoru þe churche of Engelond ideorked beoþ echon
Þe king þat ssolde hure gouerny binymeþ al hure riȝte
And as clouden hure ouercast þat he[o] nemay no leng liȝte


And [ich] þat ssolde hare wardein be[o] þare aȝen ich mot fiȝte
And stonde aȝe & wiþsegge hore wrong mid al my miȝte
For þei ich hadde a þousond liues as inabbe bote on
Raþer þanne ich wolde þolie ȝiue ich ȝam wolde echon
Þe costome aȝen Holy Churche þat þe kyng haþ forþ ibroȝt
Here ȝe mowe ȝam ihure nou ȝif hi beoþ to granti oȝt
He bigan to rede þe luþer lawen as he hom hadde iwrite
He wep þe teres orne adoun þat deol it was to wite
Þe pope and þe cardinals þat yseie him weope so sore
And hurde ek þis luþer lawen nemiȝte for bere namore
Ac wope also pitesliche and herede God also
Þat hy miȝte fiȝte for a such prelat ouer Holy Churche ido
Þat hulde hure so wel to riȝte and ne soffrede no wou
Hy þonkede God of such a man and onurede him inou
Þe pope let is clerkes alle þoru al Cristendom
Wiþsegge suche luþer lawen ware so eny com
And þat hi nere isoffred nawer hou so hi come to ende
And þat hi deide raþer þare fore þanne Holy Churche ssende
Þo spak him eft sein Thomas wepinge wel sore
Inabbe noȝt he sede so muche wo þat inere worþ more
For þoru strengþe of eorþlich man in such poer ich am ido
Ac ich doute aȝen Godes wille þat ich be[o] vnworþe þerto
Þare fore God þoru riȝt wreche vuel bygunnyng me deþ sende
Ac ich doute for mi wrecche gult þat wors ssel be[o] þe ende
Þare fore þat Holi Churche ne be[o] to gronde ibroȝt
For my sunne and myn vnmiȝte þat i ne may hine warde noȝt
Ich ȝulde ȝou up þe bissopriche and anoþer ȝe mote þare do
Þat hure mowe wardi bet for vnworþe ich am þerto


Is ring he nom & tok þe pope and ȝeld up is bissopriche
Þe pope wel deluoliche and wel inliche gan sike
Þar of conseilede al þe court wat þe beste red were
To lete him beo erchebissop oþer to do anoþer þere
Me þingþ quaþ a cardinal in such cas as nou is
Best it were to do anoþer inis stude iwis
Forto paie bet þe kyng and such cas miȝte biualle
Þat þe kyng wolde swagi and bileue þe luþer lawen alle
For betere it were in faire manere wo so miȝte to ende bringe
Þanne contek holde in such londe & nameliche aȝen þe kynge
And me myȝte porueie þis godeman as god as þat is
Inot wat conseil ȝe wolleþ lede for ich wot ich rede þis
Þo sede anoþer cardinal i ne rede noȝt so iwis
For þat wolde ȝiue ensample alday to don amis
For wanne a kyng wiþ a bissop were wroþ for eny þinge
Anon to bringe him adoun he wolde vuel lawen bringe
And so were Holy Churche þiu þat leuedi ssolde be[o]
Þare fore þis red me þingþ feble a betere me mot bise[o]
Þe pope wende to sein Thomas & tok him aȝen is ring
To bileue erchebissop forþ and stable þoru alle þing
Studefastliche to holde up Holi Churche riȝte
And he him wolde aȝen echman helpe him mid al is miȝte
Ac he ne ssolde noȝt þe ȝut to Engelonde wende
Ac abide betere grace ȝif God him wolde sende
To þe abbeie of Ponteneie to soiorny þere
He sende þis holyman forte it betere were
Wiþ lite folk and lite ese þare he gan bileue
Forte he nadde him sulf noȝt to spene bote as hi him ȝeue
Is men he broȝte in seruise hore mete to wynne þere
Him sulf he was al one ney heyman þei he were


Lif he ladde hard inou he hadde of harde here
Sserte & brech streit inou hardore non nere
Þe strapeles were eke streiȝt wiþ manie a knotte also
Þe sseorte anon to is kne[o] þe strapeles anon to is ho
Þe knotte wode into is fleis aboute in eche side
Wel vnesy was is brech aboute forto ride
Harde miȝte he ligge adoun and harde sitte also
Louerd deore aboȝte he heuene wel aȝte he come þerto
Þe bissops of Engelond þat aȝen him were at Rome
And eorles and oþer ek þo hi to Engelond come
Hi tolde þe kyng al þat cas hou hi nadde noþing isped
So sori and wroþ þe kyng was þat he was nei awed
Alas he seide þulke traitour þat ich habbe forþ ibroȝt
Þat he me ssel such ssame do i nemai it soffre noȝt
Wanne he flucþ out of my lond þat i nemay to him come
Ich wol me awreke of is cunne hi solleþ it abugge somme
He let seche out clene is kun and is frendes echon
And drof ham out of Engelond he ne bileuede noȝt on
Sik ne feble ȝong ne old ne wymmen mid childe
Ne children þat soukynge were so muche he was vnmilde
In armes þat moder bar þat child & in hare wombe somme
Þer hadde þe kyng me þingþ a feble wreche inome
Iharled hy were in gret miseise out of þo londe alas
Ech godman hadde reuþe of hom þat hurde of þat cas
And amang ham sede stilleliche þat [h]e luþer kyng was
More ssrewede þe kyng biþoȝte ȝute up sein Thomas
Þe men þat he drof of londe were ham leof oþer loþ
He made ham swerie ope þe bok eche after oþer an oþ
Þat hi ne ssolde in none steode leue none stounde
Ar hi come to sein Thomas war so hi him founde
And tolde him fore hou hi were out of londe ibroȝt


To brynge him in þe more sorwe ȝif he miȝte turne is þoȝt
Ȝute he biþoȝte a luþer dede more ope sein Thomas
He let hote þoru al Engelond as wide as is poer was
Þat noman ne ssolde for him bidde in churche ne elles ware
As me for þe erchebissop doþ and ido haþ wel ȝare
Louerd muche was þe ssame þo þat Holy Churche bitidde
Wanne me [ne] moste among oþer men for hore heued bidde
Þat folk of sein Thomas kun wel þicke aboute him drou
Alle [d]aie þat were iflemd for him in deol and sorwe inou
And wope and cride deoluoliche and tolde al þat cas
Hou hi for him were idriue and wuch hore sorwe was
Sein Thomas bihuld hom deoluoliche & bigan to siche sore
And naþeles he made fair semlant to conforti ham þe more
And sede þis word to gladi hom þat me vnderstod longe
Ech lond is he sede owe contreie to þe stronge
As wo seiþ þei he be[o] here in stronge contreie ibroȝt
Ȝif ȝe beoþ stronge in Godes lawe it nessel ȝou greue noȝt
Alle þe heie men of þe lond þat hurde of þe cas
Acorsed þe kyng and sede þat he luþer man was
Þis sely men aboute hy nome for loue of sein Thomas
And fond ham sustenance inou in miseise non þer nas
Þo þe tidinge to þe kyng of Engelonde com
Þat þis men were wel vnderfonge gret deol to him he nom
Certes he sede wanne he nemay his hurte þus buye
In more miseise ichelle him bringe þat is lif him ssel anuye
Greie monkes of Cisteus fram ȝere to ȝere
A chapitre made general of abbotes þat þare were
For ech abbot of greie monekes to þulke chapitre com


Wiþinne a certein [terme] as ȝute doþ þoru al Cristendom
Þo þe chapitre plener was þe king þuder sende
To þe abbotes plenerliche þat to þe chapitre wende
And sende hom word þat him þoȝte wonder gret inou
Þat hi wolde so muche do vnkunde dede and wou
To susteini is wiþerwine among hom and is fo
In þe hous of Ponteneie þat broȝte him in such wo
And bote hi him bileuede and nesusteinede him namore
Al þe grei hous of Engelond ofþenche ssolde sore
For ȝif hi susteined is fo no wonder it nere
Þei he awreke him of þulke hous þat inis londe were
Þo þis lettres to Cisteus among þis abbotes come
Of þe þretynge hi dradde sore and gret conseil nome
So þat hi bede sein Thomas is beste forto do
For hi nedorste aȝen þe kynges wille namore him holde so
Þo sein Thomas þis ihurde he gan to sike sore
He bad Iesus him helpe þo and cride him milce and ore
Louerdlinges he sede þat me habbeþ isusteined many o day
In my grete neode Iesu Crist it ȝelde þar i nemay
Þe kyng þat þreteþ ȝou so faste ȝif ȝe holdeþ her me lange
Ȝif Crist wole ȝe nesolleþ for me neuere harm auonge
War ich so mowe an eorþe be[o] fram ȝou ich wole wende
Þat ȝe ne be[o] for me apeired oure Louerd is grace me sende
For ich may ȝute my mete bidde inam noȝt to god þerto
God þat fet þe wilde best me may uede also
Ac hou so it of me biualle God if it be[o] is wille
Holde up þe riȝte of Holy Churche þat he folliche ne aspille
As þis holyman in þoȝte stod woder he miȝte wende
Þe kyng of France þat was so god sone him gan word sende


Þat he bileuede up al is lond warto is herte best drou
Cheose he him sulf and he him wolde finde spence inou
Þare it was soþ for wanne a man is in mest sor and teone
Þanne is oure Louerd is help next as it was þo isene
Þis holyman is leue nom mildeliche and softe
And sore wepinge wende forþ & siȝte sore and ofte
Þe abbot of Ponteneie somdel forþward him broȝte
He esste at him wy he were in so deoluol þoȝte
Ich þe telle quaþ sein Thomas wi ich carie so
Þat þou ne telle noman fore ar myn endeday be[o] ido
Icham siker þat ich ssel deiȝe in martirdom
Fo[r] t[o] niȝt in my slep a wonder metynge me com
In þe churche of Kanterbury me þoȝte ich stode iwis
And striuede [for] Holy Churche aȝen þe kyng and his
Þo come þare four kniȝtes gon and smite me ope þe crowne
Ech after oþer þat my brayn ssadde al abrod þare doune
For me ich þonke Iesu Crist þat ich ssel deie so
And for myne men ich sike sore for inot wat hi solleþ do
Þis holyman wende forþ in care and deol bitweye
Forte he com to Seines xij mile fram Ponteneye
Þar he bileuede in soiorn as longe as he wolde
Þe king him fond to spene inou of seluer and of golde
Þis holyman bileuede þar in pais and reste inou
Ac euere he carede for Holy Churche þat þe king dude so wou
And sende to þe kyng of Engelonde þat he lete be[o] stille
And werri noȝt Holy Churche ȝif it were is wille
Suþþe þe kyng of Engelond as is wille him nom
Passede þe se as God it wolde and to France com
Þe king of France was aboute ȝif God wolde grace sende


To acordy him and sein Thomas ȝif he it miȝte bringe to ende
So þat hy were togadere ibroȝt to a day þat hi sette
Sein Thomas com biuore þe kyng & as is louerd him grette
And to is fet fel akne[o ] and wep and cride sore
Haue reuþe he sede of Holy Churche and ne werre it namore
And ichelle do al þi wille as ich sede er by my miȝte
Saue my louerdes honur and Holy Churche riȝte
Þe kyng made him wroþ for þat word as he hadde ofte ibe[o]
Nou ȝe mowe he sede echon is falshede ise[o]
For me ne ssolde do upe þis word noþing aȝen is wille
Þat he nolde segge þat ich wolde Holy Churche aspille
And þat it were aȝen Godes lawe and in such manere he miȝte
Þat lond destorby and bynyme mi franchise & mi riȝte
Gode bissops þere habbeþ ibe[o] byuore him ȝe witeþ iwis
Ac þat ȝe se[o] [mi] trunesse and þe wrong is al his
As þe wisost bissops þat biuore him euere were
Aȝen þe meste fol kyng biuore [me hem] bere
Do he also aȝen me and paie me wel inou
And ȝif he is aȝen þis forme me þingþ he haþ wou
Oþer him þingþ þat bissop neuere so wis as he non nas
Oþer he halt me þe meste wrecche þat euere biuore me was
Þo sede þe kyng of France and alle þat hurde þis
Certes he sede þou beost him loue inou þe wrong is al his
Sein Thomas stod longe in þoȝt & bigan to siche sore
Þei ich habbe he sede ihed anuy ȝute me is to come more
Ȝif þe erche bissop[s] biuore me hadde ido hore miȝte
It nadde ibe[o] nou no neod to contekki ne to fiȝte
For are þis it were stable þor godemannes siȝte


And costome ne beoþ to holde noȝt ȝif hi beoþ aȝen riȝte
For þe bissops touore me were to nesse as ich finde
Hore folie ich mot nou abugge oþer it worþ bihinde
Ichot þer habbeþ ibe[o] biuore costomes in Engelonde
Ac aȝen riȝte hi beoþ and wrongfol as ich vnderstonde
And þei hi longe isoffred be[o] & to costome idrawe
Þare nemay noman to soþ segge þat it nebeo riȝt ne lawe
For oure Louerd loueþ riȝt and soþnysse & uuel costome non iwis
And he sseweþ bi a word þat in þe gospel is
For oure Louerd him sulf eueneþ to soþnisse iwis
Ac he ne eueneþ nawer to costome for aȝen riȝt it is
Þare [fore] me þingþ riȝt it is þat we to soþnisse drawe
And vuel costomes destorby þat beoþ aȝen þe lawe
Þare fore inelle none costomes soffre by mine miȝte
Þat aȝen soþnisse beoþ and Holy Churche riȝte
Her me may iseo þat vuel lawen no godman ne ssel auonge
Ac destorby wiþ al is miȝte þei [hi] habbe ibe[o] holde longe
For he þat susteineþ vuel lawen as wel he haþ sunne
Bote he is alegge ȝif he may as he þat deþ ȝam bigynne
Þo þe kyng of France hurde þis and oþer þat þare were
Þat sein Thomas þis wiþsede ipaid noþing hy nere
Sire erche bissop he se[de] ich ise[o] nou wel þi wrong
Þe king þe beot loue inou on þe is al þe strif ilong
Wostou binyme lawes þat nere neuere by nome
Ac habbeþ bi holde of kynges þat biuore him habbeþ icome
Gret maister wostou alonde be[o] to muche were þi poer
To muche ich habbe onured þe in my londe her
Bote þou grante þe riȝte lawen ichelle bicome þi uo
And ȝif we beoþ þine uon boþe inot woder þou wolt go
Sein Thomas him held euere in on þe kinges hom made wroþe


And departede fram him so in gret wraþþe boþe
Hy þretnede & made noise inou sein Thomas held him stille
For raþer he wolde þolie deþ þan hore luþer wille
Nou helpe Crist þis holyman for neode he haþ þerto
Nou boþe kynges beoþ is fon woder may he nou go
Iflemd he was of Engelond and of France also
His men made deol inou and nuste þo wat do
And nameliche is kynesmen þat for him iflemd were
Louerd hi sede alas alas þat we of lyue nere
We beoþ idriue out of Engelond & out of France also
Wat ssolde more sorwe Louerd þanne is icome us two
Sein Thomas him made glad inou and gladede is men anon
Be[o] stille he sede for ȝe makeþ nedles deol echon
Ȝoure mete ȝe mowe ofswinke as godemen doþ manion
Be[o] ȝe fram me hi wolleþ beo frend þat nou beoþ ȝoure fon
For ȝe nabbeþ hate of noman bote for me wiþ wou
Ac be[o] ȝe fram me iwend me wol ȝou louie inou
A sire mercy quaþ þis men we witeþ wel al þis
For us sulue nis us noȝt bote for þe iwis
For we ssolleþ oure mete awynne ac we nute wat þou sselt do
Bote þou ssolle for honger deie Louerd ware þou ssolle so
Ich may bidde my mete quaþ sein Thomas inam noȝt to god þerto
God ȝulde ȝam þat for is loue eny god me wolleþ do
Bitwene Borgoine & Prouence as me deþ [me] to vnderstonde
Godemen beoþ and almesfol and of kunde londe
If i nemot in France be[o] þuder ichelle wende
And bidde my mete for Godes loue ȝiue God hine me wole sende
Ȝute som godman me may ise[o] ȝif it is Godes wille
And habbe reuþe and helpe me þat miseise me ne aspille
Is men for him and for ham sulue made deol inou
Þis godeman amang al is wo confortede ȝam and lou


Alas þe deol þat þer was such heyman bitidde
Þat þe erche bissop of Kanterburi ssolde is mete bidde
Deore aboȝte he Holy Churche and Holy Churches riȝte
Wel aȝte echman her after drede aȝen Holy Churche to fiȝte
And ech haþ nou is leue of oþer aboute forto wende
And þis holiman ek inis side woder God him wolde sende
Ware God wolde is mete to bidde forte God sende oþer won
God sende is grace amang ham alle þat sori were echon
Þe kinges messager of France to sein Thomas com go[n]
And sede þat þe king him bad come to him anon
Forþ wende þis holyman ac he nuste for wuche þinge
He tok him al to Godes wille and com biuore þe kynge
Þe kyng anon so he him isei aȝen him com gon
And to is fet fel adoun akne[o] and cride him mercy anon
Blind he sede ich habbe ibe[o] and þat ich vnderstonde
Al mi lond to þi wille ich take þe an honde
Þe wile ich of France am king ich wolle finde þe inou
For ich vnderstonde þat soþe þat þe kyng haþ þe wou
To [Seines] he sende aȝe þis holyman iwis
And fond him þare to spene inou to him and to alle his
More he dude is miȝte ȝut and bitwene hom sende is sonde
To bringe acord bitwene him and þe kyng of Engelonde
At Mon Martre in France þis day was inome
Þuder were þis kynges boþe and sein Thomas icome
Þe kyng of France dude is miȝte þat hi were at on ibroȝt
Ac þo hi hadde togader ispeke al it was for noȝt
For þe kyng swor euere is gret oþ þat he nolde acord non
Bote þe status of Clari[n]gdone iholde were echon


And seint Thomas swor bi is daye he nolde holde noȝt on
Raþer he wolde þane deþ auonge bote þare were oþer won
Wiþ wraþþe hi departede and nolde non oþer do
Sein Thomas gan to sike sore and wep inliche also
Louerd he sede help nou for þine swete vif wonde
Oþer Holy Churche is ope þe pointe to be[o] ibroȝt to gronde
Maister Herbard [of] Bocham þat [on] of is clerkes was
In priuete bitwene ham two sede to sein Thomas
Sire he sede þe Mon Martre þis hul icluped is
As ȝe habbeþ ispeke of þe pais of Holy Churche iwis
As þe name seiþ of þis hul ich doute on my þoȝt
Þoru þi martirdom Holy Churche worþ ferst to pais ibroȝt
Þis oþer siȝte sore and sede God ȝeue it were so
Þat þoru mi deþ Holy Churche in pes were ido
And þat ich hadde wiþ mi blod & wiþ mi lif aboȝt
Þat he[o] were in riȝte lawe and in god pes ibroȝt
Aȝen mid somer hit biuel þat þe kyng [gan] vnderstonde
And in wraþþe of sein Thomas aȝen wende to Engelonde
To seisi sire Henri is sone mid al is kynedom
And to crouny him and longe him þoȝte ar he þuder com
And is conseil sede þat it was mest of alle þinge
Holy Churche & sein Thomas in vnriȝt to bringe
For erche bissop is riȝte of Kanterburi it is
To crouny þe kyng of Engelond & non oþer iwis
And þe king in preiudice of him & to binime him is riȝte
Let oþer bissops crouny is sone and cudde a lite miȝte
Four bissops him crounede aȝen riȝte and wone
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik and þe bissop of Londone
Þe bissop of Salesburi and of Roucestre also
At Westmestre in seinte Petres churche þis dede was ido
Þe fader seruede þe sone atte mete a day
And wiþ þe reume seisede him as al þat folk ysay


Þe tyþinge of þis þinge to sein Thomas come
Of þis vnriȝt he sende sone to þe court of Rome
Þe pope him sende is lettre aȝen & is bulle þat he ssolde
Amansi þe kyng & is conseil wuche tyme he wolde
And suspendi þe bissops þat such vnriȝt dude þare
And entrediti al Engelond forte it amended were
Seint Thomas athelt þe lettre forte God þe grace sende
Þat he miȝte him sulf þe dede do to Engelond wanne he wende
Ȝute com Henri kyng þe olde ef sone into France
Þe king of France was anuyd of þis distorbance
And wende aboute to make acord & aboute wende faste
So þat hi were as God it wolde acorded attelaste
A seinte Marie dai Magdalein ido was þis dede
In a mede þat me clupeþ traitours mede
Also ferde þe acord as þo [mede] icluped was
For þer after a lite stonde noþing isene it nas
Muche hi speke in priuete & mid grete loue partede atwo
And sein Thomas wende þat þe kyng al is wille wolde do
Maister Herbard of Bocham to þe kinge suþþe wende
Ope forwarde þat hi hadde ispeke as sein Thomas him sende
And bate him hote ȝulde aȝen as feruorþ as he miȝte
Þat is baillifs inis bissopriche nome mid vnriȝte
Ȝe quaþ þe kyng wolde he so ȝute he ssel abide
Ichelle ferst loke hou he wole bere him in oþer side
Paranture he may so uaire bere him aȝen me
Þat ichelle ȝulde him ech ferþing þare fore cheose he
Lo wuch acord þis was and hou sone ido
Þe anuy þat hadde sein Thomas nas noȝt yended so
Maister Herbard wende aȝen and sein Thomas tolde fore
Ȝe þoȝte þis holyman þis pes is forlore
Him sulf sein Thomas suþþe to þe kyng wende
To speke more of þis acord ȝif he it miȝte amende


Þe king him wolcomede al liȝtliche as [he] ne hulde noȝt þerto
And wende him forþ to hure is masse & sein Thomas also
He was iwoned to habbe is masse as it fel to þe day
And þo nom he forþ þe soule masse þat noȝt þerto nelay
For he nolde cusse mascos to cusse sein Thomas
Þis holyman þoȝte wel wy þe encheson was
Wel narwe þe kyng him biþoȝte to turne is luþer þoȝt
Þis acord was sone ido and to feble ende ibroȝt
Þo þe masse was ido in conseil longe hi stode
Wel ofte þe king him upbreid þat he dude him er to gode
Hou lou man he com to him & in wuch poer he him broȝte
And þat he aȝte vuel aȝen him be[o] ȝif he him wel biþoȝte
So hi were togadere longe & þo hy hadde al ido
Þei it lite wile ilaste wiþ loue hi partede atwo
Sein Thomas gan to sike sore þo he gan vnderstonde
Þat he hadde so longe ibe[o] out of Engelonde
Þei it were aȝen is wille hit þoȝte him a luþer dede
Þat is bissopriche hadde ibe[o] wiþoute gouern & rede
To þe kyng of France he wende ferst & to oþer god & hende
Faire at hom is leue nom to Engelond to wende
He þonkede ham of al honur þat hi him hadde ido
Wiþ fair condut and gret loue fram ham he wende so
Wiþ gret honur he wende of France toward Engelonde
At an hauene he gan abide þat me clupeþ Wiȝtsonde
Þe bulles þat he hadde of Rome to Engelond he sende
To do þe sentence al abrod tofore him ar he wende
Þe erchebissop of Euerwik in centence he let do
And þe bissop of Salesburi and of Londone also
For hi hadde icrouned þe ȝonge kyng aȝen is dignete
Wiþ vnriȝt inis bissopriche he amansed alle þr[eo]


Þo þe tiþinge to hom com hy made hom wroþ inou
And þretnede þis holiman þei it were mid wou
Sein Thomas ȝeode toward þis bissop to Engelond to wende
A man þer com fram Engelond aȝen him god and hende
A sire he sede for Godes loue ne passe noȝt ȝute þe se
Four kniȝtes beoþ in Engelond iredi þe to sle
At ech hauene hi awaiteþ þe to kepe þe manyon
Ȝif þou comst among hom oȝt þou worst aslawe anon
Certes quaþ sein Thomas inele noleng abide
To Engelond ichelle me drawe tide me wat me bitide
Þe ich be[o] to drawe lyme mele inele bileue namore
To longe ich habbe þanne ibe[o] þat reweþ me wel sore
Þe soulen þat ich habbe to loke six ȝer ne more iwis
Wiþoute wardein habbeþ ibe[o] alas to muche it is
Wel ich wot ich worþe þar aslawe ar come longe
Ichelle for Holy Churche riȝte þane deþ vawe auonge
Ac bidde for me Iesu Crist ich bidde ȝou por charite
Ac for al oþer nameliche o þing bidde for me
Þat God for is holy grace to Kanterburi me sende
Þat ich mot quik oþer ded into myn owe churche wende
Ȝif i nemay noȝt þer aliue come ar ich imartred be[o]
Þat my body mote ded God it grante me
Is leue he nom deoluoliche to schipe to wende þo
He þonkede hom al onur þat hy hadde him do
And biteiȝte al France Iesu Crist and blessede it wel uaste
Þat folk made sorwe inou þe deol longe ilaste
At Douere were kniȝtes ȝare þat hurde of him telle
As sone as he com up þere iredy him to quelle
Sire Reynaud of Warenne & sire Randolf de Brok
And also Gerueis þe ssereue gret folk wiþ him tok
To kepe þis selyman at Douere wanne he come up of þe se
And bote he wolde hore wille do al ȝare him to sleo


To þe hauene of Sanwich þe bissop wel euene drou
And þe oþer abide at Douere wiþ þretinge inou
In þis ssipes seil anhey þis holyman let do
Þe crois þat me uer ysey hy ssowede faste þerto
Þat was signe of is baner for oþer ne kepte he non
Men stode at Sandwich and biheld þe crois manion
We seoþ nou hiderward hi sede oure bissop Thomas
Þe ȝut he was fer in þe se hi weste þat he it was
Þat cri was sone couþ þat folk orn faste inou
And ar he were to londe icome faste aȝen him me drou
Hi cride and þonkede Iesu Crist þat hi miȝte him alyue iseo
Hi wolcomede him wiþ ioie inou nemiȝte non more be[o]
Þe þridde day of þe Aduent biuore Cristes masse it was
Þat he com þus to Engelond þis godeman sein Thomas
Þe seueþe ȝer þat he ferst wende out of Engelonde
For six ȝer and a monþe he was fleme ich vnderstonde
Þis was enleue hondred ȝer & six[ti] ȝer and tene
After þat God inis moder aneorþe aliȝte ich wene
Þat word to þis kniȝtes com at Douere of þis cas
Hou sein Thomas þis holyman at Sandwich ariued was
To Sandwich hi wende faste sein Thomas hi fonde anon
Wiþ luþer semlant inou hi wolcomede him echon
Hy sede hou hastou þane wei to Engelond inome
Þat destorbest þat lond as sone as þou ert icome
And also al Holy Churche as we alday iseoþ
Þat amansest þe bissop[s] þat þine felawes beoþ
Þou aȝtest mid alle lawe loue and pes arere
And þare nas neuere alonde pes suþþe þou bissop were
Ȝif þou wenst wel to do wiþdrau þi dede sone
Oþer me ssel do bi þe as bi such man is to done
Mi leoue frend quaþ sein Thomas soþ it is inou
Þe mansinge ich let do mid riȝte & noȝt mid wou


And by my louerdes leue þe kyng þat ech man in riȝt were
Þat so gret trespas ne wende forþ þat it amended nere
And were efsone afterward mid vnriȝt aȝen lawe
In desertison of my churche to costome idrawe
Þo þe kniȝt[es] hurde þat þe kyng consentede þerto
Hi bileuede hore grete mod & hore þretyng also
And in faire manere bede him vndo is mansinge
To norissy loue to is felawes and bitwe him & þe kynge
Þo respit bitwene hom of þis answere hy nome
Forte sein Thomas amorwe to Kanterburi come
Sein Thomas amorwe to Kanterburi him drou
Þe contrei aȝen com wiþ ioie & blisse inou
Ech prest somnede is parissens in eche ende
To be[o] ȝare aȝen him wiþ procession to wende
So þat wiþ procession monie and faire inou
Wiþ crois and wiþ tapres þe contreie aȝen drou
Þare was ioie and blisse ne may þer non more be[o]
Hy þonkede alle Iesu Crist þat hy moste þe day ise[o]
Of bellen and of tapres so gret was þe soun
And of eche melodie asong þo he com into þe toun
Þat me nemiȝte oþer þing ihure bote þe noise so gret
More ioie nemiȝte be[o] þanne was in eche stret
As oure Louerd a Palmesoneday honured was inou
Þo he rod into Ierusalem and toward þe deþe drou
Also was sein Thomas as þou miȝt ise[o] þere
For oure Louerd [wolde] þat is deþ semlable to is were
Ar þis holyman sein Thomas to is churche come
Þe monekes wiþ procession aȝen him þe wei nome
Of is palfrei he liȝte adoun & þe monkes custe echon
To þe heie weued mildeliche hi ladde him up anon
Þo hi hadde at churche ido al þat þere was to done


Wiþ is men mildeliche to is in wende sone
Nadde sein Thomas noȝt ibe[o] at is paleis wel longe
Þat þis kniȝt[es] after necome hare answere to auonge
Hi bede him as hi bede er vndo is mansinge
And asoili þe bissops þat he let þere inne bringe
Beu freres quaþ sein Thomas þat nemai ich do noȝt
For hi beoþ in sentence þoru þe pope ibroȝt
And i nemay noȝt vndo is dede ȝe witeþ in no place
Ac noȝt for þan ich triste wel so muche on is grace
Þat ichelle asoily ham in þis forme vawe
Þat hi do surance forto stonde to Holy Churche lawe
And to lokynge of Holy Churche and in oþer forme non
Þe kniȝtes þo hi hurde þis bigonne to wraþþe anon
And þo hi nadde non oþer word in wraþþe forþ hi wende
And tolde þe bissops hore answere þat hom þuder sende
Þe bissops made hom wroþ inou and þretnede faste
Ac naþeles tweie of ham wiþdrou ham attelaste
Þe bissop of Salesburi and of Londone also
To Holy Churche hi wolde stonde & oppe hure lokynge do
Ac þe erchebissop of Euerwyk anon ham wiþsede
Day þat he sede þat so follich stonde so at ȝoure rede
Forto do us inis grace þat euere was oure fo
He haþ ido us many a ssame and þanne he wolde mo
Þei he habbe of ȝou poer he naþ noȝt of me
For erche bissop ich am ȝe witeþ as wel as he
Ich habbe ichot a lyte cofre þat stont hol & sond
Þer beoþ inne ȝute atteleste eiȝte hondred pound
Ȝare ich am to spene þat and ȝute me þingþ to lyte
Forte awreke us [wel of him] and forto alegge is prute
Wende we to þe king anon and telle him of þis dede
And þat him ne tit neuere pes bote þer of us do rede
Þis þreo bissops hasteliche ouer se þane wey nome


A lite byuore Cristes masse to þe king hi come
Hy fonde him in Normandie adoun hi folle akne[o]
Hy bede him holde up is onur and stableliche hore help be[o]
Hi tolde him hou þis godeman þo he to londe com
Destorbede al Holy Churche and al is kynedom
And hou he hadde in grete prute in sentence ido
Alle þat made is sone kyng and encented þerto
And hou in despit of him he dude such luþer dede
And þat he nere neuer in pes bote he nome oþer to rede
Þe kyng þo he hurde þis for wraþþe was ney wod
He ȝeode up and doun as witles and ofte in þoȝte stod
Ȝif alle þat made my sone kyng he amanseþ he sede
Mid þe ferste he amanseþ me for it was my dede
Wo miȝte in such sorinesse such lyf longe lede
Þe traitour aspilþ al þe lond and bringþ us in wrechede
Ofte he corsede alle þe[o] þat he hadde forþ ibroȝt
Þat hi of þe false preste is fo ne awreke him noȝt
Þat destorbede al þat lond and broȝte in wrechede
As he ȝeode op and doun ofte þat word he sede
Þis kniȝtes þo hi hurde þis hi stode hom sone stille
Hy biþoȝte hom stilleliche to paie þe kynges wille
Four þat meste ssrewen were biþoȝte hom of gile
Sire Reinaud le Fiȝours sire Huwe de Moruile
And sire Willam Traci and sire Richard de Brut
Hore name for hore ssrewede ne beoþ forȝute ȝut
Hy nome hom to rede stilleliche to passy þe se
And to paie þe kynges wille sein Thomas to sle
Stilleliche hi wende forþ þat noman it nuste
Hi were ney wat atte se ar þe kyng it weste
Þo þe king vnderȝet it after hom he sende
Þat hi leuede hore folye and aȝen to him wende
Ac þis messager ne miȝte oftake him wiþ no gynne
For ar he come to þe se hi were ver þer inne
Þo made þe king deol inou þo hi were forþ iwend


And þat is messager hom ne oftok þat he hadde after ysend
Sein Thomas at Kanterburi a Midwinteresday
Stod and prechede þat folk as many man ysay
Inis predicacion he gan to siche sore
And deol and sorwe made inou ne miȝte noman more
He weop swuþe sore þe teres orne adoun
Þer was ek many wepinge eiȝe sone into al þat toun
Mi leoue frendes quaþ þis holyman wepinge wel sore
Ȝoure preost ich habbe awile ibe[o] ac i nemay nou namore
For myn endeday is nei icome i ne worþ here noȝt longe
Icham for Holy Churche riȝte iredy þane deþ auonge
Biddeþ for me for Godes loue and for Holy Churche also
Þat geþ almest nou to gronde bote God nyme ȝeme þertwo
Ac þane deþ ichelle vawe auonge ȝif it is Godes wille
For þe riȝtes of Holy Churche raþer þanne he[o] aspille
Boc and candle he nom an honde and amansede riȝt þere
Alle þat werrede Holy Churche and aȝen hure riȝtes were
And nameliche sire Randolf de Brok & Roberd de Brok also
Þat þe bissopriche of Kanterburi gret vnriȝt habbeþ ido
For þe wile sein Thomas was out of londe kyng Henri bitok
Þe bissopriche al to loke sire Randolf de Brok
And made Roberd de Brok is clerk þat was þo
Wardein of þis vnder him þat dude þe lond wel wo
Hi destrude al þe bissopriche and two hom sulf nom inou
And let him gret bold arere of þat he nom wiþ wou
Þer inne a Cristes masseday þo þis mansinge was ido
He sat and et nobliche and mony wiþ him also
He caste þe hondes of is bred þat biuore him lay


And euerich hond it forsok as al þat folk ysay
Þo handlede he oþer bred and let menge it attelaste
Wiþ oþer bred þat biside lay and þe hound it caste
Al þat he ihandled hadde þe houndes forlete
And chose out þat oþer þe[re] among and clanliche it ete
Þe mansynge was on him isene anon þulke day
Þare was gret wreche of God as al þat folk ysay
As þis foure luþer knyȝtes of wan we gonne telle
To Engelonde were icome sein Thomas to quelle
To þe castel of Fiss Salt Wode a sein Iones day hi come
Six mile fram Kanterburi and þare hore in hy nome
And sire Randolf de Broc [] to hom com wel sone
Þulke tyme hy nome hore red þe luþer dede to done
Þe morwe a Childes masseday as [God] þan day sende
Sire Randolf de Brok priueliche to Kanterburi wende
Forto enqueri sein Thomas ware hi miȝte finde
Þat he ne drou him noȝt awey ne hudde him bihinde
Þis kniȝtes þane Tiwesday nolde no leng bileue
Ac wende hom to Kanterburi wel ar it were eue
Aboute þe tyme of euesang to sein Thomas hi come
Þan eue [wei] baldeliche to is chambre hy come
Hi come and fonde him stilleliche inis chambre stonde
Wiþ is priue clerkes and gret conseil hadde an honde
Sire Reinaud le Fis Ours grimliche forþ wende
Sire he sede oure louerd þe kyng in message us hider sende
Fram him out of Normandie an heste we habbeþ ibroȝt
Þat þou do is comandement þat þou ne bileue it noȝt
Þat þou wende to is sone þat ȝong kyng ymad is
And amende aȝen him þat þou hast is fader idon amis
And swere þane oþ to be[o] him triwe of þe baronie also
Þat þou halst of him in chef do þat þou aȝtest do


Þe clerkes þat þou bringst mid þe ȝif hi wolleþ here astonde
Swerie þe kyng triwe to be[o] oþer hi solleþ out of londe
Beu freres quaþ þis holyman inelle noþing lye
Ichelle do þe kyng al þat ich aȝte of þe baronie
Ac nolde God þat Holi Churche vnder fote were so
Þat ich oþer mine clerkes [] eny oþ ssolde do
For þou wost þat alle lewede men þat beoþ inis londe
Ne swerieþ him noȝt þulke oþ as ich vnderstonde
Nou were Holy Churche in seruage ido
In more þanne a lewed man nay ne worþ it noȝt so
Me þingþ wel quaþ sire Reynaud þat þou nelt do noþing
Of þe heste þat we bringeþ [þ]e fram oure louerd þe kyng
We hoteþ þe inis half þat þou asoili also
Is bissops þat þou hast [] in centence ido
Beu freres quaþ sein Thomas it nis mi dede noȝt
Ac þoru þe pope owe mouþ in centence hi beþ ibroȝt
And þou wost i nemay noȝt wel þe pope is dede vndo
Þei þe pope it do quaþ sire Reinaud þoru þe it is so
Ȝif þe pope haþ quaþ sein Thomas in sentence hom ibroȝt
Þat habbeþ myne churches misdo it ne mispaieþ me noȝt
In eche manere þou ssowest wel sire Reinaud sede þo
Forto anuye oure louerd þe kyng and þou ert is fo
Ware þoru we wel iseoþ þat þou wilnest him do wo
And bynyme is croune ȝif þou miȝt ac ne ssel it noȝt be[o] so
And king wost be[o] inis steode ac neworst þou neuere mo
Certes sire quaþ sein Thomas i ne þenche noþing þertwo
Ac ich him wole þerto helpe as muche as ich may
And for him and for his onur ich bidde niȝt and day
For þer nis nou noman on eorþe þat ich loue more iwis
Þanne ich do him wiþoute is fader þat mi louerd is
Ac a seinte Marie day Magdaleyin to soþe ich segge þe


Þo þe acord was ferst ymad bitwene mi louerd and me
He sede me þat ich let amansi al þat hadde misdo
In mi churche þat is owe moder is & ich habbe ido also
Auoi sire prest quaþ þis oþer to muche þou spext ney
Þou desclandrest þin owe louerd þou nert noþer god ne sley
Seistou þat my louerd þe kyng in mansinge let do
Alle þat made is sone kyng ne encentede he noȝt þerto
Nas it is owe dede ne bi non oþer mannes lore
Auoi sire prest biþench þe bet and ne sey so namore
Certes sire quaþ sein Thomas þou wost wel it was so
For þou were þare þo þisulf and manie oþere þerto
Erchebissops and bissops and oþer grete and heie
Ȝe vif hondred men and mo as þou þi sulf iseie
Be[o] stille quaþ þis luþer kniȝt hold þi mouþ ich rede
Þou misseist foule þi nowe louerd day þat wo it sede
Wo miȝte soffre such desclandre bote he nome þerof wreche
Bi þe fei þat ich owe to God me ssel þe anoþer teche
Is felawes also euerichon hore armes abrod caste
And ferde as men þat wode were and þretnede faste
To þe monekes hy wende anon comeþ here forþ hi sede
Ȝe holdeþ here þe kynges fo witeþ him wel ich rede
Þat he to þe kynges wille is body habbe ȝare
Oþer he ssel ȝoure lond aboute & ȝoure maners make bare
Sire Reinaud quaþ sein Thomas wenstou ichelle fle
Nay parde noȝt a uot for þe kyng ne for þe
Bi God preost quaþ þis oþer bi þat þou wost þan ende
Þi fleinge worþ lite worþ þou ne sselt noȝt fer wende
Þis kniȝtes in grete wraþþe inou wende ham forþ anon
And let ham army swuþe wel and come aȝen echon
Wiþ swerdes and wiþ axes and wiþ oþer armes mo
Roberd de Brok þe luþer clerk was also wiþ ham þo


In to þe cloister of Kanterburi wiþ gret noise hi gonne weue
Þe monkes songe complin for it was ney eue
Somme for þis grete noyse fel adoun for fere
Somme bygonne to fleo aboute as men þat witles were
Sein Thomas nom a crois an honde and oþer arme non
And þare wiþ wel baldeliche ȝeode aȝen is fon
Þe monekes orne to him sone sire mercy hi sede
For Godes loue abid ȝute her oure Louerd þe may ȝute rede
Soffre þat we þe ȝute helpe oþer þat we wiþ þe deiȝe
Somme wolde make þe dore þo hi þis folk yseye
Bileueþ quaþ þis holyman ȝe nedoþ noȝt as þe wise
Singeþ forþ ȝoure complin and oure Louerdes seruise
Me ne ssel of Holy Churche castel make non
Leteþ foles a stounde aweode and in hare folye gon
Þis kniȝtes come reke in hore folye forto do
Ware is hi sede þis traitour and fals bissop also
Sein Thomas bar þe crois an honde and answerede is fon
Icham here he sede Godes preost traitor nam ich non
Secheþ þat wole ȝou fle[o] o[þ]re drede ȝoure þretynge
No prestore ne beoþ ȝoure swerdes me to deþe bringe
Þanne myn heorte prestore nis þane deþ forto take
For þe riȝte of Holy Churche inele noȝt þane deþ forsake
Þare wende forþ on [anon] and is hure of him drou
And is mantel afterward wiþ luþer heorte inou
Sire Reinaud le Fiȝ Ours porsiwede faste anon
Sire Reinaud quaþ sein Thomas hou ssel nou þis gon
Ich habbe god ido ofte þe and oþer mo
Þou sselt quaþ þis oþer iwite hou it ssel go
Traitor þou ert ded anon non oþer nel ich do
To soþe quaþ þis holy man wel prest am ich þerto
For þe riȝte of Holy Churche þane deþ ich am wel vawe


Ȝif ȝe miȝte þer afterward [] in pes be[o] and in lawe
Ac ich bidde ȝou ȝif ȝe me sleþ in oure Louerdes name
Þat ȝe ne come ney non oþer man harm to do ne ssame
For non oþer gulti þer nis of þat ȝe witeþ me
Ac gulteles hi beoþ bote ich one þerof siker ȝe be[o]
And also as hi gulteles beoþ harmles let ȝam wende
Þis godeman sat adoun akneo þo he say þan ende
And forto auonge is martirdom is heued he buide adoun
And wel softe as some heorde he sede þis horison
Oure Louerd and seinte Marie and seint Deonis also
And alle þe auowes of þis churche in was ore icham ido
Ich bitake mi soule he sede and Holy Churche riȝte
Ȝute he bad for Holi Churche þo he nadde oþer miȝte
Sire Reynaud le Fiȝ Ours mest sorwe of echon
Forto smite þis holyman is swerd he drou anon
Ac Edward Grim þat was is clerk of Grantebrugge ibore
To helpe is louerd ȝif he miȝte pulte is arm byuore
He wonded is arm swuþe sore þat blod orn adoun
Mid þulke dunt also he smot sein Thomas ope þe croun
Þat þe blod orn bi is face adoun in þe riȝt half of þe wonde
Loude gradde þis luþer kniȝt smiteþ alle to gronde
Edward Grim and al is men þat aboute him so were
Ourne aboute ech inis side ope þe weuedes for fere
As it bi oure Louerd ferde þo þe Giwes him nome
Is deciples flowe anon me nuste war hi bicome
For in þe gospel it is iwrite þat oure Louerd him sulf þo sede
Wanne me smit þe ssep hurde þe ssep wolleþ tosprede
And oure Louerd bad þat me ne ssolde is deciples non harm do
Þer on þoȝte sein Thomas and bad for is also
Anoþer kniȝt smot sein Thomas in þulke sulue wonde


And made him buye is face adoun & loke toward þe gronde
Þe þridde in þulke sulue stude þer after smot anon
And made him aloute al adoun is face ope þe ston
In þulke steode þe veorþe smot þat þe oþer hadde er ido
Þat þe point of is swerd brak in þe marbre ston atwo
Ȝute þulke point at Kanterburi þe monekes leteþ wite
For þe honur of þe holyman þat þerewiþ was ismite
Wiþ þulke strok he smot al of þe scolle and eke þe croune
Þat þe brain orn abrod in þe pauement þare doune
Þe wite brain was ymeng wiþ þe rede blod þere
Þe colour was wel uair to se[o] þei it rulich were
Al round it orn aboute is heued as it were a diademe
Al round þere aboute lay war of me tok gret ȝeme
For wanne me peint an halwe ȝe ne seoþ noȝt bileued
Þat þer nis ipeint a round al aboute is heued
Þat is icluped diademe and me say þare a uair cas
B[i] þe diademe of is heued þat he halwe was
Þo þis holyman was ded loude hi gradde echon
Þis traitour is to deþe ibroȝt wende we hanne anon
Siweþ us þe kynges men and þat wiþ him beoþ
Of þis traitor we beoþ awreke as ȝe nou iseoþ
He þoȝte be[o] herre þanne þe kyng & binyme him is croune
And to noȝte bringe al Engelond & nou he liþ þare doune
As þe Giwes bi oure Louerd sede þo hi wolde him to deþe do
Þat he made him kyng and non nas & Godes sone also
Þo þis luþer kniȝtes were fram sein Thomas igon
Roberd de Brok him biþoȝte and aȝen turnde anon
And þoru þe scolle smot is swerd deope wiþinne þe heued
Þo was þe scole al amty and no brain bileued
As þe Giwes smite oure Louerd to þe heorte gronde
After is deþ wiþ a sper and made him þe vifte wonde


Þis luþer men alle in o stude smite sein Thomas
In þe scolle euene abrod as þe croune was
He nas þe man þat enes wolde is heued wiþdrawe
Ne fonde forto blenche awey ne is [fot] aweiward wawe
Ne enes grone ne make cri as mildeliche and softe
His heued held euene forþ þei hi him smite ofte
Þis luþer kniȝtes wende anon to al is tresorie
And breke is doren & is coffren & dude hore robberie
Hi nome is cloþes & is hors and is tresour also
Chartren and oþer priue writes þat inis cofre were ido
Hi bitoke sire Randolf de Brok þat he þare wiþ wende
To þe kyng in Normandie & segge þat hi him sende
Þat he dude þare wiþ wat he wolde & ȝif þere eny were
Þat wiþsede eny word he ssolde is bane arere
Amang is tresour he fond ek tweie wel stronge here
Wel villiche hi caste ham awey as þei it no god nere
And naþeles hi biþoȝte þo and were somdel in fere
And bispeke bitwene hom stille þat he godmon were
Sire Willam Traci tolde of þis godeman sein Thomas
Þe bissop of Excetre as he in ssrifte was
Þat þo sein Thomas was aslawe and hi outward wende þere
Hom agros so sore þat hy were nei witles for fere
Þo ham þoȝte as hi outward wende ne ȝeode hi neuere so blyue
Þat þe eorþe openede vnder ham to forswolwe ham alyue
Þo sein Thomas aslawe was and þe knites out agon
Into al toun of Kanterburi couþ it was anon
Þat folk cride deoluoliche and to churche faste drowe
And onurede þat holy body and custe it ek inowe
Þe monekes come þuder sone and þe holy body toke
And in a bere faire it leide & biuore an auter it biwoke


Þe face was wiȝt and cler inou and no blod þer inne
Bote fram þe riȝt half of is uorheued to is lift chinne
And a smal rewe þare was of blod þat ouer is nose drou
Namore blod nas inis face as al þat folk iseie nou
Þe wonde bledde allonge niȝt me hente þer of iwis
In þe churche of Kanterburi of þe blod ȝute is
Ac he nas of þe worse hiu of al þat he bledde þere
Bote cler & yhuwed wel inou as he aliue were
Somdel liȝinge wiþ þe mouþ he lay as he slepe
Þat folk was aboute him þicke þat blod forto kepe
And forto gaderi of þat blod þat issad was in þe gronde
And of þe eorþe þat was ibled & glade were wanne hi it fonde
For þat hom nolde noman weorne þicke awei me it drou
And wo so him miȝte enes touche he was glad inou
Amorwe þis luþer kniȝtes armede hom efsone
And wiþoute toun nome hore red wat hom was to done
Hi biradde hom to nime is bodi & mid wilde hors to drawe
An[d] on a waritreo honge it suþþe and sede it was lawe
For he nas worþe to beon ibured in churche ne in churche ȝerd
Þe monekes oftrowede þis and were somdel aferd
Hy burede þis holi body in haste þare biside
Wiþ lite solempnite for hi ne dorste noȝt abide
Þis holy body was ibured in þe ministre of Iesu Crist
Biuore seint Austins weued and sein Ion þe Baptist
Hi ne dorste no leng abide forte he iwasse were
Ac al vngreiþid leide it on and hudde it for fere
As hi strupte is cloþes of al wiþoute hi fonde
Clerkes cloþes as him biuel ac anoþer atte gronde


For monkes abit was wiþinne as hi fonde þere
Boþe couele & stamin hi fonde next is here
So þat he was monk wiþinne & seculer wiþoute
Nuste noman is priuetes þat him was aboute
Nexst is fleis þe here was wiþ knottes manyon
Þat deop inis fleiss wode somme anon to þe bon
Þare of he hadde sseorte and brech lite ese he miȝte uele
So þat he was þare on ibonde fram schuldren to þe hele
Wiþ lite ese he miȝte sitte an[d] vnseliliche ride
And vneseliche ligge ek and wende up oþer side
Fol of wormes was is fleiss ek to al oþer wo
In no creature ich vnderstonde neuere nere iseie mo
For in eche stude of is fleiss þo þicke hi were isete
Þat þe grete ne miȝte come for þe smale to hare mete
Faste hi crope and ssoue ek as eneten al aboute
Ac þe smale cleueþ faste to þe grete leuede wiþoute
He deide enleue hondred ȝer and seuenti and on
After þat oure Louerd aliȝte to nyme oure fleiss & bon
Of elde þre[o] and vifti ȝer he him sulf was þo
He hadde many a fair day ilyued in care and wo
Þe king was euere in Normandie and her of nuste noȝt
He made deol and sorwe inou þo þe tiding him was ibroȝt
In þe castel of Argentim he soiournede þo
Wiþoute þe ȝet ne cam he noȝt four dawes ne mo
Ac euere him huld in priuete in wop and oþer wo
For no neode þat me him sede wiþoute he nolde go
He neþoȝte noþing of þe world wel lite he roȝte also
Þe sorwe and deol þat he made nemiȝte neuere be[o] ido
He sende anon to Kanterburi for þis deolfol dede
And þe monekes bede pitesliche þat hi for him bede
And sende ham word þat it nas noþing bi is rede


Ac þe kniȝtes wende forþ and noþing him ne sede
And he sende after hom þat hi come aȝe to me
And ar þe messager miȝte come hi were ver in þe se
To þe pope also god þe king sende sone
And bad in conseil priueliche wat him were to done
And bad him for þe loue of God in such angwisse him rede
Þat he were ischriue & asoiled of þe luþer dede
Þe pope hadde gret pite þat he such word him sende
And gret ioie þat he hadde wille is lif forto amende
Tweie cardinals he sende him wise men boþe two
And ssriue him of þulke sunne and asoile also
And þe bissops to asoily þat were in mansinge
Welle þat þis cardinals wolcome were þe kynge
Þe kyng bad hom deoluoliche to ssriue him of þe dede
And bihet hom stableliche to stonde al at hore rede
He swor ek ope þe halidom þat it nas þoru him noȝt
Ne bi is wille ne bi is heste þat he was to deþe ibroȝt
Ne þat for is fader deþe so sori man he nas
Ne for is moder noþemo as he for him was
And þat he wolde wiþ gode heorte þe penance al auonge
Þat hi wolde legge on him nere hi noȝt so stronge
For he was encheson of is anuy & of is deþe also
For þe knites to paie him broȝte him þertwo
Þo þe cardinals yseie þat he to repentance drou
Hi asoilede him and leide on him penance strong inou
In priuete as riȝt was þat noman it nuste
And þeose ek þat ich nou telle þat þe folk of weste
Þat he fonde in þe Holy Lond to hondred kniȝtes to fiȝte
And al a ȝer wiþ temple[r]s for Holy Churche riȝte
And þe status of Claringdone ssolde al out wiþdrawe
For wan þis holyman was ibroȝt of dawe
And he clanliche ȝelde aȝen þat al bynome was
Þe bissopriche of Kanterburi for wraþþe of sein Thomas
And þat he ssolde is uuel wille clanliche forȝiue
To alle þat he hadde of londe for wraþþe of him idriue


Þe king grantede al hore wille wepinge wel sore
And sede þat it was to lite and bad legge on him more
And sede al to ȝoure wille here mi body ich take
Ȝiueþ me penance inou inelle non forsake
He wende out atte churche dore asoilled forto be[o]
And ne held him noȝt worþe þat me ssolde him wiþinne ise[o]
Wiþoute churche piteisliche he sat adoun akne[o]
Ac þe cardinals nolde noȝt is body al vnwre[o]
Ac somdel aboue is cloþe hi asoilede him riȝt þere
For deol hi wope ek pitesliche moni þat þare were
He made eke ane biheste mid wel dreori chere
Is fader penance to folveolle ȝif he of power nere
Ȝif he falle in feble stat þat he ne miȝte it folende
Þe charge he nom ope him sulue and dude as þe hende
Þus was þis holyman ybroȝt to martirdom
Mani was þe faire miracle þat for him sone com
Me weste in Ierusalem þat he was to deþe ido
Wiþinne þe ferste fourteniȝt þat he com þerto
For a monk of þulke londe inis deþ vuel lay
And is abbot to him com biuore is ende day
And coniurede him þat he ssolde after is deþ þere
Come to him and telle him fore in wuch stat he were
So þat þis monk deide sone as God ȝaf þat cas
To is abbot suþþe he com as he coniured was
And sede þat he saued was in þe ioie of heuene an hey
And tolde him muche of þe ioie [] þat he in heuene isey
He tolde þat þulke tyme þat he to heuene com
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi þolede martirdom
And is soule þulke tyme to heuene wende anon
Fair was þe procession þat aȝen him com gon
Of angles and patriarcs and of apostles also
Of martirs and of confessours & of uirgines þerto
Hy nome alle þis holy soule and biuore oure Louerd sone
Broȝte it wiþ ioie inou as he sat one inis trone


Is croune was al of ismite blody was is heued
Is brain was issad þar nas noþing bileued
Thomas Thomas quaþ oure Louerd þus it falþ to þe
To come into þi Louerdes court in such maner to me
For þi seruise ich þe ȝiue as muche ioie and blis
As ich ȝaf seinte Peter þat myn apostel is
A croune he sette uppon is heued of gold cler and god
Wel bicom þe briȝte golde uppon þe rede blod
More ioie ne miȝte be[o] þat in heuene for him was
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi þis was sein Thomas
Þe Tiwesday after Cristemasseday þe veorþe þat þer com
Þis holyman in Engelond þolede martirdom
And wanne þou hurst telle of is deþ of men of Engelonde
Þou sselt luue me of þis tale and soþ þerof vnderstonde
Þe abbot sone amorwe ne forȝet noȝt sein Thomas
Ac þe patriark of Ierusalem he tolde al hou it was
So þat forþore in þe ȝere it was wel vnderstonde
Þe pilgrimes þuder come out of Engelonde
Pilgrims tolde al þat soþe as he hadde er ised
In wat manere he was aslawe & in wuche tyme ded
Ikud was þus in Ierusalem þe deþ of sein Thomas
Wiþinne þe veorste forteniȝt þat he imartred was
Þe vifte ȝer ich vnderstonde after is martirdom
Bitwene kyng Henri and is sone gret contek þer com
Þe sone bicom prout anon for is kynedom
And of is fader tolde lite and worre upe him nom
Þe meste deol was wiþ þe sone of al Engelonde
And þe kyng of France also and þe king of Scotlonde
Þo þat þis sely oldeman in sorwe was inou
Al he it weste þe luþer dede þat me seint Thomas slou
He wende out of Normandie toward Engelonde


Ar he come to Kanterburi he nolde reste nawer a stounde
Þo he com ferst wiþoute toun he gan to liȝte adoun
And al auote al bareuot he wende him into þe toun
Inis curtel vngurd as al þat folk isay
And to þe place wende þo þare sein Thomas lay
At is tombe he fel akne[o] wepinge wel sore
He held up is honde deoluoliche and cride him milce & ore
Wepinge inis orisons al fastinge he lay
At þis holymannes tombe on niȝt & a day
And bad God and seint Thomas þat he ssolde him grace sende
And for ȝiue him þe sunne þat he let brynge to ende
Of euerich monek in þe hous he let him discipline
Wiþ a ȝerd & ȝute him þouȝte þer was lute pine
He bad ȝham alle deoluoliche [] to bidde vor him one
He swor eke to legge adoun [] þe luþere lawen echone
So þat he let singe a masse er he þanne wende
Of seint Thomas þis holie man þat he his grace sende
Þe while me þis masse song as God ȝaf þat cas
Þe kyng of Scotlond was inome þat his meste vo was
& manie oþere eke wyþ him þat were hys meste von
So þat hii þat were vninome nadde power non
So þat þys sely olde kyng þat al byneoþe er was
Al aboue was sone ibrouȝt þorw þe grace of seynt Thomas
& hys sone was byneoþe & so he byȝat lute
To werry aȝen hys fader [] vor hys sory prute
By hym men mowe nyme ensaumple [] vor beo to hastyue
Vorto ȝeue ȝhare sones vp ȝhare lond þe whyle hii beoþ alyue
Þe sone þer afterward prouede vuel ynow
Wel longe byuore hys fader toward þe deþe he drow


& vorpinede in þe menyson þat hys lyf him þouȝte longe
& deyde suþþe deoluolyche in greot pyne & stronge
Hys broþer also syre Geffrey þat of Brutaygne eorl was
Deyd[e] eke in þe menyson in þulke sulue cas
So þat after ȝhare vader deþe þer ne byleuede eyr non
Bote ȝhare broþer kyng Rychard & suþþe kyng Ion
Ak syre Geffrey hys chyld [] myd ryȝte lawe in londe
Scholde habbe ibore þe erytage as ich vnderstonde
Þer vore þat mayde of Brutaygne þat hys douȝter was
In warde was al hure lyf vor þulke sulue cas
Þys luþer kniȝtes alle foure þat slowe seint Thomas
Deide in strong deþ inou as no wonder nas
Hi echone repentant were nemiȝte nomen more
Euere hi cride on sein Thomas to ȝiue ham milce and ore
Sone after he was aslawe al hore god hi lete
And wende to þe Holy Lond hore sunnes þe bet to bete
Ac sire Willam Tracy newende noȝt forþ wiþ þe oþer þre[o]
He hopede here in Engelond repentant man be[o]
Ac he bicom þare afterward in gret miseise & strang
Is fleiss bigan to breke out and rotede & foule stank
So longe þat he stonk so foule þat deol it was to se[o]
Þat vnneþe miȝte enyman for stench nei him be[o]
Is fleyss rotede on him ek and alday fel awey
Þat is bones were al bare him ne likede þo no pley
He todrou wiþ is owe honde is fleiss attelaste
Pece and oþer al abrod and awei fram him caste
He todrou honde and armes mest of echon
Þat þer nas no fleiss bileued bote synuen & bare bon
Monyman it þoȝte wel þat bi is wille were
Forto bete is sunne her þat is soule in peril nere
Wrecchedore gost ne miȝte be[o] þane þis seli prison was
Euere he cride deoluoliche mercy seint Thomas


Attelaste he let is lyf in þis stronge pine
Ȝif it Godes wille were com to gode fine
Þis kniȝtes after hore luþer dede deide sone echon
So þat in þe þridde ȝer þare ne leuede alyue noȝt on
For þe sauter seiþ þat such men þat of tricherye beoþ
Ne ssolleþ noȝt hore dawes lybbe as we alday iseoþ
Þei hy be[o] wel repentant as þis kniȝtes were ich wene
Ȝute ne lybbeþ hi noȝt al hore lyf as it was bi hom isene
Nou for þe loue of seint Thomas þat soffrede so strang martirdom
Vs ȝyue part of þulke ioie þat is soule to com.