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We now touch at the Coast of Rampant Lies,
Some of the Continent of monstrous Sise
My Pen shall here describe and first take that
Which Authors give us as Charles Martills brat.
Who did against his oath unto his King,


Rise in rebellion, and in war all fling.

The Saxons oft Contrary to their oath
Against Charls did in bloody wars breake forth.


The Popes, and all their Crew do make to fly
A pieces faith that with their Prince they tie.
When Pipin had him selfe by oath bound to
King Chilperick, whom sourness did oreflow
Hatcht in the good popes very loyall breast,
Cause he the Long'bard would come t'molest,
He brake his Oath and did the Kings own Cap
I Crown should say did on his own head Clap.
Which Vermin was proud Bonifaces brat
Hatcht in his pate that he might be Romes Cat
To Catch the Lombards, which, as mice, did eate
The Cheese of Peters Patrimony greate
Thassilo bound himselfe by oath unto
Brisk Pipin, and his Sons, yet flew thence fro.
Utilo did the like, and many more:
Which to recite would make my pen grow sore.
Irenee's Son namd Constantine doth feign
Mary his Wife had poyson him to bain
Prepar'd, which was a ly devisd that so
He for another Wife might her off throw.
The People of Constantinople gave
Their Oath fair pend, that him alone they'l have
Their Emperour. And after quickly sweare
Unto Irenee; him they will not beare.
Yet soon Irenee is deposd, and they
Sweare that to Constatine they will obey.
They Sworn, Forsworn, make swearing seem a Slight
And ready seem to Sweare the Crow is white.
Pope Paul is said out of a Marble tomb
To dig the Corps up whole (Oh gracious boon)
Of Petronilla Peters daughter, where
He found a writing written very Cleare
By Peter the Apostle's very hand.
The which he read, 'twas this (Sir understand)
To Aurea Petronilla ever my
Most best delightfull Daughter. Oh fy, fy.
These are some fetid lies, and many more
I might sum up; but lies in doctrine store
That Constitute fat Heresies do next,
Come on, if Possible, Patience to vex.