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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
64 occurrences of academic freedom
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64 occurrences of academic freedom
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Serial, Sexual, and Genetic Homology. While the
evolutionary and phenotypic senses of homology are
the most fundamental, several derivative senses of the
term are commonly utilized. Serial, sexual, and genetic
homology apply to entire organs; amino acid sequences
in proteins and base sequences in DNA allow the
application of homology at the molecular level.

Serial homology refers to more or less identical,
repeating structures in an organism, for example, the
vertebrae or teeth. The criteria for serial homology
include phenotypic homology of different structures
in the same adult, phenotypic homology of structures
in the embryo, similarity of connections of the repeat-
ing parts, and phylogenetic arguments. The phenotypic
similarity of teeth, vertebrae, ribs, etc. of an adult
mammal are obvious. Even if vertebrae in the adult
were grossly different, however, their claim to serial
homology might still be made on the basis of the serial
homology of the embryonic somites from which they
arose. Thus, ontogenetic data can be utilized to dem-
onstrate serial homology. Similarity of connections of
the humerus and femur help establish them as serially
homologous structures. Even if structures were very
different, if they could be shown to have evolved from
structures which were themselves serially homologous,
then the derived structures might also be said to exhibit
serial homology.

The occurrence of serially homologous structures
provides an important clue about both evolution and
ontogeny. It appears that it is relatively easy to evolve
by changing the number of repeating units which occur
in an organism. Unfortunately, very little is known
about how repeating structures are generated, or how
their number is controlled.

Sexual homology refers to structures which differ
between the two sexes of the same species, but which
derive from a common embryonic rudiment. For ex-
ample, the mammalian penis and clitoris are homolo-
gous structures deriving from the same region of the
genital ridge. The criteria for sexual homology are
therefore the phenotypic homology of embryonic parts
and careful comparative anatomy of the stages of em-
bryonic development in the two sexes.

In its original sense, genetic homology meant that
if structures in two organisms were the consequence
of the action of the “same” gene in both organisms,
then those structures were homologous. The homology
of the structures was a consequence of the homology
of the gene(s). Unfortunately, there is no simple corre-
spondence between the genotype and phenotype of an
organism. Alteration of a single gene may have effects
on many phenotypic traits, and alteration of each of
many genes may have the same effect on a given
phenotypic character. A consequence of this com-
plexity is the great difficulty in trying to prove that
a given phenotypic character in two organisms is due
to the action of the “same” gene(s) in both. It is the
common experience of geneticists that if two initial
populations undergo an identical selection regimen
which successfully maximizes some trait, then the gene
modifications which underlie that change in the two
populations can differ, and usually do differ strikingly.
Application of the notion of genetic homology in such
instances is useless. Because of these difficulties, genetic
homology is not widely utilized.

Ontogenetic criteria of homology had wide appli-
cation when the Recapitulation Theory was accepted.
If ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, then to establish
the evolutionary sense of homology between two or-
gans—that they were derived from the same part in
a common ancestor—it was sufficient to show they had
the same origin in ontogeny. In 1870, Karl Gegenbaur
stated that special homology is the relationship be-
tween two organs which have had a common evolu-
tionary origin, and which, as a corollary, have arisen
from the same embryonic Anlage. However, E. B.
Wilson (1895, p. 101) and De Beer (1958) have shown
cases of homologous adult structures derived from
different embryological origins. Such a straightforward
application of ontogenetic criteria no longer suffices
to prove that two adult structures are homologous in
the evolutionary sense.