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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Born at Mt. Airy, Prince George county, Virginia, October 5, 1826, is
a son of Dr. Nathaniel Harrison, who was a son of Benjamin Harrison,
of Puddle Dock, Prince George county, Virginia. The last named was
born at Mt. Airy, October 12, 1795, and died at Puddle Dock, in February,
1845. The maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch
was George Minge, of Charles City, Virginia, born in Wales. His wife is
Jane B., daughter of James and Ann (Ritchie) Smith, both born in Scotland.
She was born in Petersburg, and there became the wife of Mr. Harrison,
Rev. John Miller uniting them, on May 25, 1869. Their children
are three: Annie C., Benjamin, jr., and James N.

Mr. Harrison went to school in Sussex county, Virginia, until 1840;
then moved to Cabin Point, and lived there a year, then to Prince
George county, and from there, early in 1842, to Petersburg, which has
since been his home. Until 1850, he was connected with the post-office
department, and was engaged in mercantile pursuits from 1850 till the
war. After the war was cashier of the Citizens Bank until December,
1887, and since that time has been engaged in the insurance business,
office 106 Sycamore street. He entered the Confederate States Army on
April 19, 1861, private in Company C, 12th Virginia Infantry, and was
promoted to quartermaster's sergeant; then made commissary of the
regiment, with the rank of captain.