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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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‘Duke,’ she said, ... and she felt, as she spoke, her cheek burn'd,
‘You know, then, this ... lady?’
‘Too well!’ he return'd.
Lady Alfred.
True you drew with emotion her portrait just now.


The Duke.
With emotion?

Lady Alfred.
Yes, yes! you described her, I know,
As possess'd of a charm all unrivall'd.

The Duke.
You mistook me completely! You, madam, surpass
This Countess as moonlight does lamplight; as youth
Surpasses its best imitations; as truth
The fairest of falsehoods surpasses; as nature
Surpasses art's masterpiece; ay, as the creature
Fresh and pure in its native adornment surpasses
All the charms got by heart at the world's looking-glasses!
‘Yet you said,’—she continued with some trepidation,
‘That you quite comprehended’ ... a slight hesitation
Shook the sentence, ... ‘a passion so strong as’ ...

The Duke.
True, true!
But not in a man that had once look'd at you.
Nor can I conceive, or excuse, or ...
‘Hush, hush!’
She broke in, all more fair for one innocent blush.
‘Between man and woman these things differ so!
‘It may be that the world pardons ... (how should I know?)


‘In you what it visits on us; or 'tis true,
‘It may be, that we women are better than you.’

The Duke.
Who denies it? Yet, madam, once more you mistake.
The world, in its judgment, some difference may make
'Twixt the man and the woman, so far as respects
Its social enactments; but not as affects
The one sentiment which, it were easy to prove,
Is the sole law we look to the moment we love.

Lady Alfred.
That may be. Yet I think I should be less severe.
Although so inexperienced in such things, I fear
I have learn'd that the heart cannot always repress
Or account for the feelings which sway it.
‘Yes! yes!
‘That is too true indeed!’ ... the Duke sigh'd.
And again
For one moment in silence continued the twain.