University of Virginia Library

By sev'n return'd Forenz, when 'twas agreed,
Thersames (since less known) should bring wth speed
Some Silk Gowns ready made, for th' present use;
With Linnen; all things needfull else, and Spruce:
Which task how gladly embrac'd! in no long time
Brought Choyce of all: one fit-siz'd Gown, the prime
Dorisbe chose; unseen, though view'd them there
Ith' Bed-chamber, nor would Forenz appear.
Thus, being Bride-like drest, ere long their hands
Priest closely link'd in Hymenean Bands;
The Lady veyl'd; Thersames with Forenz
Disguis'd in those false Beards: less danger thence.
Next blisfull Night was payd ith' Garden bow'r
Wedding-joyes totall Sum, loves Golden show'r:
Dear, sweet'st Dorisbe now (contemning harms)
New-tranc'd and bury'd in her Lovers armes.
Those Coffins blaz'd themselves with Fun'rall fire.
Short time she stayd in Town for cloathes, attire;
Till, furnish'd like Thersames Wife, Forenz
Saw them Sarmara leave; new coach'd from thence:
Though breath'd both sides in Tears their last Farwell.
Thus did this Lady honour'd, happy dwell
Far off, remote (most plenteous too) till dead
Her Countess-Aunt, Sarmara visited
Neer-hand: was to her Brother late unclouded;
Made known; though from Ortheris fitly shrouded.