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Iuturna gydys hir brotheris cart rycht sle
Frawart the batal, he suld nocht mache Enee.
Quhen this was said, furth at the portis hee,
Schakand in hand a gret speir, ischit he.
With hym also to the feild ruschis owt
Anteus, Mnestheus, and ane full thyk rowt:
Alhaill the barnage flokkis furth atanys,
Left voyd the tovn and strenth with wasty wanys.
Than was the playn ourset, quha com behynd,
With dusty stew of puldyr maid folk blynd,
And, for stampyng and fell dynnyng of feyt,
The erd movit and trymlyt euery streyt.
Turnus, apon the party our rycht forgane,
Persauyt thame thus sterand throw the plane,
Thame saw also the pepill Ausonyanys,
And the cald dreid for feir ran throw thar banys.
First of the Latynys all, this ilke maid
Iuturna thame knew, and was not glaid;
Scho hard the soundis and the fell deray,
And quakand fast for feir hess fled away.
Bot this Eneas, full bald vndyr scheld,
With all hys ost drave throw the plane feld,
And with hym swyftly bryngis our the bent
A rowt coill blak of the stew, quhar he went.
Lyke as the bub or plaig of fell tempest,
Quhen that the clowdis brekis est or west,
Dryvys by fors throw the sey to the land,
Doand the cayrfull husbandis vnderstand
The gret myscheif tocum and felloun wraik;
Quhilk, with sair hartis quakand, “Allake, allaik!”
Says, “Lo, ȝon bub sall stryke dovn growand treys,
Doun bet our cornys, and by the ruyt vpheis,
And far onbreid ourturn all doys vpstand:
Hark, heir the swouch cumis brayand to the land”—
On siclyke wyss this ilk chiftane Troian
The corsy pasand Osyris hess slane.


Mnestheus kyllyt Archet, and Achates
Byhedit hass the wight Epulones;
Gyas doun bet Vfens the gret captane;
Dovn fell also the gret augurian,
Tolumnyus him self, that the ilk day
Threw the first dart hys fays till assay.
Vprysis than the clamour, and a scry
Quhilk semyt wend onto the starnyt sky.
Thar curss abowt than the Rutilianys
Hess tane the flyght, and gave the bak atanys,
Skatterit throw owt the feildis heir and thar,
Quhil stovr of puldir vpstrikis in the air.
Bot the chiftane, this vailȝeant Ene,
Dedenȝeit nane doun bet as thai dyd fle,
Ne thame invaid that met hym face for face,
All thocht thai fawght with wapyn, swerd or mace;
Bot throw the thikast sop of dust in hy
Only Turnus went to seik and aspy,
And hym allane, accordyng the tretye,
He askis and requiris into melle.
With dreid heirof the mynd was smyttyn so
Of Iuturna, the verray virago
(Quhilk term to expone, be myne avyss,
Is a woman exersand a mannys offyss);
Amyd the lyamys and the thetis thar
Doun swakkis scho Metiscus the cartar
That Turnus char had forto rewle on hand,
And left hym lygand far ȝond on the land,
Fra the cart lymmowris warpit a gret way;
And scho in sted hyss office dyd assay.
And with hir handis abowt writhis sche
The flexibill renys frawart the melle,
Berand the lyknes in all maner thing
Of Metiscus voce, person and armyng.
Als feill wrynklis and turnys can scho mak
As dois the swallow with hir plumys blak,
Fleand and seirsand swiftly thar and heir
Our the gret lugyngis of sum myghty heir,


Apon hir weyngis scummand euery syde
Thir heich hallys, bene full large and wyde,
Gadderand the small morcellis est and west
To bair hir byrdis chepand in thar nest;
Now into gowsty porchis doith scho fle,
Now by the donky stankis soundis sche:
In siclike wyss this Iuturna belyfe
Throw owt the ostis gan the horssis dryfe,
Circuland abowt with swift fard of the cart
The feildis our allquhar in euery art,
And schew hir bruthir Turnus in his char,
Now brawland in this place, now voustand thar;
Na be na way wald scho suffir that he
Assembill hand for hand suld with Enee;
Bot fled hym far, and frawart hym held ay,
Writhand hir cartis curss ane other way.
In na less haist Eneas on the bent
Hys quhelys turnys and writhis mony a went;
The man he seirsis throw the effrait rowtis,
And on hym callis with lowd cry and hie schowtis.
And als feill syss as he his eyn kest
Apon his fa, al tymys he hym adrest
To chass hym with swyft curss throu the melle,
On horssis that semyt ryn as fowle dois fle;
Bot evir als oft Iuturna ane other art
Awaywart turnys and writhis hyr broderis cart.
And thus Eneas remanys all on flocht
In syndry motioun of ire, bot all for nocht.
Allace, ne knawis he not now quhat to do:
Diuerss thochtis and seir consatis, lo,
Hys mynd in mony contrar purposs sent.
And as he thus was trublit in entent,
Mesapus, that on cace was neirhand by,
And in hys left neif haldis all reddy
Twa sowpill castyng speris hedit with steill,
Of quham that ane full sovirly and weill
Towart Ene addressit leit he glyde.
Eneas hovit still the schote to abyde,


Hym schrowdand vndir his armour and his scheild,
Bowand hys howch, and stude a litill onheld;
And, netheless, this speir, that scharply schar,
Of hys basnet the tymbrell quyte doun bair,
And smait away the creistit toppis hie.
Than mair in greif and ire vpgrowis he,
Seand hym catchit with dissait and slycht,
Quhen that he hess persauyt in his sycht
Turnus horssis furth drevyn ane other art,
Awaywart turnyng sa feill syss his cart:
Tho mony tymys lowd did he testify
Gret Iupiter, quhou that sa wrangwisly
He was iniurit, and constrenyt to fight;
To witness drew he als with gret onrycht
The altaris of confiderans violate;
And now at last, full furyus and hait,
The mydwart of his ennemyss dyd invaid.
With prospir chance of batale, sa onglaid
And terribill to his fays walxis he,
That hail, but ony differans of degre,
All goith to wraik, for na man list he spair:
A cruell slauchter he hess rasit thar.
All kynd of wreth and breithfull ire now he
Leyt slyp at large, but brydill, with renȝeis fre.